Wolf RPG
Dawnlark Plains It's not the end - Printable Version

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It's not the end - Esaro - April 19, 2016

Esaro was completely disconnected from everyone now, which to him was a good thing. Being alone met he couldn't make things bad for everyone around him. Phoenix may have escaped and gone somewhere else but Esaro could not rest in peace at all. He was completely alone and simply had no meaning to his life. He has given up on his goal. He started questioning if he should be alive right now. He did end up finding some scraps to eat and he also did take care of his wounds more or less however there was really nothing supporting him beside the will to survive. He didn't want to disappoint his father so he was barely holding onto to hope that maybe things could get better. But how?

He was laying next to the stream just baking in the sun. He was in thought, going over all his failures and wondered if he improved at all. To him it didn't feel like it, it might have been better if he had stayed useless. He would have been doomed anyway so what was he suppose to do? He didn't want to give up completely but in other to do something he needed others to interact with. But he worried that the same thing would just happen again. He was tired from lack of sleep and frustrated that he couldn't find an answer. He remained where he was and simply shifted to his side and continued to lay there. The wound on his left shoulder was irritating, maybe he should try cleaning it again.

RE: It's not the end - Sen - April 19, 2016

Tagging for visibility.

After having accepted Sadie into the pack, the serpent had set out once more on a journey of sorts. She'd started to test her boundaries, seeing how far she could go and how long she could stay away before @Depp came searching. To her, it was a game, something meant to bring her amusement for the time being. Eventually, however, it would become something of a job. To travel and keep away for a long period of time, so that perhaps she could birth and then kill the children in peace. Oh, how she wished that would happen, that things would go as planned. Already she was at the point in which she just wished them out, her instincts of self-preservation driving her to remove from her body the parasites that plagued it, conflicting with the maternal instincts she was (unknowingly) developing. Of course, she still had quite some time to go before that would happen, but that didn't prevent her from desiring it.

Sen had traveled eastward, crossing into the marsh and then continuing through to the plains that laid beyond it. The two locations were ones she'd often found herself frequenting, though this time she would be certain to push herself further. It'd felt like ages since she'd last trekked over long distances, and the woman found herself craving a grand adventure of sorts. As she made her way through the plains, however, she'd wondered if she might have to put it off, for a scent had captured her attention. Without having really planned to do so, she'd followed it, brining her upon a male. Silently, she'd questioned whether or not he still lived, and was then answered by the rise and fall of his side. Damn. "Laying out in the open like that is a good way to get yourself killed," she'd stated, keeping back a short ways, eying the stranger. Honestly, she didn't care whether he lived or died, but why pass up a conversation?

RE: It's not the end - Warbone - April 19, 2016

Warbone was tracking Esaro. He took this time because the boy had sent a nonsensical message in an obvious bid for attention. He needed to be set straight— the former Phoenix needed to be shook up and shaped— and when the Marauder had sated his hunger and thirst, he left the borders in Teagan's stead and began his search for the runaway. He would not travel far, promising himself to only spend as much as a day hunting him, but luckily the injured young adult was not particularly hard to find.

He followed the metallic tang of Esaro's bloodied scent like a trail of smoke on the air— leading him straight to the fire. Coincidentally, he spotted a familiar black figure before he noticed the prone wolf he was looking for. He took her in evenly during his easy approach, and he watched her eyes, sharp and molten, as they briefly locked gazes. He stopped a few feet from them both, keeping his distance as his hard-edged face turned to Esaro. "You would waste my time?"

RE: It's not the end - Esaro - April 19, 2016

oops shadow posted Warbone :P

The sounds of someone approaching briefly stopped him from moving. Esaro didn't really react much. All he really did was rise up lazily to a sitting position and then look at the female tiredly. At first he thought of just leaving but he didn't recognize the female at all. The scent was completely new and didn't pick up anything particular. What did distract Esaro for a moment was her amber eyes that matched perfectly well with her dark coat. It was like the complete opposite of Laika however they were both beautiful to the eyes. It really did make him forget his problems for a moment but that didn't last too long. He tilted his head down a little and was looking at her paws.

He could understand he wasn't exactly safe on his own but there was really no where for him to go where he could be safe on his own. He spoke in a soft tone, there wasn't much effort in it. "Well, I became enemies with the only three packs I know in one day. It's not like I have a safe place to lay around in anymore." Then he went silent. He truly was not welcomed within those packs anymore. It's a bit funny to think that one mistake can do that after trying so hard to build up something great. The bite wound at his rear started to itch which made him twist around to bite at it in order to stop the itching. He was frustrated with his wounds and really didn't think he deserved them. He started to complain. "Why did they all have to attack me? I shouldn't have told them anything, then I wouldn't have been called a traitor and then get this itching wound."

Suddenly he heard a familiar voice and got up. Warbone. Esaro was surprised for a moment but then his head tilted downward once more. "I can't protect anyone anymore. I simply made things worse for all of them. Phoenix left because of me and now I'm not welcome in any of the packs I know."

RE: It's not the end - Sen - April 19, 2016

Originally, she'd only been looking to toy around with the male. Perhaps push him a little, press his buttons, then leave with the empty promise to return. When he'd started to speak, however, her intentions changed. He was soft, defeated, and ripe for the picking. On him her skills could be used, and perhaps she could get something worthwhile out of it. Of course, that might mean having to stop back at the ravine early, but what would that matter if she'd returned with a menial for herself in tow? The notion alone was enticing enough, making her crave the actual event. Her mind had been made up, and then in a matter of seconds, her entire demeanor had changed. Shifted from that of an annoyed serpent to a doting stranger—honestly, the persona she'd taken on made her want to vomit, but it was all for the greater good. As long as she kept herself in check long enough, perhaps the male could be coaxed into following her away from the plains, and right back to her pack.

"Oh, that's awful," she'd noted, shaking her head slowly before resting her gaze back on him. Concern had twisted itself onto her face, even managing to reach her eyes as she looked upon him. "There are other packs out there, though. Plenty of them, actually, and any one of them would definitely love to welcome you into their home." Gag. To play nice was not something she enjoyed doing, but damn, had she gotten good at it over the years. When he'd started to bite at himself, she resisted the urge to turn her nose up at him, focusing instead on her current goal. Thankfully, he'd soon stopped, only to then start speaking. Had enough words not already been exchanged? Seemingly, no. "A traitor? I doubt you are one. Perhaps you just weren't hanging around with the right type of wolves." A single step was taken in his direction, a smile adorning her face as she'd attempted to soothe his troubled mind. Her act was disrupted, however, but a familiar presence.

It was Warbone, she'd recognized him the moment they'd locked gazes, and could only hope that he wouldn't ruin things for her. Though, given his words, it seemed as if he knew the injured boy, which would surely make her task all the more difficult. Still, she would not give up, quickly having returned her attention to the stranger. She would have him following her, that she was certain of.

RE: It's not the end - Warbone - April 21, 2016

Warbone watched the boy jump to his feet as he realized his presence. He had influence over Esaro without exercising it, but he was beyond his willingness to coddle him any longer. Grace had told him the story, and the injuries of the former Phoenix spoke truth to her words, but that did not explain what he was doing here. "You would abandon those still wanting to be near you? You would betray young Grace in this way— out here moping and sniveling. Are you done with your life, Esaro? Is that it? Do you want me to take it? Did you send that cryptic message so that I might find you and avenge the waste of my knowledge?" He realized he was monologuing, and grew frustrated because if they had been alone, and if he thought Sen wouldn't defend the boy, he would've attacked him already.

As it were, the great wolf merely snarled and rippled, furious with Esaro but remaining at bay. "You are a coward, Esaro. I offered to build to rise above your current predisposition and you would rather collapse and snivel in the mud on the banks of your failure. If we ever cross paths, and you are still of this worthless mentality, I will kill you." His eyes bore into the boy's face, before Warbone turned and went back in the direction he had come— too angry to bid a proper farewell to the Sanctuary queen. Though, this wasn't his first impression on her so he chose not to think about how this might effect her opinion of him.

RE: It's not the end - Esaro - April 21, 2016

Esaro wanted nothing more but a fresh new start. He messed up big time and it involved many others. The dark female did give him the idea of starting all over but it didn't take too long for him to realize it wouldn't solve anything. He can't unlearn or unexperience everything he had already done. The worse would be that things would only repeat themselves. He was still prone to making many more mistakes. He might just accidentally start a war again. The kind and caring female was drawing his attention however Warbone's anger stood out much more. Esaro had forgotten that he told Grace to give him a message. Warbone's lesson didn't go to waste, they had actually saved his life.

Clearly while Esaro was trying to give up everything he was still causing trouble. The idea was very frustrating. It meant he was still doing nothing right but now he was making no one happy. He didn't want to betray Grace, in fact he thought he was protecting her by staying away. He thought that was the best move but now it felt wrong. Warbone was already leaving. Esaro quickly looked at the dark female. He didn't know what she really had to offer but she was acting very similar to those who raised him. He just had the impression he would be simply happy with her. But nowadays that was not what he wanted anymore. Esaro turned back towards Warbone and took a few steps towards him.

"I don't know what I was thinking when I told her that but your lessons are what kept me from getting killed. If you could teach me how to stop making mistakes then maybe I could be with her again without endangering her." He said, figuring that Warbone might be able to change him completely. Esaro would not be able to change alone so his only hope was Warbone. If there was anyone that could teach him, it would be him.

RE: It's not the end - Sen - April 25, 2016

Assuming Warbone left based on the post, but correct me if I'm wrong! ^^

It was with burning curiosity that Sen had remained quiet, listening closely to the exchange between the two—rather, she was focused more on Warbone as he verbally tore into the boy, inwardly amused by his actions. Something had happened, but the full story was unknown to her. Even still, the woman's desire to drag the younger male back with her did not cease, and she felt certain that doing so might be far easier after the other alpha had concluded his words. An insult and then a threat, the equivalence of sweet nothings being whispered into her ear. She could feel the fur over her nape rising slightly, intrigued by what the future might hold for the stranger. Soon after, though, she'd corrected herself, remaining calm while wearing a false mask of worry. Between the males her gaze had lingered, trailing back and forth, before finally settling down upon Esaro after the other had left. To his home, she presumed, but made no move to follow or call out to him. Later, perhaps she might pay him a visit, though a solid decision to do so had not yet been made.

Slowly, Sen had stepped nearer to the other, eyeing him as she did so. "Esaro, if I heard right?" she'd voiced, wishing to draw his attention back to her. "If a teacher is what you need, then perhaps you might be more interested in giving me a chance than him? I can offer you a home throughout the duration of your lessons, too." An offer had been made, her cards laid out across the table. Even if denied initially, however, she would not be so quick to give up. One way or another, the serpent would obtain for herself a proper servant, and the male before her now was the only one she'd met that fit her criteria. Already, he appeared to be broken, saddened and lost, which would leave her with little more work to do. And, with Sen being Sen, the quicker route around things was almost always the first one taken.