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Ankyra Sound i love the heat, i love the things i forgot - Printable Version

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i love the heat, i love the things i forgot - Caiaphas - April 28, 2016

PACKTIVITY! @Kjalarr @James @Rayen @Rosalyn (wasn't sure if I should tag u bc thread but hi) @Lusca @Maude @Kelina

caiaphas, wound deep in the sanctity of the grotto, heard a noise. she stiffly lifted her neck, feeling a soreness thrum out from her body -- it had been days since her altercation, yet her body still protested every movement. with a grunt and a limp she rose, making towards the distant entrance.

as the mouth of the cave grew closer and closer, and the light broader, the sound grew so immense she could feel it reverberate along her slender ears. the noise, so cacophonous it caused her to wince, was far more blinding than even the light her eyes were unaccustomed to. as she broke the brim of the cave's entrance a dark swarm descended her -- all around her she felt accosted by thousands of small things, live and wriggling. caiaphas screamed -- with a start she threw forth a wavering howl and charged into the swarm, searching for any sign of her comrades.

RE: i love the heat, i love the things i forgot - Rayen - April 29, 2016

Hearing the scream and howl of her Alpha, Rayen ran as fast as she could. Her paws thumped the ground so quickly it hardly seemed as if she were touching it. Her progress was slowed when the swarm hit, her body lowering substantially in an effort to keep the things off of her.

When she reached where the call had come from she let out a howl of her own, not being able to spot Caiaphas in the dark cloud. It was filled with frustration and questioning. What the hell were these things?

RE: i love the heat, i love the things i forgot - Kelina - April 29, 2016

Kelina had been with Rayen after their spar, and she was coming back to the den alongside her friend, when she saw the swarm. She yelped in fright and tried to back away, but it was impossible. She decided to charge through it. Where was Caiaphas? She couldn't see much through the locusts, but she ran anyway. Soon enough she reached the den, shaking off any that could have gotten stuck in her long coat. "What are they?" She yelled, unable to hear much through the buzz. She glanced at the insects, squinting at them. They were everywhere! Where did they even come from? She scrabbled up next to the alpha, looking at her. "Caiaphas?" She barked, the swarm still humming loudly.

RE: i love the heat, i love the things i forgot - Maude - April 30, 2016

Maude heard the humming above her, Caiaphas' scream soon drowned out by the angry buzz. Close to the surface, Maude's head poked up through the entrance of one of the tunnels, and soon the pirate ducked back inside, her head covered in insects. An angry screech ripped through her lungs as Maude tore at the locusts, her body contorting wildly as she rolled, jumped, slammed her head and body in an attempt to crush the creatures. The urge to answer Caiaphas' call was quickly superceded by her need to get these things off of her. Maude fled deeper into the tunnels, determined to avoid the torrent of angry locusts and kill the ones currently clinging to her skin.

RE: i love the heat, i love the things i forgot - Caiaphas - May 04, 2016

posting, but there is no post order :)

through the haze she heard a howl - rapidly she slung towards it, finding rayen beneath a storm of locusts. she snapped at the air fearfully, scything through the swarm like some maddened banshee. kelina was only just ahead of her and with a jump she tried to press forward towards the wolf. "we need to take cover!" the siren queen gibbed, eyes wide with fear as she ducked her head as a particularly large gout seemed to wind towards her. she could hear maude's angry howls deep within the grotto and she bound towards the mouth of the grotto with the buzzing swarm throbbing violently behind her.