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Sunbeam Lair I will never dissapear - Printable Version

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I will never dissapear - Squirrel - April 26, 2016

@Ezimette here she is!

Squirrel didn't realize how lucky she was to not have stopped at any other packs. This was as close as she had gotten to a pack, having had trouble with finding any loners to ask about her lost sister.

The border was as clear as day, her paws stopping a good two feet from it. Her slender neck outstretched to sniff at it. Several males and females, none that smelled familar. To be fair she hadn't seen her sister since they were pups, she could smell completely different by now.

Please be here. Squirrel howled into the sky, voice carrying over to alert all those who could hear that she was there.

RE: I will never dissapear - Ezimette - April 26, 2016

Ezimette was sniffing around near the borders when she heard the howl and immediately wondered if @Asterr would join in. For now,though, Ezi would investigate. The tall, sleek woman bolted forwards, excitement coursing through her. Ryujin was truly growing, and maybe she would find something special about this female. Or had she already? The scent touched her nose.It was not unexpected at first when Ezi felt that there was something special about this scent, as all wolves had different scents.Though she slowly began to realize a hint of familiarity in it. Now she was picking up to full speed, whizzing through the forest, when she saw her. Her. The yellow-tinted cream coat, blue eyes, and a frame fit for an arctic wolf, unlike hers, brought it all back. The milky scent of her terrible mother and her sleeping puppies, it was all there. A grand smile painted her face(Check out my profile btw, as it has a preview of their story.) "Sister!"
Sorry it took so long, I made this after reading your post:

[Image: P2bVoQq.png]

RE: I will never dissapear - Squirrel - April 26, 2016

I updated her biography to fit your descriptions of their family more easily, let me know if any of it needs to be changed.

Squirrel had not expected to be approached so quickly, nor by a wolf who struck such sadness in her heart. Bird may have looked like her. Her ears flattened and she backed away as the other moved in close, wondering what offense she had commited. The gleeful look on the other female's face was off putting to any crime though, confusion marring Squirrel's face as to what exactly this woman was doing.

Hearing the cry from the other's lips-Bird's lips-stopped her from shying away from the physical touch. It couldn't be, it was too coincidental. The first wolf of the first pack she approached? 

Had she been human, the blood would have drained from her face and left her pale as snow. As a wolf, the blood in her body seemed to freeze and all fell silent. Squirrel stared at the female as if she had seen a ghost. The white fur, the jade eyes she so remembered from her youngest memories was all there. Even the build was right, slightly shorter and leaner than she, slender legs and tiny paws. "Bird?" 

RE: I will never dissapear - Ezimette - April 26, 2016

Ezimette blasted forwards and pressed her nose into the silky cream fur of her sister. "I didn't leave you, she dropped me." She whispered into her sister's fur. "I-I found a mentor who cared for me and taught me the ways of a loner. I have a new name now, sister, they call me Ezimette. I recommend you change yours as well, I would never want a name from mother. Then I found Ryujin. And now we are here, I'll tell you the details later, first, lets speak while we wait for the Chieftess."

RE: I will never dissapear - Squirrel - April 26, 2016

Had it been any other she might have recoiled, she had not come back unscathed from her time with her beloved family. Squirrel curled around the slightly smaller woman, nuzzling her as she fought not to do something stupid like cry. Squirrel never cried, not when her father dissapeared, not when they lost Bird, not when her mother struck her, not when Coyote attacked her and forced her from the pack. Being reunited with her sister, she felt as if she could cry.

"I know she dropped you. She told me before she died, she abandoned you. It's how I got this,"Squirrel turned to showcase the ragged skin of her scruff which had been deeply wounded when Coyote fought with her. "I tried to kill her. My only regret is that I failed,"her words were calm, emotionless about her mother. She didn't particularly think Bird would care that she tried to kill that horrible witch.

"I wouldn't even know where to start finding a new name. Squirrel has always been my name,"she shrugged. In her mind she had always been Squirrel and Ezimette would always be Bird.

RE: I will never dissapear - Asterr - April 26, 2016

Asterr is in the background observing for now. c: Permission to skip me granted until she's needed or acknowledged~

Throughout the lair a howl had echoed, one of unfamiliar origins, but with a message that was clear enough. Someone was requesting an audience, whether it be with her in particular or any member of the tribe, the meaning still stood. Interested was she in witnessing whoever had approached their land, and so it was with a purpose in mind that the girl had set out towards the border nearest the cavern's opening. Her pace lacked panic, continuing at a moderate speed the entire way. It had been some time since they'd a visitor, but Asterr was not in any rush to greet them. In life, patience was perhaps the greatest virtue to possess, and so the yearling would test the summoner's limits.

Once the stranger was visible, her pace had further slowed until she was walking, before finally coming to a stop a little ways off. Ezimette was there already, and she seemed to exhibit a demeanor of familiarity towards the outsider. Naturally, she was interested by whatever connection they shared. It was a ways back she'd stood from them, close enough to hear their conversation, but far enough away so as not to disturb them. Given that they seemed to know one another, Asterr chose to not intervene just yet, opting instead to see how things were to play out between them.

RE: I will never dissapear - Ezimette - April 26, 2016

Ezimette's face became distorted when she looked upon the scars. "W-who? Rain, Coyote...Fish?" Ezimette had never acquired any major scars but that was only because she was so fast she could outrun any competitor. Her coat was beautiful and unscathed, and it made her terribly sad to think a wolf would harm another in such an awful way. "Maybe something like...Texceia? It means Lightened Heart in Eximurra's language. Oh yeah, she was my mentor. My name means Butterfly Dragon. Her name...meant Lost Moon." She had not taken notice to Asterr yet, as she was wrapped up in the thoughts of her sister.

RE: I will never dissapear - Squirrel - April 26, 2016

"Coyote. He and Fish both became warriors at Rabbit's pack." She refused to call her mother by anything other than her name, having disowned her within the constraints of her mind as an adolescent. She smiled briefly,"Fish fell in love with a woman named Tysha. They left to start their own pack." 

"Coyote and Rain, I'm afraid they're not the way they used to be. Rabbit corrupted them. As children they would compete for her affections, her love. They would stop at nothing for her approval." She had not a clue what language Bird spoke of, but she agreed that perhaps a name change was needed. "Texiceia it is then, though it may take me awhile to get used to it." She knew no matter what changes her name took, her sister would always remain Bird to her when they were alone. 

Squirrel glanced up as the dark woman appeared, nodding respectfully to her. "Is this your cheiftess?" 

thought I'd bring her in. Will be changing her name to Texiceia after this thread. Btw I forgot to tell you but the art looks great!

RE: I will never dissapear - Ezimette - April 26, 2016

Ezimette frowned at the thought of her siblings becoming so corrupted. It was sad, as she had always thought them to be good wolves. She nodded solemnly as her sister spoke. "It is a wonderful name indeed, indeed." She smiled and cocked her head curiously as Texiceia mentioned her chieftess. She snapped her head around to find Asterr standing behind. "Hello there Asterr! I guess you probably know by now, but this is my sister, Texiceia." She smiled and stepped back, welcoming Asterr.
Thankyou, and sorry for the short posts!

RE: I will never dissapear - Asterr - April 27, 2016

It was not Ezimette that had noticed her presence initially, but the stranger instead. With her being there having been acknowledged, the girl stepped forward, drawing nearer to the pair before coming to a stop once more. A smile was offered, possessing no reason to harbour any ill will towards the unknown female, but soon her gaze had been directed towards the wolf she did know. Greeted was she, and so the sentiment had been returned with a soft nod of her head. The words spoken were not what she'd been expecting, though. An old friend, perhaps, but a sister? It was strange how siblings could find one another, even with so much time having been placed between them. "I knew not that she was your sister," the chieftess returned, looking upon the pallid woman as she spoke, only to then direct her attention towards the other. "It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance, Texiceia." Soothing was her voice, like honey as it slid down along a sore throat, even as she hit a few bumps in the road whilst attempting to pronounce the unfamiliar name.

"I am sure the two of you have plenty of catching up to do," she began, situating herself in a manner that allowed her to look to them each with ease. "So I will be frank in my asking of what you wish to do next?" As peaceful as they were, Asterr would not allow an outsider to step one foot within the boundaries of her claim, even if that outsider happened to be a relative of someone from within the tribe. Of course, the duo would always be more than welcomed to meet beyond Ryūjin's land, but the dragoness could not leave them without knowing first of which option might be chosen.

RE: I will never dissapear - Squirrel - April 27, 2016

Squirrel was greeted with a nod and kind words, more than she expected from an Alpha. Most she had met were not kind to wolves they did not know, no matter their relation to pack members. Or in this case tribe members it seemed. 

She smiled graciously at the woman when she stumbled over the name, it was likely an issue she would have herself. "The same to you, Chieftess." It was the only title she knew to address the woman by except for Alpha, something that would seem awkward and fumbling were she to speak it.

It was an expected question, her plans now that she had found Bird. "I would join if you deem me worthy. I plan to become a healer and perhaps a hunter." It would likely be the next question, what she could bring to the pack. Being Bird's sister alone would not bring her any favor.

RE: I will never dissapear - Asterr - April 29, 2016

Ezi gave me permission to skip her~ ^^

The other seemed friendly thus far, and undisturbed the clear butchering of her name. Good points, but a pleasant personality simply wasn't enough anymore. Asterr had to allow members in based on whether or not their presence would be beneficial for the tribe as a whole. "You may call me Asterr," she'd said then. "Asterr Draconid." It was rare that she ever asked her official title to be used, for the basis of her tribe did not call for such formalities. They were a family, after all. While the outsider was not quite one of them, she would be granted the same respect as if she were, for the sole reason that she wished to join them and had done naught a single thing to offend either the leader or the land—yet, and hopefully never.

Asterr looked the other female over, taking in her appearance and visual health. She seemed fit, which could prove useful when combined with the trades she wished to acquire. "We have no shortage of the former, but I feel as if we could never have too many medics within our home," the yearling noted. "As for the latter, would you mind giving a demonstration of your skills? Few that arrive here ever list the role of a hunter as one of their aspirations, so I am curious of your current abilities." As was her nature, she would not force the other to carry out her wishes if traveling had led to weariness. Still, she felt as if she should at least make a point about it, that way she'd have a chance at learning something more of the potential member.

RE: I will never dissapear - Squirrel - April 30, 2016

Texi inclined her head gracefully, acknowledging the name she was given. "I greet you and thank you for your kindness, Asterr Draconid,"she spoke formally with the leader, assuming she was to call the woman by her full name since it was given.

She tried to stand as tall and strong as possible as she was given a cursory glance, the Chieftess's eyes scanning her lean but healthy form. The surplus of healers surprised her a bit as did the tidbit that they had few hunters. Most packs had a handful of wolves interested in the healing arts with a multitude of wolves who knew how to hunt well.

"Certainly,"she agreeed, any wolf could claim to hunt. It didn't actually mean they knew how. "How would you have me demonstrate?" Texi assumed that she would deployed away from the packland to hunt down prey to prove her worth to the Chieftess.

RE: I will never dissapear - Asterr - April 30, 2016

Assuming the PM meant for me to skip Ezimette periodically, but do correct me if I'm wrong in my assumption, Ezi!
If you'd like to take a gamble with how her hunt fares, then you could take this to the table top: earth, roll a 1-16 of 20 for success; water, roll a 1-10 of 20 for success; air, roll a 1-6 of 20 for success. Of course, what you choose to do is entirely up to you, whether you'd like to roll or not, or want to change the manner of rolling. ^^

Formal was the other still, behaving in a manner that the yearling had not viewed as common since her departure from home. It felt strange to her now, but she made no move to correct the other. After all, it was normal to some that they speak in a traditional way, so she felt as if it was not her place to coach another being on their patterns in speech. To some, perhaps her own way of presenting herself was strange or lacking a casual air to it. It was merely a matter of one's childhood, their culture and familial background. Thus, the proper mannerisms were accepted, a small smile making itself at home across her lips. In a way, the conversation served as a reminded of the place from which she'd originated, soothing her mind and easing her body. It would be pleasant to have the other around, and yet, immediate acceptance could not be given. Already had a task been proposed, and then seemingly accepted in turn.

Asked was she of how a demonstration might be given, though an answer was not offered so soon after. Rather, a thoughtful expression had taken over her features, considering a number of tasks. Finally, once she'd decided, Asterr had answered with, "By bringing to me an offering, of course." Simple as that, really. "Are your plans to specialize with earth, water, or air?" To hunt for animals that called the land their home, to fish for various creatures, or to claim the sky as her own personal hunting grounds—each path would offer a separate task, for each required a different set of skills. "If you are to choose the earth, then bring to me a rabbit. If you would rather specialize with water, a fish. However, if you are capable enough to kill those that claim the sky as their own, then bring to me any species of bird," she'd stated, her words clear and her wishes direct. There was a selection to chose from, a variety that would offer the other a chance at showcasing that which she could truly do, but the end goal would always remain the same: locate, kill, and return with some animal of prey.

RE: I will never dissapear - Squirrel - May 02, 2016

sorry for the delay! Just gonna rp that she succeded since rping her with Ezimette was the whole point of creating her. :P

Squirrel nodded, accepting the task. "I chose earth. It was always my better talent,"she told the two before nuzzling her sister and moving to depart.

"I will bring you the rabbit should I succeed. If I fail I will come back to inform you though I would hope for the former. I hope failing would not stop me from seeing my sister even if I do not join your pack,"she nodded to the Chieftess before turning and loping away.

The field was silent as she approached, body lowered and ears flattened to streamline herself. She parted her lips in an effort to scent better as she crept through the tall grass. Catching wind of a rabbit, she grinned slightly as she began to circle downwind of it.

The small brown mammal was nibbling contentedly on some grass as she crept from behind it. Its ears twitched just as her breath brushed its fur. It moved to spring forward but Texi rushed to snap it up, grabbing it in her jaws. With a quick snap it hung dead and limp in her jaws.

With an impish grin on her face and a swing in her step, she headed back to the border with the rabbit hanging from her jaws.

RE: I will never dissapear - Asterr - May 06, 2016

Earth was chosen, the most common skill when it came to hunting. Of course, Asterr cared little for which element the other most fancied, just as long as she excelled with her chosen medium. Whether or not the outcome of her hunt would influence whether or not she was permitted to join had yet to be decided, the situation being taken one step at a time. While the yearling did wish to strengthen her family, she knew not if the other could be welcomed, for her loyalties seemed to lie solely with her sister. It could prove to be problematic, though she certainly hoped that it might not. For the time being, she'd disposed of any negative notions, nodding in response to Texi's words and then watching as she'd headed off to complete the task. For the time that it took her to complete it, the dragoness had stationed herself on the border, sitting back on her haunches in silence and awaiting the outsider's return.

When the pale coat was spotted once more, the chieftess had returned to standing upright, silver gaze following the steps taken until she had once again grown close enough to be spoken to. From her jaws there hung a rabbit, it's body limp and motionless, a clear sign that its soul had since left the earthly plane. A smile fixed itself across her maw, a faint nod of approval then being directed towards the female. "You did well," she'd complimented, looking the hare over for a moment before returning her attention to the being that held it. "You have proven yourself as an able body, but that is not all that you must do in order to gain acceptance into my tribe." Skills alone never gave to anyone a free pass into her land, for no matter how beneficial one's presence might be, they were considered, still, as nothing if they were lacking in loyalty.

"Within this tribe there lives a family," she began. "Not of blood, per se, but of bonds. To one another we are most loyal, as are we to the land itself. Without either a family or land, one cannot survive, and so we honour these gifts bestowed upon us." Even if they were to be tested or tempted, to the tribe each would remain faithful, as that was the way of the dragon. "If you will offer to each of us your loyalty, then I will grant you access into this home of ours. However, if it is only your sister that binds you here, I will be forced to turn you away." Now it was up to Texi to decide her fate.

RE: I will never dissapear - Squirrel - May 07, 2016

Texi slowed outside the border, resting the rabbit on the ground as she listened to Asterr speak. She nodded where it was appropriate, keeping quiet until the end before she spoke.

"My sister is what brought me here, she is what fueled my passage to your lands and those surrounding it. Yet she is not what defines me as a woman, I am more than Ezimette's sister. I will be loyal to you and to your family for as long as I exist." Texi broke the solemn mood of her words by cracking a grin. "Besides, I always wanted a family." 

RE: I will never dissapear - Asterr - May 09, 2016

Last post from me. You can add another, or archive if you'd prefer. Welcome to the tribe! ^^

What she was to expect from the other, she could not tell. The sisters seemed comfortable with one another, even after having spent quite some time apart, and so a part of her had assumed it would—could—only be Ezimette capable of attracting her loyalty. On the other hand, however, she wished not to judge based upon appearances alone, for many actions held not a single meaning behind them, but several. To assumed anything would only cause confusion to arise, as well as informal judgement calls that placed emotions ahead of that which was most important. The type of being that resorted to such behavior was something she would never allow for herself to become, as even the briefest of thoughts falling under their reign caused her stomach to churn. Sickened was she by such inappropriate notions, for emotions often clouded one's better judgement. To honour her family, herself, and the dragon that resided within her, she could never decide another creature's fate based solely off of her own feelings towards the matter. Thus, it was with a recently cleared mind that she'd awaited the other female's response, leaving the decision as Texi's to make.

Finally, when the woman had answered, there came a wave of relief crashing down upon the yearling's very essence. It had been foolish to think for even a moment that one sister's life would directly influence the other's, for as close as they might appear to be, they still existed as individuals. Upon the younger's maw a smile had appeared, silently noting the words shared. "I will trust your word on this, but know that if you betray this faith I have placed onto you, there will be consequences," Asterr stated, steadfast in her ways. "Though for now I welcome you, Texiceia, into this home of ours." Swiftly, she'd moved forward, nearing her side and touching to the wolf's shoulder her muzzle. For a moment or two it'd lingered against her, before being pulled back and the chieftess' previous position returned to. "I will leave you and your sister to catch up." With that, the girl had turned, flashing one last smile in the duo's direction before heading off and returning to the comfort of the lair.