Wolf RPG
The Wall Let's face it, this is not the worst thing you've caught me doing. - Printable Version

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Let's face it, this is not the worst thing you've caught me doing. - Stark - May 03, 2016

The world here had been touched. Stark could see that. His path through the world so far had yeilded him a view of all of these death-touched wastes, clearly eaten and consumed by another creature of the earth. It was horrific. It was so horrific. All the things that Stark had seen, all that he had witnessed, it only told him that something needed to happen. Something needed to change. Stark didn't think he could fix the world, not by a long shot, but, maybe he needed to try. 

He had learned how to survive on his own, he had learned how to manage his days and how to go about his life in a manner that kept him safe and fed. They could make traps for fish, they could figure out traps for larger prey - should any still be around. It was with that goal in mind that Stark was climbing up the sharp lift, trying to see the lands as best as he could and forumlate some sort of plan.

RE: Let's face it, this is not the worst thing you've caught me doing. - Kelso - May 05, 2016


The only thing that had kept the lanky three-year-old from continuing on in his travels was the presence of a large population of wolves.  A wolf on its own could surely be killed by such a famine, while a wolf among others might have a chance of survival.  If it came to that, he would join a pack; so far, though, his hunger hadn't pushed him to that level of desperation yet.  He wanted to take his time choosing a place, not be forced in the throes of starvation to join the first band he came to.  He might not have the luxury of being so choosy for long, though...

Still, though, it boggled his mind that such a vast landscape could be so utterly devoid of prey.  And at the height of spring, no less!  He had taken to the mountains in an effort to get a bird's eye view of the lands.  Perhaps, from up here, he would see...anything.  So far, though, he hadn't had much luck.  He began to pick his way back down the path when he spied a dark figure ascending the same rise upon which he stood.  Ordinarily, he would have left and avoided the stranger completely, but he thought it might be a good idea to see if this stranger had seen anything recently.

RE: Let's face it, this is not the worst thing you've caught me doing. - Stark - May 08, 2016

Hi honey!! *blows cobwebs off the writing skills* god I gotta work at this again haha - also! I was planning on using this for a scout thread :3  

Stark glanced up in time to see the other wolf approaching. He didn't have much space to try and give the other wolf room to get down. He wasn't a huge wolf though so he could make do. The wolf seemed intent to talk to him though and Stark wasn't going to back down from that opportunity. Maybe he would get the wolf's opinion, especially when maybe he had been there longer than Stark.

He stopped when he found a small leveled spot on the rocks enough that they might both get their footing and not be left with the chance of either getting thrown off the ledge. "See anything worthwhile?" He asked, hoping that maybe he had scouted something out.

RE: Let's face it, this is not the worst thing you've caught me doing. - Kelso - May 13, 2016

Omg, my skillz are so rusted and crusty it's ridiculous, haha.  But omg it's awesome to write with you again!  I'll probably use this as a trade thread too!

Kelso realized -- too late for things to not be awkward -- that the path was really kind of narrow for two adult wolves to pass by one another side-by-side, let alone hang out and chat.  He felt his cheeks flush as small rocks jostled loose by his feet tumbled and skittered down past the stranger.  Fortunately, though, the darker wolf didn't seem too perturbed by it.  In fact, he managed to find a slightly wider, safer place in the path for them to stop for a few minutes, and Kelso was grateful.  

When the sooty wolf -- whose eyes, he noticed, were a startlingly awesome shade of pale blue that reminded him of his mother -- asked him if he'd seen anything, he felt himself wilt on the inside.  "I was hoping you had," he commented with a shrug, a frown knitting his brows together as he looked out over the landscape stretched before them.

RE: Let's face it, this is not the worst thing you've caught me doing. - Stark - May 15, 2016

He was fairly decent on his feet but he was in no hurry to test his ability to stay on his feet with the wind and the rocky ledge beneath them working against him. He swallowed thickly as some of the rocks tumbled by his feet, careful to test each step before he took it. This was officially on the list of 'places that suck and are not to be returned to' despite the promise of the view of the lands. He'd find somewhere else. There was another way. There was always another way. 

"Damn," Stark said quickly, looking up to Kelso as they finally got a place where they both could stand. "No - best I've seen is there's lots of waterways. Fish should be around at least." He said dully. "I got here after everything was cleared out. There's a packwolf I met who suggested south, past the glaciers." A trek he wasn't eager to make, especially since he hadn't been able to properly feed himself since arriving.