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Silvertip Mountain Waking the Dead. - Printable Version

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Waking the Dead. - Mason - May 01, 2016

@Zaria when you have chance <3

He was near the den which held his siblings - anyone who suggested 'half-siblings' would have been mowed down by the young Beta. Mason padded up to his step-mother, wondering how this would go. His heart had been broken, but he had risen from the ashes knowing that you had to make the most of life. It could be over in a flash.

She was there, tending to the babies who needed her so much in the absence of another parent. He didn't make any pretences, and only took a moment to clear his throat before he launched into his speech. His posture was low and respectful as it needed to be, but still held authority as second in command easily. "I need to be Alpha. I want to lead alongside you, and keep this pack a family. Dad-" and his voice broke momentarily, but he coughed the bubble away. "- this is what Dad would have wanted. Us to stand as a family against those around us." Krypton's warning words flashed in his mind - packs were surrounding them, possibly ready to move in. With puppies to look after, Mason didn't want to just be a Beta anymore - he was fully invested in Silvertip. He was asking Zaria as a courtesy more than anything else. She had been Dad's love, and Mason's love. Nothing bonded a father and son more than love for each other, besides love for another. Although he didn't love her anymore, he would not lose his birthright merely due to her mateship to his Dad. The mountain belonged to Silvertip wolves. Mason was a pure-blood. Her children were half-blood. She was a muggle.

He had already decided the action he would take if she refused. He gave nothing away in his mask of a face - emotionless, but hopeful. Finally, Mason had learned to grow up. "Will you have me?"

A kernel of feeling began to blossom in his heart, but he couldn't yet determine what emotion was there, as he waited on her response. He wasn't asking her to stand down, merely to stand alongside him in his birthright, if she could honour FitzDutiful's wishes.

RE: Waking the Dead. - Zaria - May 04, 2016

Zaria was in her den when Mason came in. They had established by now that he was allowed to enter the den without permission. After all he had done a good job watching her young. The female raised her head when he entered. Her green eyes questioningly looking at him for a moment before he began explaining. Her ears instantly flattened. "You don't need anything. You just become a Beta," she returned to him, feeling a bit attacked. Luckily for him he said the right words; 'along side of you', otherwise Zaria had been really offended.

Sue they had been bonding and doing better but Zaria did not see Mason yet as her equal. She knew that vision had to change one day but Zaria could not deal with that now. Though she knew how much it meant to Fitz, yet, she was still mad at Fitz too. So she unfairly projected that a bit on Mason, he looked like his father. "No," she spoke, though that sounded a bit harsh. She cleared her throat. "Not yet," she added. She heard about the bugs and their ravenous eating. She wanted to protect her pups. "I will make you a deal though. I want to stay close to my young with these weird bugs being around. It means you will lead more, basically have an alpha like role. Help me get the pack through this and you will have earned my respect to become Alpha."

RE: Waking the Dead. - Mason - May 11, 2016

He hadn’t expected it to be a walk in the park. In fact, her reaction was diminished from the affronted anger he had expected. Motherhood was softening her whether she wanted to believe it or not. Her comment about Beta stung – yes he had only just become a Beta, but she had become an Alpha within a couple of months of joining the pack. Should Mason point this out? No.


She mentioned the bugs, which had come swiftly and had scared Mason at first. They had eaten everything in sight. He understood her worry about their effect on the prey. Which was exactly what his point had been – they need to be strong.


Her offer was more than he had expected, but less than what he felt he deserved. On that unhappy medium he could roll along for a while at least. “Thank you Zaria, for the chance. I will stay close to my brothers and sisters. I can tell them stories and bring them prey to test their hunting skills. If I can find any…” Mason looked backwards at the entrance to the den and shuddered at the memory of the swarm. “I hope they don’t come back.”

RE: Waking the Dead. - Zaria - May 12, 2016

Zaria was surprised by his reaction yet, she could only be impressed by it. The female looked at Mason with a sharp expression, not necessarily unfriendly. She could understand if Mason had talked back but he hadn't. "These bugs are a problem indeed, we have a serious lack of food and the pups can't die," she spoke. If Mason would bring any food on the table Zaria would probably be quick to be pleased. She just wanted all her four young to survive this. She couldn't lose more of Fitz than she already had. Then maybe she would let Mason rule besides her.

Maybe once her young would be grown and be taking care of themselves she would leave this mountain. Without Fitz she was not the same, she had changed. Normally she would not have minded to be royal but now it felt wrong and Mason had reminded her of that. But she was not backing down quickly. She was going to take this alpha spot to her advantage, otherwise she would not be Zaria.