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Sunbeam Lair Never ever let you down - Printable Version

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Never ever let you down - Squirrel - May 09, 2016

anyone welcome, come meet Texi!

Texiceia followed stream doggedly, determined to find some actual food. She had the unfortune of joining her sister's pack just as the locusts swarms hit, all greenery being devoured and the animals no doubt fleeing in search of new pastures. 

So far Texi had survived on worse than the rodents and dead locusts she had been dining on of late, she was determined to survive a famine. The fish wouldn't be affected as the locusts wouldn't be able to reach the underwater growth. That was what led Texi to be following the stream in search of an overhanging spot that would be well shaded and coated in moss, here she might find a trout undulating against the current. 

Eureka! A plump fish, she wasn't sure what kind exactly as it only appeared as a shimmery mass beneath the water, was in a small dip of the bank as it waved its fins against the stream's current. The spot provided it a spot to rest for a moment even if it had to costantly move its fins in order to stay in place.

Sneaking up behind the fish as she crouched over the bank, as it faced upstream, she raised a paw over the water. Taking a deep breath and hoping she didn't mess it up, Texi darted her paw into the water and slapped the fish up onto the bank. 

It flopped wildly, trying to find its way back to the water fervently. Texi scrambled for it, pouncing and biting into its fleshy side. It had turned out to be a fish she didn't know the name of as she had grown up in the north, but from the brief taste she got killing it, the fish tasted fine. 

With a self assured grin, Texi broke into laughter. She had finally managed to find a meal after so long, maybe her pack mates were hungry as well. Scooping the nameless fish up in her jaws, the arctic wolf set out to find if anyone wanted to split it.

RE: Never ever let you down - Jolon - May 11, 2016

Times were hard for the brute now that he couldn't find Ezimette anymore, anywhere. Not only because she was his love, but because she was the only one he was close to safe for Noc and Asterr. The rest of the pack he knew, sorta, but it weren't outstanding bonds. His hunger made his belly rumble with annoyance and he shh'd it every so often, not wanting to be hungry. His pack came before him, so any food he could find went to the caches. Only a small amount of his prizes went to his own mouth, and that was good to keep him going until the green returned.

Today, he awoke lonely on top of the cave where he always lay to watch the stars. He didn't like it downstairs all that much now that there weren't any plants, and so he stayed on the mountain. He was now completely adapted to walking here, and now he could look back at his first days with Asterr with laughter. Oh, how bad he had been at living so high up.

Jolon got up, ready to go hunt again, if he could find anything. He thought fishing was a splendid idea, if only he had experience in it. He had never fished before, even though he grew up in a place with many rivers. He was more of a run-hunter, than an I'll-wait-till-the-prey-comes-to-me-hunter. He made his way to the river he finally could locate, only to see another presence there, one he didn't recognize. She smelled of Asterr though, so it had to be good.

Good-morning. He spoke, making a little proper bow before her that didn't suit his massive build.

RE: Never ever let you down - Squirrel - May 11, 2016

A male appeared causing her to halt in her movements before padding towards him, smiling around the fish. He was handsome certainly, his frame was rather large compared to her own petite form. His fur was as dark as night, clashing with her own creamy fur. Texi's eyes were a sky blue rather than a stormy grey, the differences between them were vast.

"Good morning,"she greeted back politely as she lay the fish between them. His stomach chose that opportune moment to growl, making her chuckle lightly. Nudging the fish in his direction, "Hungry?"

RE: Never ever let you down - Jolon - May 12, 2016

The female came toward him, and now he could finally observe her from up close. She looked a lot like Ezimette, only darker colored and with blue eyes. Same small yet muscled build, same species even if Jolon thought about it. He raised an eyebrow at the new face that was too familiar for words yet so foreign he had to questions his own sanity.

She was carrying a fish, and Jolon was glad he wasn't the only one to think of fishing now ground prey was scarce. When she asked if he was hungry though, he shook his head. I can't be hungry, not now while the rest needs it. I was just going to the river to fish as well to be honest. He spoke in a low, cold voice. It wasn't his intention to speak that way, it was just automatic with strangers. Luckily, Asterr had looked past that coldness and Ezimette had found a broken man underneath it all.

RE: Never ever let you down - Squirrel - May 13, 2016

Texiceia couldn't be sure if he meant to rebuff her with his coldness or if he was just frigid in nature. Pushing it aside, she grinned hopefully. "Perhaps we could fish together then? If it wouldn't bother you..?"

She shuffled a paw anxiously, unaware that this man was comparing her to her sister. Speaking of, where was Bird? She seemed to have just disappeared after Texi joined the pack, maybe her sister's lover could keep her company instead.

RE: Never ever let you down - Jolon - May 14, 2016

Company is always appreciated. He spoke formal, quite posh for a wolf his size and build. He took a few steps toward the river, looking back to see if she was following. She seemed kind of nervous, and Jolon didn't blame her for that. He was a dangerous sight, he knew. But he had morals, dreams, and it was hard to come on his bad side. He appreciated any soul that roamed the mountains he called home,as well as every creature that accompanied them.

He only had disrespect for dark souls, the one that were mentally insane. Like the man who had tried to rape his little snowflake that now seemed to be missing once again. He knew that if she stayed away for too long, she'd get thrown out again. He wasn't sure if Asterr was going to be as forgiving as last time...

RE: Never ever let you down - Squirrel - May 14, 2016

Texiceia padded after the larger male, eyes scanning the riverbed for overhanging roots. If there was a large cluster of them it was possible that it would be a fish hotspot. 

"So..are you friends with Ezimette?" She tried to break the silence awkwardly, wondering if he knew her sister well. Maybe he could shed some light on where she had disappeared to. Texi had only just found her, she didn't want to lose her now.

RE: Never ever let you down - Jolon - May 14, 2016

They reached the river, and the brute's body loomed over the riverbed to look in the water. He had actually never fished before, so this should be interesting. He stared at the water, but soon his gaze wandered to the female next to him. She had caught a fish, could she learn him.

I hoped we were more than friends. He answered dreamily, but his soft smile turned into a frown, his brows furrowing. Haven't seen her in a while though... Do you know her well? He asked with a curious glint. They looked like they could be related, but he could be wrong.

RE: Never ever let you down - Squirrel - May 14, 2016

Texi caught on that they were more than friends, feeling immediately guilty that she had found him handsome earlier. It wasn't as if she had acted on her opinion, it was a private thought and that gave her some solace. 

Perhaps he would have found out that they were related by now. They both shared the same petite frames, similar features, both were arctic wolves. It wasn't hard to make the connection though they were a bit different in appearance. Bird had pure white fur while Squirrel's was a cream. Texi's eyes were a deep blue rather than emerald as Ezi had. 

"She's my sister, the youngest of the two I have." Texiceia forgot about her sister soon as she spotted the spot she was looking for, nudging the male with her nose. The arctic wolf gestured with her muzzle to the reflective bodies of the fish as they paddled about the shady area slowly. 

Texi turned to him with a determined look on her face. "I believe we could both catch a fish if we sat at opposite ends of the school, try to bat it up and out of the water. You'll have to do it quickly or risk scaring them all away." Texiceia waited to see if he had any better suggestions or questions before moving to one end and crouching over it.

RE: Never ever let you down - Jolon - May 17, 2016

Jolon was completely unaware of his handsomeness, and maybe that was what made him so admirable. He was far from stuck-up, far from filled with pride. He was the voice of battle, the voice of hard work. He even found himself the voice of reason at panicked times. He was loyal till the end, though he did realize by now that his loyalty was not always returned. One day, perhaps tomorrow, he will run into someone who will break his loyalty, make him a paranoid wreck.

Aha, it seems his gut had been right all along. He knew it was very possible this woman and his fiery little sprite were just a weird look-alike, that all arctic wolves looked a bit like each other, but no. They were related by blood. Two pretty ladies, bound with a soul yet one missing.

He was about to ask something else, but the gentle nudge prevented him from doing so. Oh well, if she was in the pack, it was very likely that they would run into each other again. He nodded to her, having no other questions, and made his way to the other side of the school. Ready. He said with a paw hovering above the water.

RE: Never ever let you down - Squirrel - May 17, 2016

Texi nodded, reaching out and hovering a small white paw over the water for a moment. With a quick wish for good luck, the wolf dipped her paw in and swiped with a sudden jolt that nearly knocked her into the stream. 

She didn't manage to land a fish, startling away the school in her attempts. With a disappointed sigh, she glanced over to see if the male had had better luck.

RE: Never ever let you down - Jolon - May 17, 2016

Jolon has succes!: http://wolf-rpg.com/showthread.php?tid=11893&pid=191239#pid191239

As soon as the pale female clawed the water with her paw, Jolon struck too. He was focused on one particular fat fish, one that almost screamed; I wanna die, I wanna die! Jolon smirked. He had never been one for killing souls on the mountains, but he didn't respect prey as much as he did wolves. This was his first time even attempting to catch something swimming, so he was quite nervous, but adrenaline pumped through his blood.

As he smacked the water's surface, sending up a big splash simultaneously with the sister of his flower, as well as the fish he had been aiming for. He couldn't believe the sight of the silver river creature flying majestically through the air onto the shore. The fish flopped from side to side in a desperate attempt to go back home, but Jolon was quick to step on it's tail and to bite it's head off. He did not know what the best way to kill a fish was, but this seemed to be working perfectly, for the creature stopped moving.

Letting out a puff of air, he returned his gaze to where first the other end of the school was, only to see an empty handed girl sighing in disappointment. Luckily, she had the other fish she could eat, for if it wasn't so, Jolon would have given up his meal. 

RE: Never ever let you down - Squirrel - May 17, 2016

Though she was slightly mad at herself for failing she was not a petty creature. Texi grinned at the male widely, glad someone had had some luck. "Oh, you caught one. Good job!" 

They now had two fish to take to the tribe, though it would be more like a bite when split between wolves it was more than she had eaten recently. Texiceia scooped up the fish, having grown comfortable in the other's presence enough not to bother keeping her back turned to him. 

Whether or not he saw the disfigured scar that covered the back of her neck, no fur growing over it due to the extent of the damage, did not bother her. She gathered the fish into her jaw and turned back to Jolon. 

"Weady to go?" Her words slightly muffled do the mouth of fish she had to speak around.

RE: Never ever let you down - Jolon - May 18, 2016

Jolon bowed before her as he got praised. He was not at all a bragger, but that did not mean he disliked getting complimented on something he had achieved. His very first fish. It smelled weird, like dirty water but different. He sniffled over it a bit with a weird face, interested in what it would taste like. He would share this one with Asterr, as a thanks for her kindness and as a sign for his loyalty. Jolon by the way. He rumbled, his voice as low as the sun was at that moment, the sky drenched in a fiery orange color accompanied by clouds of pink. He couldn't wait to get back, to watch the stars from the roof of his home.

Jolon followed suit, picking up the slimy fish carefully, returning his gaze to the pale fisher woman. He indeed saw the scar on her neck, but payed it little mind. He followed her, standing beside her with his own fish. He nodded, waiting for her to start moving.

RE: Never ever let you down - Squirrel - May 18, 2016

She thought of sharing her birth name with him, wondering if Bird had done so or if she kept her chosen name around all the wolves. "I was Squirrel. Now they call me Texiceia or Texi for short. You can call me any of those." 

Texi sent him a friendly grin. "Nice to meet ya, Jolon. I hope we're friends." Once relaxed in his presence, her usual blunt but good natured way of speaking shone through. "Imma call you Jolly," she mused with a playful glint in her eyes. It was entirely up for denial of course, if he preferred Jolon she would call him that.

RE: Never ever let you down - Jolon - May 19, 2016

Jolon was not the best with remembering names, so when he was given a list of names he could call his newest friends, he went for the one easiest to remember. Squirrel sounds easier. He said honestly. Guess I'll call you that.

Of course we're friends. We are family now. Everyone in our pack is. He spoke, voice just slightly muffled by the fish in his mouth. A rumbling sound came out of his throat, not as a growl, but him chuckling. I've been called Jol by your sister. Your family sure has something with nicknames. I call her Ezi most of the time too.

Quite a shitty post, sorry XD

RE: Never ever let you down - Squirrel - May 19, 2016

Texi stiffened for a moment, almost faltering in her steps, before realizing he wasn't angry with her. He was actually laughing. Her tail wagged happily in an almost childlike manner though she was mature physically. 

I could think of a while list of nicknames my family would love to call me. Bird too. We were never the favorites of the litter..She gave her head a small shake as if to rid herself of the dark thoughts, glancing at him curiously.

"Surely there are some of you that don't get along..?" Her thoughts turned to her mother's pack; the constant rivalry amongst her siblings to be Rabbit's favorite, the chaos of the tiny band of wolves as they battled for everything: scraps, the best spot in the cave,etc. A frown appeared on her pale features, memories of her mother's harsh words and her siblings blows. 

"You're useless! Just like that little whelp, Bird!" A shiver ran through her, shaking her head a little more vigorously as she snapped out of it and waited for Jolly's response. 

feel free to wrap this up with your next post or continue the thread. I don't think Ezi is coming back with Ezimette(or anyone), I kinda wonder if Jolon and Squirrel will end up together? :P

RE: Never ever let you down - Jolon - May 20, 2016

Who knows :)) You can post one more time to wrap up if you want.

Jol was by far the favorite nickname he had, also the only one except for the one he had earned today. But Jolly wasn't like Ezimette, and since the ghost had stolen his heart, he liked Jol better. It sounded bruter too, even though he was a total softy.

Not that I'm aware of. Our pack is the closest one I know. He answered with the fish still in his mouth. He started walking toward where he though he could find Asterr, bot sure if Squirrel here would join him there. To be sure, he said; Right, I'll be gone to Asterr now to give her a well deserved meal. He stepped closer to the path he wanted to take. You are free to join me, though I am not sure what you want to do with your fish.

RE: Never ever let you down - Squirrel - May 20, 2016

Texi didn't know anyone in the pack except for Jolon and Asterr, besides Bird of course, she wouldn't even know who to give the fish to. It didn't feel right to eat the whole thing herself what with the pack in the middle of a famine.

"I think I'll just tag along. Asterr can give this one to whoever's the hungriest or whoever needs it most." Texiceia nodded self assuredly, sticking close to Jolly as he led the way to the Chieftess.