Wolf RPG
Heron Lake Plateau don't touch anything - Printable Version

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don't touch anything - Dovev - May 09, 2016


The transition of winter to spring was buffered with gruesome, chilly rains that fell in an urelenting mist. Upon the wide barren of the plateau, its' new grasses cut short by locusts, it seemed like the perfect little graveyard for the struggling land. Dovev's heavy paws thudded among the dirt, making his way westward after spending time outside of the Teekon boundaries. Teekon wasn't the only land affected by depletion of prey. The male had made his way in a large, east-facing semi-circle that started in the northern Swiftcurrent Creek area and moved towards the rising sun, only to move down and turn again in the direction of the expanding Teekon. The wolf population had exploded since he had arrived three years ago. No wonder the current numbers faced the threat of starvation. He must look like a walking skeleton himself, with gaunt grey eyes and thinning fur. Stopping to cast a glance into a puddle created by the dreary rain, Dovev wondered if he faced it too.

RE: don't touch anything - Spring - May 22, 2016

Spring had left Silver Creek, earlier that morning to do some scouting.  Now that she was Beta of Silver Creek, she felt like she had to lengthen her duties, by bringing in much more prey... or as much as she could gather in this barren land, defend the borders with everything that she had and help Saena find new loyal members to bring into the pack.  For new blood and stronger numbers.  Of course though Spring would be picky with who she thought worthy of being part of Silver Creek and it would always have to go through Saena first.  Today though, she wasn't looking for any new members, she was looking for a decent hunt and so that had led her to the creek.  She had high hopes of catching some fish today, for Saena and the pups.

As she reached the creek though and padded up to the water, she noticed that she was in fact, not alone.  Not at all.  A little ways away from her, she could see another wolf.  This wolf was quite skinny, much skinnier than her, even though Spring herself had started to thin.  This wolf almost looked like a living skeleton.  Pity filled her for a few moments, but then quickly dissapeared.  Everyone was in the same situation, there was no room for any thing like pity.  She glanced back into the water, unsure whether or not the other wolf had seen her.  Either way though, she currently did not mind.  All she needed to do right now was fish and so her eyes narrowed in on the water, searching for any silverly, swimming bodies.

RE: don't touch anything - Dovev - May 29, 2016

The mesa sloped in a wide, steppe-like ridge that dipped with rivulets. Water flowed freely from the top down to the valleys below, hopefully holding some promise for the hungry male. Broad-leaf forests studded in patches about the plateau's base, broken up with trickling streams and larger ponds. The top of the plateau of which he had traversed was rather plain, but Dovev could tell the new habitats had more vegitation. His paws were heavy but firm as he picked his way down the birm. 

Rocks cascaded from the wolf's nails as he halted, standing anchored beside a stream. His jaw was lifted in anticipation as Dovev sighted, and smelled, the impending female. She seemd on the hunt, her trot purposeful and her gait bouncing along the edge of the stream as she scanned its waters. Perhaps the arctic male would lie in wait and let her do all the work- catch a fish, and then come barging in and scare her off her meal. Unfortunately that plan was bested with her eyes rising to meet his own. She seem preoccupied enough with her task, though, so Dovev walked closer. 

Doubt this tiny stream will hold a big enough fish for you, Dovev spoke sagely, a small grin crossing his skeletal face. His smile didn't hold much joy, but rather, a dark wariness that held his intentions. The male was not interested in playing social games with this stranger, but rather what she might have to offer in the way of nourishment- stealing her kill, or her own body.

RE: don't touch anything - Spring - May 30, 2016

Spring glanced up from the water as the artic male moved towards her, then spoke a sentence that made her very unnerved.  Was this wolf threatening her?  Her fur bristled ever so slightly and she raised her golden, now cold blank eyes to meet the male's own, showing off obvious signs of dominance.  Spring didn't trust this creep, she was going to keep an eye on him.

"I'm sure I can find something."  She responded in a tone as cool and sharp as ice.  Spring held the wolf's gaze for a little while longer, than glanced back down at the water, but contiuning to watch the mysterious male out of the corner of her eye... just in case.

RE: don't touch anything - Dovev - May 30, 2016

He stood idly by in the green spring plants, only moving to keep an even distance between them. As much as he hated to admit it, Dovev was in no position to try and fight her, but he couldn't imagine it would stay that later. His patience at ignoring his rumbling belly would bring out the teeth. Dovev see  her uncomfortable glances and the male stopped. Dropping to his haunches, the male leaned back to scratch at a scrappy ear.

I'd be interested to see what you turn up, the male grinned, watching with one grey eye. 
I could help you, but you seem like a wolf who handles by herself.

RE: don't touch anything - Spring - May 30, 2016

Spring didn't like this situation.  She didn't like this wolf either, nor did she trust him.  She wanted this creepo gone.  Now.  Her hackles lifted and she bristled fully, her lip curled, muscles tightened, ears fell back, tail swished low to the ground and a low, threatening growl began to seep from her throat.  Spring then regained her previous eye contact with the wolf, this time her golden colored eyes glared with coldness.

"I can handle myself indeed."  Spring growled, still eyeing the artic male.  "So I suggest that you leave now wolf."  She stated.  Although Spring did not want a fight, she would never allow this creepo or anyone else to keep this strange attitude up with her.

RE: don't touch anything - Dovev - June 12, 2016

Dovev shuffled down low to the ground, his own eyes matching her iciness but his body conveying submission. He looked angry but defeated, being in no position to challenge her directly. It was enough trying to contain himself from snarling back in instinct. His skinny frame brushed the earth below as he sunk from a sitting position to bow on the ground, looking up with flattened ears.

Sorry miss, he said with genuine sincerity. Any female who was up-in-arms always packed a little more punch than just the usual ticked off wolf. However, he wasn't going to completely back down and slink off like some browbeaten snake.
I don't see why I have to leave.
His jaw lifted, topped with a twitching nose. This isn't your land.

RE: don't touch anything - Spring - June 12, 2016

As soon as the wolf went into a submissive position told her he was sorry, Spring felt pretty good about the situation.  Now all that this wolf had to do was maybe change that icy gaze and leave.  Simple as that.  Although appearently this male did not get the big picture as questioned her, asking why he had to leave.  Well Spring had many answers for that.  He was creepy, Spring was very supsious of him, etc.  Yet all of that sounded childish, so Spring came up with a different response.

"You are in no place to ask that.  As I think we both know, I seem to be in better condition that you, so scat."  Spring growled, taking a step closer to the white furred wolf.  She didn't want this creepy male here and would fight or chase him off if she had to.  So long as he got out of her sight for good.