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Silvertip Mountain Guess who's back! - Printable Version

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Guess who's back! - Steady - April 21, 2016

@Mara Susi @Zaria

Steady had found a light in the dark when he had run into Mara Susi. Fitz' death had been hard, but finding her and doing his best to comvince her to come back to Silvertip Mountain had given him hope that some type of normal could be given back to the pack. However, while he had promised her a position in the family, he knew Zaria had the ultimate say, and could send her away just as quickly as Steady had brought her. Steady was fully determined to fight her case, though. 

They came to the borders, and Steady stopped, smiling over at Mara Susi. He thought about calling for Zaria, but it was rare she went very far from the den anymore. With a jerk of his head, Steady motioned Mara Susi to follow him. He trotted quickly, wanting to get to Zaria in a short amount of time instead of lingering in the territory before they went to her. 

He approached the den, stopping several yards away from it. Wait here, he told Mara Susi, before walking towards the opening of the den, lowering his head. Zaria? Are you in there? he asked. He figured there was a good chance, but it was possible she was out for stroll, too. He waited to see.

RE: Guess who's back! - Zaria - April 23, 2016

Not sure if I had to wait for Mara or not?

Zaria was with her young, and she had been hearing the footfalls. Her nose told her that it was Steady. His voice only confirmed this later when he called out for her. Zaria lifted her head and then came from the den, looking at Steady, but then also seeing Mara. What was going on here? She looked at Steady with some confusion. "What is it?," she asked, sounding slightly curious.

RE: Guess who's back! - Mara Susi - April 23, 2016

I was doing the same for Zaria... haha

When stopping across familiar ground, she began to feel mixed feelings. Older memories returned of betrayal, but also joy had found its way to her mind. She was aware the Peak was now gone and unable to hurt her, and with Steady seeming to be more protective over her, she felt safer and more relaxed to be in Silvertip than she was before. She listened to his instructions and stopped walking by his side when asked.

When Zaria stepped out of her den, she felt her stomach drop and guilt hit her all over again. She may have waited for Zaria to give birth and then leave, but now she was unable to aid her in caring for pups, and with Fitz's...death, she must be feeling miserable. "Hello, Zaria." Her voice was quieter than usual, feeling as though she betrayed her Alpha...well, hopefully soon-to-be-again-Alpha.

RE: Guess who's back! - Steady - April 23, 2016

Zaria emerged from the den, and Steady wagged his tail in greeting, backing up to give her space. She got down to business quickly, something Steady was grateful for. I ran into Mara Susi a little ways down South, and asked her if she'd like to come home, he explained. She'd like to explain to you her absence, if you'll hear her. 

Steady had no idea how Zaria felt about members leaving, and whether or not she'd welcome them back. He hoped she would give Mara Susi a chance before she made up her mind. He didn't ask about her rank just yet, fearing it would be too much too soon.

RE: Guess who's back! - Zaria - April 24, 2016

Zaria instantly bared her teeth when she heard that Mara wanted to rejoin them. Had she left?! She trusted her, and she was in her pregnancy team and she left. The female turned to the other female, a growl coming from her throat. Now she even disliked the female being close to her den even more. And with Fitz gone, the most forgiving one was gone too.

Zaria's hackles were raised. "You better have a damn good reason for deserting us, deserting me, after having the honor to even be in my pregnancy team," she snarled at the woman before her. Zaria was in no mood, and thanks to Fitz she was often more mellow, but since he was gone and she had definitely some pend up anger Mara was walking a very thin line at the moment.

RE: Guess who's back! - Mara Susi - April 24, 2016

Holding a submissive stance, she lowered her ears, Zaria was right, she abandoned them for her own selfish reasons. "Zaria, I apologize. I left because..." Mara took in a breath of air, hoping to recollect herself. "You remember Peak, correct? He was once part of the pregnancy team as well, before he left?" The story seemed so much more difficult to tell in front of her Alpha, Steady seemed so understanding and calm—but she felt pressured that her reasoning wasn't good—that she was only dumb. "Him and I grew rather close, I believed he loved me and vise versa. He then abandoned not only me without word after taking advantage of me. " The young girl held a rather stoic expression, not wanting to seem weak. "I made sure to stay by your side until the puppies were born, but a time grew I became rather depressed, I needed a break, so I left Silvertip in hopes of changing. Until Steady found me, and asked me to come home." Mara took a deep breath. "I understand if you don't wish me to be under your pack anymore, but it's still worth the try."

RE: Guess who's back! - Steady - April 25, 2016

Upon Zaria barring her teeth, Steady's ears flattened on his lowered head and his tail fell by his hind legs. It was abundantly clear that the Alpha was not pleased, and Steady worried this would all be for naught. He didn't want to have to escort Mara Susi out of the territory, though as Zaria's Beta, he would have no choice if she choose to ban Mara Susi instead of accept her back. 

Steady looked to his friend, trying to silently lend his support to her. There was still a chance Zaria could hear her reasoning and accept her back in the pack. While Mara Susi spoke, Steady remained silent, remembering that he was asked to allow Mara Susi to explain herself. He was doing his best not to interject, though he dearly wanted to defend her.

RE: Guess who's back! - Zaria - April 27, 2016

Zaria listened to her pathetic story. The female bared her teeth a bit as she listened. She was not pleased indeed. If Steady would have let her in then Zaria wouldn't even have realized she had left, which might have been a better option, still Zaria did appreciate that no one was going behind her back. Her green eyes caught Steady's glance at Mara, she briefly wondered if something more would happen to the two. "You could have come to me about it, or even Steady, and tell us you needed a break not just leave without a word!," she snarled. "You don't see me abandoning you now Fitz died? He died and you will have to do a lot of good work before I can respect you again," she spoke. Though that meant that she was not kicking her out.

"You will have two weeks in the omega rank, you should be lucky that I even let you back in. My previous self would not, but I have to think of my children. After the two weeks I will assess if you can stay loyal to us now. Do you agree Steady?," she asked her Beta. Zaria could be pretty harsh though in Zaria's terms the girl should be lucky she did not have any wound inflicted and be let in.

I kinda wanted to put someone in the omega rank for once x). Maybe it will give some nice dynamics, also related to the pups! No hard feeling to you Hannah! <3

RE: Guess who's back! - Mara Susi - April 27, 2016

Mara nodded, accepting her punishment with being accepted. She had left Silvertip for her own selfish, pitiful reasons and without word too. Of course, she didn't want to trouble any of the members with her problems, as she already looked at them as small at the time. Thank you, Zaria. when she asked Steady if her rules were agreeable, part of her hoped he would lean towards being lenient, but knew he wouldn't. Which she couldn't blame him for, she would likely do the same in his position.

RE: Guess who's back! - Steady - April 29, 2016

Steady's head remained lowered and his ears folded softly on his head. Zaria was very upset with Mara Susi's decision to leave the pack instead of coming to speak with one of the leaders. He had hoped her reasoning behind it would lesson her potential punishment, but that hope left when Zaria decided Mara Susi would be an Omega for two weeks, and then have another assessment on whether or not she would be able to permanently return.

Then, Steady was put between a rock and a hard place when Zaria asked his opinion. He really didn't want to side with either wolfess at this point- who would? He knew each wanted him to support them, but that just wasn't possible. He looked to Mara Susi, before turning to Zaria. I agree with your two-week probation period. After that, however, I do hope there will be some leniency. While I agree she should have come to us first, I believe her reasons are sound. She was always an asset to this pack, and I think she made a mistake that she's learned from, and won't repeat. Steady hoped Zaria wouldn't take his head off for speaking his opinion.

RE: Guess who's back! - Zaria - May 04, 2016

Zaria nodded, knowing that this might not be great for Steady but he would have to be stricter if he wanted to be a good beta. They could not be too lenient. Zaria wanted to stay the alpha and for that she needed authority. The slender female had done so enough. "If she manages to be present after two weeks she stays," she pointed out casually.

If the female could not keep her word and would leave again before the two weeks were over, which was basically a house arrest, then Zaria would accept the fact that she had taken her punishment and reinstate a normal rank. "So this is settled then?," she asked, wanting to go back to her young.