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Hushed Willows Help An Old Girl Out - Printable Version

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Help An Old Girl Out - Nova Rose - May 04, 2016

The lack of greenery deeply disturbed the aging female as she padded between the once lush willows. Nova knew that the regrowth of everything would take many, many weeks, and she hoped the Spring would aid in such things. Already the elder was refusing to eat, for the most part, and most of her free time was spent patrolling. She contented her body to eating the bland, odd-textured locusts instead of taking kills away from the wolves who were a help to the Keep.... After Tavis sharp words and rejection, the golden female had been feeling downright useless. A storyteller had little use, and though there were young wolves she could pass her knowledge to, none of them ever seemed to be around. She felt very disconnected from everyone, minus Warbone and Grace. Even the alpha, she knew little of. There were two in the pack who seemed to be interested in healing, but Trick and Grace probably knew almost as much as her in that subject. As for warriors, well, the poor golden female was just too old to be sparring and such anymore. So what use was she? The faded female slunk her way aimlessly through the deadened territory, ghostly eyes pained and distressed.

RE: Help An Old Girl Out - Kunik - May 05, 2016

hope you don't mind Kunik! ^.^

Kunik trailed the woods, or what had once been them, a distraught expression on her face at the wreckage. The havoc wraught by the locusts was extremely detrimental, it would take weeks or maybe months to heal this much damage.

With a sigh, she continued on in search of any life. It led her to come across Nova Rose, a smile gracing her features as she approached the older woman. "Good day, Ms. Rose." 

RE: Help An Old Girl Out - Nova Rose - May 07, 2016

Nova gave a half-assed smile to young Kunik, her own look of misery plastered on her face. For a different reason, however, but unhappy nonetheless. 
              "Hello Kunik. How are you this bare day?"
She couldn't help but sound a bit pessimistic, but at the moment she didnt really care.

RE: Help An Old Girl Out - Kunik - May 07, 2016

Kunik grimaced, not liking to see the elder down but not feeling much better about the situation herself. "The forest has seen better days, but we'll push through. Women like me and you always do,"she encouraged as she nudged the female's shoulder with a small smile. 

"What's got you so upset, Nova? Is it just the locusts or something more?" Kunik had a feeling it dealt with more than the pests that had invaded their home.

RE: Help An Old Girl Out - Nova Rose - May 08, 2016

Kunik tried reconciling her about the terrain, and her touch brought a genuine smile to her face. Even so, the brown female caught on that there was something more. How much did she tell the young warrior? That she wasn't eating anything but the locusts, that she was upset beyond belief at Tavi's rejection of her? She decided on the latter, not wanting to deal with the scolding she would get for refusing food.
"Just feeling a bit useless, my dear. Tavi left her son alone in the den, and when I went to check on him, I decided to take him to a warmer part of the cave. She found me pretty easy and was a little irritated, but she just seemed glad he was okay. But then, I think she felt I was judging or scolding her, and she started acting like I was keeping him from her."
The elders golden ears plastered down, and a frown set on her pretty features.

RE: Help An Old Girl Out - Kunik - May 09, 2016

Kunik fought to keep a sour expression off her face as Octavia was brought up. There hadn't really been a reason for disliking the woman at first, now she knew it was because of Tavi's abandon of not one, but two packs alongside her feeling of superiority over the other wolves. Kunik would never forget the way she snarled at Flora, the woman who she was increasingly growing sweet on, and pushing her even lower in Kunik's eyes.

"I wouldn't fret too much Nova, I doubt she's angry with you anymore. She's a new mother-one filled with hormones. She's likely to snap at all of us sometimes."  Despite her misgivings to the new Alpha, one she would never view as such, Kunik would not talk trash about the woman.

RE: Help An Old Girl Out - Nova Rose - May 12, 2016

Nova immediatley noticed her change of emotion, though she struggled to hide it. Kunik did, however, at least try to keep her own option of the girl from her advice.
     "You don't like her."
It wasn't a question, but her ghostly eyes were curious. Had something happened? The brown female was right, of course: Tavi was hormonal and a new mother. But it didn't help the fact that she was rejecting a wolf who obviously only wanted to help and teach. What was wrong with that?

RE: Help An Old Girl Out - Kunik - May 13, 2016

"I'm not fond of Octavia, no. Perhaps that is unfair of me but I simply don't trust her," Kunik admitted with a small frown. Thus far she had been given no reason to. 

As said the woman had betrayed her former Alpha; sleeping with and becoming impregnated by her Alpha's mate, abandoning her last pack to become Alpha of this one, and on top of that she was rude to her packmates simply because of her emotions. In Kunik's eyes this promoted wariness rather than loyalty.

RE: Help An Old Girl Out - Nova Rose - May 14, 2016

"Well, do you have a good reason?"
The silver faced female commented without thinking, but after a moment she shook her head. A frown adorned her pretty features, and she had to admit she was wrong. One didn't necessarily need a good reason about someone, not when she herself had judged people solely on a gut feeling.
"Scratch that, what does your soul think? I can't say I haven't let the way I feel in my gut judge people without getting to really know them, and I usually ended up right."

RE: Help An Old Girl Out - Kunik - May 14, 2016

"My soul believes she will tire of this pack and bounce along to the next as easy as she left the old one,"Kunik confided quietly, good ear twitching to see if anyone was listening.

If Octavia could abandon her first pack, the one she led as Alpha, what would stop her from leaving Marauder's Keep?

RE: Help An Old Girl Out - Nova Rose - May 15, 2016

"Then let her. Warbone is the only alpha we need."
 Perhaps there was a bit more ire than needed as she spat the words, but she'd forgotten that Grace had told her of Tavi's previous life choices. From what the yearling had said, she'd mated with the alpha male and ran off with him, even when the alpha female was pregnant with his pups. How could she have forgotten? It hadn't angered her as much before the stormy female was made alpha, and now she was doubting Warbone's decision.

RE: Help An Old Girl Out - Kunik - May 15, 2016

Kunik smiled wryly in agreement with the elder's words. Perhaps she should not worry so much about Tavi leaving for they would have Warbone even if the woman bounced along to the next Alpha. 

"Aye, that's true. Anyhow I could be wrong, she may best my opinions yet. Only time will tell." She returned contentedly to her silence as she walked alongside the creamy female.

wanna wrap it up?