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Panther Park Coywolves? - Printable Version

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Coywolves? - Crius - April 22, 2016


Crius settled on the outskirts of Panther Park late at night, confident his pack mates were asleep for the most part, another new territory to him, it was about time he updated the adorable little coyote about his new pack and the tiny little bit of info he had for her. Hopefully, she'd play along, after all, she'd owe him big, and knew just what he wanted... Sort of. Collecting himself for a moment he pointed his muzzle into the air and let out a low howl to summon the coyote.

RE: Coywolves? - Lumar - April 22, 2016

Lumar had been curled up sleeping, when a howl... the howl struck her awake.  It sounded like Y, but she wasn’t entirely sure, but no matter.  Offered information was offered information.  The swift coyote started darting towards the noise, but as she was about three fourths of the way there she stopped her dart and slunk into a more stealthy, sneaky stalk.  As she approached, she came from downwind, behind Y.  A creepy smirk settled on her face for a few seconds as her eyes found the exposed back of Y.  Lovely.  This had to have meant that he had been accepted into Judas’s pack, which was perfect.  Now she just had to wait for Judas to see her and tell her if Y was telling the truth and ask Y about Judas.  She could probably even find out Y’s real name through Judas.

“Hello Y.”  She began in a silky, smooth, yet eerie all same tone, as she slide out of the shadows.  “It sure is just lovely to see you again?”  She paused for a moment, drawing in a breath.  “I sure hope it is important.”  As she padded past the male, she boldly meet his eyes and slowly passed her tail beneath Y’s jawline as she made her way around to face him.  She sat.  “What do you come to bring me?”  She murmured, with an absent swish of her tail.

RE: Coywolves? - Crius - April 22, 2016

"Hey cutie," Crius greeted the smaller "wolf." "I wanted to tell you a few things, my name is Crius by the way." he leaned forward following her tail as it brushed against his jawline. 

The coyote may have been mischievous, but she was adorable.  "Anyway, I have a little information, I'm in a pack now as a scout, and I've found Judas. Apparently he's in quite a bit of trouble in the pack. At least that's what I get from his mannerisms around the Beta. He also appears to have a slight... problem, and I'm afraid I might need that reward early."  he gave her a toothy grin. "A very 'intimate' reward."

RE: Coywolves? - Lumar - April 22, 2016

Well then... maybe I should try this approach more often, Lumar thought quietly to herself as Y almost instantly gave her his name.  Sadly though she didn't give her name in turn.  She wasn't ready to release that information just yet...  She gave him a small sweet smile as she listened, but that smile turned into a frown when Crius told her of Judas.  Oh no... Did they know her plans now?  Did they know anything?  Her more worried expression soon turned into a neutral, blank one though, then she continued to listen on as Crius spoke that he had finally decided what his prize would be.

"That is horrible to hear about Judas, do you know anything else about that situation?  Have you been told anything?"  She asked slightly worried that her influence had been wasted.  "Anyways, thank you for your name, Crius.  Means a lot to me."  She added then proceeded to ask the question that she had seriously been procrastinating on.  "What do you want Crius?" .....,.

RE: Coywolves? - Crius - April 22, 2016

Crius watched her expression change at the mention of Judas, looks like he is her pawn after all Crius thought a smile was creeping onto his muzzle. Perhaps it would be best to give her some... "tampered" informatio.  Just a few cut and pasted details, Crius had no clue of Judas' issue in the, and there was no doubt in his mind X would go to Judas and ask him what happened but, Crius couldn't resist stringing her along after all they both have something in common, he and X, they enjoyed story telling. 

"From what I can read whatever he did was somewhat severe, possibly an altercation with another male." he lied, staring into the coyote's eyes, "But no worries so far, I'll keep him safe whenever I see him, as I am a scout now. And I want you."

RE: Coywolves? - Lumar - April 22, 2016

This wolf was far more interesting than most.  Unlike Judas he seemed like a very good liar, but even the best liars could still falter in playing this dangerous game of life versus lies versus death.  Lumar listened as he spoke.  The coyote was a little bit relieved to hear that Jidas probably hadn't risen her death percentage, but suddenly her attention was caught at Crius's request.  It was a very different one indeed as he wanted her.  Yet she had questions to that.  What did he want from her?  A mate?  An ally?  Some halfbreed puppies?  None of that deal struck her as appealing, but two could play a game.  She would die it, as long as her influence on wolves to turn against eachother lived on.

"What do you want from me specifically Crius?"  Lumar proceeded to ask him in a rather neautral tone.  "I will probably give you the deal so long as I know what you want from me."  She remarked, this time in a very flirtatious tone as her eyes settled on him.  What did he want from her?

RE: Coywolves? - Crius - April 22, 2016

"I want you," Crius repeated, "You and I can cause some real anarchy for the wilds after all. I want you to be mine, agree to that and I'll serve you 100% no questions, you can pull my strings all you like." the dark wolf gave her an assuring smile to attempt to get her to believe he was being sincere. 

"As far as I know, I'm risking my life by sullying the trust of my fellow wolves. Having a little incentive to my actions would be comforting, I give you info, you give me a little warmth and tenderness. Though you don't seem all that old." The dark wolf was once again pushing his "cohorts" boundaries but, there was nothing wrong with wanting a little more out of their deal. Could wolves even mate with Coyotes? It'd seem impossible.

RE: Coywolves? - Lumar - April 22, 2016

Lumar nodded slowly as Crius spoke.  Come to speak of it what he asked of her seemed simple enough.  She kinda felt like dancing around with bubbly happiness, but of course she didn’t do that because that was just not her character.  “That sounds lovely.  I agree to you terms”  She smiled, imaging how “easy” this would be.  This would about as easy as falling off a log!  Yet Lumar wasn’t thinking of any consequences... not yet.

Her eyes flickered around absently for a few moments after that before she began to speak once more.  “Do you bring any other news to me?”  She asked him, with a innocent glimmer in her eyes.  “Some more information would be lovely... but if you don’t have any I guess that could always wait for later.”  She let out a soft sigh.  “Until then we can have some more fun causing havoc.”  She shot him a spicy, flirty smirk.

RE: Coywolves? - Crius - April 22, 2016

"Yes actually, are you aware of the Dark Brotherhood? Crius asked, maybe a tiny assumption could suffice, "Apparently a wolf named Cicero is creeping around the wilds and is giving his leader information, if he were to find out Judas is working under you, there could be a problem with your plans." 

Crius momentarily looked in the direction of the Phantom hollow, dawn would break soon. "Also from what I understand the dark  brotherhood and moonlit hills maybe aligning, though that s speculation as well. If so it'd make for the perfect domino effect, you topple one Alpha another may fall. All though I must not lie, I do swear my loyalty to Sage and Malice, and I won't betray their trust though I am loyal to you as well." 

The bigger wolf bowed his head to the coyote, "I am your agent after all. Is there any task you need performed on the morrow?"

RE: Coywolves? - Lumar - April 22, 2016

Lumar smiled on the inside.  So easy!  He was telling her everything and all she had to do was give him rights herself.  She absorbed the information gratefully about Cicero.  That was pretty useful, yet her confidence furrowed when Crius admitted that he was still loyal to this Malice and Sage.  She wanted to know you they were exactly, so she decided to ask after Crius was done speaking.  This dark brotherhood seemed very interesting too.  She would ask some more about it.  Another nice thing was that now she knew the name of Crius’s and Judas’s pack.  Moonlit Hills.  Also surprised to hear that Dark Brotherhood and Moonlit Hills could be aligning.  Although, that did leave all the more opportunities for her.  Lastly, did she have anything that she wanted Crius to execute?  Well, of course once again she obviously did.

She began with addressing the Dark Brotherhood problem.  “Thank you for informing me about Cicero.  I will keep that in mind.”  She briefly spoke, then moving on to the Moonlit Hills topic.  “It would be great if you could find out some more information.  Maybe something... personal?  Also do not tell Judas about us.  He seems pretty unstable from what you say, so I don’t really trust him at the moment.”  She paused for a moment, catching her breath.  "Also, how does it sound if we meet back up here in two weeks?  Then again you could always just howl. Anything is fine.”  Lumar then finished.

RE: Coywolves? - Crius - April 23, 2016

"Anything for you my dear, but for now dawn is coming and the hills will be awake soon." He told her, looking to his pack's territory. "I will howl for you once more in two weeks time here, if successful I'll have information on other packs." With that the dark wolf turned and made his way back home. 

"Until we meet again X."
he muttered, making his way into the remaining dusk of night.

RE: Coywolves? - Lumar - April 23, 2016

Lumar nodded.  “Until we meet again.”  She repeated back to Crius.  Then she turned around heading off to go cause some more mischief in the world.  Something felt different though as she left Crius this time.  It was quite a strange, unique feeling.  She hadn’t felt this way in such a very long time.  It was that was wished the best for Crius.  She wanted him to stay safe.  She didn’t like the feeling though so she did her best to ignore it as she left.

With one more glance at Crius, she darted off into the unknown to go out to scout and explore the beyond.  She made a silent, mental note in her mind to come back here in two weeks time for Crius.  To see him once more.  Let the games begin.