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Chimera Fields la promenade - Printable Version

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la promenade - RIP Renoir - May 04, 2016

maybe someone from NWF? Open for anyone~!

Following a brief conversation with the dark man (which had Renoir feeling quite strange), he had escaped from the scene in order to explore; he did this for a few hours before finding himself wandering away from the great red trees, and towards the hills. He had not meant to go so far but his mind was worrying over too many things, and Renoir could not focus long enough to realize what he was doing. He was thinking of the sound of Lasher's voice, of all things! The fluttering feeling in his belly which came and lingered long after the man had complimented him. The compliment itself, ah, it played on a loop in Renoir's ears.
Before long it was late, too late to really be outside of Donnelaith, and above him the stars had begun to glint and wink. The boy came to a halt within a field of nothingness — he mused briefly over what may have grown here before the bugs, but was distracted by the vibrance of the sky, and the brightness that lingered there.

RE: la promenade - Chroma - May 09, 2016

Hi. :)

The ebony she-wolf was deciding to explore. Explore the new lands in which she called "home". Explore all the areas in which she was permitted to go. Explore. It was something she was good at - wandering aimlessly attempting to find someplace comfortable enough, usually to sleep for the night. But tonight sleep was not on the menu, as her paws had carried her quite a distance from where she had entered the wilderness from, in the south. Above her, the stars twinkled brightly, the heavens beckoning themselves to her like a lost echo; a guiding force, perhaps. Behind them, the blueish black sky was peaceful. It was, if nothing else, a quiet spring evening.

Before she knew it, however, she found herself in an empty field. It was an usual place for the female to be - after all, she found her comfort in the thick forest, blending in effortlessly with her night coloured pelt. Even though darkness overcame the land, she still felt as though she was a sore thumb among the bright yellows and greens. As her brisk walk came to a halt, her nostrils inhaled deeply; all around these lands were the stench of packs, claimed territories. She wondered, as her eyes glanced upward, if she'd have another sour encounter with a stranger.

RE: la promenade - RIP Renoir - May 11, 2016

Hello! :D

He did not recognize the stars above, but he did stare fondly upon them. They glinted down, winking from on high, and Renoir felt a sense of calm descend upon him. With his pale eyes he traced shapes and mapped whichever areas were not covered by the thin whisps of cloud as they were pulled across the sky; he was oblivious to his present company, finding the sky to be quite pleasant indeed. The boy murmured things to himself, slipping in to his native tongue, and began to concoct names for the constellations he looked upon - and mentally recited some home-made backstories for each of them.

RE: la promenade - Chroma - May 12, 2016

It wasn't long before the ebony wraith noticed another being in the field with her. Her eyes dropped downward from studying the sky above, and there he was, doing exactly the same as she had been moments before. She smirked slightly; the heavens were beautiful, after all, and how could one ignore the twinkle of the stars above? Nobody could, she knew that. 

But the strange being seemed oblivious to her presence. She stepped forward slightly, her delicate but strong paws crushing the grass blades beneath them ever so gently. Tiptoeing, she inched closer and closer to the male, crouching down, attempting to hide herself. It wasn't long before she was merely but a few feet away, in which she popped up suddenly, and uttered a simple "Boo" to the male before her.

RE: la promenade - RIP Renoir - May 12, 2016

Renoir squinted up at the sky when he thought he saw some sort of change above him. A glinting red, he thought. Bright like amber. It was distant and difficult to see, being a pinprick of shifting glow, but he concentrated upon it - until the silence of his surroundings was broken. The stranger's call had not been loud, but it boomed nonetheless; he felt a spasm roll down his spine and seize in his chest, and backpedaled so abruptly that he was falling in reverse, scrambling, absolutely and horrifically surprised. A small yelp came out of him as Renoir fell back, and when he finally landed frantic eyes upon the stranger, he saw it was only another wolf.

Mon dieu he wheezed while gulping air, Was dat really nécessaire? Apparently it was, but while Renoir's heart was still furiously beating and his system was spiked by adrenaline, he felt nothing but contempt for the awful creature before him. His clear gaze narrowed as he watched the stranger, huffing through his nose and panting messily from his mouth, his golden fur spiking in an uncharacteristic display of hostility. Whoever this was, they were quite rude for disturbing him!

RE: la promenade - Chroma - May 13, 2016

Chroma watched silently as the stranger jumped backwards, scrambling on top of himself and his very obvious fear. She couldn't help but let out a loud, rumbling laughter, deep from her chest. The whole sight was, in fact, quite amusing - this poor wolf who had been none the wiser, simply admiring the sky above to be suddenly scared beyond his own wits. Perhaps cruel, but the black female found great amusement in the entire situation. 

As he began to gain his own composure, Roma still remained motionless, watching as his chest rose and fell with vigor. His voice came outward and it was apparent the annoyance he felt, even contempt for the female before him. "I thought so" she replied simply with a devilish smirk upon her ebony lips. Her silver eyes shimmered with the twinkling stars above, a clear reflection of pleasure plastered into them. Roma clearly thought this whole ordeal was incredibly entertaining.

RE: la promenade - RIP Renoir - May 13, 2016

Her response brought a small sigh out of him, and though he was angry Renoir could not help but find some humor in the moment, at his own expense. Certainly if anyone else had been affected and he had been watching, it would have been quite the show. Then again, it was unkind of her — harrowing for him too, when he had only been enjoying the sky.

The look on her face made him feel quite odd, very unlike himself; he wanted to lift his lip and hiss at her, and though the desire was very strong he could not bring himself to do it. Are you here to scare mwen, or for some less vye reason, miss? Whichever the case he would have asked her to leave, but it was not his place to chase away stray women. She needed his protection out here in the wilderness just as any other, so he had been taught.

RE: la promenade - Chroma - May 14, 2016

Chroma held the smirk on her face as she contemplated the stranger’s question. She could see the frustration and annoyance on his face; after all, she did make him fall backwards in an almost comical fashion. Truthfully, the wraith enjoyed seeing people react and fret. One of her flaws, no doubt… or perhaps, not a flaw at all.

“Eh,” she shrugged. Her intent wasn’t to scare him, exactly, she just so happened upon a perfect opportunity and have to seize it. Who wouldn’t have? Her pale eyes kept on the male, wondering how far she’d get before he’d lash out at her. “not here for any reason at all, really”

RE: la promenade - RIP Renoir - May 15, 2016

Perhaps she was just passing through. Renoir had known plenty of children with naughty streaks in his time; his own family was wrought with mischievious entities. Many were tempered though, cultivated in to something more valuable, and the playfullness boasted by this stranger was something Renoir viewed as a waste of energy. Though he was usually quite a content fellow he was a reserved one as well, as he had been taught. Her answer doesn't bother him outright. This land is free for perusal by anyone, after all. What bothers him is the inturruption more than anything else.

Den come, watch wid' me, he offers to her plainly, inviting her to study the brightness in the sky if she desired it. An attempted olive branch, perhaps. Do you know da stars?

RE: la promenade - Chroma - May 16, 2016

Chroma's eyes narrowed intensely as the stranger before her offered something she had never quite experienced before - companionship? Her brain was a jumbled mess of confusion as she attempted to uncode whatever hidden message or agenda this wolf must have. Certainly, nobody just invites a stranger to stare at the stars with them. Right? The ebony wraiths hackles stood up slightly, spiked along her back like a crocodile - although in the pitch blackness of the night time, one wouldn't be able to see that at all. Nonetheless, Roma was on the defense now. The paranoia her mother suffered from and instilled in herself came through. 

But, to not appear as crazy as her mother often did, Chroma decided to accept the strangers invitation - although apprehensive, at least. "Alright," she muttered as she stepped forward and sat next to him, with at least a sizable gap between them. You know, if she needed to freak out or something. 

"Not really, I just know they're bright." This was the truth, as her mother was not an astronomer by nature. Not even close.

RE: la promenade - RIP Renoir - May 16, 2016

He wasn't watching her for long after extending that invitation, so whatever feelings played out across her system or were betrayed by her curious face, Renoir was oblivious. His ears flicked when he heard her accept, and then as she sauntered closer, he finally dipped his head, a small smile tugging at the corners of his lips. While he wasn't sure about this stranger, he had been taught to put aside his anger, especially around women, and so their little spat from before was briefly forgotten.

I am da same, he cooed softly, his chin bouncing a bit in the dark. Renoir diverted his attention back up to the sky as he added, but maybe we learn togeda? Dey have names to some, but mwen does not know dem. He was suggesting in a roundabout way that they make up some constellations themselves, but couldn't quite wrap his tongue around the words.

RE: la promenade - Chroma - May 19, 2016

Chroma decided, that while she was remaining somewhat apprehensive, that perhaps she could at least attempt a half-way decent conversation with this stranger. After all, she did interrupt his star-gazing and startle him half to death. The least the ebony wraith could do was to attempt to be a civilized wolf and forge some kind of.... something, with the male. She remained seated next to him, staring upwards and watching as the faint, distant dots of light twinkled in the night sky. 

"Maybe we can name them ourselves," she suggested, as her eyes traced the somewhat vague shapes the stars made. In the moment she decided that perhaps learning about the sky was important. After all, these stars came out every night. They had to mean something. "I'm Chroma." She followed with, playing nice for the moment.

RE: la promenade - RIP Renoir - May 26, 2016

He turned his gaze to her when she announced her name, and found the moment curious. Her pelt was dark to him - darkness begetting darkness - so the title, which to him brought to mind many colors, seemed ill-fitting. But he answered, Renoir, and then directed his snout heavenward again.

There were many stars. Many shapes to be made by tracing them, which he did in silence, and yet the names did not come easily to him. After a few minutes of watching he announced, There, but realized almost as soon as he said the word, he could not direct her eyes to the specific star he had in mind. Instead he described it: Da trois stars above mwen, above dat - the large one. Starting 'dere, ou can ehm, he did not know the english word for trace and was left bumbling. Make shape? Mmn, it is like head. 'Den da du, pair of shape, like ears.

Realizing he sounded like a loon, and he probably didn't describe the wolf-head shape very well, he gave up with a small huff, and resumed watching the sky in silence.