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[IC Joining] For One Moment of Time - Printable Version

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[IC Joining] For One Moment of Time - Ayvo - March 19, 2014

The air surrounding the bare mountain was cold, harsh, and unwelcoming. Hints of a fire's past cascaded around the monstrous mountain's side. Ash settled deep in the ground, signaling that the fire has been years before hand. As the rain parachuted from the cloudy sky to the murky ground Ayvo took notice of the strong smell of fellow wolf that surrounded his senses. Their presents was overwhelming even when the rain should have diluted some of their smell. It felt like years since the snowy male had felt the power of a pack. In all reality it had been just months. Banishment from his home pack meant nothing to him now. He took on a new name, rebirthed himself in a pure form. While the banishment had nothing to do with his actions Ayvo still felt guilty. If only he could have stopped his father when the power was young, just a seedling in his brain. There was no sense now in spilling emotions of regret and playing scenarios in his mind where all danced well, and all were happy. Today was another day. The sweep of a fire meant rebirth and like the seeds that the ash had hidden, Ayvo was a new wolf. 

The trek up the bare mountainside took a majority of Ayvo's strength. This was to be seen in the way he now held his head. It drooped low to the ashen ground. He needed food, but that could wait for now. First he needed a pack. The male couldn't survive on his own, he warranted the presence of other wolves. He wouldn't make it another year without a pack. Keeping this in mind Ayvo traveled on until he hit the ridge of the packs territory. Their scent surrounded the rain coated air, and danced in the noon sunlight. The mixing pot of trees jumped around in Ayvo's vision. Not only was a pack located here, but the land was also a sort of paradise. The male paced back and forth between the pack's territory and the baren tree line that covered the mountains that surrounded the veil. He was waiting.

RE: [IC Joining] For One Moment of Time - Raheerah - March 20, 2014

He had grown dreadfully tired of unknown faces at his border. The beast almost wished for the monk, equally as dreadful, to tend to homeless and hungry beasts so that Raheerah would have to shed no kindness in their presence. Kindness was a fragile thing. A commodity to be used sparingly, and only in the company of those he actually liked. Xi'nuata, for one. And Lham. Actually, those two were probably the only living creatures Raheerah held a fondness for. It was with strained tolerance that he approached the stranger, having smelled him far before he saw him. He was doing nothing but moving back and forth along some set and limited path, but he had not crossed into their territory, nor did he carry the stench of the Creek. Both of those factors worked in his favor.

Raheerah uttered an airy grunt, announcing his arrival. His pace had been quick and purposeful, and he halted still within the Vale's borders. The beast's tail elevated high above his flanks and swayed there, like a flag caught in the wind, and his ranking spelled out in the stiff posture adopted by the male's titanic form. "Whhooo are yoouuu." The words fell plainly from his lips with characteristic rumbling, and his single eye bored into the stranger, impatient.

RE: [IC Joining] For One Moment of Time - Ayvo - March 20, 2014

The winds shifted from upwind of the pale male to downwind of him. It was at this moment of quick change that Ayvo scented his first pack wolf. A male by the smell, but nothing else could the snowy wolf make out. Moment after he scented the wolf a bear like, smoky beast trotted into his vision. The wolf in all honesty could strike fear into a polar bear. His body overrun by scars and unkept oily fur. No wolf that Ayvo has ever seen had been as daunting as the one that stood before him. As the wolf in quick pace trotted closer Ayvo took note of the scars that in a patterned lined his face. In submission, but not fear, Ayvo lowered his head and tail. With his lowered head Ayvo could barely see that the wolf was missing an eye. Ayvo would have to remind himself not to approach him on that side. In his home pack he had known a wolf that was blind, he didn't appreciate it when you approached him without clear warning. Grunting to give a warning of his arrival the beast with pride in his stance asked Ayvo a simple question. 

Who am I? That in itself years ago would have been easy. He was a pack wolf. He was a proud wolf. Now Ayvo was a weak, lonely animal. The bleached pelted wolf had very little to offer to a pack now, in all honesty he would be a liability until he gained his full strength again. Ayvo had kept his head down not wanting to upset the wolf. With these things in mind he gave an answer. "I am Ayvo, I seek a pack to become apart of"During this time Ayvo hadn't moved from his position outside of the boarder. This was done for two reasons. If shit hit the fan he could make a break for it without having to run into the possibility of other pack wolves, and two it was done for respect for the pack. Encroaching on a wolf's territory, without permission, was a dick move in many cases.

RE: [IC Joining] For One Moment of Time - Raheerah - March 20, 2014

The male seemed to know his place, lingering just beyond the markers separating claimed from wilderness. Raheerah swished his tail, snake-like in its movements and tantalizing, tempting. As was expected for those without a pack arriving at his borders, they reported that they had come looking for a home. It was the Vale's policy to accept those in need of sanctuary, and though it was Raheerah's personal mandate to drive away as many of these misplaced miscreants as he could, he would not deny the laws set in place by those who were technically his superior. Even if he could displace them given the opportunity. It was mostly out of respect for his Lham than it was the monk.

He huffed again, sending a forceful stream of air from his nostrils. "Aaass doo theyy aallll." He hummed darkly, allowing some vague amusement to light up the single eye set in his skull. "Aaand hooww do yoouu plaan to reetuurrn thhhe serrrvicess oour Vaaale prooviiides?" Raheerah slowly, if a little unsettlingly tilted his head. They had been slowly accumulating more warriors into the faction that the beast controlled, and it was his hope that maybe this white wolf would add to their numbers. They would need as many willing bodies as they could get in order to protect the borders of their paradise.

RE: [IC Joining] For One Moment of Time - Ayvo - March 21, 2014

The beast was intimidating to say the least. The movement of his tail, beckoning and culling wolves that didn't have enough to offer. Ayvo sensed the male's obvious annoyance with him. Though Ayvo questioned why the male didn't just chase him off and leave him for the vultures. The pale wolf would have asked in all his curiousness but he choose to leave it alone and be thankful that the smoky beast let him have a chance to join. 

The wind picked up for a moment as the male considered Ayvo's words. Letting out a streak of air from his snout the male gave a throaty asnwer asking Ayvo how he planned on returning the favor of shelter. "Once I get back to full strength I can be a protector. I defended my previous pack without fault. I will do the same here, ten fold." That in all reality was true. Ayvo was a protector, he would easily die for those who aren't strong enough to defend themselves. 

RE: [IC Joining] For One Moment of Time - Raheerah - March 27, 2014

so sorry for the late reply! this can either be an exit or we can continue and have them talk, i'm down for either option.

His answer was a satisfactory one - Raheerah could always do for more warriors. At this point, he imagined the warrior faction outnumbered both the monks and the clerics twice over, but he was not about to try and convince his wolves to take up other responsibilities. If he could convince all of his packmates to religiously patrol the borders as much as he did, he would - but, as it stood, few of them were not so prone to aggression as he was. The beast knitted his brows together ever so slightly, looking over the white-furred male. "Thheeennn yoou shaall seerrve under mmeee. Iii aam Raheeeerah, leeaader of the Waaarriors of the Vaale." He gave a nod of finality and lashed his tail. "Coommme." Raheerah rumbled and began to turn away, expecting him to follow. He wasn't one to dawdle here on the borders - Raheerah had made his decision, and that was to bring the male into the ranks so that he could help defend the Vale. Impatiently lashed his tail and stared at him, waiting for the newcomer to join him.

And then he started to move forward, towards the trees and bushes that would eventually open up to reveal the valley, to take the male to a place he could rest.

RE: [IC Joining] For One Moment of Time - Ayvo - March 30, 2014

Ayvo was intimidated by the beast even after speaking with him for a few minutes. There was something unsettling about the wolf. It wasnt his lack of features, nor his carved symbol etched into his skin. Something darker about the male. Like he had bathed in the blood of the innocent and then danced with the devil in the light of many moons. Ayvo sook off this fear and just focused on the males answer to his plead. After being accepted in the least terms the beast asked Ayvo to follow him. Ayvo was to serve under the beast rule as a warrior from here on out, until the lights left his eyes. The young ambious wolf was now a warrior of the vale. Sentenced with protection and provided for the pack. Flipping his tail the warrior signaled for Ayvo to follow. The pale male trotted across the packs border and followed close behind the beast into his new life as a pack wolf.