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Hushed Willows Femme fatale - Printable Version

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Femme fatale - Kunik - April 19, 2016

@Nova Rose and anyone else who may want to learn about poisons.

Kunik was careful when gathering the Deadly Nightshade. She slathered her paws in mud for this strand might have the toxicity to poison through contact. It wasn't the way Nightshade usually reacted but one could never be too safe. 

After batting a branch of the plant down with her muddy paws, she let it lay where it fell. It was a basic poison, easy to find and administer. Settling on just this one plant for their first lesson she reared her head back, calling for @Nova in particular. The howl however assured that the lesson was open for any willing to learn.

RE: Femme fatale - Trick - April 19, 2016

Trick has some knowledge of herbs and poisons, maybe he could help out? Just a cameo post or something, but if ya want him to participate, just tag me :P

Trick, who had basically been aimlessly walking around, had noticed something very useful in this place. The belladonna plant, a poison he knew all too well. They caused some pretty awful symptoms, he knew, some of them being hallucinations, visual changes, diarrhea, vomiting... The list went on and on. He had not yet experimented with the peculiar plant carrying blueberry-like fruits, but his teacher-a shady stranger with a passion for plants he had met outside of the Asgardian territory- had. He had shown them to him, warned him, taught him. He had probably been the only wolf Trick had ever trusted.

As much as he would like to eat one -just one- of those berries to see what they would really do, a howl stopped him. He faintly recognized the voice of the caller, linking it to the lithe female he had met. He shrugged, started to walk toward the sound. it wasn't like he had anything else to do, really.

Upon arriving, he spotted her copper, small frame, but he kept himself well hidden. He went downwind so she couldn't smell him, for what he saw was way too beautiful. The belladonna plant! Hah, was she going to eat them? Would he finally be able to see what this plant could really do? He stared, eager to see what she was going to do with it, not knowing this was actually a lesson.

RE: Femme fatale - Nova Rose - April 19, 2016

Nova had been laying out in a patch of sunlight dappling through the willows as she was summoned. It was the young female that said shed teach her poisons, Kunik. Rather excited for her old to learn a new "trick", the fading gold female hauled herself to her creamy paws and pranced her way to the bronze female. She caught scent of Trick, passing only a few yards by him, but chose not to acknowledge him till he wanted to be. She instead stopped before Kunik with a smile, ghostly eyes highly curious and excited.
         "Hello Kunik"

sorry for the short post lol but yay people! :)

RE: Femme fatale - Kunik - April 19, 2016

Kunik had not noticed Trick seeing as he so carefully had hidden himself downwind of the huntress. Nova was not long to appear though and thus far she was the only pupil to turn up for a lesson in poison. 

"Nova," she greeted, dipping her head to the elder. "Are you ready to learn about poisons?" She patted the nightshade with a mud slathered paw.

RE: Femme fatale - Trick - April 20, 2016

Another being past him, a golden and white one that went perfectly well with both his raven coat, and Kunkun's copper one. He wondered if she knew he was there, asking herself what in the name the small, obsidian black being was doing here staring at one of her pack mates. She looked older though, and a lot bigger than both Kun's and Trick's small frames -Yeah, Trick was definitely sure now thathe was bigger than Kunkun-.

The other's name was revealed in the conversation he was listening in on, the name being Nova. Aww, another not so specific name. Darn it, he liked specific names -much like Warbone and his own nickname-. But that was probably the only interesting thing that happened before him. It was revealed that this was merely a lesson, a lesson he didn't needed. He knew much about the Belladonna plant -surely not everything though- , though he liked bragging a bit. If they would accept him into their "lesson", he would only be there to probably correct the other. Part of him wanted to actually do that.

He got out of his hiding spot and made his way to the two ladies -one he still saw as a girl-, and bowed before them in the most royal and sophisticated way he could. This time, it would be a lot harder to spot he was actually acting. Ladies... He greeted, actually focusing more on Nova. Trick, is my name, traveler, healer, hunter and above all, lover. My ears detected that there was going to be a lesson? Oh, how delightful! Is there a way I could participate? He asked, his voice as sweet as honey.

RE: Femme fatale - Nova Rose - April 20, 2016

Nova smiled and watched the female, nodding when she was asked if she was ready. She knew little of poisons, knowing more of the healing arts that came into handy. There were many, many things that she knew, many of which she figured out for herself. The others were tidbits of info that she'd learned from others in her travels, but poisons was one of which she was highly interested but had never found a teacher. 
         "Very, actually. You are one of few who speak of something I'm not familiar with, and its not a comfortable feeling. I like to KNOW things."
Just like she knew of Trick hiding, but it was a thought she kept to herself, especially since the black male was now heading for them. He seemed focused on her, and there was something about this young male she just couldn't place.... And so she let Kunik deal with him. She gave him information he seemed to want, keeping her tone warm and polite as usual, but her ghostly eyes were trained on him in curiosity.
                         "Nova Rose, jack of trades but particularly good with counseling and storytelling."

RE: Femme fatale - Kunik - April 20, 2016

Kunik gritted her teeth as that nefarious, disgusting scoundrel they called Trick appeared. She quite literally could not stand his presence, she feigned a warm smile at him. "Ah, Trick. How pleasant if you to join us,"she beamed in false friendship.

"I wasn't aware you were interested in posions,"Kunik stated, realizing why he had been so adamant of knowing where they were when the pair had their first encounter. Very well, two could play his game.

RE: Femme fatale - Trick - April 21, 2016

Trick nodded at Nova in understanding, but to be honest -he didn't give a shit anymore. Instead his cool, leafy eyes turned to Kunkun. He knew she didn't like him, the aura she carried with her every time he was there. Why? Was his act not amazing? Oh well, as long as he didn't do anything wrong, she could not keep suspecting him.

A nice smile was returned to her, and even a little bow of his head. Well, knowledge is always handy, aye? He stated with eyes that said: I'm surely doing nothing wrong by being here. He sat down with the ladies, ready to start his first "lesson".

Well? He asked, indicating he was ready for whatever she had planned.

RE: Femme fatale - Kunik - April 21, 2016

Kunik found no reason not to let him stay, truthfully she could not even pinpoint her disapproval of the trickster. It was just something about him that made her wary, that spine tingling sense of intuition that was rarely wrong. 

She nodded acquiescence of his presence before gesturing to the plant in front of her. "I picked a rather rudimentary poison for today, a plant form. It has many names but the one I have always called it by is Nightshade. It can be found in many regions and will of course kill you if you eat it. Before that you'll have a nasty set of side effects,"she grimaced in warning.

RE: Femme fatale - Nova Rose - April 21, 2016

Watch post order guys ? :) Almost didn't open the post cause I thought it wasn't my turn lol

Nova shifted uncomfortably, sensing between the two a feeling of hate and distrust. Kunik obviously didn't like him, though she attempted to hide it, and it seemed as though Trick was a little.... OFF, himself. On top of that he seemed to like messing with the coppery female. Should she say something, seeing as she wanted to be  a counselor? ...... Nah, it was more entertaining to watch the two go back and forth. Kunik started her lesson, however, and Nova settled down to listen. She started off telling them what the plant was, and Nova was careful not to touch as she leaned forward to get a better look.

RE: Femme fatale - Trick - April 21, 2016

Post order now is Kun-Nova-Trick, right?

He sighed, hearing her talk but barely paying any attention at all. Surely she didn't teach him anything he didn't know. He knew what there was to know about the belladonna plant -why was she even calling it nightshade?- and was really only here to correct her if she was telling lies. Perhaps he could surprise her this way.

Ah, Belladonna! He exclaimed suddenly and loud. He looked over to Nova, knowing belladonna meant beautiful lady of some sort. Sure wouldn't like eating those roots or berries! Heck, I've been told even the leaves can kill. Ho-my, woot! He said, trying to scare Nova. He gave a little side eye look to Kunik though, as if to ask; Impressed? He burst out laughing, but seemed to quickly redeem himself again. Eyes fixated on the plant with the black berries, he kept quiet.

RE: Femme fatale - Kunik - April 21, 2016

sorry, I didn't even notice that!

Kunik paused in her teaching, letting them both take a good look at the plant before her. She paid Trick's taunting no mind as she was focused entirely on her lesson. She could see him trying to impress her but he was failing, he told her nothing she already didn't know[size=x-large].[/size]

She watched disinterested as he also tried to scare Nova, wondering if the elder would fall for it. "Anyways, yes. Eating the roots, berries, leaves, just about anything on this plant will be harmful to your health. Depending on the strain of Nightshade and your body's own reactions a number of things could happen."

"Dilated pupils,sensitivity to light,blurred vision,tachycardia,loss of balance,staggering,headaches,rash,flushing,severely dry mouth and throat,slurred speech,urinary retention,constipation,confusion,hallucinations,delirium,and convulsions are some of the symptoms I know of. Ultimately death is the end result of ingesting Nightshade." She turned to Trick since he had added on to her words earlier. "Do you know of any others, Trick?"

RE: Femme fatale - Nova Rose - April 21, 2016

Kunik Nova Trick is fine xD Its okay, I do it ALL the time. No biggee!

Nova reacted much differently than was expected. When he got closer, her lips curled up to show her fangs and her musccles tensed. She didn't like being yelled at and talked to like she was STUPID, and planned on letting him know about it. She turned her face at him, and though her features wree beyond angry, her silvery eyes kept their motherly warmth and their kindness.
          "I'm not a little pup you can scare with your TRICKS and I don't appreciate you even so much as trying. I'm one for jokes and fun, but not with intent to do any sort of damage. Not when they're meant to SCARE, or harm."

She didn't wait for a reaction, just turned her ghostly eyes back to the copper female before her with a sheepish look. 
                     "I apologize for so rudely interrupting your lesson dear, go on?"

RE: Femme fatale - Trick - April 22, 2016

uhm, I looked up Deadly Nightshade and the toxicity for dogs/wolves. Some of the traits you mentioned are more for if humans ingest the plant. Wolf also has a herbs/poison list found here which also didn't mention most of the symptoms. So now, Trick can correct her :))

He listened again, actually thinking she was just making stuff up as she went to maybe make the plant look more dangerous than it was. Oh sure, it could kill, but if one vomited it out in time, death was unlikely. Just give them a little snakeroot or yarrow for that matter. Before he could react though, he was interrupted by the pale woman. He snorted, her anger not really getting to him. How many times he had been yelled at, been cursed at for his tricks and mischief? He had lost count. Truly, m'am, I don't think I did any harm with my comment. Are thine limbs missing? Bleeding to death? Didn't think so. It is not I who will cause any harm, thou should look out for the more muscular types. He responded in that honey sweet voice of his.

nonsense! He said. Only headache, seizures, abdominal pain, vision changes and vomiting counts for this little guy. Don't you worry Nova, it isn't all that bad when treated right. He said, but soon noticed he was telling more than he liked. Welp, there goes his image of the seemingly non-threatening man.  


RE: Femme fatale - Kunik - April 23, 2016

I couldn't seem to find anything on the effects for dogs, only people? I just used that. I will def check out the lists on wolf next time, I wasn't aware we had those. :P it works though because I love Kunkun/Trick drama :D

Kunik leveled the male with a cold taurine glare. Why don't you eat it and we'll find out? "You know, Trick, I swore this was my lesson and not yours. I also thought for certain that you didn't know anything about poisons. Silly me, I must have been mistaken."

"Anyways, it is possible that we were told different symptoms. I have never seen this in action, only having been taught about it by my mentor. Perhaps one of them was wrong,"she smiled sweetly at him, wondering if he would admit that he knew more than he let on.

RE: Femme fatale - Nova Rose - April 23, 2016

Nova completely ignored the male this time, biting back harsh words and hoping that a lack of attention would deflate him. Kunik lashed out as well, but was a little more slick about it. The elder again went on watching, curious as to what would happen next and more than ready to defend Kunik if need be from the troublemaker. Her ghostly eyes stayed calm and paying attention to the copper female.

RE: Femme fatale - Trick - April 24, 2016

The dark man began chuckling, a soft, manly purring sound. Thou are indeed mistaken. I am a caregiver, so I have to know about poisons. Hench why I asked thou where I could find them, so I can warn the others. Trust me, I have no ill intentions. He said, changing his honey voice to one of superiority, one of a man who knows what he was talking about. No stuttering, no facial expressions that indicated that he was lying. He had always been a talented liar.

Perhaps, though my teacher was one of the wisest men I have ever encountered. His knowledge even went beyond mine, therefore I trust his words. I advise you to do that as well. He said in a caring voice with no mocking intention. He actually just wanted Nova to feel a little more relaxed around this plant. His gaze went to the older woman that was as calm as the night sky. Perhaps she had realized that her assumptions had been wrong about him- and his kind of humor and entertainment. He smiled at her, before returning to listen to whatever Kunkun still had to say.

RE: Femme fatale - Kunik - April 26, 2016

Kunik had to refrain from scoffing and rolling her eyes in disdain. She didn't believe a word to come out of that snake's mouth. The day she trusted anything that Trick said would be the day she sprouted wings and flew. 

"Anyways, Nightshade can be found in many regions, almost anywhere except the arctic and the desert. But like most plants, it grows best in summer. Anything to add, Trick? Any questions from either of you? Otherwise I think we're done here." She could think of nothing else to add to her lesson, making it complete as long as the other two had nothing else to add or ask about.

RE: Femme fatale - Nova Rose - April 27, 2016

Nova wasn't quite sure how to feel about this male, but he did act like he knew everything. Still holding her judgement on the younger male, the golden female gave a smile and stood, shaking out her thick, pretty pelt. 
        "Thank you for the lesson dear, I have no questions. I'll see you back in the den, but I'm going to take my leave. Have a nice day!"
It was clear she was talking to Kunik for the lesson part, but the smile and wishes were towards both. She turned and trotted off, sniffling out for anything interesting.

RE: Femme fatale - Trick - April 29, 2016

shall I archive this? Don't know if Kun still wants to say anything?

It seemed no one would want to eat the nightshade. Oh, what a bummer. Well, at least it wasn't a total loss. Trick liked the older lady. She had some character, but no too much like Kunkun. Trick felt like she didn't trust him all that much, but that was to be expected. As long as she didn't have any evidence that he was up to no good, Trick didn't mind.

Very well. It was nice spending time with the both of you. He responded. Good day, I shall see you in the den. He added, standing up to take his leave. He glanced one last time at the nightshade, Kunkun and the back of Nova, and then he walked away.