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Firefly Ravine a taste of freedom - Printable Version

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a taste of freedom - Kivi - April 24, 2016

There wasn't much on the wicked female's mind as she scampered through the tangled mess of trees, carefully avoiding fallen branches and twigs that occasionally snapped under her weight. She let a lazy grunt escape her has she neared the edges of a pack, it's unfamiliar scent sending a sour expression onto her face. It hadn't been the first group of wolves she had come across during her travels and the female doubted this would be her last.

Her social life had not exactly been a great one and while a solitary life had never been a bother, as of recently the female had a pressing urge inside of her to join a pack once again. The unexplainable need to be with her kind bubbled within, and while she was certain there were far greater packs that would suit her better, the female was not particularly picky about who she spent her time with as long as they were mildly entertaining.

So with an overly dramatic huff, the she-devil lifted her head to call for whatever leaders had laid claim to this land. She sat then, and let her stubby tail curl tightly beside her hind leg while she zoned off into nothingness, waiting for the arrival of anyone willing to show.

RE: a taste of freedom - Rain Willow - April 24, 2016

If it weren't for the soft call within the forest, Rain would of probably not left her perch upon a low tree trunk. As the howl echoed through the trees surrounding, she went off and investigated. Mom normally told her to stay of of trouble and not to push into others business, but her curiosity over came her and she followed the scent. 

Minutes later she came across a honey coloured wolf waiting by the borders, she was very strong looking and had many scars across her being. Scuttling forward, she lifted her head inquisitively, smiling slightly to show she was friendly. 
'Hello, I'm Rain. I'm the Zeta of Seadog Sanctuary, are you here to join?'
Rain spoke in her usual upbeat attitude, tail flicking back and forth as the wolf-dog giggled nervously. 

What happens when Spongebob and Squidward's wolf counterparts meet? This'll be fun. 

RE: a taste of freedom - Kivi - April 24, 2016

It wasn't long before the scent of an unfamiliar female invaded the nostrils of the lingering wolfess, and soon before Kivi stood a girl with a goofy smile plastered on her face. The younger female's actions certainly didn't display any dominance, and when the girl spoke of her title it confirmed that she was just a subordinate.

The girl's friendly and innocent smile was met with nothing but a blank stare from the annoyed agouti female. "Yes, I'm looking for a place to call home" the woman answered and forced a fake smile to spread wide across her maw. She wasn't particularly pleased with her call being answered by a mere child, but the woman figured she might as well play nice until someone worth her time showed up.

RE: a taste of freedom - Rain Willow - April 25, 2016

When told that she was indeed looking for a new home, Rain's tail batted back and forth, hoping she may be a candidate for a new friend. 
'That's great! I'll call for one of the Alpha's. They're nice, Depp is calm, firm but friendly and the other, Sen, she's well, not so friendly?  Be careful around her.' 
Rain stepped closer towards her, voice but a whisper.
'She's pregnant at the moment so she's kinda.'
Stopping, she thought for a few seconds for the right words. 
'In crazy pregnant bitch mode, watch what you say.' Rain laughed nervously, hoping she wasn't nearby to hear that. Stepping back, she let out a puny attempt of a howl, high and reedy but to the point.

RE: a taste of freedom - Sen - April 25, 2016

When the initial howl had rung out, Sen was not within the territory, but she had heard it. With her distance away, she'd paid it no mind, leaving the job of greeting the guest to Depp. Continue she had, intent on skirting the farthest reaches of the territory and then heading somewhere towards the coast. It'd been a while since she'd last seen it, after all, and so she felt it was time she felt the freezing water wrap around her legs once more. Some more distance had been covered prior to the hybrid's howl slicing through the air, but the emergency brake had been pulled the second it touched the woman's ears even still. She was not concerned about the other's well-being, but after combining that with the previous one, she'd formed a conclusion: Seadog had a potential recruit at their borders, and Depp had not been the first to arrive. A silent snarl overtook her face, annoyed and frustrated, before turning and heading back in the direction of her land.

Lucky was Rain that the serpent had not been near enough to hear her words, for had she, the results would have been less than desirable. Never quick to fight, but she would always defend herself, especially when it was a being she viewed as lesser calling her out. When Sen had arrived, though, her gaze had darted immediately towards the wolfdog, a glare in place. Other than that, she said nothing, motioning for her to back away as the conversation was taken over by the Gorgon. Tall was her posture, tail raised while her face remained expressionless. Like the younger female's comment, the stranger's reason for being there had not been heard, but to assume hadn't seem like a terrible idea—and so assume she had. "I'm guessing you're here to join?" she'd voiced, though the question itself was entirely rhetorical. "Let's get right to the point, then. What can you offer us? Have any outstanding skills or knowledge that would be useful?" Her impatient behavior was, perhaps, a result of her pregnancy, but always was she direct and a little bit of an ass.

RE: a taste of freedom - Kivi - April 26, 2016

The girl's words forced a smirk to come crawling on the woman's muzzle and the description of the alpha female caused a low laugh to come spilling out. "Thanks for the heads up" the woman whispered before sitting back and patiently waiting for a leader to come answer her call. It seemed that unfortunately for Kivi, she would be met by the alpha female rather than the male. Knowing that a bow usually gain some sort of respect, the agouti female stood and gave a dip of her head to the midnight furred wolfess, hoping to get on her good side.

The leader was direct and straight to the point, something Kivi was particularly grateful for. "I was a warrior for my old pack, I'm good with hunting and tracking and I have past experience with carrying messages and scoping out uncharted territories." Her honey orbs stayed glued to the ebony female watching her every expression, curious how she would take this new information.

RE: a taste of freedom - Rain Willow - April 26, 2016

When the Alpha approached, Rain pressed her ears against her skull and crept backwards submissively, Sen already did not like Rain, So she thought it best to stay out of things for now. Listening to her skills, she thought them impressive, the pack did not have a messenger of yet, so maybe she would prove useful. Walking backwards, Rain found a spot a metre or so away from the girls to give them space, then continued to lie down and watch what would happen next.

RE: a taste of freedom - Sen - April 27, 2016

It was satisfying for her as she watched the younger female back away, her posture proof enough that she knew her place. It seemed her presence presented the desired results, lessening her soured mood; it was only by a small percentage, however, and certainly not enough to offer a change in her behavior. Still, she was not entirely distanced from the encounter, allowing herself to focus upon the potential member that stood before her. It was with an opened mind that she listened to the reply given, carefully going over the traits that interested her while those that did not were discarded without so much as a bat of an eye. It seemed they had another warrior on their doorstep, not that she felt such a skill would be necessary. Yet, after that ability was tossed away, it'd been retrieved and stored away for further consideration come the next rainy day.

"Don't think we have a messenger here, but we don't really have anyone to send messages to, either," she'd stated. "We could use you for scoping out territories, though. Hunting and everything that goes with it is useful, too, but that's just common sense." A slight roll of her shoulder followed the words. "You mentioned an old pack. What's the story there?" the woman asked. "Anyone gonna be coming here for your head?" She would not harbour a fugitive, if only because it put her own safety at stake.