Wolf RPG
Firefly Glen the bard and the scorpion - Printable Version

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the bard and the scorpion - Goldhawk - May 06, 2016

For @Scorp!

Goldhawk prowled through the flatlands, thanking his lucky stars that this afternoon was damper than it had been yesterday. Thanks to the locusts who had stripped the Wilds of their green, food was getting more and more scarce — a drought on top of that would have splled death for the wolves of Neverwinter, he was sure of it. But no, there was plenty to drink, and plenty of ground to cover in his search for food. It was risky to leave the safety of their claimed territory knowing that ravenous savages were out here on a similar mission, but Goldhawk was a capable warrior and had his eye on the prize: a big brown rabbit. He quickened his pace, muzzle low, eyes wide, fast and silent, inching in on the fleeing animal as it shot through the grass...

RE: the bard and the scorpion - Scorp - May 06, 2016

Scorp had been out looking for prey to feed his pack, Moonspear, as well as himself. As he was sure everyone knew, prey was scarce, and so was pretty much anything edible. He had exited the claimed territory of Moonspear to try hunting in the unclaimed territory between Moonspear and Neverwinter Forest. He smelled another wolf, but he couldn't quite pinpoint where they were.
Suddenly, Scorp smelled prey; Rabbit. 'Rabbit...hmm' Scorp thought, tracing the rabbit's path through the grass. He paced quietly towards the smell, preparing to lunge.

RE: the bard and the scorpion - Goldhawk - May 07, 2016

Hi~ ^__^

Goldhawk licked his maw and frowned with determination, it being rare for him to care so much about one mere rabbit — but desperate times call for desperate focus. Then it was there, wriggling and squirming between his teeth. He crushed its windpipe swiftly, but even as he did so he looked up to see a long-furred stranger diving straight for his prey. I think not, bucko, he got over his surprise fast, stood protectively over his quarry and braced to meet the weight of his rival head-on.

RE: the bard and the scorpion - Scorp - May 07, 2016

Scorp was surprised to see another wolf here. "Oh" he said, shock on his face. "Are you hunting here too?" although it was obvious that the other wolf was, Scorp was just checking. He realized he should probably get down into a defensive pose, and did so, but obviously with uncertainty. "I...um...guess we should split the rabbit?" he said.
Scorp's pacifist side coming out lol

RE: the bard and the scorpion - Goldhawk - May 09, 2016


For a moment Goldhawk was tempted by the proposition. But while he was a friendly chap and peaceful at heart, he was also a warrior and liked a good fight. It was hard to tell how well-muscled the stranger was under all that fur, but Goldhawk decided he could take him on. Pish and tush, why should I share? he asked incredulously, still standing protectively over the (dying) rabbit. I caught the bally thing. If you want a bite, you'll have to get a few punches in first.

RE: the bard and the scorpion - Scorp - May 15, 2016

Scorp wasn't pleased with having to fight, much preferring to settle things with words. But he needed that rabbit, his belly was adamant about it. He looked at the rabbit, and a stonger feeling of hunger came over him. He looked at this other wolf.
"A few punches, eh?" he said. Scorp wasn't the best fighter, partly because of his attitude, but mostly because of his limp. He doubted he could land anything on this other wolf, but he was going to have to try anyway. He leapt at the other wolf.
sorry for the long wait!

RE: the bard and the scorpion - Goldhawk - May 16, 2016

Goldhawk was a very good-natured wolf with a heart as gold as his fur, but he was also a soldier. Hunger had fallen upon the native packs, and a stranger stood between him and this rabbit. So the fight was on, and Goldhawk was adamant. He stood solid over his prey, and decided to meet the other wolf's lunge head-on with some offensive snapping of his bared teeth.

Through intimidation and a right scuffle if it came to that, the warrior won his prize and after a courteous nod to his rival he headed back to Neverwinter to feed the needy.

Looks like your account's no longer active, so I'll fade out! :)