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Swiftcurrent Creek you whole lotta crazy - Printable Version

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you whole lotta crazy - Jinx - March 18, 2014


It was as though fire baptised Swiftcurrent Creek when the sun rose into a blood red sky shot through with wispy clouds. A quiet, gentle rain fell over the territory's open plains, but wasn't heavy enough to penetrate the woods. With rain on one side and dryness on the other, the treeline created a distinct division along which walked Jinx. The left half of her body faced the drizzle and outer plain, while the right half of it hid in the shadows of the trees. Although her walk was purposeful, she limped with every step that stretched the scabs on her neck and thighs. Her face bore a vacant expression, much unlike her usual fierce gaze.

But under that vacancy, one could find an unsettling savagery. Something in Jinx had broken when the cougar had flipped her and she had aborted her litter on the bloodsoaked ground. Some part of her that had rekindled when she joined Swiftcurrent had sputtered out, leaving her once more a quiet, but dangerous presence.

This was a different sort of quiet, however, than her previous feral loss of sense. It was grief and rage rolled into one. If the pack hadn't assaulted the cougar in the first place, none of this would have happened, so her wrath toward them grew. At the same time, it shrunk with every reminder that Jinx had failed Sos, and would bring his wroth injustice down upon them all. For this reason, she wandered like a ghost through the territory, avoiding contact with any of her pack mates. She couldn't trust that she wouldn't break down before them in anguish for what Sos would do. She also couldn't trust that she wouldn't try to rip out their throats for what they had caused. So she wandered along the trees with savage intent, but never allowed herself to be found, at least up until now.

Now, her gaze was vacant, her mind elsewhere, and her guard lowered.

RE: you whole lotta crazy - Ira Nox - March 18, 2014

Ira had heard through Bones of the cougar attack, having managed to be elusive, so consumed he was with honing his skills and his talismans - all in the hopes of pleasing Jinx. In the reality of things, his contact with Jinx had been slim for a while, if only because he would exhaust himself and slumber beneath the stars. Ira was not as clued in on as to what all had transpired in the short span of time, spiraling downwards since the second the cougar was attacked. He was unaware that his guardian had suffered wounds, severe enough that the children growing inside her had been killed. Ira had assumed Jinx’s pregnancy because she smelled different to him and had gained a lot of weight in a short amount of time - though in truth he hadn’t known for sure. He had ran with his assumption though he forcibly did not linger upon it, for the thought of squirming puppies that would claim the majority of Jinx’s attention had fueled a deep seeded jealousy within Ira that did not truly surprise him; not to mention the worst case scenario that she would no longer want him and cast him off in the same way that his blood had. Even the mere consideration of that was like a painful punch to his chest, and quickly Ira shook it off.

Ira had found himself caught in the rain that soaked the silken tendrils of his fur, though he hardly paid it any mind. He had caught Jinx’s scent and without realizing it, until her scent grew stronger, he had began to gravitate in her direction. Ira had spent too many nights without her presence and found that, accordingly, he craved it as he craved his most favorite of his possessions. Ice blue irises expanded as his pupils narrowed in on the ghostly apparition that his sense of smell told him was Jinx. Her gait, however, did not match the regal and stealthy one he was used to associating with her. The shift of her weight appeared uneven and Ira realized with ice pooling in his stomach that she was limping. In that moment, something shifted within Ira, whether it was the wrench in his heart or the suddenly fierce force that made him want to take on the whole world for her - to protect her (though that was sort of amusing seeing as how she was the adult and he was the child) he was not sure. It did not matter.

“My mambo,” Uttered forth from Ira’s spliced lips before he moved to approach her, calling out to her in a soft murmuring rumble “Jinx,”. Concern clouded his irises and darkened his expression when he noticed the injuries she bore and the difference in her that he sensed. “What happened? Who did this to you?” Ira demanded in an inquiring manner, ears perking atop his skull, cupping towards her as he paused, waiting.

RE: you whole lotta crazy - Jinx - March 19, 2014

She could have wandered like that forever, possibly even out of the territory and on to greener pastures elsewhere, had Ira's voice not called to her from behind. Part of her sanity had locked temporarily into her mind, seeking reprieve from the crushing guilt and grief for her unborn children. She rounded on the approaching adolescent, her dull eyes finding his and for a moment not recognizing him. She saw only a young wolf, his name fleeting in her memory. Why should he live, she seethed, why should he live while mine die, why should he see where mine are blind, why should he hear, why should he live...

For a frightening moment, the Gamma teetered on the edge of insanity, toying with the temptation to grab that child and shake him until he was as limp as her children. She took a step toward him, yearning to bare her teeth and scare him, but then paused and fished her shattered rationality back into existence. Ira, she remembered, miiiine.

He was the closest she would ever have to a son, even though she didn't view him as one. Even though she didn't love him, something had been shaken in her when her litter aborted itself, and now she beheld him as something he had never been. Hers.

If he hadn't spoken so frankly and asked a direct question, she might have swept forth to pull him into the curl of her arms and rise upon his back, to claim him in some unorthodox manner as hers, and guard him from the world. It would have been a strange and unwelcome sight, but Jinx would have likened it to Lecter's possession of her, and mounted Ira not by some perverted sexual drive and gender confusion, but out of sheer possessiveness. Myyyy princeling she would have crooned, securing herself the title of creepy lady for good. Instead, she remained where she was, mulling over his question as her mind enveloped him as the culmination of her life's work up to this point, even though he wasn't hers in reality.

"Cougar," she said, and in that moment the grief-stricken Jinx giggled. It was a joyless giggle, one suggesting she had lost her grip on the world (albeit temporarily), but it grew into an uncontrolled cackle. "The idiots attacked a cougar," she laughed, expecting Ira to share in these hysterics with her, as if it was hilarious. She sobered in an instant, however, and fixed her piercing gaze on him to project her seriousness forward. "Never confront a cougar. It will leave you alone, yesss... But if you attack it, it will take all you consider important with it."

RE: you whole lotta crazy - Ira Nox - March 19, 2014

Ira watched as she turned to face him, brazenly holding her gaze, though feeling a creeping unease chill his heart as if it had been pierced by a dagger of ice as he saw the hollowness and realized, with his heart skipping a beat, that there was no reorganization in her eyes. Though it was concern that held him still even as she ghosted forward a step, there was also a edge of fear - though it was not a fear of Jinx so much as it was the fear that he had - despite his best efforts - allowed her to get close to him unintentionally and that what he feared most in the world was happening before him. Again. That she - all he had allowed himself in this world, his most coveted and beloved secret - no longer wanted him, or as it currently appeared, knew him. The moment was fleeting (despite that it felt like a lifetime) and she seemed to recognize him and relief flooded in concern and fear’s hollow wake.

Jinx informed it was a cougar - though Ira knew it to be the cougar, likely the one Bones had boasted about during their meeting, and the word was accompanied by an ill fitting giggle, even if it did not hold mirth. Icy eyes narrowed in a sudden burst of rage that no one had thought to find him and inform him that Jinx had been injured. Cowards, his mind hissed maliciously, and a discontented growl rumbled in Ira’s chest. He had even spoken to Bones about it and she had never once mentioned someone being injured as Jinx had. How dare they, his mental voice was accusing and full of scorn, distrust, wrath, and beneath all that pain. It pained him, aching in his hardened heart to see Jinx so…broken. She explained further that they attacked a cougar, but was laughing about it as if she found it humorous.

Ira did not laugh with her - for he did not find it humorous, and deep down he suspected she really didn’t either; and in the next moment Jinx had altered once more and was serious when she spoke again. A small stab of jealousy resounded in his chest when she mentioned that a cougar would take all that he held important if he attacked it, for Ira had taken that to mean that she was referring to herself and the loss of her pups and assuming that he was not important to her (though she had not specifically mentioned herself and he was running off assumptions). He might not have liked the idea of them, but he had not wanted to see them dead; and certainly not this way. “They will pay for what has happened,” Ira vowed darkly, boldly moving towards her. It may not be until years later but vengeance would be taken if it was what Jinx desired. In that moment, Ira recognized and accepted that he would move heaven and hell for her, if she asked. “Tell me what I can do.” The youth pleaded in a murmur, wanting to comfort her, to prove to her that she had not lost him, that he would be with her always, or until she no longer wanted him around.

RE: you whole lotta crazy - Jinx - April 14, 2014

WOW I forgot about this thread sigh sorry!

Her body trembled when he spoke with an enraged verve, as though he alone could really do anything about it. The children were gone. Sos would wreak havoc on the Creek. Her fault, screeched the caged Jinx inside her prison, railing against the reality that it had, in fact, been her own fault. Her fault, her fault, she will pay, but Fox would not pay for this. Not unless Sos descended upon her and ripped her fur from her back and stole her wolves and left the Creek in ruins...

Ira snapped her out of this maddened mental mantra she had found herself repeating, drawing her deadpan gaze to his own. Cold resided in her. Death resided in her. Her empty womb ached for the return of what rightfully belonged there and left her feeling as though a gaping hole had been torn out of her stomach. Without them, Ira was her only child. In that moment, she regarded him as if he had truly been born from her, and momentarily allowed that mad notion to bring her solace.

"Nothing," she hissed suddenly, then broke down into cackling once more. Her legs seemed to bow under her and deposited her on the ground, where she laughed into the crook of her arm, oblivious to any action he might have taken to comfort her broken self.