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Hushed Willows The eyes of a true wolf - Printable Version

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The eyes of a true wolf - Flora - April 26, 2016

She stared into the distance, Flora did, wondering if she would be accepted as true family in this pack. What really did define a wolf? Was it the way their head was set upon their shoulders?  Was a wolf defined by How tall or thick their ears were? Was it the way a coat looked that defined a wolf? Was it their blood? No.A wolf was defined by its eyes. The passion in its eyes, the will to live. The beat of a heart defined a wolf, and the love for a pack. One who was kind and caring, but also just and righteous when it came to serious matters. It was the fierceness of the love a wolf had to defend its pack. That defined a wolf, not their head, tail, ears, paws, coat; It was their passion. She dwelled on these thoughts a moment before raising her slim body, clearing her mind, and dipping her tongue into a puddle, lapping at the water. She smiled and listened to the wind whisk the leaves on the ground before making her way across the land, strolling along with content to the nearest smells of prey.

RE: The eyes of a true wolf - Kunik - April 26, 2016

Kunik glanced up as Flora appeared. She didn't know the halfbreed well, having only met her upon first joining Marauder's Keep. She was the oddest wolf Kunik had ever seen, being sleek of fur with pointy ears and red eyes.

Deciding to get to know her better, Kunik moved to walk beside the female. She chuffed softly to the woman in greeting as she fell into step with her.

RE: The eyes of a true wolf - Flora - April 27, 2016

Flora dipped her head to Kunik, as she had met her as when Warbone introduced her, along with every other wolf. She knew that the woman was higher in rank, but not for long. Flora was keen on climbing the ranks, and would be battling Grace quite soon."Hello there Kunik. I was leaving to hunt, but I would not mind a partner. Would you like to help me? I'm thinking wild turkey or goose. Maybe a fawn if we could find one." She nuzzled her family fondly and sniffed her a bit.

RE: The eyes of a true wolf - Kunik - April 29, 2016

Kunik responded to the nuzzling kindly, sniffing the other in turn and nudging the shorter woman friendly. Her good ear parked up at the thought of a hunt. She had planned to earn Hunter as a trade and now was as good a time as any. 

"Aye, it sounds fun. Shall we?" Lowering her muzzle, she opened her mouth and began to scent for any prey. She searched, expecting Flora to do the same in an effort to find a scent.

RE: The eyes of a true wolf - Flora - April 30, 2016

Sorry for the short posts, you can have Kunik find a scent of fawn.

 Flora smiled and bumped her playfully with a shoulder, "Let us be off then," she spoke, beginning to race forwards, a--very unexpectedly-- playful gleam in her eyes. She felt...something for the pretty female, and began to wonder...what was it? Maybe she was no full-blood wolf, but could she still win the female's heart? If she did swing that way, that was.

RE: The eyes of a true wolf - Kunik - April 30, 2016

did not see that curveball coming! Kunik's bisexual by the way :P

Kunik quirked a brow at the female's playful attitude, grinning slightly. It was a rare expression for Kunik indeed, few endeared themselves to her. Her mind had been made up about Flora rather quickly as it was, having placed her in the positive end of her mind's spectrum.

The brownish red woman pushed aside her thoughts for now, mind set on the task of hunting. She paused in her movements as she caught wind of a fawn, an alone one. Perhaps the child to the injured doe she and Grace had slain? It was possible the mother had left it to lie low before moving away to eat as does sometimes did. Only this time the mother hadn't returned, perhaps the mother had been the deer they found injured perhaps not. Food was food.

Kunik raised her head, "I smell a fawn. It is the way." Small brown paws beat the ground softly as she raced in the direction of the fawn. Once nearing it she slowed, body lowering somewhat as she searched the high grass for the vulnerable young.

RE: The eyes of a true wolf - Flora - April 30, 2016

XP All of my characters are, other than Sorrel and Kurai
Flora had not picked up the scent, as she had been distracted by Kunik. "Yes, let us hunt." The sleek female stalked forward, leaping and bounding over the logs until she slowed to a stealthy pace. The fawn was just ahead, sleeping nevertheless, and she flashed a grin at Kunik, easy prey indeed.

Flora picked her way forward, quietly circling the female and nodding to Kunik. She would run it to Kun, and there the red female could pounce and kill the little creature.

RE: The eyes of a true wolf - Kunik - April 30, 2016

Kunik smirked back at her companion, easy prey. The best kind there was really. Noting the way Flora was placing herself, Kunik shifted back as she peered at them carefully, hoping Flora didn't accidentally chase off the fawn.

She nodded back, slinking around into postion. Her yellow eyes flicked up to Flora, alertly watching from her silent crouch. She waited for the other to chase it towards her so she might dispatch its life.

RE: The eyes of a true wolf - Flora - April 30, 2016

Flora crept forward, then, with a single leap she was right behind the fawn, and snapped her teeth just behind its tail to frighten it. The creature spooked and bounded straight for Kunik, and Flora prayed that she would trap its neck in her jaws and give it a painless death, for such a young animal did not deserve the horrors of torture. No prey did, truly. Flora respected each and every creature, prey or not. Even Tavi, who obviously had taken great measurements to stay far from the majestic yet very queer-looking Flora.

RE: The eyes of a true wolf - Kunik - May 01, 2016

Kunik had different thoughts than Flora. While she didn't believe in the unnecessary infliction of pain on anyone, save for those who truly deserved it, she did not respect everyone. She respected few people in reality: Grace for her strength and determination despite her malformed leg, Nova Rose for her pure intentions of taking Grace in as a daughter and raising her, Warbone for creating his own pack from nothing, and Flora for her attitude despite her exotic appearance.

Kunik did not however respect Tavi. In her eyes Tavi was a turntail. She had heard about the woman's past: sleeping with her Alpha's mate which resulted in her current pregnancy, joining as the Alpha of said mate's new pack, and now fleeing her repsonsibilties to join Marauder's Keep. These things did not inspire respect from the cunning russet woman, they inspired distrust that the woman would bounce on to another pack before long.

The fawn ran towards her, Kunik blocking its path as she sprang up and latched onto its throat. With a grotesque gurgle she bit into its esophagus, blood staining her own throat as she clamped down on the fawn. It died rather quickly, the light leaving its eyes until it was just an empty shell. Kunik glanced up, waiting to see if Flora wanted some before they took it back.

RE: The eyes of a true wolf - Flora - May 01, 2016

"You made the final blow, please, I insist you take first bite. I am not to hungry, either, I stored a few rabbits in the cache but ate one myself," she gave a fond smile to the female and blinked softly. She then settled down near the kill and waited for the female to eat. If she were to win Kunik over, she would have to use her charm, and win ranks. She was planning on challenging Grace either way. Flora yawned. "I don't know how to make small-talk very well," she spoke honestly,"but I would enjoy speaking to you." Flora wanted to be able to communicate correctly, as she felt quite smitten with the female. Unfortunately, Flora was not sure how to speak without stumbling over her words, much like how she was currently tumbling head over heels down her mental mountain, as Kunik had stolen her heart with ease.

RE: The eyes of a true wolf - Kunik - May 01, 2016

Kunik shrugged her slender shoulders, tearing out a chunk of the fawns flank before settling down near her friend to eat. She ate rather quickly for she didn't eat much with her smaller frame. Meticulously she cleaned the blood from her fur before turning to Flora as the sleek woman spoke.

"It's not mine either,"she chuckled lightly. Her good ear turned to Flora in an attempt to catch her words better. "What's your story, lass?" Kunik quirked a brow, curious about her friend. It was a term of endearment not a comment on her age for they were close to the same age.

I imagine her as being Scottish :P

RE: The eyes of a true wolf - Flora - May 01, 2016

Kunik or flora, because I imagine flora to be a lot--lot-- like garnet from steven universe(voice included)
She took a mouthful of fawn before carefully considering the female's question. 

"Well, my mother and father were bred in a cage by furless-monsters and my siblings, who were not as strong as me, were taken away never to be seen again. They put me in big metal circles with hard dusty ground and pitted me against small dogs, at first. They would not let me out of the rink until one of us was too exhausted to continue. Many were taken away, and I did not see most of them after they lost a battle. Then, as I grew, they put me outside and tied me to metal sticks, they then humiliated me and teased me. Imagine somebody pissing you off so that you feel more aggressive. I then was taken into bigger rinks with many monsters surrounding me. They put me in many, many fights where I would be pitted against dogs and we fought...for the kill..."

 Her eyes gazed down and she tucked her long legs underneath her sleek body.

"I hate to admit it, but I did kill many dogs, and they all were easily forgotten by others. I, though, could not forget. It truly affects you; to see a light die from another's eyes is to break a tiny piece off of your heart and give it to them to savour in the afterlife. I-I'm sorry if I'm getting too deep, I just am trying to explain my past.

She then continued on.

"My greatest battle was with a husky-wolf, and that is where I got this," she pulled up a leg to reveal the long scar marking her stomach. "They saw me as a worthy opponent despite my loss, and so I was spared. They put me in the breeding corral with a male and tied me up, but he got to close to my face and I bit him. I broke my tether and hopped the barrier, so I escaped and wandered for quite a while. I came across Warbone and I agreed to be the first subordinate to help create Marauder's Keep. And here I am now, with you, hunting, and getting way to deep into my story telling. Thank you for listening."
Well damn, that got really long, really fast.

RE: The eyes of a true wolf - Kunik - May 01, 2016

I imagine Kunik as Scottish. The weirdest thing is I have a husky/wolf character bred in a puppy mill on here.

Kunik listened intently, her working ear twitching in time with the beauty's words. Her eyes softened to something akin to sympathy for the other, but not pity. Pity was not something she would have desired were she in the other's shoes. Admiration filled her for this woman and her respect increased.

Kunik padded over and lay next to the other in a way that wasn't too invasive, more like comforting as she rested against the other. She sniffed the scar before giving it a gentle lick. "I'm sorry that happened to you, Flora. I will listen anytime you wish to speak to me no matter what it's about."

RE: The eyes of a true wolf - Flora - May 01, 2016

A smile donned on the lips of the dark beaute and she glanced at her companion. "Thank you very much, Kunik. I would like to hear your story if you feel comfortable enough around me to tell it." She shivered when the female sniffed and licked her, giving her an excited feel. Shivers were sent straight down her back her neck fur stood on end with excitement and playfulness. Most did not get to see such a sight, as it was common for flora to be downright stoic, but she knew now that she had feelings of endearment towards this female, and would enjoy to date hr very much. Maybe after they spent more time together she would ask. Beautiful, kind, smart, and understanding. But the best part was, she didn't seem to have a care in the world about Flora's background. Just the thought of it made her warm. She flipped over so that her snout was facing Kunik as they lay on the ground, watching and listening to each other.

XP Already plotting...could it be? Flora's challenger has arrived in the Teekon? BTW, I am totally shipping Kunora (though I know it is a weird name, if you have any better ones I would not be opposed at all) already:3 Gawd I'm a weirdo!

RE: The eyes of a true wolf - Kunik - May 01, 2016

Teci (the husky wolf) is already in a pack and she's way too sweet to challenge anyone :P Florik maybe? Anyway you pair their names together sounds weird

Kunik held back a smirk when Flora shivered, maybe her attraction to the exotic woman was returned. She didn't want to make her uncomfortable so she held back any reaction to the other's movements.

"I come from a pack much like this one. It was run by my father, the Khal. He won the right of Alpha through challenges of rank until he stayed on top, he never lost a challenege. Not once."

"I too became part of the challenges once I was old enough though women were not supposed to fight for rank. I shamed them for I too never lost. I rose to Bloodrider were I stayed happily until my father died."

"Uproar ensued. Every male in the pack suddenly wanted to become Khal. There was talk of uprooting my mother from her position as Khaleesi and banishing her as well. I never wanted to be Khal, technically the position wasn't even supposed to be available for a woman. That didn't matter to me, I was already a female Bloodrider so why not a Khal? I challenged so that I might save my mother."

"I almost won the rank. I beat every single one of them except for my brother. And so I was banished. I roamed for awhile before finding Teekon and accidently wandering into Marauder's Keep before it was claimed fully. Warbone recruited me. Now here I am with you,"she finished her story with a smile towards the Doberman.

Their stories were somewhat similar though Kunik's was no where near as horrific as Flora's. Both had been raised in areas centered around strength and combat. Kunik though had at least known she was loved by her family, even her brother who banished her. The fights were not to the death but some wished they were as death found many a lone wolf and took them into their grasp.