Wolf RPG
Cerulean Cape along the shore - Printable Version

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along the shore - Lucani - April 19, 2016

All welcome~ :)

Here was a woman who'd never seen the sea. The sun was at its zenith, and shone across the clear ocean to exhibit it in full. Lucani was moved by it. While travelling closer to the coast she'd watched it from a distance over the past few days, but nothing could compare to this — standing on the shore and viewing it in all its wild blue glory. Speaking of the shore, this stuff beneath her paws was curious — sand, was it? Similar to what was found on the riverbank, but soft and grainy and extremely ample. Lucani turned her eyes from the sand and back upon the ocean.

She sighed and sat down. The grey wolf had become used to her new state of being — weak, slow, her joints painful and her breathing shallow when she pushed herself. She had been lucky to survive this long and thus far, but it was not all luck. She was careful and cautious, and when meeting strangers on the road she was careful to be amiable and encourage an atmosphere of peace. But Lucani could not live this way forever. Now that she'd hit the coast, her intended destination, she would begin to look for a pack to take her in.

RE: along the shore - Rexxar - April 24, 2016

The wolf lopes down the coast with his nose tipped into the salty breeze, finding nothing of note in the routinely washed sands beneath his tireless paws. The shores were sparse, but the wolf had managed to find a couple urchins, the odd crab and a dried up sea bird in the hours prior. His attention then is easily stolen to a seated figure in the distance, whose contours do not define them as one gender or the other. But as Rexxar moves closer he catches her scent.

Her gaze is trained onto the expanse of ocean before her, and as he approaches, stilling his paws a few lengths from her, he cocks his head and looks out across the roll of waves himself. "What are we looking at?" He sees nothing but the gleam of the sun on the infinite blue, and a few gulls wheeling ahead.

RE: along the shore - Lucani - April 25, 2016

Handsomes~ @_@

Lucani's grey ears flickered momentarily downwards as she sensed a presence — a male presence. Being considerably weak of body, and out on the road without a pack, she was more cautious than she'd ever been in her life and would be prepared to submit to most anyone, knowing that she was in no position to fight for the alternative. Luckily, however, she was met by a stranger who seemed much the same as the other lone wolves out here — comfortably neutral.

Something I've never seen before, she replied, unmoved but slightly warmed by the good-looking fellow's easy familiarity. She turned her eyes back out to the great beyond. The ocean. I'd only ever heard stories of it.

RE: along the shore - Rexxar - April 26, 2016


"Ah," says the wolf, his muzzle bobbing in a slight nod. "So what do we think of the ocean then? Is it as good, or as bad as the stories?" He seats himself beside her, his blue eyes drifting across the tops of the waves and tracing the distant horizon. The ocean is not so novel to him, but nor is too familiar. He had only recently experienced it when he travelled away from home toward the western coastline.

RE: along the shore - Lucani - April 26, 2016

She watched quietly as her new companion took a seat beside her, and relaxed her tail somewhat (it had been dipping into a rather meek position at the approach of the strong-looking stranger). He had a curious way of speaking, and Lucani had not yet decided if it was a way to include himself among others or a way to distance himself. Perhaps both.

It's humbling, she responded honestly, once more looking out over the spectacular expanse, which really did stretch on into infinity. Do you live by the sea? she asked, interested as to why he sat so comfortably and seemed to gaze at the sea with a still heart.

RE: along the shore - Rexxar - April 26, 2016

"I was living by a creek," he answers, shifting himself so that he is quartered toward her, his attention no longer upon the sea but on the boyish female. His blue eyes rest easily on her face but avoid staring into the yellow of her own. "I have seen the sea before now, though. It is different. I rather like the smell of the wind here, and the taste of all the shoreline creatures, and the chance that just around the next bend in the coast there'll be some treat washed up on the beach. It's a change of pace from hunting hares and whatnot inland." He was a wolf who appreciated tangible things, and the new scents, sights, tastes and textures of the coast were pleasing. His head cants as he takes a turn to ask a question. "Do you think you'd want to live by the sea now that you've seen it?"

RE: along the shore - Lucani - April 29, 2016

What followed was precisely the type of story Lucani enjoyed: personal and descriptive. She empathised with his motives, which sung true as said wind ruffled their coats, and looked at him with interest. Yes, she replied to the question honestly. For a change of pace — like yourself. But also for what the sea itself has to offer. An abundance of fish, of course, and a new variety of flora to explore. I've an interest in botany, she explained, and to me the ocean looks like a garden that goes on forever.

RE: along the shore - Rexxar - May 02, 2016

Don't mind me swapping back to past tense. I was experimenting but while I like describing actions in present tense it confuses me when I try to write about anything else LOL

"Oh I see," he smiled. His eyes drifted to the fronds of the kelps that adorned the beach. He did not share her interest in plants. "Personally, I'll stick to my creek. Or something similar, you know, forests and mountains and freshwater and the like. The usual," he shrugged. There was something exotic about the coastal life and some of the denizens that lived it. "On that note, I think I'll skip along and see what else there is to see." He rose to his paws, and dipped his head to her before loping away and calling back over his muscular shoulder. "See ya around!"

Exit Rexxar

RE: along the shore - Lucani - May 02, 2016

Nothing wrong with a bit of fun experimenting~ Thanks for thread!

Lucani blinked nonchalantly in warm approval, and could have continued with this talk of home, habitat and geography, but their time together was up. Nice talking to you, she replied genuinely, and politely watched him go before returning her yellow eyes to the horizon. It would've been good to talk to him further, but this was good too. Just Lucani and the sea.