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Hushed Willows Ornithomancy - Printable Version

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Ornithomancy - Warbone - April 28, 2016

Dealing with my own figurative locust plague, guys, so bear with me here <3 Also, because of these events, ranks won't be shuffled this period but expect some changes once the dust settles around here! Mandatory meeting! PPing @Tavi for reasons seen ahead -- Paging: @Teagan @Kunik @Nova Rose @Trick @Grace @Flora

For days he had watched the birds arrive and depart odd droves, keening towards the sea, and for days he had ignored the signs of earth. The way she shivered ominously around him. His ignorance was self-imposed; the feelings of unease swept away in favor of pride, for he was a wolf that thought that whatever boiled their way would be handled as only his wolves were capable of. They would survive the happening, and still...

He was particularly concerned with Octavia. Her looming due date kept him near, but the locusts, which had been mere nuisance of noise pollution the day before, had turned full-blown plague overnight, and he left her side to assess the damage. The southern willows were getting demolished, and there was no telling how quickly the insatiable insects would reach and scourge the heart of their Keep. When Warbone returned to Octavia, he had been running, or rather careening for her, and the air following him had become completely swarmed. A wall of insects impenetrable by sight. The stink of them, too, made it hard to smell anything. But the Hunter found Octavia, as he always would.

"Come," he called over the droning noise, leading her as quickly as she could comfortably go towards a clearer stretch of the territory, only yet nibbled by the invading crowd. He stopped, figuring this was as good a spot as any to address his pack. They would house themselves in The Crook, but things had to first be done before they could, and he tossed his head back and howled for everyone's attendance. His howl carried in such resonance that the grasshoppers in the near area scattered from them before resuming their mindless consumption of the Marauder's home.

RE: Ornithomancy - Nova Rose - April 28, 2016

Nova wasn't far from where Warbone and Octavia were, and she hadn't yet been swarmed. The elder heard the commotion of the buzzing cloud though, and when she turned to look towards Warbone the shadow was clear. Shit! Locusts had been a plague before in her life, and she wasn't so keen on the time of hunger and stress that would come after. She took off for the alpha, grumbling as a bug hit her every so often. Eventually, his brown pelt came into view, and the familiar stormy pelt of Tavi was present next to him. 
      "Warbone, what do you need me to do?"
Her offer was flung at him in a rush of breathless words, spectral eyes gazing bitterly up at the ever-closer storm. The golden and cream female hoped the alpha had some plan, even if hers was miniscule. Old she may be, but never useless. This old female would pull her weight till her bones turned to dust! Thoughts worried her of Grace, but there wasn't time to look for her. Not when she would be coming to Warbones call as well.

RE: Ornithomancy - Grace - April 28, 2016

Grace was out collecting willow bark when Warbone called. She, like Nova, was actually ahead of the storm. The echoing of the summons bounced around the cave she and Trick had claimed as their medicine den, and though she had no idea just WHAT the noise was, the red yearling knew she needed to protect the herbs. She tossed the bark in a messy pile under their makeshift shelves, and got to work. The black cloud was getting ever closer and though she was still unsure of just what it was or the chaos that would ensure, she still did not go to Warbone. The faded black female did her best to cover any openings with rock and pebbles and branches, but would it be enough? It would have to be. She shoved one last stone over the largest entrance and, hoping everything would be alright when she got back, took off running at last. The damn things were starting to cling to her pelt, but twisting to nip at them meant throwing off her gait and making her stumble. Her gallop was already uneven and awkward without her stumbling around drunk all the time. At last! There was Nova's distinctive golden pelt, and as Grace slowed, Warbone and Tavi became evident. She'd missed her mothers words, but was giving Warbone al look that clearly asked the same.

RE: Ornithomancy - Flora - April 28, 2016

Flora was absolutely aware of what was happening right now, as it was one of the human's greatest fears. She practically materialized at Tavi's side, chuffing to her, then directing her gaze--with a more serious expression than ever--straight to Warbone. "Locusts..." She hissed, eyes narrowing at the horrible cloud. "I can help with Tav, if needed." She spoke blandly blink softly at Warbone. Though she had only just met Tavi, she felt as though it was one of her greatest responsibilities to protect her, as she had done with the forcefully impregnated hybrids at the mill. 

RE: Ornithomancy - Kunik - April 29, 2016

Kunik traveled with ears flat, eyes squinted, and muzzle down to keep the bothersome locusts from invading any of her orifices. The insects landed on her from time to time, moving away when they found nothing of sustenance in her fur. 

Entering the clearing, she could feel the crunch of the small bodies beneath her paws which might have made her cringe were she a weaker variety. The brownish red woman made no attempt to speak to anyone, doubting she would be heard over the droning. She nodded to Warbone and the others, awaiting why he had called her.

RE: Ornithomancy - RIP Tavi - April 29, 2016

After being corralled by Warbone, Tavi had changed her tune from I have got to get this done to something more like, I can wait a day. The bugs had gotten worse. They no longer flew overhead on approach, but had settled among the once beautiful willows and devoured the majority of them overnight. Bodies littered the ground - the bugs had eaten, maybe bred, and died, all in the night. While Warbone howled for the pack Tavi was silent, looking down at the dead and twitching bodies of the locusts with an expression of utter revulsion on her face. 

Then, the wolves began to appear. Around them were the living locusts, which seemed to have figured out where to go on their own. Most of them avoided the wolves as they passed through them, the swarm parting for each new body, although a few of the bugs still zigged instead of zagged, and came close to a set of jaws or bumbled against a body. Tavi wondered if they would ever stop feasting upon the land. And what would this mean for the pack? How could they eat if the prey had nowhere to go? Everything was ruined.

This was no place to birth her children, not if they couldn't even eat.

But such a thought survived for only a heartbeat in Tavi's mind. She was swiftly overwhelmed by the oncoming pack members - namely a small dark one who slunk up to her side, far too close the look in the woman's eyes said, and seemed eager to protect her. Before Warbone could say a word on the subject, Tavi let out a low warning growl, Get away from me, creature. This was unlike any wolf she had seen, which set off alarm bells in the mother-to-be's mind; she did not want this thing anywhere near her, or the babies. Not to mention having this child talk about her as if she weren't even right fucking there was infuriating.

Tavi shifted slightly closer to Warbone, her tail raising over her back as if she was assuming some sort of grand position alongside him. Maybe that was what she had to do - otherwise these wolves would never respect her space. Tavi fell silent at this thought, but kept her eyes on Flora, since her ears were made useless by the drone of the swarm.

RE: Ornithomancy - Trick - April 29, 2016

The buzzing had not gone over the trickster's head. Chaos. Absolute chaos. He sniffed in deeply, almost getting one of the bugs stuck in his fucking brain, and sighed. It had been a while since he had seen so much destruction. The willows, who he was just beginning to appreciate, were eaten alive, just like the grass, herbs, flowers... It was a sad yet somewhat satisfying sight. He knew what this meant. A chance to prove himself worthy to Warbone and the rest, a chance to win their trust. He just needed to be the calmest, the wisest. A smirk played on his muzzle, complimenting his green eyes who the bugs probably didn't like eating, even with the leaf-like color. 

The howl of his king made him perk his head up, just when one of the locusts wanted to pass him. It hit his head and fell with a thump - that wasn't heard, for the sound of buzzing was way too loud- on the ground. Why, you... He hissed. Stand back, you mewling quim... He growled, stomping on the creature. With a crushing noise, the creature died. His thoughts went to the healer's cave. Would the herbs be okay? Grace? He ran to the opening, just in time to see the limping figure of Grace run out in the direction of the voice of Warbone. To be certain, he took a look inside, and what he saw made him proud. She had done well. He wiped the grin off his muzzle, setting his face in the Oh my God, I am so concerned for you all stance. He had perfected that one, if he did say so himself, and made his way to the others

The feelings of bugs against his body was not at all pleasant, but the trip to where the other's were was short. He wasn't even panting, for the run was nothing like what he used to do. He bowed respectfully to Warbone, his face concerned, his eyes going from wolf-to-wolf. His final glance landed upon Tavi, the pregnant woman. Sir, thanks to Grace, the herbs are safe. He informed, flashing a smile at the girl. Tell us, what else is there to do? He asked, the concern finding it's way into his honey voice.

RE: Ornithomancy - Teagan - April 29, 2016

The coywolf's features crinkled into something between a grimace and a scowl and his black tipped ears splayed back against his skull. This was absolute chaos, and while Teagan might love chaos, he definitely did not like this kind of chaos. No, he preferred the ones in which he was the creator, and he watched the chaos unfold. Not when he was the one being caught up in the chaos. "Holy fuck, Jesus save our souls," he muttered under his breath, nearly breathing in one of the locusts. He backed away, watching with narrow eyes at the willows. 

Warbone's voice pierced through the thick air, and Teagan perked up, a smile tugging at the edge of his lips. However grim as this was, his voice still somehow made the hybrid grin, even if it was a rather grim situation right now. He made for him immediately, paws pounding against the hard ground and skidded to a stop in front of his king as well as his packmates. Green eyes flashed worriedly in Arkham's direction, before he masked it with his typical boyish smirk, though even that had a tinge of anxiousness in it.

"Shit's going down, ain't it?"

RE: Ornithomancy - Warbone - April 30, 2016

They all arrived individually and with individual concerns. Warbone was silent, regarding everyone with a gaze that urged quiet until the rest arrived. He moved only marginally barely at all, until Octavia became disturbed, and the wolf was set immediately on edge. Flora, who had been mysteriously scarce recently, sought a position that had not been offered and wasn't to be given by the mother-to-be.

From her opposite side, Warbone finally moved more than he had since his howl, and he bared his teeth at Flora over Octavia's head as she pressed in statement to his side. The movement and posturing was not lost on him, as it wouldn't with the others, and Warbone felt a primal instinct to project his support behind her notion. He would speak with her later about her intolerance— Flora was strange, but talented, and useful if nothing else— but now was not the time to defend his subordinate. Rational or not, pregnant or not, he would back her, and it was in that instance he realized, that in a pinch, he would concede to Octavia's will and he would protect her stead as viciously as he would his own. It meant there was only one place for her.

His head swung back to face his wolves, just as Teagan's arrival finalized their group, and the classically blase statement that accompanied him loosened the dangerous tightening inside Warbone's chest. His face didn't change, though he looked at Teagan for a long moment before taking a breath and turning his eyes onto the rest of them. "I have never seen this plague before myself, but I have heard it is like fire. There will be nothing green left in our territory come the following days. There likely will not be any green left anywhere in these lands, I fear..." He paused, letting the magnitude of the situation settle on his pack before resuming.

"If we expect to survive this, we must be smart, and we must work fast. We will house ourselves in The Crook until the insects pass. It is as protected as we are going to get in this territory, and there is no need for any of us to be out here. Grace," he looked to the brown yearling. "if what Trick says is true, then I thank you for your forethought. You and Trick travel north towards the ravine, collect, protect, and store what useful herbs you can before they are all gone— we may need them. Nova Rose, Flora, get to as many of our caches as you can. Bring everything back to The Crook. Do not leave behind a single hair nor feather. There is no telling how long we may be without any fresh kill."

He made a face, but pressed on, his strict expression resuming. "Kunik, you too fly north. Try to catch as much small prey as you can. Take advantage of their confusion and hiding, and bring back as much fresh food as you can. Teagan, same task, just see if you can manage something larger. If you happen upon a slow-moving herd, come back for me and Flora," he finished, looking the foxwolf square in the face.

Warbone looked at Octavia finally, and he seemed to hesitate, before swinging his stern face confidently back towards his pack. "Before everyone goes, I must announce I decision I just made several minutes ago. Octavia is your alpha female. I trust you all honor my opinion, at this time, but if there is a problem, address it later when our lives are not at stake." Leaving little room to argue, even from Octavia herself, he nudged the she-wolf in the direction of the Crook. "You all have your tasks."

Everyone can just assume their character attempted or accomplished their given tasks, if you did not want to RP it :) You are all also welcome to post once more, but it is unnecessary -- I'll close this thread in a couple days or less.

RE: Ornithomancy - Nova Rose - April 30, 2016

Nova listened to Warbone speak, nodding as she was given her task. Her ghostly eyes were calm despite the chaos, but they flicked to Flora in worry. She wouldn't speak out, since technically the pregnant female had a right to be choosy on who she wanted around her. It was unfair that some of it was likely based off of her dog blood, but such was the was of life sometimes. She moved closer to the dark wolfdog for some sort of silent support, if she accepted it. The golden elder wasn't at all surprised that Tavi was suddenly made alpha female, but wondered how it would affect the rest of the pack. Eh, probably not as bad as this plague.... The regal female waiting to move until Flora had, unsure on if she wanted to work together or split up.

RE: Ornithomancy - Grace - April 30, 2016

Grace was surprised to hear Trick name her out for helping, and even more so as Warbone's thanks rang above the buzz of the swarm. The red yearling couldn't help but straighten a little bit, puffing out her chest proudly and flashing Nova a grin. She, unlike her faded mother, was very surprised at Tavi's sudden promotion. From what she knew, she'd been a beta with the Phoenixes, the alpha of Larksong Grotto, and now she was the alpha of Marauders Keep? Was there something to worry about, or did the poor girl just have horrifying luck? Nothing had ever been done to Grace herself though, or anyone she personally knew. She would give this alpha a try, certain that it would go better that her last experience with alpha transitions. She nodded silently at her given job, glancing to Trick in order to see what he wanted to do. She needed to know what to look for, but she guessed that anything would be helpful now.