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Redhawk Caldera Heart of a dog - Printable Version

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Heart of a dog - Peregrine Redhawk - April 22, 2016

It sort of blew his mind, all of these relatives (both his and Fox's) showing up on their doorstep lately. Peregrine didn't question it much, though. With his leg out of commission, they needed all the able bodies they could get. The fact that they were legitimate blood relatives was just an added bonus. He hoped it meant they were more likely to stick around, though he had to admit it probably didn't. Case in point: Robin, Dove, Dean, Ray, etc.

He meandered around the edges of the rendezvous site today, keeping a passive eye on the boys while secretly hoping he would run into one of these recent recruits. Although he loved spending time with his sons, Peregrine craved adult conversation. Let's ignore the fact that his definition of "adult" dialogue was probably less mature than anything the pups could come up with.

RE: Heart of a dog - Ashmedai - April 22, 2016

And luckily for the swarthy alpha, Ashmedai happened to do just that. In fact, he'd been holding a dead rabbit in his jowls (his only catch, though) when he stumbled into Peregrine and immdiately glanced up, eyes wide with surprise. Lowering himself into a submissive posture only came naturally as his eyes dropped, ears lowered and tail that was previously wagging fell still and lonely.

"I didn't expect you, sir. May I enquire as to how you are?" (Yes, he'd dropped the rabbit before speaking). After that, Ashmedai promptly bent down and picked up the carcass again, mumbling around it that he'd intended to take it to Fox and the kids like he'd seen Elwood do.

RE: Heart of a dog - Peregrine Redhawk - April 22, 2016

All of a sudden, there was a wolf in his path. Peregrine put on the brakes, wobbling slightly on his three legs, shrewdly eyeing Ashmedai as he spat a rabbit onto the ground. His extremely formal question caused the Alpha to quirk a brow. He didn't answer. He sat down if only to free up his good foreleg to ever so surreptitiously hook his claws into the male's kill and drag it to himself. But then Ashmedai picked it up again. Foiled!

"I'd be better if you put that in my mouth," he mumbled.

RE: Heart of a dog - Ashmedai - April 22, 2016

"Oh," was all Ashmedai could say as Peregrine flopped to the floor in a show of unmanly grace, reaching out towards his kill, then looking disappointed when the smaller male picked it off the floor again to mumble around it. He tilted his head, re-dropping the animal and pushed it towards his alpha, intent on making sure that he didn't displease the one who kind of controlled his future at the moment.

"You'd better have it, then. I can hunt another." Eyes flicking to Peregrine's limbs, Ashmedai took note of how he'd been limping earlier, keeping the weight off one of his legs. Perhaps he is hurt, the man told himself, and then shook his head to himself, correcting his thoughts. Of course he is hurt. Why else would he be wobbling?

Or, he could be out to earn an easy meal. "I do hope you're alright, sir." he intoned, still looking intently at the leg. Was it... broken? It didn't look swollen, so Ashmedai assumed that with his relatively mediocre reservoir of medical knowledge, it wasn't a sprain. Besides, he'd experienced sprains as well and knew that he could put weight on them - unlike Peregrine, who had kept his body balanced on his three legs instead.

Well, he was heavier, but proportions spoke for themselves.

RE: Heart of a dog - Peregrine Redhawk - April 22, 2016

Ashmedai quickly relinquished the rabbit, which Peregrine shamelessly grabbed and tucked against himself. He would eat it later. For now... he continued eyeballing the Epsilon. He was doing pretty well for himself so far. The Alpha didn't know how he felt about Ashmedai coming this close to the rendezvous site but how could he tell him to bugger off right after stealing his food? That would be r00d.

"Why do you talk like that?" he wondered, because the subordinate's idea of adult conversation far exceeded the Alpha's expectations. "If you're going to be all formal about it and insist on calling me 'sir,' then at least call me by my full title: Sir Peregrine the Colossaldong of Redhawkshire."

RE: Heart of a dog - Ashmedai - April 22, 2016

"How about Sir Peregrine the Massive Dick of Redhawkshire?" Ashmedai suggested in jest, shamelessly eyeing his rabbit disappear into the falls of Peregrine's fur. "'Tis merely the way I was raised, Sir P, if I may." At least Peregrine didn't seem averse to joking a little, but the other male was cautious, not knowing when his humorous attitude would come to an end. If anything, Ashmedai was now wary of the Alpha's casualness. He wasn't comfortable with being so jokey-jokey in his old pack where the expectations were clearly set out and met, and people knew their places. Here... he didn't know when he'd trip and fall into a crevasse, unable to get up, or when he'd irk Alpha's ire.

RE: Heart of a dog - Peregrine Redhawk - April 22, 2016

The subordinate's effort to flip the joke took Peregrine by surprise. He huffed. "No, that doesn't roll off the tongue nearly as smoothly," he scoffed. "How about you junk the kingly speech and just talk like a normal dude?" In response to the idea of being called Sir P, he made a motion with his good paw that somehow conveyed, Fuck all that. "And call me Perry."

"You know," the Alpha drawled smoothly in the next breath, "I actually forget your name entirely. But don't tell me!" he said hastily. "Let me guess." He hemmed and hawed for a moment, then his jade eyes brightened (blind one included). "It's Assmode, isn't it?"

RE: Heart of a dog - Ashmedai - April 22, 2016

He chuckled softly, daring to roll his eyes in Peregrine's general direction. "Sure, sure. Believe what you will, Mister Colossaldong." Normal dude? If he wanted normal dude, then so be it. Ashmedai would attempt normal dude speech and break away from his usual semi-formal etiquette. "Well then, Perry, I'd like to put in an official request as to why you're hobbling around everywhere."

Ashmedai listened patiently, deciding not to interrupt the alpha. Wow, he was on a roll, and Ash was positively sure that the man would have completely disregarded anything he'd said in that moment, so he kept quiet. And when he christened him "Assmode", he couldn't help but snort. "Close enough, but it's Ashmedai. Do you often forget the names of your recruits?"

RE: Heart of a dog - Peregrine Redhawk - April 22, 2016

"Selectively, yes," he replied shamelessly. Did Ashmedai have any idea how many wolves he'd recruited in his day? So many of them came and then went so fast, they just didn't stick in his brain at all. It really wasn't worth the effort even memorizing names until a wolf had been around for a few weeks. This guy hadn't hit that milestone yet, so Peregrine would call him Assmode until further notice.

"Hobbling?" he choked out indignantly, as if he had done no such thing. "What even are you talking about," he deadpanned, feigning ignorance.

RE: Heart of a dog - Ashmedai - April 22, 2016

"Or," Ash piped up, in a fit of sudden bravery, "you could call me Arsemode instead. Sounds more refined, don't you think?" At least the guy wasn't insisting that he was named Assmode and not Ashmedai, no matter what private thoughts he hoarded in that head of his. Perhaps he'd found something worse to name Ash, and to tell the truth, Ash didn't care in the least.

"Unless you were born with three legs and a dangling stick of a limb, I'd call that hobbling." Ashmedai attempted to duck under and sneak the rabbit out just to prove a point, but midway through, decided that it wasn't worth it to be potentially knocked into in Peregrine's fit of protecting his food and retreated, painting a sullen expression overexaggerated on his face. "In all seriousness, though, d'you mind if I take a look at that leg?"


RE: Heart of a dog - Peregrine Redhawk - April 22, 2016

"Look here, Ass," Peregrine said to that, "do I seem like the kind of guy who cares about refinery? C'mon man, let's be real here."

Of course, he wasn't following his own advice by pretending his leg wasn't totally broken. It was all in good fun. But he quirked his brow when Ashmedai made a sincere bid to look at it. He didn't recall any mention of medical experience when recruiting this guy. But then he seriously hadn't remembered his name either, so...

"Why, what good would looking at it do?" He huffed again. "Anyway, I'm just holding it like this because I saw a stork do it. And you know what? It brings me a sense of inner peace. So, like, back off, man."

RE: Heart of a dog - Ashmedai - April 22, 2016

"Arse," Ashmedai snorted and let it go. So what if Alpha wanted to cal him an ass and make a mockery of his name? If that was he personality then so be it. It was weird to be joking and making so many sounds, but it came naturally even though his cheeks hurt from smiling. "How about poking?" His eyes widened and as if he was really going to snap at it, Ashmedai lunged forward, but lept back almost immediately.

"Storks stand on two legs, Mister Colossaldick," the male refuted, half wanting to see if Peregrine could actually do that and half wanting to do it himself. "Fine, fine. Backing off," Ash grumbled and once more eyed his rabbit and the two ears poking out before he finally cast the thought away from his mind. "Are you actually gonna eat that?"

RE: Heart of a dog - Peregrine Redhawk - April 24, 2016

When the other wolf feinted at him, Peregrine's eyes narrowed to slits. But he backed off a moment later, making a few more cracks as he did so. The Alpha had to admit he sort of liked the guy. Maybe he would be one of the few that actually stuck around and earned the Redhawk name. But he wouldn't get his hopes up in the meantime. He hadn't even earned the privilege of the Alpha properly learning his first name, after all.

"Yeah," was all Peregrine said in response before quickly snatching the rabbit into his jaws and hopping off to find his wife and kids. He knew Ashmedai knew better than to follow him and there was a sort of na na na boo boo sashay to his hips as he disappeared toward the heart of the rendezvous site.

Thanks for the thread. Let's have another soon. :D

RE: Heart of a dog - Ashmedai - April 24, 2016

"Arse," Ashmedai muttered once more before the Alpha hopped away, taunting him with every swing of his hips. The male snorted, then turned to go get his own rabbit, hopefully one that wouldn't be stolen.