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Totoka River Lost Girl - Printable Version

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Lost Girl - RIP Valette - May 06, 2016

Tatoka River, but very close to Ravenblood Forest. :D @McTavish

Valette learned that she was a lousy scout, what kind of explorer wouldn't know their way around the area? Frankly now everything was lacking the green colors of spring the young female had an even harder time to navigate the land. She thought she had been going the right way but as it turned out she only walked further away from where she wanted to go. The young girl realized she had no one anymore because of her own foolishness. If she hadn't went to look for Mason with her silly crush she would not have lost her pack. Now she was truly alone, and with no vegetation there was not a lot of prey either.

Valette let her ears ball back, feeling a bit hopeless. She knew Silvertip Mountain was close, and that Mason would probably accept her into his pack instantly, but, she was reluctant. After all, all males in her life had left her or hurt her badly. Now her stupid crush on Mason had caused her to lose her pack while he was going to hurt her anyway. This past hurt did not mean Valette was nervous or bitter to all males. She was still a good natured female, just more cautious when relationships turned into something more. Though, with these bad conditions she doubted anyone would return any friendliness to her.

The female slumped down next to the riverbed, her stomach growling loudly. Valette still loved food, it was the reason why she became a hunter. Yet now it seemed she had nothing to hunt anymore. She started to drink water to fill her stomach. Spring was not as beautiful as it was before. As the water settled a bit she saw her own reflection. It seemed she was truly on her own now and maybe, it was better that way.

RE: Lost Girl - McTavish - May 06, 2016

His journey was a hot, tiring one but McTavish knew there was a river somewhere around here. He had been to this area once before, a few summers ago, however the landscape seemed much changed since the locust swarm had made its appearance. Tavish had been on his way to the coast, hoping to occupy his summer, when the clouds of nasty insects invaded. 
Now, everywhere he went, it was the same scene. 
Bare trees, their skeletal branches reaching towards the heavens like dying hands. Bushes stripped of all their greenery. The ground, a naked sea of brown. And little prey to be found.

McTavish's stomach growled loudly, reminding him that his last meal had been last night, a scrawny rabbit, barely enough to stave off the hunger pains. But with the river brought the hope of fish. Now, fish definitely wouldn't be his first choice, given the option but now was no time to be picky. 
It was eat what you could find till the herds came back or starve.

McTavish could smell the river now he was so close, the scent of water tickling his nose and the mammoth wolf picked up the pace. His long legs ate up the distance in a matter of strides and he nearly laughed with relief at the sight of clear, sparkling water. Laying not far from the edge of the river was a small (to him) dark wolfling, looking forlornly at nothing. McTavish didn't even give it a second thought as he trotted towards the young female, careful to keep a respectful distance. Obviously the girl was in need of some help. "Och Lass, what's a wee thing like you doin by yerself?" He kept his voice soft, so as not to spook her, but it remained deep and rumbling.

RE: Lost Girl - RIP Valette - May 07, 2016

Valette saw something approach from the corner of her eye, something big. So even when the male spoke on a soft tone the young female looked up with a bit of a start and crouched, ready to run off. Her tail close to her hind legs ready to be tucked in if needed. Her hazel eyes didn't even dare to look at him. She found that he talked funny, with a weird accent. Something about herself, and what she was probably doing here. Why would this stranger want to even know? Though Valette was not a female that would talk back, not anymore.

"I lost my pack," she spoke to the male, and her timing couldn't be more unfortunate. Because now with these bugs around there was also a lack of food. She was rather average in frame. Not petite like her mother, but also not huge like this male. She was terribly hungry though. She was tempted to just start to eat the bark of the trees. "Why would you want to know?"

RE: Lost Girl - McTavish - May 08, 2016

Noticing the dark wolf was ready to bolt, McTavish lowered his rear to the ground and sat relaxed,  hopefully showing the girl he had no intention of chasing her. She was obviously hungry, everyone was, and he had an idea. Her question made him smile, the way only a wolf can and he shrugged, golden eyes glowing with humor. 

"I saw ye by yerself looking as though the world was about to end, and felt it my duty to atleast stop and see if ye needed assistance. 
Names McTavish lass, or Tavish if ye prefer. Me, I'm going to try my luck in this here river for some lunch. Would you like to join me?"
Perhaps if they were to share a meal, the wolfling would relax enough to tell him her story, or atleast what she planned to do about her situation. It was a dangerous thing to be by yourself out here, especially in times of hunger like this. 

McTavish hoped she would take the offer of food, for he was mighty hungry, but felt it was incredibly rude to eat infront of others without sharing.
"May I ask what ye call yerself, wee one?"

RE: Lost Girl - RIP Valette - May 08, 2016

Valette looked at the male with a wary glance, though once he sat down she somewhat felt more comforted that he was not going to jump her. If he did then she would not have a great chance. It turned out that Tavish was his name. McTavish to be specific. Val looked at him with a curious expression. "You are going to get us food?," she asked, wondering what he would get from the river. The little huntress had not learned about fishing yet, so she was very eager to learn about new hunting techniques.

"Um.. Okay. I will help you!," she offered, growing a bit more confident now. She knew how to hunt at least. The young girl looked at the male. "Valette," she spoke, the first time she introduced herself under her new name. She liked it. No more Desna. She was going to act how she wanted to act.

RE: Lost Girl - McTavish - May 08, 2016

He was glad to see Valette brighten at the prospect of some food, knowing that having a full belly made life seem alittle easier to deal with. McTavish stood and started along the edge of the river, following it for some distance before finding a suitably calm pool along the rocky shore. Sometimes the fish would find a shallow spot to hang around in, to temporarily escape the rush of the river. These pools usually made good fishing, and if you were patient and lucky enough sometimes you could eat for days. Today however, they would take what they could get. 

"Now, the trick is to stay perfectly still in the water. Don't move even a fraction, or you'll scare the wee buggers off." McTavish stepped into the cold water, enjoying the change in temperature on his furry body, and positioned himself so that when the chance appeared, he could strike with his open mouth. "The second thing is to make sure ye aim alittle ways infront of the fish, the water makes him seems farther away then he really is." 
It could take awhile but he was praying for a full stomach tonight.
 If not for him, then atleast the lass.

RE: Lost Girl - RIP Valette - May 12, 2016

The girl nodded slowly and followed him with a light trot. The girl that was once so plump was starting to become more of a slender thing. She had never been so light on her feet, and to keep up with the male she needed to have this trot. They came to a shallow pool, and the girl, who was very interested in learning a new hunting skill, was eagerly listening to the man with the weird way of speaking.

She was somehow comforted by it, the way of speaking didn't sound like he was threatening her even though his voice was rather deep. Maybe it came with the size. The girl wagged her tail a bit and nodded. She practiced a lot on it not moving. "Why does the water trick us?," he asked curiously. "How do you know all this?" The light hearted female looked at the pool, not seeing anything worth while yet. "I will watch first," she decided, not wanting to make a fool of herself because after all, as a teenager that was the worst that could happen.

RE: Lost Girl - McTavish - May 16, 2016

McTavish rolled a 4-won his fish!

McTavish found himself grinning at Valettes questions, her excitement was infectious and the older wolf absently wagged his tail. He was enjoying this chance to pass on a bit of knowledge, even something as simple as fishing. Little did they know that during times like these, it was a live saving skill. "Im not verra sure why the water tricks ye lass, perhaps it dinnae want us to steal the fish. I will show ye how, then you will come an try, aye?" McTavish turned his attention back to the rippling water and focused his golden orbs on any movement, being careful not to twitch. 

Normally it was no problem to wait for his chance at the slippery creatures, but after almost fifteen minutes the males muscles began to stiffen and ache and his hunger was causing his patience was wearing thin. Just as McTavish was about to stretch and try somewhere else, his sight caught a flicker of movement above his right paw and without hesitation, he struck. The wolf's head disappeared under the clear liquid for a fraction of a second before rising, prize dangling from his mouth. It was a fair size trout, flopping  back and forth between its captors fangs, and as McTavish threw the unlucky fish on the rocky beach it was both sad and comical to watch it's desperate search for water. Unsure of what to do but wanting to put the poor thing out of its misery, McTavish picked up the dying creature by its tail and took it to the nearest boulder. With a mighty swing, the huge canine smashed the fish against the rock and ended it's futile struggle. 

He felt no remorse for this life he took, knowing that in order for life to continue, there must be some death. When it was time for him to return this gift, his body would be absorbed back into the earth to make way for new life. Such was the circle of things. The blood from his kill ran down the wolf's jowls and his stomach responded to the temptation with a grumble, but the old wolf laid his fish to the side and stepped up to Valette.  "Yer turn now lass. Just remember to stand still and be patient, you'll do just fine."

RE: Lost Girl - RIP Valette - May 16, 2016

Valette rolled a 4 too!

Valette sat at the edge and waited. Her stomach growling when she saw the male wait and look at the water. The young female did not really feel like waiting too long, she was terribly hungry. Her hazel colored eyes fell on the male. Eventually Valette laid down, wondering about the male's answer why the the water was tricking them. It was probably because the water wanted to protect the fish, like their coat protected them from the element. That had to be it.

The girl was startled when the male suddenly snapped forward, his head diving under. Valette sprung to her feet and then looked down at the flopping fish. She had seen them on the water, and then she remembered that her father had given them fish once. But she had been so small. The fish was grabbed and slammed to death. Valette looked at the brute with some mild surprise before growing determined from his words and stepping in the water. The girl then decided that she did not want this spot, because after all just a fish was taking from it. Rabbits wouldn't return either, not that soon at least.

The girl picked another spot and looked down, trying to see the fish. The female had worked on her focus ever since she was young. It had been quite the struggle to keep her focus while hunting, yet ever since she had become an official hunter her focus had been better. Now she was also an official adult. The girl kept her hazel eyes on the water, not for a moment looking away or turning her ears. She kind of wanted to impress this man that she was a hunter by heart and that she was not completely hopeless. After a moment a fish came past she lunged at it, well, aiming infant of the fish because that was what the male spoke about. She was surprised when she felt something against her mouth. She instantly clamped down her maw and lifted her muzzle.

The fish was quite heavy, she realized, heavier than a bunny, which probably meant more meat. The girl carried the fish out of the water, her tail raised a bit in pride. She relocated her bite and slammed the fish against the same boulder, copying the male's behavior before placing the dead fish by his feet and giving him some space.

RE: Lost Girl - McTavish - May 22, 2016

McTavish found himself watching Valette intensely, slightly impressed that she thought to choose a different place to try her luck. The female obviously had some experience with hunting, holding herself with good solid posture and was visibly focused on her task. He was confident she would succeed. He hoped she would succeed. Not only would this reflect on his ability as a teacher, it would also mean more food. McTavish had no problem sharing his catch with the girl. Generosity was in his nature, though even a whelp would know that a whole fish would fill their bellies much more then a shared.
It didn't seem to take very long for his partner to spot something, and McTavish had to admit; the lass was fast. 

He watched her dart in and out of the water and in a matter of seconds she resurfaced with her prize. It was a big bastard, there was no denying that. It hung heavy from the girls mouth and McTavish felt a swell of pride. Not in himself, but Valette, for making a kill on her first try. Perhaps she would make it through the coming famine. The aging man definitely thought she stood a chance, if she could keep herself fed and out of trouble. The male couldn't help but smile as he watched the darker wolf copy his method of finishing the job. She was a quick study.
When Valette laid her kill at his feet in a sign of respect, McTavish shook his head and nosed it toward her. "Thank ya lass, I appreciate the offer but ye earned the right to enjoy yer first catch. I've my own I can eat." With that, he went to lay under the tree where his dinner awaited. Stomach rumbling painfully at the thought of food, it didn't take long for the wolf to start tearing chunks of pink flesh from the carcass.

RE: Lost Girl - RIP Valette - May 22, 2016

Desna had been a follower at heart, she didn't know better than to be in a pack. It was easy for the girl to fall in old patterns and place the fish before his feet. Though, she was so relieved when the male said that that fish was for her. The dark girl instantly snatched the fish away, not to be disrespectful but because she was really hungry. She instantly attacked the fish, wolfing it down in a not so lady like manner. She had not even laid down to eat. She wanted all of the fish in her belly as fast as she could.

The taste was still weird to her, it was no meat, but at least it was something she could eat. Fish was basically heavenly for her now. The girl ate everything clean, followed by an almost cute burp before finally sitting down. The girl let out a relieved sigh and then lowered herself fully on her tummy. She placed her head on her paws. "Thank you," she whispered, not sure if he would hear it. "Where are you going now?," she wondered, after all she was still wondering what she would do.

RE: Lost Girl - McTavish - May 24, 2016

McTavish made quick work of the small fish, crunching the spine and head between his massive jaws so he could swallow them. Snuffling the surrounding dirt for any leftover morsel, the older male sighed when I didn't find any. His companion had finished her dinner even quicker then himself, though that was little suprise considering how hungry she looked. Then Valette burped in appreciation of her meal, making McTavish chuckle. "Yer verra welcome Valette. " The dark female asked where he was headed and his golden eyes narrowed thoughtfully. 

Truth be told, up until a couple days ago the plan was to spend his summer just wandering up the coast. But the aging male was beginning to wonder if it wouldn't be a good idea to find a pack to ride out this famine, possibly even meet a girl. He wasn't getting any younger and had no children or permanent home. Perhaps it was time to consider settling down? "Weel now, I've heard there are some groups of wolves around here and in other areas so maybe I will try one of those. Things will be gettin tough throughout these lands lass, best find somewhere safe to go. What aboot yerself Valette, if yer pack is gone where are you off to?"

RE: Lost Girl - RIP Valette - May 25, 2016

Valette knew that she would get her own question reflected back against her. It was interesting to know that the male was going to settle down. She did not have that feeling at all, in fact she didn't really feel like joining any pack. She could join several she now realized. But with her being separated from her previous pack it made her... free. She had no ties to any pack anymore. She could not return to Phoenix because she did not know where they were. She didn't want to go to STM because she didn't want any intimate relationships and she wondered if she would be happy in Reek's pack.

No, she didn't want any ties with anyone. Just the shallow ones she had with this guy right now. The girl lifted her muzzle a bit and then quirked up her lips into a bit of a smile. "Roaming, especially now you learned me a new way of getting food. It will take less energy than running after a rabbit or mouse."

RE: Lost Girl - McTavish - June 01, 2016

So sorry it took so long!

There seemed to be a new air of confidence surrounding the girl now, making McTavish feel alright about the two going their separate ways. Nodding at his companions response, the middle aged male slowly stood and shook the dirt from his pelt. The behemoth wanted nothing more then to nap before setting out but if he did then he might as well find somewhere to spend the night. Having alot of distance yet to cover, that probably wasn't a good plan. Best to continue walking till there was no more daylight. Of course he would have to keep a vigilant watch for hungry bears as they would be suffering from lack of fresh prey and greenery as well. 

Turning his attention to Valette, McTavish gave her a wolfish grin and dipped his maw. "It was my pleasure to impart a wee bit of knowledge to a young Lass in need. Mind ye keep yer ears and eyes open on yer travels. I hope to see you again Valette. " And he meant it. He had grown fond of the younger girl during their afternoon together and honestly hoped she made it through these coming days of famine. It shouldn't last too much longer but in his experience, it didn't take long for a wolf to starve to death. "If ever ye have need of my services, come find me or send word. I'm planning on heading to a place called Blackfoot Forest, a friend once told me aboot it. Thought I might check it out. Be safe my Friend." 
McTavish stepped forward and gently brushed the tip of his plume against Valettes shoulder in Farewell.

RE: Lost Girl - RIP Valette - June 01, 2016

not to worry! This was a really nice thread!!!

Valette smiled at the other, it was a gentle one, but at least it was a smile. She had grown to like this burly man too, had been scaring her a bit in the beginning but it turned out that the wolf was actually nice and made her learn a good lesson. The girl nodded in return to his words. "Likewise," she spoke politely.

"Good to know. I might travel there or when I am in need I have another place to go to," she spoke with a hum. "Goodluck." She got up herself too but the girl did not go for a nap, she actually wanted to try more of this fishing. She was a very ambitious girl and she liked to be good at hunting especially now she was hungry.
