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Big Salmon Lake great cataclysmic - Printable Version

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great cataclysmic - Amekaze - May 10, 2016

Reluctant to rely heavily on the pack's remaining reserves with no end to this famine in sight, she swung back her muzzle into the late afternoon skies and howled a low melody to her packmates. She was ranging into the flatlands to the lake, wanting to see how the fishing was looking this time of year and to quickly peruse the damage in this direction for herself. They would know what to do with one less wolf normally keeping watch, or, they were welcome to join her. She was feeling exceptionally guarded lately considering the conditions and they were short a beta on the slopes for the time being, so she did not intend to be gone for long.  

This was the first time she'd left the mountain in a while but none of what she saw on her way down and out was surprising. The devastation left in the wake of the locusts was universal. Whereas the lands before the mountain had been bursting with greenery, now her scene was far removed from something that picturesque. Underfoot, it seemed so foreign all stripped bare like this and nothing about her liked it. She ranged onward with uneasiness weighing heavy on her heart.

It may still be a bit too early for the lake's namesake salmon, but there was a vague shred of hope worth something as she strode lightly up to the quiet banks with a huff of a sigh. The waters were still until she interrupted them with a few laps of her tongue to slack her thirst. Meanwhile, her hackles were prickled and her focus not yet turned to the fishing. Surely she would not be the only one with this idea and in the aftermath of such natural upheaval, she was more tense than usual. She edged on along the shoreline, watchful for terrestrial and aquatic creatures alike.

RE: great cataclysmic - Rebekka - May 10, 2016

just gonna pretend this happened before she got to SD

Only just a day later after departing from Gavriel did she begin to grow weary. It had been to long since the last meal, and with no forest did no stray doe come her way. Everything had vanished in a matter of hours, and hours before that did she only just enter the Teekon. And now, she was without food and energy, and with only the commitment to meet Heda's new empire, per Gavriel's demand. But it was also her own curiosity that drew her to follow him. Rebekka did not do anything she did not want to do. The girl had a temper, cursing not only herself but the fates that she had not waited to leave Trigeda at the earliest convienience, or she would not be in this mess. She did not leave to be hit by flying grasshoppers. 

On her slow, nessicary journey did she come to the revelation that the land that she had ended up in was indeed, Purgatory. Not short of hell, but not the heaven she expected. It was a let down, but she had a job. When she seen the glare of the lake just ahead, she blinked twice, to make sure she was not seeing things again. Rebekka did not take notice of the stranger when she loped to the shallow edge of the water, lapping up as much asshecould before she continued. Her fear of water momentarily passed as she forgot about the bugs and the lack of food. That was, until a bug passed right before her eyes, drifing dead atop the water's surface. 


She bounced back away from the thing, realising that they were everywhere. There was no escape. She snarled in her own annoyance, pacing heavily as she tried to control her frustration. This halted when she finally noticed the dark stranger, her pacing stopped as she observed silently. The stranger watched the water, and Rebekka mimicked the action. Fish. Yes, that would do. Trigedasleng had been plentiful in the water meat when the season came, so there was no reason why this lake would not too. Fish couldn't be eaten by bugs, she knew that much.

RE: great cataclysmic - Amekaze - May 11, 2016

She eased herself into giving her full attention to the lakeside only once the rest of the area seemed quiet enough to pass initial inspection. For a time, it truly was a place she felt like she had to herself and it was there that she picked out a portion of the shoreline to focus upon. If nothing else, it would at least be a good place to start. She stilled, and watched.. anticipating sight of anything sizable enough to warrant a strike -- which did not yet come. Minnows, dead bugs, other pond miscellany...

Instead noise from elsewhere pulled her ears towards it and soon after, ripples from nearby rolled across the water's surface. This was what finally pulled her sights upward towards the unknown wolf and while she observed in silence, she licked her lips thoughtfully.

She quivered to a sharper attention at the sound of her voice. A single syllable, and to her now-perked ears, it was nothing she could understand immediately. Now, she settled her minty eyes onto the female who paced, then stopped. Amekaze squinted, curious enough but a bit perplexed when she mirrored her. 

But, that was fine and perhaps the company would be for the best. She switched her tail in a slow metronome as she considered this for a beat and opted for simplicity in which she may still gain. She turned her sights back to the water herself, readied, poised with renewing purpose and a steadying breath as she waded in to just past her front ankles. It was high time to shake the rust off these skills. Patience, and just the right timing were her greatest assets here, so she wielded them carefully.

She struck the water and sunk her teeth past the surface when she felt it was her best chance. Reeling back, she brought with her a silvered fish of middling size. The weight of anything at all caught between her jaws brought with it a rush satisfaction, and she couldn't help the pleased rumble of a growl as it flopped where she set it on the shoreline. She loomed intently over it until it stilled.

RE: great cataclysmic - Rebekka - May 13, 2016

From as far as her pheripherals could reach, she silently watched the female and her success. The fish, flapping about the foil would have never made her mouth water before than it had today. Her eyes zeroed in on the fish, feeling the burning need for it's taste but knew she could not simply take it from the female. At least not without invoking an angry Alpha and potentially gaining scars she did not wish for. That was not her goal, and she would not do anything to endanger that. 

Her profound fear of the water below did not help the circumstance. She paced, considering her very limited options. She could risk slipping in by trying it herself, submerging her only way of breathing, underwater. Or, she could go on starving until she had no use. The ache in her stomach settled the pointless debate and she edged herself closer to the water's edge. She did not giver herself a moment to ready, before she dunked her head down with full force, snapping her jaws together in a frivilrous attempt at catching a fish. If she had not scared them away already. When she resurfaced with nothing between her teeth, she let out a frustrated growl. Could she not do a simple thing? Screaming and kicking would not help her situation, no matter how much she wanted to. 

Finally, she could not take it. She did not like to ask for help, nor admit she required such simple help from anyone. She walked up to the female, not in the slightest bit shy or hesitant, and stared at the fish for a moment before looking back up at the female. 


Her accent was thick, and it was one of the only words she knew in Gonasleng, or as they called it, English. The language barrier was often unconventional and rather frustrating, and she only managed to get by without accidentally insulting someone. But she was learning, and she would take up as many oportunities as she could.

RE: great cataclysmic - Amekaze - May 26, 2016

The fish's mouth gaped still, but was noticeably slowing while the rest of the body had gone stilled. The wounds she'd inflicted to catch it had punctured it just enough and it would be its lack of water sliding over its gills that would kill it in the long run. She licked her lips and gave her attention to the female who approached seemingly without anything hindering her. Amekaze did not know what to make of her yet, since it was the scent of no known affiliations that she smelled on her coat. Full neutral, and that almost suited her better.

Amekaze had noted her failed attempt but not studied the details of it, so did not know exactly what the stranger would need to improve her strike. On how she had done what she had, it was a mixture of many things and her success was not even guaranteed, no matter how expansive her experience doing it was. "Patience, precision, and sometimes simply good luck," she advised simply on how she fished. Of course, the actual mechanics of it were another thing, but it was not anything difficult to figure out just by watching it done. "A lot of practice certainly helps," she added with a slow nod. It was important not to get discouraged on the first try.

RE: great cataclysmic - Rebekka - June 30, 2016

While she was unsure of the words the stranger spoke, her tone was assuring, and indicated patience. Patience was Rebekka's lesser quality. Yet, she wanted nothing more than the taste of fish on her toung, which far exceeded her reluctance to the water and the measures needed to obtain the fish itself. This time, she attempted again, taking her actions in gentle strides. Through blurry waters did she see the small ripple of a fish, her eyes trained willfully on it's frame as it floated towards her own position. By it's own accord did she lean forward, her nails at the ready as she waited for a closer proximity in which to strike. And she did so, her limbs outstreached, feeling her nails meet the water and sink into the scaled object below. Yet, she could not manage to latch on long enough to capture the fish in a secure position, instead, it slipped out her grasp in a fit of water. Desperation began to climb as she watched it's trail of blood float farther and farth away, yet there was an option. She could go in after, suffer from her impending fear of drowning, or let get away, the fish she had tried and failed to obtain.

Rebekka backed away from the water, deciding a stupid fish was not worth her time and breath. "Have it," She signalled to the stranger as the fish made it's was closer to the female's position. While Rebekka was more of a selfish persona, she seen no point in letting the meal go to waste, and she did not wish to watch as the female capture her own failure. She turned away, her water soaked feet squishing as she walked with humility, in the direction of Drageda's territory.