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Phantom Hollow Surprise! Can I sleep over? - Printable Version

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Surprise! Can I sleep over? - Burke - April 17, 2016

Burke made his way to Malice her pack after he told @Nemesis he was going to head out. After everything that happened he needed some time to think and maybe just a bit of distraction. He had not told his Beta where he was going but it might be so that he would not return home for the night. He didn't feel like talking to her, or anyone else. Kendra also needed some time to recover from what happened and him lurking around her wasn't helping either.

Dusk was settling around them and the large male reached the borders of the Hollow pack. He howled for @Malice. He was not sure why he was going to her, but it seemed that she would at least be somewhat of a distraction, and if he was going to be allowed in sooner or later he might as well start now. The moment he saw her he did not greet her but asked; "Can I sleep here?", without further explanation. He was not going to be able to sleep anyhow, but it the empty hole that Meldresi left inside of him that made him want to have someone around him.

RE: Surprise! Can I sleep over? - Malice - April 17, 2016

It had been a long, dizzy, annoying day. Mostly annoying. Now that she was almost sure there were other living beings growing in her, she didn't feel motivated to do anything. It was so boring. So, incredible, stupidly and all other negative adjectives she was too lazy to think about. She was just resting inside her den, not even allowing Sage near her. She wanted peace and quiet, and while she didn't dislike her followers, she didn't need them near her in this state. Her mind was foggy, her feet numb, and every now and then she needed to get up to pee. And if that wasn't horrible enough, she was eating more than anyone in the pack. She could still hunt, luckily, but sooner or later she needed the others to bring her the food she needed. They still didn't know, mainly because Malice didn't come out of her den anymore. 

But that all changed when she heard the familiar voice of the leader of the Dark Brotherhood. What in the name of the flying fishes was he doing here? Her ears perked up, swiveled around a bit, and she lifted her head up to look at the opening of her den. Was she hallucinating? Or was he really here, at her borders, calling for her? Her nose wrinkled as she thought, her head hurting. She was tripping balls, wasn't she? She shrugged, but got up, slowly as if she was a delicate flower that would die if even the slightest breeze blew it to the side. Her scarred eye squinted, she stepped out of her sanctuary, making her way to her borders.

She stumbled here and there, but she could still walk. Yippie, lucky her... She didn't rush or anything, afraid that too much movement would break her. What she saw mad her freeze though. It wasn't in her head, he was really here, living and breathing like a large, lively tree full of colorful birds. Only the birds didn't move, they were staying as still as possible. It didn't take long for her to see that the birds were dead, that there was something wrong.

She was left speechless as words were spoken, sounding like thunder at the quiet borders. The sky was turning pink, a soothing color that calmed her just somehow. I-I... She started, but shook her head. She wouldn't question him. It was hopeless to do so, and it would take too much effort to turn him away. Sure, but why? What has happened? Welp, she still liked questioning him anyway. Besides, the dead birds were still suggesting that there was indeed something wrong.

RE: Surprise! Can I sleep over? - Burke - April 17, 2016

It didn't take long before Malice greeted him, she looked a bit different but Burke wasn't commenting on it for now. Because he looked probably different too. "I asked if I could sleep here not to tell you my story," he spoke with a light scowl but then let out a long sigh and stepped closer. His docked tail up and his nose sniffing her a bit. Clearly something had happened to the large male, he was covered in scratches from the cougar. The one on his side was still a bit open a cracked with old blood. Others were less visible but the male looked pretty beaten. His pale eyes looked pretty beaten for once.

He might tell her more in the privacy of the den but not at the borders where everyone could listen into their conversation. He had never been at the hollow so he was rather curious how everything looked from the inside and once he knew where her den was, well then it would only be so much easier when she actually had those pups she wanted from him. Her pups--- A new son. Was she pregnant? His pale eyes then roamed over her with some curiosity, he couldn't really see or tell yet. "Are you?," he asked, the suggestion was probably enough. He wondered if she had told her pack already.

RE: Surprise! Can I sleep over? - Malice - April 17, 2016

Reality was just slow motion punching her, for now she could see some of his wounds. A worried look took over her annoyed one, but it was clear that whatever had happened hadn't taken away his stoic traits. Fine, she would find out eventually. As stubborn as ever... She commented softly, but not in a mean way. She was just expressing her thoughts, because it seemed a bit busy upstairs in her mind. His sigh was like a soft summer breeze, just enough to cool someone down while they were sitting under a tree in the meadow, surrounded by flowers and the sweet scent of ripe berries. As he stepped closer, she just stood still, afraid of what might happen if she were to touch him, feel his body against her one more time.

It was then that the iron like smell of blood filled her nostrils, a sickening smell that she was beginning to hate more and more. Her headache was already pretty bad, at the memories that came with the smell of blood only made it worse. But she didn't flinch, or pull up her nose. She just watched him, confused, worried. You are wounded... It seemed that the stoic wasn't as unbreakable as he had made it seem, for the sparkle in his eyes seemed dull, almost like the one's of a dead rabbit. She wanted to comfort him, but she was too afraid to even touch him. Not here, not here where everyone could see them. But he was changing the subject again. 

While she wasn't totally sure if she was pregnant or not, all the signs said that she was. She was nauseous, dizzy, craved food more often. Plus, she felt it in her bones that she was indeed pregnant. So, she nodded. She didn't speak about it, anxious that there might be someone listening. Follow me... She sighed, turning and tossing her head over her shoulder to see if he would indeed follow her. Was this against the rules? Was helping one another bad if it could only be done by letting someone inside pack territory? Well then, a sinner she would stay.

RE: Surprise! Can I sleep over? - Burke - April 17, 2016

Burke looked at her, and could see her hesitation but he was not certain if it was about letting him in or if she was wondering something else. He was stubborn and he might tell her but not here, it was too private and he was not one to share things with others, after all when Meldresi died, his beloved Meldresi, he kept on working as an alpha not wanting to be weak for his pack. He never thought a moment about himself. Burke was quite selfless, incredibly so. He might be a jerk but he secretly did have a heart of gold. The male just didn't share a lot because he was uncertain about others, or he did not deem them good enough of a friend to share it. Him coming to Malice in the first place was a strange thing for him to experience but he decided to just follow Bullet/Osprey's words and go with it. He probably needed this himself.

"I am, " he only confirmed to her. After all it was a fact he could not deny. It was clear that the deep healing cuts were no marks of a wolf. And the other small cuts weren't either. The male stood before her. Burke's pale eyes caught the nod, and even though it might not be a guarantee but it was at least something. It also told him that Malice had yet to tell her pack. Burke had peace with that, after all he did not want to scream it of the rooftops either, but it was good to know with one son dead that he might have others in the making, as harsh as that sounded. He was still a male and liked to further his bloodline. He did not think much about love. With Meldresi it had been more of an agreement in the beginning. Only later he started to grow closer to her.

He followed Malice into her territory, darkness falling over them. Burke walked without fear. He was used to the darkness and he actually preferred it. He glanced to the side at Malice for a moment, staying quiet. Somehow he felt like wildly talking was out of order. She felt doubtful, and instead Burke walked with his own natural confidence. He might be wounded and run into an ambush, though he had the feeling, as his appearance was so unexpected that there wouldn't be trickery involved. Still it haunted through his mind. His mind taking in the scenery. Only once they would be in the privacy of her den he might be tempted to say more. So for now he would just study Malice and her behavior as well as the surroundings.

RE: Surprise! Can I sleep over? - Malice - April 18, 2016

She sighed, a soft sound that sounded almost like a storm in the quiet forest, especially at night. She turned her head up, looking at the pieces of sky one could still see even with the forest blocking most of it. The pink colors were gone, wiped away by the moon that was coming now to play. Stars, billions of stars, all shining bright. It was weird, the setting, Burke here. She had never thought her life would go this way. Her meeting with Fate might have triggered something... Who knows. Sharing a meal with Fate had been an honor, but now her situations just seemed to be getting bigger and bigger. Pregnant, leading Burke to her den, Judas going savage. Life was strange.

As they were walking, she kept quiet, scared of disturbing the peace. It was almost a sin to make noise at night here, so quiet it was. Only the thumping of paws on the soft, rich ground were allowed and the bristling of the wind moving the leaves. She stepped on a twig, snapping it in half with her weight, and froze. She didn't know she had done it, therefore she was more alert than ever. Was someone around? Had they've been spotted? She sighed again when nothing else made any noise, began listening to the breathing of Burke.

After a short walk in a spooky forest, they were there. Her cold, lonely den which reminded her of Cog every day. It was made for two bodies, leaving a cold breeze going through it when she slept on her own. She looked back at Burke, his blue eyes almost seemed to light up here. Weird, carry on. Here we are. She whispered, a soft humming sound. She didn't know if the male wanted to sleep on his own or not, therefore she stepped out of the way, preparing to sleep outside for once.

RE: Surprise! Can I sleep over? - Burke - April 18, 2016

Burke walked with her as she guided him to the forest. The male watched her as she was startled by herself. Burke was not sure what was wrong with her, though it could have something to do with him being in her territory. She was not really that secure on her feet in general around him, he realized. The male eyed at the den when they came to it. Instead of guiding him inside of it she stood there almost submissively next to him, in his eyes. Burke looked at her with a questioning gaze but then gotten inside of the den.

He was a large male but he kind of didn't mind the snug fit. "Are you coming in too? Or are you actually giving me your den? Seriously Malice, get your ass inside," he stated from inside the den where he was laying down. Burke's wound on his ribs against the side of the wall. The male did not come here to take over her den, he could have found one outside of her territory easily. Duh. The male kind of came here for her, but she didn't seem to see that. He needed someone around him to keep him sane. He had Meldresi before but now he hadn't so he had to result to other matters.

RE: Surprise! Can I sleep over? - Malice - April 18, 2016

Malice flashed a smile at him, feeling kind of awkward with him around. What was he expecting anyway? She watched as he got in, in a way relieved that he wasn't looking at her anymore. She shook her head and tried to clean the floor of some leaves, trying to find a comfortable spot outside. This was until she heard Burke call. It was so loud after having been in the silence for so long. Her ears dropped in embarrassment. Stupid, stupid, truly Malice.

Ssshh... She whispered to him from outside. I'm coming, just... uh... stretching my legs. She tried, knowing full well that he knew exactly what she was thinking. She made her way inside too, where the moonlight couldn't reach her anymore. It was so cozy with someone else inside. Still a pretty tight fit for both their massive bodies, therefore she had to lie beside him. She lay down, trying to find a comfortable spot without making too much physical contact. Her breathing was slow and steady, much the opposite of her body. She snuggled up, her head resting on her paws. This was nice. Still, there was the nagging feeling that he wasn't telling her something. Burke? She hummed.

RE: Surprise! Can I sleep over? - Burke - April 18, 2016

Slight PP of him grabbing her scruff, let me know if you want it to be changed. Only good intentions though :P

Burke watched her come in, at least he saw some form of a shape come in at least. The male laid down, quite royally so. Burke had always been quite fluffy because of his alaskan coat. And even though it was spring already he would always keep somewhat of a thick fur, which made him basically perfect cuddling material. The male noticed that she stayed away from him a bit, only leaning against him where she couldn't avoid it. She was so careful with him.

She placed her head on her paws, while Burke's eyes adjusted. She spoke his name while he watched her. "Stretching huh? Why are you so nervous around me?," he asked, his voice calm. It was just interesting to him how she was so guarded, maybe because he was guarded. She never really showed the real Malice to him, not really. At least that was his idea about it. Somehow that made him more interested in her? What was she really thinking, what she really accepting this because she was afraid of him.

Burke nose moved through her ear and then gently grabbed her scruff, basically pulling her against him. It might be weird for her to be even grabbed right there. "I need it," he stated, which was mostly the only thing he was going to say about it. He had not realized how much he had missed having someone next to him at night. Sure his children had been with him before sleeping in a happy pile but after Pietro died Kendra moved to her caves and he had been all alone.

RE: Surprise! Can I sleep over? - Malice - April 19, 2016

Totally fine! Also, this thread is fricking adorable XD

She gulped. Ah, the question she couldn't even answer herself. She could definitely say she wasn't scared of him -not anymore- without lying, but her nervousness was harder to explain. It were a bunch of reasons. How his body against hers -only where needed- felt like the good old times, his handsomeness, the fact she was carrying his children. How was she supposed to feel around him? They weren't buddies, not lovers, barely even friends to be totally honest. They just shot one-liners at each other. Yes, she knew of his past and all, but of the present was little information. She didn't blame Seb for that, there was only so much a wolf could know. Did she have feelings for him, or was this just the result of that one spring day by the lake? Maybe a mix? I just smuggled a wolf from another pack into my den, how do you want me to feel? She said, a little on edge, grumpy because she couldn't even figure herself out anymore. The anger was not directed at him, and she hoped he knew.

She closed her eyes, forgetting about what she even wanted to ask him again. The truth about his sudden visit would come in time, she was sure of it. Even if she had to ask Cicero -maybe even Nemesis, fuck- about it. Just as she was about to wish him goodnight, she was almost lifted from the cold floor that was slowly getting warmer the longer she lay on it, and her yellow eyes flashed open. She almost yelped, but to be honest, it didn't hurt. The soft, fluffy fur of the male behind her touched hers. Awww, so he was a teddy bear. The warm feeling made her forget that this was Burke, and she snuggled up against him, her muzzle cuddling the places she could reach like this. Perhaps they both needed this. It's alright... She hummed, snuggling just a bit closer to him.

RE: Surprise! Can I sleep over? - Burke - April 20, 2016

edit; Super Adorable

Burke laid by Malice side, reliving what he had when Meldresi laid against him. That was usually how it went, Meldresi snuggling against him. The male closed his eyes and tried to picture her, but it had been so long. He could not really remember? Plus Malice was bigger than Meldresi. Burke opened his eyes and looked to the side. "It is more than that," he spoke to her, but if she was going to make an excuse she did not seem ready to talk to him about that yet, and he was not going to push her, she was not pushing him either after all.

Burke some how felt a bit more complete with a female next to him, more balanced. Malice was snuggled against him, and that fact made him feel wanted. Even he liked to be wanted some times. Burke lifted his head a bit and licked over the top of her head. It had been completely on automatic pilot because he would usually do that when Meldresi was still asleep next to him. He froze a bit but soon relaxed, well, it seemed he really needed this. "My youngest son died," he suddenly spoke. "My mate died when they were a month old and now it is just me and my daughter Kendra. I guess it just feel like loosing her all over again, yet only a bit worse because Pietro is one now too," his voice sounding surprisingly calm.

RE: Surprise! Can I sleep over? - Malice - April 20, 2016

She just lay there, snuggling like she had never even done with Cogitemus. The two of them hadn't been together for that long after all, but neither had her and Burke. Huh, now that she thought about it, had she even felt like she truly loved Cog just once? They had nothing in common, he spoke weird while her English was sophisticated, he was angry, uncaring, a fucking lying little son of a bitch! But then, why did she bond so well with Burke? Perhaps because they had both lost the one they loved too soon, because their personalities played off each other pretty well, because she may just like the stoic type of guys? 

When he spoke again, Malice was too lost in her own thoughts -that were mostly just debating about him- to reply with a witty comment. instead, she just made a purr-like sound of delight, resembling a growl, but in the best way possible. She raised her head, eyes still closed, seeking his neck. She started nibbling him, tiny little licks in between. Why she was doing this, she had no idea, but for now she was living by the rule; if it feel right, do it.

She stopped after a moment and lowered her head, only to get the top of it licked by him. If she were some weird schoolgirl in an anime, she would do the little gasp thingy anime characters did like all the goddamn time. But, alas, she was a wolf, so she just stayed still, a grin on her muzzle. That grin disappeared as soon as he starting talking. The news shocked her. For a moment, she even felt like crying. She couldn't imagine her own kids dying... Pietro... She didn't know the child, but in respect for him, gave out a prayer to the gods. It was whispered, muffled by her own- and that of Burke's fur.

Oh dear God, whose job it is to show mercy, may I humbly request you don't let this young boy's soul, who you have taken, to get stolen by the enemy, nor be forgotten. Instead, let him join the angels, send him to paradise where he can only find joy. He may not feel the pains of hell. Amen. 

She did not know if Burke could hear it, if he would even like her praying for his son, but she felt like she had to. I can't imagine what pain you must feel now... She spoke to him now. She knew about his mate -thanks to Seb, again-, but she didn't tell Burke this. She removed her head from his body to look at him. He was so strong, yet so broken. She just hoped she could somehow fix him, fix him just a bit. You might be the strongest wolf I've ever known. I'm sure Pietro is at peace, but it is you I'm worried about now... She said, tears starting to form in her yellow eyes. No, she didn't want to cry. That would just be more negative energy, so she pressed herself harder to him, but made sure not to squish him. She moved her head to his neck and in a caring way, a way she showed understanding, nuzzled him.

Woow, this got long O_O

RE: Surprise! Can I sleep over? - Burke - April 20, 2016

I find it funny that Burke is like a solid wall of no emotion and Malice almost cries at the idea of losing a child xD These two I swear haha

Burke had spoke about Pietro and felt the dread inside of him, though the male was pretty sure his outer exterior was still stoic, he had not cried again. He had not cried about Meldresi either, and now with this son he could not cry. He was not a monster that he knew, but he could not let himself cry. He realized that he called himself a therapist but he could not really therapist for himself. How strange. The male's ears perked up at her prayer that sounded muffled. To who was she praying? Mephala? Another god? This interested him a bit and in return that interest made his sad feelings be pushed away.

Burke looked at the female with a skeptical gaze. Her eyes lined with tears as she spoke. She was awfully emotional but then again he could remember Meldresi having some of those episodes too, when she was carrying her young. Though she did gave him a compliment about being strong. He raised his muzzle a bit though then lowered it. It was not something to be proud of, he realized. Maybe for once listening to his own therapisting self. He slowly shook his head. A lot of wolves would think that they are strong when they show no emotion, but maybe he was not that strong. Because he did not dare to cry or show what he was feeling, and why not? Because others would think it as weak, but wouldn't it be strong if he could show his emotions.

Burke had been holding his feelings to himself from the beginning of life really, basically from the moment he had bitten off his tail. How everyone admired him for it, while he himself had not been happy with it at all. Now he saw it as his trademark and kind of liked his look but it had taken some adjustments before he thought like that. "It has been tough," he deadpanned. Truly no emotion. Was he really that dead inside, no he was not. He showed those feelings to Meldresi, but then she died and he shut himself off again. Only just now he had licked Malice which was at least some form of affection. He remembers Osprey's words, how he would get hit by a ton of feelings and hope that he would get out from under it. He was kind of feeling that pressure of all those emotions itching to get out. He cleared his throat. "I'm... Not that good with the feelings thing," he spoke, though on the contrary he was very passionate about his pack and selfless too.

His pale eyes settled on her. He did not believe in love. It had not happened to him before he had met Meldresi, and with her he had been sort of admiring her. With Malice their dynamic was totally different, really different. Yet, that was what made it refreshing to him. He knew Pietro was at peace, that was not what he was thinking about. He believed he is with his mother. Burke just don't understand why it kept happening to him. He had been so selfless, always there for each member and still when he had himself on the background of life, keeping his emotions at bay he had a son who hated him, a loving wife that died and now also a son that died too. Life had always been unfair, even before coming here, though being here did gave him a family, and loved ones. Seeing that he never really grown attached to other wolves before coming to these lands. Maybe he was just old and was letting his guard down.

His eye still on Malice, realizing he had been looking at her while he had been in thought. Her little nips and licks were nice. Slowly he placed his head down on his own paws. All these thoughts running through his mind. Maybe he should start to deal with all those feelings for once. Then he suddenly realized something and snapped his head up. "Wait.. what did you say? You are worried about me?," he asked. Not sure why she would be even worried about him in the first place.

Oh look I wrote a novel too :P

RE: Surprise! Can I sleep over? - Malice - April 21, 2016

You know what, I first didn't, but I'm starting to ship these two somehow XD

She sighed softly into his fur, not knowing why she was showing more pain than him at the moment. He had been hurt- not her. But then, why was she feeling as if her heart was being ripped apart and sown together, again and again? It hurt. It hurt so bad. Why wasn't he sobbing? Why was he keeping this all with him? The past hurt, even for her, but she could let it all out of she wanted to. Keeping all he had inside... It wasn't healthy. She didn't have to be a caregiver to know this. His life was a mess, messier than hers had ever been, yet he acted as if it were nothing. Did he truly have no one to tell this to? No one besides her?

He needed this, he needed this more than anyone, to just cry it all out- but he didn't. Instead, he was like an abandoned playground. So many sad, happy and simply awful memories, locked in place, no playing children to show this all in a visualized picture of his emotions. She felt him shaking his head, and she looked up again, her tears dried. He seemed to be denying that he was strong, which wasn't true. He was wrong. He was strong, but sometimes being strong for too long could end up with an outburst. She saw crying not as weakness, she saw it as a sign one had been strong for way too long. She watched him, curious eyes staring into his blue ones. 

"It has been though. I'm... not that good with the feelings thing." Was that all he had to say for himself? Did he want to be a traumatized mess at the end of his days- his numbered days? Why?... She started. Why are you doing this to yourself? She asked, her eyes worried. Now he just stared at her, a little uncomfortable to be honest, but Malice didn't look away. She had a mission, a duty as the carrier of his children.

He moved his head to the ground, ever so slowly, and for a moment she thought that he thought their conversation was over. This wasn't over, and he seemed to notice as well as his head popped up again. Yes, I am. She stated. All these feelings, locked up, it's not good for you. Sooner or later, you're going to burst. She continued. 

One is like a balloon, filled with emotions. It can only handle so much. Stop doing this to yourself. You don't have to be strong! She rambled, not noticing her whispering had turned to almost angry-hard spoken words. Her ears lowered, as they always did when she did something without thinking.

Sorry... She whispered again, not actually knowing why she was apologizing.

RE: Surprise! Can I sleep over? - Burke - April 21, 2016

Most definitely! They are kind of opposites though, which makes it fun I think! :D

Burke did not know the answer to her question. What was he doing to himself? Living, and doing his duties as an alpha. Sure, he was not allowing much personal feelings to disturb that but he was fine with it, at least, he thought so. He didn't know what else to do than to just work through it. Quite literally. He would only work, for the most part. What Burke didn't know was that he was somewhat idolized by Malice, and that her vision of him might be changing soon.

"And that is where you are wrong. I do not burst. I work through it by doing other tasks. I know it is not ideal but I can't really be a therapist or advisor for myself," he pointed out. "Though there was another female, a good friend, though I meet her only scarcely from time to time. She let me yell as loud as I could and that seemed to help, though for me, here it is too crowded. I don't need anyone to hear that," he spoke with that calm tone, always so reserved. Always so thoughtful of his next move. Then Malice became Malice again. She apologized for something, but Burke did not know what. He looked at her with a questioning gaze. Even she didn't seem certain about what she apologized for.

Once again, she seemed so jumpy around him, like she thought he was going to beat her to a pulp for saying something out of line. He looked at her with his pale blue eyes, almost grey in this light. The male looked closely at her. He couldn't figure her out, why she would react in a certain away. She was not like any of the females he had ever met, so outspoken and yet.... submissive towards him? He couldn't really place it, because she was not that submissive either. "It is just.... how I work...," he stated then. And the pathetic thing was that none of his pack mates seemed to see what she was seeing. None really asked, yet maybe they didn't dare to, because they were afraid. He was not that scary was he?

RE: Surprise! Can I sleep over? - Malice - April 23, 2016

She observed him, wanting to know what was truly going on in that head of his. The mask that was sown onto his face, quite literally, she wanted it to fall off. She wanted to remove those fucking stitches, make him bleed so that he would come to his senses. That charcoal, stoic mask he had on, that mask that was a part of him, she wanted to rip it to pieces. 

She listened closely to his words, worrying more and more. So he just worked? He just wanted to work till it all ended? What kind of way to die is that? So you just try to avoid your pain? By working harder and harder till nothing's left? She questioned him. That he was still not totally going bonkers was a miracle. She could not understand him, probably never would. But that made him interesting. Others she could read easily, or were just so open about themselves. Burke was neither. She didn't even dare to ask who this other female might be. She was not going to change the subject now. Their eyes met, and she could understand his confused, questioning gaze. She was a weird creature as well.

Ever thought of changing that? Changing yourself? She asked, almost whispering her words. She had changed herself, why couldn't he? He just needed the right motivation, someone to yell at him when he was doing something wrong. She found herself quite fit for the job.

RE: Surprise! Can I sleep over? - Burke - April 23, 2016

Burke looked to the side at Malice and let his his ears fall back. If he was working hard enough then he would be too occupied to feel any pain. He was not really tempted to feel that pain, though unconsciously it was always there in the background. He was old. He had six ears of life and they had not been easy but he never wanted that out of life. Still, he could not say he was completely unhappy. He just... dealt with things instead of feeling them. He let out a soft sigh in answer, not really knowing what to say for once. Then he just decided to own up for it. "Yes," he spoke. Yet, before he had Meldresi. They told each other a lot, yet never really about these things. Strange.

"Why would I change myself. I am not unhappy. Now it is just not a fun time having my son being murdered by a cat. You start questioning yourself and I never question myself," he stated to her. He did have an air of confidence. He did not really want to see his problem, but he should deal with it eventually. Yet, ever since he left his father's pack he had dealt with hardships, even before that. "I am not going to blabber about my feelings. That won't do any good," he huffed. "Not against every pack mate. They need me to be their leader. The alpha might have more status and act all high and mighty, but what most don't even realize is that by being an alpha is that you are in charge and responsible for what happens, or how much food there is. If I am not in control of myself how can I expect my members to follow me?," he spoke to her. "It is just that Meldresi is gone now. She knew and I could tell her," he excused. She had been his equal after all. Maybe he did need a new mate, one to balance him out and one to lead with him.

RE: Surprise! Can I sleep over? - Malice - April 24, 2016

His yes was painful to hear. So he knew he was doing something out of the ordinary. Well, at least he wasn't denying it like she had expected him to do. She sighed softly, not knowing what to say. She was no therapist after all. So she stayed quiet, looking at the masked wolf lying beside her. She wasn't cold for once in the den. She didn't look forward to sleeping alone again, but she would enjoy this moment for as long as it lasted. 

After a while, the silence was broken by Burke. She listened carefully. He always told so much in one go, while at other times his responses were short. How could he even find the breath to do this? Malice remembered that when Veritas was still around, she got a sore throat from talking too much. Oh, how she had hated the medicine she needed to take for that, even with the honey. It is never fun to lose a child. She murmured softly.

Talking about it does help. You can still be their leader, even if you showed you actually had emotions. You once told me that if my followers left me for having children with you, they weren't worthy. The same goes for yours. She told, hoping he remembered that spring day near the lake. Then again, how could he forget? Let them help you, let me help you. She almost begged, her orbs looking directly into his. She would get through to him eventually, she was certain of it.

RE: Surprise! Can I sleep over? - Burke - April 26, 2016

Burke looked at Malice as she gave him a bit of a speech, though it was clear that it was much needed. After all he had been rather neglecting his own feelings for a long time. "Touché," he spoke to her, using his own words against him. She did make a point and maybe when the time was right the would tell it to someone he was closer with. The male was thinking of who in the pack he should tell. He rather had it in a private setting like this rather than out in the open.

The male leaned against her and quirked up his lips a bit. "Don't tell me you have grown to care for me now," he spoke with a hum on his lips, teasing her, that was the idea. He did not seek any real confession. The large male licked his lips and placed his head down again. "You want to help me? How? By listening or?," he asked. He was curious what she would say because maybe he could use that technique himself.

RE: Surprise! Can I sleep over? - Malice - April 29, 2016

Couldn't find the gif in which Phoebus (Hunchback of the Notre Dame) said "Touche", but that's what it reminded me of XD

The hint of a proud smirk played on her lips, yet it was only for a small duration. It was just rare to hear it from Burke. She dearly hoped he wouldn't break down, that he was as strong as he acted. But, if it came to that point, Malice would help. Not only because she was a rather gentle creature, but because she actually cared about him. Not that she would ever, ever, ever say so.

Malice kept calm as he moved, knowing the chance of him harming her now were as good as none. She snorted softly, a thing she had actually picked up from him more than anything -maybe it was infectious-, and rolled her eyes. Yeah, she cared, but she wouldn't tell him that. What are ya? Mad? She responded with just a slight chuckle. The dark aura that surrounded them before was slowly ebbing away it seemed, but it wasn't enough to make Malice any less serious about this whole thing.

By letting you know I am here if you need someone, to listen. She responded.

RE: Surprise! Can I sleep over? - Burke - May 04, 2016

Sorry this took so absurtly long. No time! :O You can wrap it up!

Burke smiled a bit at her. Because how could he even be mad. He could be grumpy about it, but Burke was pretty sure that it would be good for him if he had someone to listen to him and one that he would feel comfortable talking too, if only he would realize that having this kind of relationship with another alpha didn't work like that.

He glanced to the side at her. "Alright alright," he stated and then placed his head down again. "Though I did tell you enough for now." Burke was pretty firm about that. How could he not? He was not an open wolf, so having shared what he had shared before was more than enough for him. He closed his eyes. "Goodnight Malice."

RE: Surprise! Can I sleep over? - Malice - May 04, 2016

Malice smiled back at him, glad he was out of his depression- for now. She totally understood the chances of them hooking up were almost as good as none, but that didn't stop her from having her fantasies. Besides, it wasn't as if he could read her mind or anything. She would just keep on admiring him from a distance, maybe even hoping he would fall for her regardless.

She nodded at him, a proud yet caring smile on her muzzle as she placed her head on her paws. She scooted a little closer to the massive grey creature that was Burke, mainly because she had missed sleeping next to someone and of course, I mean, it's Burke, this was her only chance at sleeping with him and she would fucking treasure it. Sleep well, Burke. She whispered as she closed her eyes, ready to enter her own little world.