Wolf RPG
Silvertip Mountain Distract me from life - Printable Version

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Distract me from life - Zaria - April 27, 2016

I was hoping for some quality time with Zaria and the pups? Just to have some interaction going instead of assuming how they are feeling towards their mother! :D @Stoic @Odette @Solemn @Adeline

Zaria had been spending quite some time with her young lately. She had accepted that she needed to be there for them. Plus, they reminded her of Fitz in some way, and they made her forget what actually happened. The young mother was not skilled at parenting by far but at least now she was doing her best. What she was pleased about however was that she was almost done getting the pups fully weaned. Their teeth were sharp and even she did not like that pain. In a way she kind of missed it. It did give her some intimacy with her pups. Now she had to find another way to create that.

Zaria pulled herself out of the den and lapped up some of the water from the stream, it was quite a shallow one. She was not that restrictive either, only at night she wanted the pups back in the den, other than that she often let them play in and around the den if they wanted to. She called out for her pups with a typical sounding chuff. Maybe she would bring them to a cache that was close, have them play with meat and the bones of a carcass.

RE: Distract me from life - Addie - April 28, 2016

Adeline heard her mothers summons and was the first to zip out of the den, silver-tipped tail held high and proud over her tuckus. She liked to behave like she was her mother, mighty and strong and sassy. Each of these qualities would be inherent regardless, but Zaria certainly reinforced them frequently enough. The babe slid toward her mother and then stopped before the stream, sniffing at it a moment before having some to drink herself. Right after, she turned and moved in a loose circle around Zaria, excited to be awoken from a nap for some more time with her.

RE: Distract me from life - Zaria - April 28, 2016

Zaria smiled when seeing Adeline come from the den. She recognized herself in the girl and how she was carrying herself. Zaria kind of liked seeing her act like that. She licked the girl affectionately. She was far more close with them than she liked to admit. Far closer than she ever imagined. She wanted to be close with them now Fitz died. She was not completely heartless.

The young mother licked over her chest and under her chin, knowing that such stimulant would only make it worse. But it wasn't like Zaria cared. She was still the mother and she would make her young listen if that needed to be happening. "Come on, say it! Mama!," she spoke, encouraging her.

RE: Distract me from life - Odette - April 28, 2016

Odette was the next out of the den.  She stood in place for a few seconds at the mouth, as if debating on whether she wanted to go with her sister and Mother to the stream or stay in the den.  Soon enough though Odie decided that it would be good to go and spend some quality time with her family at the stream.  She padded up to her sisters side and looked curiously at the stream.  How did this thing even work?  Odette’s now spiking with curiosity puppy blue eyes shifted around the area to find the source of the water.  Sadly though she found nothing.  A small upset frown creased onto the puppy’s features but quickly ceased as she once again interested herself with the water.  Instead of lapping it up like her sister and Mother she decided to do something more outgoing today.  So instead of lapping it up she flopped down into the water and began to roll around happily.

Odette found that she really loved this feeling.  How the water gushed down her pelt, getting her soaking wet.  It just felt so refreshing.  Little did she know though that her normally fluffy fur would probably be huge once she was dry.  Although even if she did know that, she probably would not have cared anyways.  This was fun and that was all that mattered to her.  This sure was the life.

RE: Distract me from life - Addie - April 29, 2016

Her mother blew oxygen on the fire of her ego, causing it to grow. Adeline waved her tail over her hocks and nuzzled into her mother. Adeline tolerated her siblings, but she did adore her mother heart and soul as this was the wolf she looked up to. Zaria was all she aspired to be: big, pretty, and when she called, everyone came to answer. Adeline wished for the same things, but for reasons she didn't really know yet. They were all superficial, as most wants of children could be.

Her mothers encouraging was met with a few yips. If she understood, it wasn't obvious, but Adeline had begun to mimic words that were simple enough. Aaammahhh! Adeline crowed, because the word sounded nice, Aaay! It was then Odette came out, though Adeline didn't pay her too much mind. Not until she flopped in the river, and began to dirty herself! Adeline let out a sound like ugh!!! And drew closer to her mother, mouth parted and eyes wide as though asking, why is she DOING that?!!!! Gross, right!?!!

RE: Distract me from life - Jackrabbit - April 29, 2016

Mother did not often simply fool around with them. They had fun on their own, running about, inspecting the rocks, climbing atop there siblings. Or the man would come to visit and he could climb upon him too. So when Zaria started paying all the attention to Odie, he was baffled. He could speak! "Merrrr," He whined, not liking the lack of attention that was being not payed to him. Adeline tried to talk to, but it came out in some sorts of unruly sounds that he did not like. He frowned at her. He would teach her how, if she stopped trying to wake the dead.

Soon, he lost interest of his sisters and more to the rushing water that Odie was laying about in. How odd. "Soolllll," He called, trying to beckon his brother from the den. Sol was his best partner, for Addie was too loud and snobby and Odie was.. well, a bit timid for his grand adventures. Most of his time he spent trying to get his brother to play with him, but it seemed the boy was not interest in such things at times. Well, he would, and Stoic would make him. While he waited for his Brother to come out of hiding, he investigated the river.

 He found that his paws seemed to sink in the dirt around the river, and happily slapped it down a few times like had had with the bug. The water was no different. It actually went OVER his foot. Once he found that out, there was no stopping him. He charged at full speed into the ice cold water, not regretting the action one bit although his hind was not feeling very comfortable. "Merr look!" He cried to his Mother, but it was not of sadness. He was quite happy, trying to frolic in the water, as much as his tiny feet would allow. Mother would enjoy this! "MERRRR!" He wanted for her to see how fun it was. He found that he could not go to far inwards, or he would not be able to breathe. But he could swim! He paddled his paws forward, trying to keep afloat as he swiveled around in circles, deeper into the water.

RE: Distract me from life - Zaria - May 04, 2016

Zaria smiled proudly when Adeline was starting to babble things, Odie however was playing by the stream. Soon Stoic joined too. It was a very lay stream but Zaria was not really into the idea of them being alone there. She stepped towards then and then laid down in the shallow and lazy stream. Though it could be strong enough to unbalance to pups. If they would stumble then Zaria's body would be the dam that would stop them. Plus she was there to intervene if their head stayed under too long. Zaria was however a mother that enouraged learning through experiences. If they knew water were dangerous they would be more careful next time. 

"Stoic... Try 'Mama' nor 'Mer'. 'Mama'," she spoke to him, encouraging him to start pronoucing things correctly not that she knew he was able to do that already. "Adeline, come. This is water," she explained, calling her daughter. Now the two others were inside of it she couldn't think any reason why the others shouldn't try it out either. After all they had their watchful mother that was close enough.

RE: Distract me from life - Addie - May 10, 2016

Adeline watched as her mother rose to go into the water, equal parts appalled and curious. In the end, her curiosity outweighed whatever disgust she might have felt... and her admiration for her mother brought a new rational and perspective to the mix. She pranced into the water with confidence, but after four feet were in, she zipped on out of there. The sensation was strange, new, and cold... she wasn't sure if she liked it, yet.

Her mothers summoning caused her to look sharply upward. There the woman lay, the waters parting around her... Adeline bolted in, moving right up to her. The water splashed at her face and Adeline snapped at it with a tiny growl.

RE: Distract me from life - Odette - May 12, 2016

Odette ingored her sisters ugh sounding noise, but felt a teasing feeling envelope her as Adelinecame into the water too, completely going against what she had stated to Odie.  Ha.  Odette thought to herself, but didn't pay much more attention to her sister right now.

Odette then watched as Stoic began to go into deeper water and started... was he swimming?  Jelousy seemed to kick Odie in the gut.  How was her Brother so brave?  How could he go into the deep waters of doom?  Odie wanted to join her brother, but too much fear claimed her as she thought of the what ifs, so she did not go to join him.

Odette then noticed as her Mother joined the three pups in the water and laid down.  That comforted her to know that if she slipped or anything her Mother would be there to catch her.  Luckily though she didn't slip, as she contiuned to roll around in the shallowest area of the water.

RE: Distract me from life - Jackrabbit - May 15, 2016

Stoic's prance was halted when Zaria plunked her body right infront of his path. He let out a shrivilrous whine, voicing his upest emotions. Very well, he would just have to climb over her like he had with Steady. He lifted on paw about the water, latching himself unto his Mother's hip. Pulling himself up while drenched in water was quite hard. He slipped back, loosing balance and falling back into the water. This was an undesired feeling, and his bad feelings did not lighten. He was feeling cranky today, and it was not getting better.

He sat, pouting in the water as he fumed in a little fit of frustration. This was not working for him, and he had an appearance to keep up. If Adeline could see him now, she would certianly sit on him, again.

RE: Distract me from life - Zaria - May 15, 2016

Zaria watched her three young play in the water. She kept an watchful eye on all of them, from Adeline growling at the water being ferociously cute, to Odette rolling and playing around the edges, while Stoic was fuming with not being to climb over her. The mother nudged him gently so he might loose his balance a bit in the water to cheer him up. She was mostly keeping them on their toes because she wanted them to be skilled in quick changes later in life, to always be ready for each situation.

Water started to pool around her because she was blocking the stream. The mother decided that the water was coming too high and it would become unsafe for the three youngsters. Zaria picked up Adeline and placed her at the bank, then she followed by picking up Stoic, followed by Odette. "That was water, if you go under it you can breath and you will die. So even though we need and drink it, water can be dangerous too," she lectured, not sure if they could even understand what she was saying.

RE: Distract me from life - Addie - May 19, 2016

Adeline continued to snap at the water, though was distracted by her brothers uncharacteristic stillness. She looked to him, noted his situation, and with a little grin that expressed her dominion over the world she went toward him--

Ah! She was plucked upward by mother and placed against the earth. Thank goodness. Water, as her mother stated, would be good for few things. Drinking, fishing, and bathing. But she didn't like just hanging out in there; her furs were not yet thick enough for her to feel overwhelmingly hot to ever want to do so. The silvertipped cub looked up admiringly at her mother before regarding her other siblings with an excited yip. She wondered if they were as glad as she was to be out of there.

RE: Distract me from life - Odette - May 19, 2016

Odette was really glad to be last.  Her tail drooped as her Mother carried her out of the water, holding her by the scruff, and then placing her down at the bank of the water source.  Odette's curious eyes danced over the water.  She wondered what it was made of... Odie then listened as her Mother began to talk, but didn't really pay much attention to the lecture.  She was too focused on the water... it was just so fascinating.  Did it always move like it did right now?  Was it alive like herself?

A small and almost inaduble whimper escaped Odette's mouth.  She really wanted to go back into the water, but was scared that Mother might get mad at her since she had already been taken out once already, along with her siblings.  She wondered why they had even been taken out of the water in the first place....  Why couldn't they have stayed?