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Blackfeather Woods let's never be alone - Printable Version

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let's never be alone - Chroma - May 05, 2016

I am stupid and do not know how to tag somebody sooooo

The blackened she-wolf had lazily traveled across her new found home for a few days now, uncertain of where to go and what to do. Much of the land seemed more barren than usual; she assumed it had to do with the many dead bugs she’d seen littering the ground. Roma wasn’t entirely sure what they were, or why they had come, but it was clear that most of them had perished or simply left the wilderness, leaving behind a path of destruction in their wake. Nonetheless, the female seemed particular unfazed by the situation, even though it would appear to be much worse than she understood.

Although Chroma had traveled inward from the south, and had briefly kept herself to a neutral zoned thickened forest, she found herself heading north. After her run in with another wolf, she decided that perhaps attempting to find refuge in a pack wasn’t such a bad idea. Even though her mother had never been one for pack life, she decided that perhaps there has to be some kind of merit to it all, right? There had to be.

So the ebony female found herself before a claimed territory. The smell of masculinity and brutality was impossible to miss – taking in a deep breath, the scent filled her nostrils. Since she had only ever seen her mother fail at pack interactions, Chroma stood idly at the boarders of the land, unsure of how she should proceed next.

RE: let's never be alone - Burke - May 06, 2016

It is like this! @Chroma :D

Burke was usure if he heard a howl at the broder or not. Most of his pack ahd been undergroudn but he couldn't leave his lands unprotected. The large alpha wanted to keep his lands well marked. No loner was going to steal from their reserves, no way.

Yet the patroling male went forward to where he heard the sound. Some of the bugs were still buzzing around his ears and it limited what he could hear. Burke was not sure what to expect, even he was hungry now they couldn't find big game to hunt. Their special white deer were gone too, even they had roamed out of their territory for food. Their dark forest not so dark anymore with the thick canopy being eaten. 

The large male trotted forward until he encountered a wolf, a black female it seemed. Burke looked at her with his pale cold eyes. "What is your business here?," he asked and stood firm on his scentmarked border. He was not going to give anythign to beggars if that was what she was.

RE: let's never be alone - Chroma - May 06, 2016

Ohhh, dope! Thanks for telling me :D Roma is currently in a uh.. fight? with Peregrine so I'm vague about her having injuries, as the thread is not yet concluded.

The ebony she-wolf had been standing at the boarders, observing the lands around her. What appeared before her was a forest; normally, she assumed, it was much more lush and dark. But the swarm of loctus had come through and ripped the leaves and bark clean from the trees; now the forest looked empty and lonely. She observed this, but was unsure of what to make of the situation. 

It wasn't long before  a male showed up. He looked large; like a warrior, a protector. He also appeared very confident and unforgiving. Roma could only assume that this male was a leader here, maybe even the Alpha himself. Unsure, however, she decided to lower herself slightly, attempting to show some kind of submission and courtsy - although the sit was awkward to view, as Chroma was clearly uncomfortable and confused about this whole pack thing. 

"I'm looking for a home," she replied. It was true. After the unfortunate event with the male in the woods to the south, Roma knew that living on her own would certainly be a bad idea. She knew she couldn't make it on her own. So here she was.

RE: let's never be alone - Burke - May 08, 2016

Ah! You can totally hit me! I totally looked over this thread. So so sorry!

Burke saw a young female before him, yet what he saw too was that she looked unsure about this all. Strange, normally they attracted more confident wolves, but that was usually with the dark forest looming over the plains surrounding this forest. Now it was all barren. "And why do you think that this will be a suitable home for you?," he instantly questioned in return. He liked to hear himself about why she thought she would fit in with them. They were a very typical pack with their own beliefs and with a high work ethic. Not every wolf suited that.

Plus, now they had the matter of the pack of prey. Burke wondered if having an extra mouth to feed would help them or would work against them. Burke stood before her, his pale eyes clearly judging her. She would have to really convince this man to get approval into their woods.

RE: let's never be alone - Chroma - May 09, 2016

no problems at all :)

The blackened, young she-wolf knew that she was, perhaps, coming off as a bit... Timid. Normally a confident and cocky animal, Roma hadn't had the pack experience in her life to teach her any better. In this moment, her lack of experience really showed. She could feel the males eyes harshly judging her. She wasn't thrilled about the whole thing, really, but felt as though a pack was her best bet at this point. Perhaps, maybe, she'd have no say in the matter though. 

The question that he had asked her, however, was certain valid. Raising herself up a bit, at least to appear less awkward then she had, she mulled over it. "I'm drawn to here." And she was - although the forest was barren now, she knew that when the lands regrew and replenished themselves, the forest would be a mysterious and dark place. The kind of place she'd want to stalk and hide in, the kind of place she belonged.

RE: let's never be alone - Burke - May 12, 2016

Burke nodded, he knew such a thing was at least a good thing, being drawn to the darkness, but, that did not mean if she could be useful to him. In fact it all sounded very vague. She could have wandered to their lands and think, oh this is nice, and then howl at their doorstep. Burke wanted commitment, loyalty and most of all another believer in their religion. "We are a pack with deep religion which you will learn about if you manage to get through a two week trail period. Are you open to embody this religion with your whole being?," he asked. He liked to think he could tell if people were committed or not. 

"This is no place for the weak, and now with the scarcity of food you could end up being our dinner if you are not careful," he stated like it was the most normal thing on this earth. Burke liked to tell things like that seeing that it would make some wolves hesitant or unsure, and that was easy to spot or smell. Burke kept his pale eyes on her, on the borders he could come over as a cold jerk, but the large male was definitely one caring alpha underneath it all.

RE: let's never be alone - Chroma - May 13, 2016

Roma was not surprised to hear that this place was no home for the weak. She nodded to his statement; the weak get eaten. Whether or not he meant literally or figuratively didn't matter; in the world, the weak are mowed over and stepped on, and the strong prevail. The wraith knew this to be true above anything else she had experienced in life. Her mother made sure of it. "I wouldn't expect anything less."

As for the religious aspect.. her head titled slightly as she mulled it over. The she-wolf was never one for religion, in fact, it was never a thought that even crossed her mind. But she supposed that perhaps, it wouldn't hurt to at least try. After all, maybe she was missing something like that from her life... maybe. "Yes, I am open to this religion."

RE: let's never be alone - Burke - May 14, 2016

Burke nodded quickly after her reply, they were all well from now on but they did not tell much about her yet. This was what Burke was interested in. "That is good to hear," he spoke to her, but not confirming yet anything. Burke cleared his throat a bit. "What are your interests in doing? Or what are you good at?," he asked.

They had a food scarcity and them not having enough food for everyone worked on each other's nerves. Her starting at the bottom would provide her with less food that it was normally accustomed, maybe not even more than you should get as a loner.

RE: let's never be alone - Chroma - May 16, 2016

The blackened wraith mulled over his questions for a few moments. Living the life she had with her mother had essentially prepared the young she-wolf for a life of being a survivalist. Because that's what they were. Her mother unfortunately could not play well with others, and so the twosome never had the chance or ability to be within the comforts of a functional pack. Every day Chroma and her mother had to forge and scavenge for food and shelter. They hunted together. They dug dens together - and, ultimately, Roma was her mother's caretaker. Getting them out of situations her mother put them in. Protecting her mother from herself and others when her mothers' crazy ramblings got them into trouble. Chroma knew all of that, and for that, she was sad. 

But, she turned her attention back to the staggering large male before her. He wanted a concrete answer; not her biography. Certainly he didn't care about her crazy mother and certainly, he wouldn't take Chroma in if he knew that she could turn out to be just like her. "Protecting," she decided to say, as her prime role was protecting herself and her mother. "and fighting. Protecting and fighting. I am loyal and will fight for those in my care."

RE: let's never be alone - Burke - May 16, 2016

Burke nodded slowly as she spoke her answer, like all wolves she would have a test period of two weeks to see if she would fit in with them before they would teach her about their religion and all that. They would need a few protectors in their pack especially now with these bugs eating everything. Burke then nodded slowly. "Alright. I am Burke, Alpha of Black Feather Woods. But before you start your trail period in your new home, I'd like to know your name," he spoke to the female.

Even though they might have a scarcity of food, Burke kind of wanted more members, so if the big prey would return they would have enough members to actually take down that said animal. Plus he could use someone who would help him with patrolling the borders.

RE: let's never be alone - Chroma - May 16, 2016

Never having gone through this process before, Roma felt relief when the male seemed accepting of her answer. Although seconds later, she felt a slight sting of embarrassment; how could she have gone through this whole process without even mentioning her name? The young female was certainly naive and ignorant of how to survive with other wolves. She put on a slightly ashamed look on her face, realizing her foolish mistake. "I'm Chroma - or Roma, if you'd like." Her ears twitched backwards slightly after she spoke. With her silver eyes peering upwards at the male, she'd hope that all had gone as well as it could.

RE: let's never be alone - Burke - May 16, 2016

Burke nodded slowly at hearing her name. "Good. You will have two weeks, after that your training to become a dark sister will begin. We will explain about our religion and you will have to pick one of the three branches to become your specialty. I will consult you about that later," Burke explained to her.

The male then stepped aside so she could enter, she had been most polite to him so Burke was more lenient now. "There are a few places you have to watch out for, like Weeping Meadow and the swamps, they are dangerous. Other than that feel free to explore and meet the other members." Burke walked her a bit into the territory before he would let her go.

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