Wolf RPG
Phantom Hollow You don't have any friends! Nobody likes you! - Printable Version

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You don't have any friends! Nobody likes you! - Judas - April 24, 2016

Guilt drove him mad with a heavy heart. So heavy that it felt his heart would fall right through his chest. His mind was torn in two, battered and fractured. Two sides constantly fighting. One would get an edge, than the other would take over. Even though all the inner fighting was in his alone time, he was worried. Worried that it would show outside. Already he had a few cases with others around, but nothing major. Nothing lethal. And the guilt only increased after Malice allowed him to live. How could she, after what he had done? And now, he was given permission to live among the pack. The dream of one half, and nightmare of the other.

The coywolf stared at his puddle. Blinking, wondering if what he saw was really there. His reflection. But not a calm look. The expression of anger and evil stared back maniacally. Was this truly him? Was he truly a monster? He didn't want to believe it. Too late for that. He had already revealed the monster inside. "Is this what I am? Some conflicted beast?" he asked himself. And his other self.

RE: You don't have any friends! Nobody likes you! - Crius - April 24, 2016

Don't mind me pal c;

Crius awoke from his siesta for the day, napping may seem lazy but it was far from it; it kept the mind fresh and the spirit alert. The Dark Wolf's ears perked up at the sounds of dismay, confusion, and a hint of anger; a perfect cocktail of emotional turmoil, which would make for the perfect occasion to test out his sidling skills for scouting missions. 

Keeping to the dusk of the foliage near his den, 'This should be interesting.' Crius thought kneeling leveled to the ground hoping his dark fur would provide some camolfalge in the shadows.

RE: You don't have any friends! Nobody likes you! - Judas - April 24, 2016

Judas stared intently at his puddle. Waiting for it to reply. He waited, and waited. And this time, it didn't...Until he started to turn away."You gonna just walk off, like the coward you are?" This voice was in his head. And forced a snarl up from deep in his throat. 

"You know, I really wish you were out here as yourself. So I could kill you myself!" He whirled around, teeth bared at what he believed to be the other him standing. Truly he was mad, seeing himself stand before him. And not at all did he know of the other outside. In his mind and sight, he saw a villain. Not empty air. "Go on. Make my day" the not-so-real Judas remarked in mockery.

RE: You don't have any friends! Nobody likes you! - Crius - April 24, 2016

Crius furrowed his eyes, what on Earth was Judas doing? Arguing with a puddle of water? Maybe it was an evil puddle with the reflection fo some sort of omen in it? That or Judas was a tiny bit off of his rocker. It appeared Crius was hidden, for the most part, It'd be best to let him fight this out with himself and then speak up. 

As Crius got lost in his own conflicting thoughts, unaware that a hare had crept past him and towards Judas' puddle.

RE: You don't have any friends! Nobody likes you! - Judas - April 24, 2016

Judas circled around, as if facing an opponent. Imaginary Judas stood still, turning his head slowly to follow him. He readied to strike when he was behind the merciless killer in his mind. Bending his legs to pounce. Until he halted, seeing movement. That broke his concentration, and he did not at all notice the disappearance of his other side.

A hare. A poor, unlucky hare, had decided to stroll into the one den it would wish it never did. His hungry thoughts fueled the other side. "Finally, something we agree on" the coy-side thought. A savage look came over him, the evil Judas taking over. Then, he leaped right at his prey. The poor animal that would regret what it did. The coywolf missed having something to toy with. What was better than a helpless animal? He had his teeth scratch it. Not to kill. Not yet.

RE: You don't have any friends! Nobody likes you! - Crius - April 24, 2016

Crius tilted his head as Judas' expression shifted once more, from ridicule to a look of sadistic joy. Okay, that's enough observing for the week, Crius walked out of the shadows and cleared his throat. "Judas! Greetings! Did you sleep well?", the dusky wolf asked, somewhat unaware of the change in his pack mate's mental state. 

"I see you have a little... Friend?" He laughed, taking a few steps towards the Coywolf. Crius' guard was down, though he was aware of whatever Judas was conflicted, what was the worst that could happen?

RE: You don't have any friends! Nobody likes you! - Judas - April 24, 2016

Judas gnawed and scratched at the squeaking animal, savoring every squeal. However, he was surprised by someone coming in. The surprise came at the wrong time, as Judas' jaws were near its neck. And when going to see, snap went it's little neck. The coywolf looked back down at his work, frowning. 

"Look what you made me do. And I was having fun." He turned his glare at the wolf, surprised to see Crius. The wolf Judas started scrambling at their brain, trying to get out before coy-Judas did something rash. But he didn't at all. Didn't even think about it. In fact, he was curious at first. Obviously, this wolf did not at all know about why he was secluded in his den, or otherwise the new face might have not been so overjoyed. Either that, or Crius was nearly just as crazy. "What do you want?"

RE: You don't have any friends! Nobody likes you! - Crius - April 24, 2016

Well this situation was eerie, the rabbit didn't even stand a chance Whoever Judas number two was, he was tough without a doubt. After destroying the feeble little hare, Judas or other Judas? Had turned his attention to Crius. The golden eyed wolf snickered a bit, and tilted his head at Judas, "What? You don't want your new pack mate to pay you a visit?"

Forgoing any possible danger Crius took a few steps towards Judas, "You know we both aren't just pack mates Judas, no no no we're also both friends with a Coyote sort of like yourself." 

Crius let out a yawn and sluggishly mentally prepared for a potential outburst from the Coywolf.

RE: You don't have any friends! Nobody likes you! - Judas - April 24, 2016

In case you get confused, bold italics is Coy-Judas speaking

The coywolf rolled his eyes, grumbling to himself. He certainly did not see Crius being this type of guy. Although, he kind of liked it. A rare occasion to see someone act like this around him. But he did want to be alone. "Why don't you go f-" he stopped at the mention of him knowing a coyote. 

What coyote did they both know? No, she couldn't have. She wouldn't. "How could she replace me with this...this wolf?!" he thought. The hybrid genuinely felt betrayed, believing that this was their plan. He hid his vicious snarl to himself, not showing it to the wolf. He didn't want to tip him off to his thoughts. He tilted his head in mock curiosity instead. "Lumar? What did she say to you?" He was certainly curious about what she promised. Just so he could make sure the backstabber never gave it to him.

And yes, he almost swore. He's grumpy

RE: You don't have any friends! Nobody likes you! - Crius - April 24, 2016

Judas seemed pretty vulgar today, swearing and such. All Crius wanted to do was say hi... Who was Lumar? Crius had only known X; maybe Lumar was Judas' other half. Which would make sense sort of, two personalities different names and such? 

"What? No, but who's Lumar? I was talking about whoever you were talking to out here; I like to think I'm friends with the Coyote half of you." Crius smiled stopping a few inches from Judas "How do I know you're half Coyote? I've seen my fair share of Coywolves at home and just let me say you Coyotes can be really good friends."

The Dark wolf focused his vision on Judas' eyes, "Why don't we become friends?"

RE: You don't have any friends! Nobody likes you! - Judas - April 24, 2016

Judas was utterly surprised. So he did not mean Lumar. That softened him up, and removed any menacing thoughts about her. He gazed back at the puddle. "You don't want to be friends with me...or him" he added, referring to his other side as an entire other being. Which was the wolf side, as the coyote side was already out. The current side would only get jealous, and put more strain on the inner fight for wolf side. "Want to know why I haven't tried to snap at you yet?" he asked, a maniacal grin on his muzzle," You interest me. You aren't like most wolves I've met."

RE: You don't have any friends! Nobody likes you! - Crius - April 27, 2016

"Well I think you haven't snapped at me because you know better," Crius joked with a goofy smile. "But It's a pleasure knowing you find me interesting, in all honesty, I figured this would be a nice opportunity to learn more about you." Judas' confession did make a few of the fibers of Crius' being cringe; the sudden change in tone, the venom in his voice, the brutality, it was almost as if Crius had met an entirely different wolf all of that time ago.

"I think I would want to be friends with the both of you, we might just have similar interest."
the dusky wolf sat obverse of Judas keeping some distance in case things went south, he'd have enough space to either fight back or run, Crius preferring the latter. The two were on the same team after all, though Judas wouldn't know for a while, no doubt Lumar would ask him about any new arrivals to the pack.

RE: You don't have any friends! Nobody likes you! - Judas - April 27, 2016

Judas held a cold glare at his joke, then out of nowhere chortled at the wolf. "I certainly like you. You show no fear!" Though if he had known that this wolf was in league with Lumar, he would utterly feel betrayed. Good thing he didn't. He felt different about this wolf. If he ever chose to go on a mad spree again, if his wolf side allowed it, he would no doubt spare him. 

"Very well. If you wish to be friends, then we shall!" he declared, rather loudly in fact. Never had the coyote side met a wolf he was this fond of before. Was the pack rubbing off on both sides? Or was it curiosity that drove him into this unlikely friendship? He did not care.

RE: You don't have any friends! Nobody likes you! - Crius - April 27, 2016

"Fantastic!"Crius cheered a  grin creeping onto his face, he had a new friend and possible ally in his inevitable battle to stop X's plan of the destruction of the pack lands. Crius did not dislike X but he couldn't let her corrupt anyone and if he could save Judas from the grasp of her razor-like fangs he will even if it cost him his life even if they had just become friends Judas had more in common with Crius than any other wolf, that's at least what the dark wolf felt. 

"And hey what better way to solidify our new friendship, than a little destruction?" A mischievous smile etched it's way across Crius' muzzle, he didn't normally get excited to destroy other beings but he did enjoy a good brawl. "I passed a few pheasants in a clearing not too far from here that were dying to be torn to shreds."

RE: You don't have any friends! Nobody likes you! - Judas - April 27, 2016

Judas could imagine that this friendship of theirs would take them to new heights. Though one thing he knew was that Lumar would never agree with it, but what she didn't know wouldn't hurt. Yet that was in fact the issue with him, for he in fact did not know about them already having met. And when he found out, nothing would go well.

A grin spread across his muzzle. He had a lot of stress bottled up inside. What better way then on helpless birds. "Let's oblige, then." Judas ran out, not bothering to wait for his new friend to catch up. It made him glad to finally have something to kill, have something to maul and beat around. Something both sides could handle doing.