Wolf RPG
Neverwinter Forest The End is Just Beginning - Printable Version

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The End is Just Beginning - Astra - April 24, 2016

The black female paced along the side of the border. She dared not to cross, fearing the consequences of that. Her tail quivered in anticipation. Would they except her? Would they chase her off? Even though Astra is on the louder side, tending to make sure everyone knew who she was and what she was all about, these things make her nervous. 

Green eyes flickered into the dark forest. Her own paws rested in pine needles, blown over the border from the wind. The ground of the forest was rather barren, covered in nothing but more pine needles. Once in a while, a few specks of light was able to make its way through the thick canopy overhead. There, small shoots were sprouting, brought up by the warm spring weather. The place was quite beautiful, and she wondered what it would be like to venture deeper.

Astra leaned right, peering around the thick matting of branches and trunks. Was there someone coming? She couldn't tell. She huffed. The longer she waited, the more anxious she became. But she took deep breathes, forcing herself to calm down. She sat town, tail swishing behind her, churning up dirt and needles.

RE: The End is Just Beginning - Scimitar - April 25, 2016

It had been quiet around the Forest these days – something the Frostfur could appreciate, given the drama that tended to follow his family. Given this, the Alpha took the opportunity to mark their borders once more – fortifying the edges that had been agreed upon by his family and the Silvertip Mountain wolves, where they had left three wolf lengths from where they ahd originally claimed, allowing a neutral passage between the two packs. He had not heard from the mountain wolves in some time, and he felt quietly pleased by this – it would seem FitzDutiful had finally taken their words to heart after the ruckus his son had caused.
With the spring wind blowing across the lands, Scimitar became aware of another nearby – and with his pace quickening, the large wolf came upon the dark female, waiting at their borders intently. Casting her a quizzical glance, the regal displayed his rank through the stature of his form, his bright eyes peering over the woman. “Can I help you?”

RE: The End is Just Beginning - Astra - April 25, 2016

Her heart beat faster as a wolf appeared from the shadows. She forced herself to calm down. She's fine! He asked her if he could help her. She nodded smoothly. "I'm looking to join your pack." She said. Her posture showed respectful submission, letting him know she was not a threat.

After a short moment of silence. She decided to add what she could do. Honestly. She couldn't do much, but she could definitely manipulate and fight very well. She left the manipulating part out, instead telling him the other things. "I can fight well and fair fine in hunting." 

She hoped that would do the trick. She hasn't been in a pack for a while, and this would give her a nice break from having to fend for herself. If this didn't work, it was obviously fate in the works, and she would simply move on to the next pack.

RE: The End is Just Beginning - Scimitar - April 26, 2016

His gaze drifted over her, noting the submission. Her words were straight to the point – something the stoical wolf could appreciate. She held the usual skills, though it was nothing he scoffed at – he wanted warriors. Lots of them.

“Good,” he decided then, his tail giving an idle flick. “But why this pack?” It was a basic question – and he didn’t expect much more than an answer along the lines of ‘I like forests,’ or ‘This is the first one I came upon.’ And yet he was always intrigued by what others said in this matter – he himself had pledged himself to packs he knew nothing of in the past – it wasn’t an easy thing to do.

“I’m Scimitar, by the way. One of the leaders here in Neverwinter Forest.”

RE: The End is Just Beginning - Astra - April 26, 2016

She smiled, happy she could at least please him a bit with her otherwise ordinary skills. He asked her why she came to this pack. The answer was simple. "I needed a fresh start. I have been wandering around Teekon Wilds for a couple month now, and I figured it was about time to join a pack. Neverwinter Forest is completely new to me - a perfect place for a fresh start."

She twitched her tail as she spoke truthfully. She smirked a little bit. She could remember those day when she was determined not to join a pack. She thought that she wasn't fit for one, but now, she just needed to rest from the stresses of being a lone wolf.

RE: The End is Just Beginning - Scimitar - April 27, 2016

His eyes noted the gentle smirk on her muzzle – reminded of Shadow for a moment and almost repulsed by it, though he maintained a stoical mask. Even so, the she-wolf before him seemed more respectful than the silver offender, and he saw no reason to give her entry and a chance. If she didn’t meet their expectations, they would simply chase her out.
“I see no reason why we would turn you away,” he decided, allowing his large form to lumber closer to her and rub his shoulder in a share of comradery to the woman, and as a way to place his scent upon her – a notification to his fellow pack members that she did belong here.
“We have a neutral standing with Silvertip Mountain – we leave their lands and members alone, and they leave ours alone.” He felt the words to be warning enough – if she stirred the shit pot, he would see to it himself that she had to lick the spoon. “Welcome to Neverwinter Forest.” With that, the agouti man took a pace back, indicating she was officially accepted.

RE: The End is Just Beginning - Astra - April 27, 2016

Astra stood as he approached her, marking his scent on her and then stepping back, officially welcoming her to the pack. he notified her on the agreements between Neverwinter Forest and Silvertip Mountain and she nodded, signifying she understood. "I'll make sure I stay away from their territories," She added, just to clarify. 

She didn't step over the border just yet. Instead, she began to ask more questions, perhaps she was crazy, but she had to know what she should do. "Is there anything you need me to do right away?" She volunteered. Her tail swayed in excitement as she gazed past the large male's frame and into the evergreen forest. the female didn't know what her future held for her, but hopefully it was good.

Apologies for my short post! :D

RE: The End is Just Beginning - Scimitar - May 03, 2016

The she-wolf was quick to agree to his request, and the large male gave a small dip of his muzzle in quiet gratitude to this. She did not make move to pass the borders just yet, though, and the Frostfur waited, almost quizzical, spare the stoical mask that maintained his façade.
“Stock the caches – scout, patrol the borders. If you have a talent for it, seek out any herbs or plants that might be of use for medicinal purposes,” he rumbled, pleased that she was so eager to contribute to a pack that she otherwise knew nothing about. “Primarily, familiarize yourself with your new home and pack mates.”

RE: The End is Just Beginning - Astra - May 03, 2016

Astra nodded and finally crossed the borderline, tail trembling in excitement. "Okay, will do." The black wolf agreed, nodding to Scimitiar as she replied.

Maybe she would patrol the borders and hunt - multi-tasking was always good. Maybe she would even meet some of her pack mates. But she could also try to find some herbs? No. She would do more harm then good there. She was not good when it came to medicinal practices. But she should probably learn a little bit. It would be good in case of an emergency. The young female sighed and told herself to stop worrying. She would be fine! She just had to do her best! 
Should we fade here?

RE: The End is Just Beginning - Scimitar - May 11, 2016

With that agreed upon, the large wolf gave a final nod, encouraging her to move past the borders and in to her new home. He walked amicably close to her, his muzzle extending out to point out small aspects of their land and general insight to the Forest. Only after he felt she had a decent tour did he break away from her, once more reiterating that she should get some rest and either explore or find some food.

Last post from me. Feelf ree to tag your own one in or use this as a fade and archive. <3