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Sleeping Dragon Coming home - Printable Version

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Coming home - Wildfire - May 01, 2016

She's looking for Thurin but that doesn't mean she has to find her; this is open to anybody at all! :)

Theirs was not a particularly joyous homecoming. The locusts had laid the lands to waste, leaving behind nothing but hundreds of thousands of tiny corpses as the rest of the swarm finally moved onto greener pastures. Wildfire worried not only about her pack mates at Drageda—particularly the Heda, even if she could take care of herself—but also about the family she had missed at the caldera. What would this new barrenness mean for all of them...?

The instant their paws touched the borders, Wildfire exchanged a glance with Gavriel and then tipped her muzzle into the air to announce their return. Feeling weak and weary from the arduous trek, the trapper wondered if there was anything in the pack's caches. But she did not go looking for one. Instead, she gave her escort a parting nudge, then began trotting in the direction of the commander's den. If anyone knew how the pack fared, it would be Thuringwethil, though Wildfire would be lying if she said that was the only reason she sought her.

RE: Coming home - Rebekka - May 10, 2016

The girl was at wonder. It had been her last wish to return to a Trigeda colony, or any grounder tribe at that. But somehow, Drageda was different. It was the diversity, perhaps. She found that not all of the clan were of the same descent, which oddly enough, fascinated her. All of the wolves she had ever known either came from Seageda or Trigeda. She did not even know how to speak their language properly. She would have to if she hoped to remain in Drageda. But as Heda had said, if she earned her keep she would not stay at the bottom for long. It was another thing that differed from what she had grown up to. No effort was good enough, but she could never attract their attention. She would not be overlooked here, or her journey was for nothing.

The low ache in her stomach constantly remined her of her own hunger, but there was no prey to take her pick from. Just bugs. Lot's and lot's of bugs. They were disgusting. It had taken only a minute for her stomach to convulse and heave out everything from the night before. This was a cruel joke the fates were playing on her, putting the idea into her head of leaving only to arrive in Purgatory. She had not been the most innocent of the bunch, but she did not deserve this.

It was only ironic when she almost walked into the red girl again, trying to find any source of water to wash out the disgusting grasshopper residue from her taste buds. Oh, what was her name? Something to do with fire, just like her apperance. How did they say faya? She did not know exactly what she said, but it sounded more like "Fear," than she intended to. She walked up to the girl not much older than her and nodded, unsure wether to submit or not. In Trigeda, all above you were to be shown submission, regardless if they were better or not. She did not know how things worked in Drageda, but would be sure to ask when she had the chance.

RE: Coming home - Wildfire - May 10, 2016

Thanks so much for rescuing this! :)

When she arrived at the den, she could find no sign of Thuringwethil. Disappointed but not discouraged, Wildfire seated herself nearby and mulled over whether to keep searching for her around the territory or just wait here for her eventual return. It was the youthful ranger's weariness that decided for her. She slumped forward and, without any intention of doing so, passed out cold.

She blinked awake, unaware of how much time had passed since she had never intended to fall sleep in the first place. Wildfire licked her dry lips and pushed herself to her feet. The commander still wasn't home. In desperate need of a drink and a potty break, the yearling began to lope away from the den, only to suddenly cross paths with the same she-wolf that had trailed herself and Gavriel back here to Drageda.

"Fear?" the still sleepy Wildfire repeated, squinting. "What's the matter?" she asked slowly, trying to blink herself awake.

RE: Coming home - Rebekka - May 10, 2016

Np! :)

As the female recovered from sleep, Rebekka watched, just as confused as the female was. Was that not her name? She had said it right.. right? The words coming from Wildfire sounded like a question, but she did not know what it was. Maybe, it was because she hadn't submitted and this was a question to why she had not done so. It all seemed to make sense in her mind. Rebekka lowered herself, making a small gesture to expose the nape of her neck. She did not often worry about what other's thought of her, nor she did she actually care, but she had no wish to cause trouble or get into any while Heda was still watching.

"Ai laik Rebekka. Yu laik Faya,"

She tried to go slowly and put emphasis, as if talking to a child. But after a moment, she decided it was probabaly best not try to communicate in Trigedasleng then, it would not help. She suspected this female did not know the language like Gavriel did. She would have to try Gonasleng then, silently praying that she could at least get some words right. Rebekka had never intended to speak the language before nor seen it's importance, so had never thought to learn it. There had been so many other things to learn and train to do, another language just seemed like a waste of time. She sorely regretted that now. She struggled to come up with a translation, but did so anyways.

"Yu are Fear, yes?" This could not get any more ridiculous, or embarassing, so she thought.

RE: Coming home - Wildfire - May 10, 2016

I worked as a camp counselor many summers ago and my alias was "Riot." There was an international counselor from Malaysia who called me "Ree-ot" all summer. I just thought she couldn't pronounce it properly. I only learned at the very end of the season that she could totally pronounce it right, I just never corrected her. Whoops! ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Only two seconds after the words left her mouth, Wildfire remembered that this particular wolf wasn't particularly fluent in the common tongue. She totally deserved the slightly befuddled look she got for it. The sudden act of submission took her by surprise, though. The yearling finally managed to blink herself to full consciousness and began to shake her head lightly. She supposed she was climbing the chain these days, yet she didn't need a perfect stranger exposing her neck to her.

"It's okay, you don't have to do that," she murmured, aware that Rebekka probably wouldn't even understand. "And, oh, yeah... Fire. Yeah, that's me." Despite feeling fully awake, Wildfire still felt slow in the head. As much as she loved accents, language barriers always left her feeling awkward and stupid. "Fire," she enunciated again, now feeling as if she was patronizing her new pack mate, on top of everything else. "Just call me Wifi."

She shot the other she-wolf a hopefully encouraging smile, then suddenly something occurred to her and she asked, "Have you seen the commander? Heda?" Maybe that's where Thuringwethil had been all this time: interrogating the new arrival?

RE: Coming home - Rebekka - May 12, 2016

reb would totally be that person lol

Rebekka did not understand. The girl that stood before her was indeed faya, but the way the girl said it was much different than the way Rebekka had. This concerned her, hoping she did not unintentionally insult the female. Fire. The sound was so different, and she struggled to pronounce it right. "Fiiiee reee," No, that was most certianly not right either. This female was undoubtably strange. She did not want submission, and she was something called a "Wee Fee". Perhaps this was a title, or what did they call it.. a nickname. Rebekka did have one, but it was not one she desired to ever hear again. She gave it a try anyways, focusing on the way Wildfire had said it. "Wiiiii fiiiii," She shrugged. Besideds of the elongated sounds, it wasn't so bad. Until she could get it, she would stick to calling the girl faya, not considering that it was not even in the same language she spoke.

Heda, she could never mistake that word. Rebekka nodded, swivveling her head to indicate where she had come from. Thuringwethil had been generous, unlike what she had expected. She was not sappy, but she was not unreasonable. Rebekka was lucky to be under such graces, and she would be sure to fill her keep. She needed to earn her trades. She never had to make such a decision as her specialites before, it had always been general knowledge. But first, she needed to spar. Despite the current state of the forests, and the lack of food, there was no time to slack.

RE: Coming home - Wildfire - May 17, 2016

Rebekka seemed to understand that particular word, which made sense, considering the term Heda probably originated from the native language. She nodded, then indicated the direction from which she had come after meeting with the commander. Wildfire instantly wanted to take off in that direction, yet she didn't want to be rude. Perhaps Thuringwethil was making her way back to her den by now, anyway, so she should turn back and wait for her there.

"Okay, thank you. I need to speak to her, so I'm going to go wait at her den," Wildfire said, speaking slowly and clearly in the hope that Rebekka would be able to follow. "You could come with me, if you like, or I can leave you to settle in," she added, not wanting to seem dismissive of the pack's brand new recruit.

RE: Coming home - Rebekka - May 27, 2016

I think we can wrap this up here if that's okay with you? :)

While she did not understand the language, she understood when she was dismissed. She dipped her head, in parting from the female. The newest recruit did not want to take up Heda's time, nor bother her with an unwanted presence. Rebekka would earn her right to take up the Commander's company, if she was ever granted the privilage to do so. Wildfire, it seemed was in the good graces of Heda much to her envy and suprise. It had shocked her that Drageda was comprised not only of grounders but foreigners. Well, they were the foreigners in the Teekon lands. It did not bother her, but it made her wonder how two different cultures managed to co-exist, and in harmony at that. Unbeknownst to her, that was not entirely the case. 

As she walked from view, she wondered if it was her place to seek out the co-alpha Thuringwethil spoke of. The female, Gyda, Rebekka invisioned to be quite intimidating if she was strong enough to share the Heda title. While there could only be one true Commander, sharing the realitive title was beyond an honour. And she was extreemly lucky to be under the rule of not one, but two great females.

RE: Coming home - Wildfire - May 30, 2016

Wildfire watched as Rebekka sauntered away, feeling a slight twinge of guilt for brushing her aside. But then she refocused on the task at hand: regrouping with the Heda. Heart pumping solidly in her chest, the yearling turned to head toward the commander's den, where she would wait as long as was necessary to reconvene with Thuringwethil and report on her (mis)adventurous expedition with Gavriel.