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Silver Creek the ants go marching one by one - Printable Version

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the ants go marching one by one - Casmir - May 02, 2016

he loped in silence along the glossy stream that ran along the edge of their new territory. @Spring had offered to come with him -- she was presumably alongside him as he moved, nares flared for any sign of pack wolves. the scents of his own kind were thankfully most prevalent in their own group, and the boy soon relaxed, pausing to plunge his muzzle and paws into the coolness of the water.

he said little, but looked to his companion now, wondering what she made of the land that Saena had chosen to be their home.

RE: the ants go marching one by one - Spring - May 02, 2016

Spring stayed by the young black furred male's side in silence.  As the boy stopped, so did Spring and she too began to lap up the nice cool, smooth water.  Lifting her muzzle from the water after a few moments she could feel the boy looking at her.  She turned her head to face him, wondering what he wished too know.  She didn't know what he wanted to know though so instead she just asked a simple question.

"Where do you come from?"  She asked in a quieter tone, slightly curious if this wolf hailled from outside Teekon Wilds or was born here.  She flicked an ear absently as she awaited for the male's response to her question.

RE: the ants go marching one by one - Casmir - May 04, 2016

"donnelaith. it's along the coast we left," he answered simply, nostrils flaring as he searched for unknown wolfscent. content to find none, he pressed on, assuming she would follow. hunger and an edge of fear made Casmir silent, more watchful than talkative, but presently his eyes turned to his companion.

"what about you?" the young wolf murmured, muzzle dipping to take in the fragrance left by weasel-spoor. the meat of such animals was gamy and strong, but it was better than starving.

RE: the ants go marching one by one - Spring - May 04, 2016

Donnelaith.  Why did that word sound so familar?  She squited, thinking for a brief moment.  Renior!  That was who had spoken of it.  Her heart suddenly began to race with excitement.  Did that mean that this wolf knew French too, since he claimed to be from there?  First she would make sure to answer his question about where she was from though.

"I'm from a place up north called Canada."  She replied.  Then proceeded to ask about Donnelaith.  "I've heard of Donnelaith from a..." Spring paused for a few moments what would she called Renior?  "Friend," she decided, then contiuned on to test this wolf to see if he really did speak the truth, that he had been raised in Donnelaith, unless Renior had simply been lying.  She just decided not to think of that possiblity.  She entertained the thought to think that she could possibly have someone to finally speak her favorite language to.  "J'ai entendu Donnelaith parle Français, correct?

RE: the ants go marching one by one - Casmir - May 04, 2016

a friend? Cas' eyes betrayed some hint of his suspicion, but he let it go as soon as it had come. it didn't matter, anyway. Donnelaith was his birthplace, but Silver Creek was his pack. "Oui. et aussi gaelic," he responded with his father's easy smile. "where did you learn French?" he asked Spring curiously.

maybe this 'friend' had been a lover or something, he thought naughtily to himself, fighting a chortle as he continue to trot along the borders, ear cocked for the girl's response.

RE: the ants go marching one by one - Spring - May 06, 2016

Spring listened to the black furred male and became a little uneasy as she noticed the suspiciousness that hinted in his eyes.  Her heart rose though when the male responded in French.  The answer was easy enough for her.  She had learned it in Starlit Hills, her pack before this one, before Pheonix Maplewood and Silver Creek.  Her heart ached a little to think about Starlit Hills though, because whenever she thought of them all that came was sad memories along with it.

"J'appris le français dans mon groupe avant Silver Creek ou Pheonix Maplewood.  Avant d'entrer dans le Teekon Wilds."  She responded in an even tone, a slightly deppressed look took hold of her when she mentioned her pack before Pheonix Maplewood/Silver Creek.  If only her pack back in Canada hadn't had such a terrible, horrible fate.

RE: the ants go marching one by one - Casmir - May 10, 2016

she looked sad suddenly, and Casmir wasn't keen on French as it was. his father loved to speak the languages; he'd been taught them and was fluent, but he didn't like to converse in it. seemed odd to him. "what happened?" he asked, pausing to watch Spring for a moment. it was probably something horrible, he decided, for her to look that way, or maybe not. maybe she'd only gotten lost or something.

muzzle to the ground, he waited for her to respond and kept moving, looking for something, anything.

RE: the ants go marching one by one - Spring - May 10, 2016

"What happened?"  Spring cringed visably as the male asked her the question.  She didn't really like to speak about her past.  Sure she still had siblings that were alive, but that was only because they had elft before the tradegy.  She had not.  She flashed back to the moment remembering the deaths and how she should have saved them.  She really should have.  Spring had never opened up about her past except to Reek and Esaro, for both now she really regretted it as they both were now enemies in her eyes.  She migth have told the black furred male about her past, but she didn't want to make another accidental mistake.  This wolf seemed like he had a pretty good heart from what she had seen so far, but Esaro and Reek had seemed good too.  You could never really know.  So for now she decided not to tell him of the rabies virus that had spread through her Pack, picking them bruatly off one by one.  All because of a Racoon.  A cruel, evil, rabies infected Racoon.  Although, now that she thought about it, she had told Laika too.  Still two-thirds was majority.  She would wait to tell this male, if she ever did.

"It doesn't matter right now."  She briefly replied, in answer to the black furred male's question.  Maybe one day she would tell this wolf, but not today.  Spring just didn't know him well enough yet and wasn't sure whether or not to trust him.  Simple as that.  She decided to change the subject, to increase the chances of not going back to her life story before the Teekon Wilds.  "I'm Spring by the way."  She informed him, then paused for a few moment before contiuning.  "I never caught your name."

RE: the ants go marching one by one - Casmir - May 12, 2016

she refused to answer; he could all but see the cogs working in her head before she changed the subject. this, of course, made Casmir even more curious about the mystery surrounding this packmate of his. but he was a gentleman -- he wasn't about to pry into Spring's life if she was so intent on keeping him out. "Casmir Mayfair," he answered, still proud of his surname though he no longer lived with his immediate family.

the whirr of a locust caught his ear, and he turned to glare at it distastefully. however, a thought came to him, a disgusting one, but an idea nevertheless. "have you ever thought of eating these?" he asked, casting a glance at Spring to gauge her reaction.

RE: the ants go marching one by one - Spring - May 12, 2016

Casmir Mayfair.  She wondered where his family had orignated from before Donnelaith, she had never heard that last name in her life, but it did sound pretty cool she had to admit.  She liked the sound of Mayfair.  His second question caught Spring by surprise though when Casmir asked if she had ever eaten a Locust, because she had infact.  She had eatten one that one time with Saena.  She smiled absently at the memory.

Slipping her smile away Spring began to respond to Casmir's question.  "Yes, I actually have tried Locust before... it tastes... well... interesting I suppose."  She offered, sounding a little uncertain.  Suddenly a though occured to her and she shot Casmir a teasing smirk.  "I dare you to try one."  Spring teased him lightly.

RE: the ants go marching one by one - Casmir - May 17, 2016

Spring shot back his own tease at him, and Casmir blinked in surprise. he hadn't been expecting her witty comeback. and he was never one to back down from a dare, and so, despite the bitterness he knew would explode on his tongue, the boy snapped for the nearest bug.

it crunched unpleasantly between his teeth; his face screwed up and he gagged once. "tasty!" he lied, obviously, eyes watering at the purely disgusting flavour.

RE: the ants go marching one by one - Spring - May 17, 2016

Spring bit her lip to hide back a laugh as Casmir eat the bug and gagged, his face screwing up, saying it was 'tasty', despite poor Casmir's current expression.  The Beta then watched as his eyes began to water at the digusting taste.  She didn't blame him.  These bugs tasted very horrid, especaillty the one that she had tried that one time with Saena.

"It does look rather tasty from that expression that you're making Casmir."  Spring teased her new made friend.  Then to make it even Spring's eyes locked on a lone buzzing Locust in the air, she snapped down on it and began to chew.  A flush of disgusting bug guts slipped into her mouth and down her throat.  It was just disgusting and a disgusted look filled her face.  "Tasty," she teased, with a disgusted shiver.

RE: the ants go marching one by one - Casmir - May 21, 2016

"ha, ha!" Casmir managed to crow, snickering at Spring's less-than-pleased expression. the taste was not something he could easily get around; the boy briefly wondered if dying of starvation was easier than eating locusts all day, then decided it wasn't. All the same, he dunked his muzzle into the nearby water and washed the bitter taste off his tongue.

"iiiii win!" he exulted, grinning at the girl and tipping her a wink. his wet chin brushed the earth as he began to search for food again, blinking at a sudden tiredness threatening to overtake him.

RE: the ants go marching one by one - Spring - May 21, 2016

Spring was happy to make one of her fellow members of Silver Creek get a chance to feel some triumph.  It made her feel good, even if eating a Locust was required.  Face still twisted up and looking thoroughly disgusted, Spring finished the Locust, blood, guts, bones and all.  She then launched herself at the water source, just ready to escape the horrible taste that seemed to envelope her mouth.  What if it never left?  She fretted for a while, as she thrust her muzzle into the water source, gulping down the water.  Within a minute of constant gugging, with an occasional breath, Spring's mouth tasted good again.  The female rocked back on her haunches, still disguisted by the Locust.

"That."  She took a breath.  "Tasted terrible."  Spring commented with a slight tease in her tone.  She sat there for about ten more seconds, before pulling herself back to her paws.  With a glance up to the sky, she notied that it was starting to darken, not to the ebony shade of Casmir's coat, but time had still began it's shift from the light of the day, to the darkness of the night.  A tired feeling settled in her and a small yawn escaped her.  Maybe she would head back to her den soon, get some very much needed sleep in.

RE: the ants go marching one by one - Casmir - May 24, 2016

he laughed at her as she did what he had, drowned herself in water to rid her mouth of the horrible taste. though his eyes shone with mirth, he did not taunt her, nor did he miss her little yawn. a glance to the sky told him it was time to return, though he was annoyed that neither of them had caught anything to bring back. he wished he'd stuffed himself to the gills when prey was around, and vowed to do just that when it came back.

if it came back, Cas amended grimly in his head. "hey, c'mon. let's get you home, tired-butt." he began to move back the way they had come, glancing to see that Spring followed.

RE: the ants go marching one by one - Spring - May 26, 2016

Spring forced herself to keep her starting to droop eyes open.  She was dissapointed though that she and Casmir still had caught nothing to bring back... but at least they had tested the locusts, a sudden idea sprung into her mind, but before she got a chance to tease Casmir about it, he told her that it would probably be in their best interests to get home.  Yes...  Spring thought silently.  You read my mind.  

With a nod of her head, Spring padded up to Casmir's side.  "I so agree."  She mumbled, starting to follow Casmir.  Spring could not wait to get back to the others, even though she didn't have a den yet and would probably just end up sleeping out in the open.  It just didn't matter, after all as Casmir had called her, she was a tired-butt.

RE: the ants go marching one by one - Casmir - May 29, 2016

last for me! <3

he smiled as she followed, slowing his stride so they could walk together. the boy bumped Spring's shoulder with his muzzle before his jaws split into a yawn; soon they would be home and could sleep.