Wolf RPG
The Sentinels all I ever wanted - Printable Version

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all I ever wanted - Andromeda Stark - April 28, 2016

She throws herself upon her meagre offerings of plants; anything she can save; anything she has saved. Ann hoards, not allowing the plagues that ravish the land any other sustenance than that they can find, and Ann is definitely one who will not let them take what belongs to them, what belongs to her. She battles her way through the cloud, the biting, kicking insects ravaging her fur, searching for whatever they can eat, that they can devour in their need for food. No, as soon as she has moved her small stores to a safe place when the hoards have flown over, she will find them, and she will destroy them as they have destroyed her lands.

Satisfied by this thought, the once-warrior shuts her eyes and moves onward, batting the unknown insects away from her vulnerable nose, her face, her ears, snapping at those that get too close and actually eating the damnable things. Her search continues on; she will not allow herself to cry or to lose tears to unfeeling beasts for she is above them all. Though they pluck at her hide and pull at her fur she keeps on moving, moving to safety, moving to rest from the storm.

Andromeda finds refuge in a cave, and she begins to plot her revenge all the while making sure her treasures are safely tucked away under her body.

RE: all I ever wanted - Tachyon Sr - April 30, 2016

the bugs assailed him in the manner they accosted the plants, tittering and teeming as they combed his fur and droned about him. with snarls and snaps he kept some at bay, though their numbers had forced him to take refuge in one of donnelaith's many small caves. without thinking he dove into the opening, ears flat and eyes closed as he broke through the rim into the darkness. it took him a moment to realize he was not alone -- with a start he recoiled and scrambled backwards, his eyes struggling to adjust in the dark. "who is that?" he asked timidly, feeling blind as the darkness thrummed about him.