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The Sentinels resolve and resolution - Printable Version

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resolve and resolution - Lucani - May 10, 2016

Hoping for someone who knew of Lucani's illness — @Lasher @Osprey @Deirdre? ^____^

The poor remnants of ravaged leaves cracked beneath her large paws. Above those paws, the wolf was tall and graceful as she'd once been, but with a few stark differences. Lucani had recently been cured of a weeks-long illness that had fallen short of killing her, and the cure itself had been somewhat traumatic. Add to that the brink of starvation and she was now bony and coarse, hard muscles sticking out like spare ribs. But something else was different about her now too: there was a grim determination in her normally serene yellow eyes, and she stood with more strength and confidence than she had in over a month. For a couple of days ago she had caught and eaten a trapped rodent, a triumph for the woman who had been too weak to catch land animals for a long time. Death had been her constant companion, but now it was gone, leaving behind a hardened survivalist. Hungry, yes, but for more than just food.

Lucani had a small fish between her teeth, and its dull silver scales shone in the bright white light of the cloudless sky. The fish was not for her. She had caught it, yes, but she intended to give it away to a wolf of high rank (or to whomever they pleased). It was to be a sign that she was here, she was back, she was set entirely on being a strong and present creature of Donnelaith. Now and always.

RE: resolve and resolution - Deirdre - May 11, 2016

deirdre thrived, even despite the odds against donnelaith and her narrowing frame. though she hungered, her spirit was sated and her eyes were ripe with happiness. her father was ceaseless in his teachings, and the old owl was much the same. the young cub felt connected to the earth, and though much had died she had been told that life would return yet. surviving this would be hard—she knew it by the ache that sometimes came to her belly—but 'twas not impossible, and so deirdre was not dour or dark. she felt as the moon must: a beacon in these dark times. the locusts had come and taken much, and yet there was the hope the stars brought and the trees sang.

deirdre moved through the woods, whispering to the trees to encourage them to blossom with color again. the crunch of leaves—or perhaps locusts—caught her attention, and the girl drifted in that direction. there stood lucani, who looked better than she ever had, and such a sight was met with a delighted smile by deirdre. the sickly smell was gone, and deirdre sang, you are well again! a vibrant note of hope lingering in its wake. though lucani was thinner, she looked better than deirdre had remembered.

RE: resolve and resolution - Lucani - May 11, 2016

A little part of her hoped that while she was looking for high-ranking wolves she would not run into Aria. That kind and wise young soul had been stuck in her mind ever since she'd first set eyes on her. Mainly it was that pretty face: for who could resist such a girl? Lucani would have to. The Alpha Female was out of bounds, so when she saw someone who was distinctly not Aria she was quite grateful.

Deirdre, Lucani said in her newly hoarsened voice, and placed the fish gently on the naked ground. She smiled at the young one's delight. I'm certainly getting there, she agreed. Most of her strength today came from sheer determination, but tomorrow she'd feel even better... and the day after that. Would you accept my catch? she offered, and nosed the fish gently towards the girl. I'd be honoured if you would.

RE: resolve and resolution - Deirdre - May 18, 2016

lucani's greeting was warm, and deirdre gave to the woman a smile that exuded her pleasure at the others wellbeing. the question came as a surprise to her, and deirdre softly responded, you are healing... you should have it, and after a breath, deirdre added, thank you, for your offer; i promise, when you are well and if you wish to offer me such a thing again, i will accept! but if the other insisted, deirdre could not say no to her, for she was soft and so enjoyed making others happy that if this was the others wish, deirdre would comply. but still, she knew as the other continued to recover she would need the energy any food that could be found would give.

RE: resolve and resolution - Lucani - May 19, 2016

Deirdre was not to know this, having only seen her in a state of sickness then a state of betterment, but Lucani looked different to how she'd looked back at Sleeping Dragon. She'd never been beautiful, but she'd been as handsome as a rake, sleek and tall and sinuously powerful. She had her height back now, no longer slumped with illness, but she was so ragged now, skinny and sharp, more like a sniper than a battler.

But this very sweet girl seemed to care little for appearance, comparing instead her new state of being with the old. Lucani smiled faintly, and dipped her muzzle briefly to the Alpha Pup. Please do, she requested. Your acceptance of my catch will give me strength — I promise you that.

RE: resolve and resolution - Deirdre - May 19, 2016

the cub was disheartened to hear the other offer again, only because she felt lucani needed it to continue to be well again. having only observed others catch fish, she knew the task was one that took ample time. she did not know, however, if it took as much energy as it did to chase a rabbit; she would soon learn.

deirdre need not be asked a third time; she stepped forward and began to eat before lucani, though was careful to not finish. she nosed the rest of the thing toward the wolf of donnelaith, and tilted her head at lucani. the woman was still handsome to deirdre, who saw loveliness in all others, even when exhaustion and hunger ate at them.

RE: resolve and resolution - Lucani - May 20, 2016

Seated, her grey tail brushing the arid ground, Lucani was truly grateful when Deirdre ate her offering. She even gave a slight sigh of relief, for it was vitally important to her that she find proof of her usefulness. But when Deirdre offered some of the fish back, she was too touched to refuse. You're very sweet, she observed with a smile, and accepted the food.

Once finished, being too polite to speak while eating, Lucani continued. I wonder if I might ask another favour of you, Deirdre, she requested. She would not normally put this to one so young, but Deirdre was no regular puppy. Please could you tell me how Donnelaith has been in my... absence. She'd never been truly absent, but death's door had been her only den of late.

RE: resolve and resolution - Deirdre - June 01, 2016

the pale witch displayed the same signs of relief as her counterpart had, though was perhaps more obvious in doing so having not been taught of discretion; her heart was at ease in the others acceptance, though the offer was small. when next lucani spoke, deirdre canted her head, and the question asked was one that deirdre knew the answer to. the truth could be burdensome, but in such times it was more than that. it caused physical pains, pangs of hunger and worry. food is hard to find. there are fish, and some rabbits. we hunger, she looked 'round them, and said, the world has been stripped of green; it will return, i know it will, but i cannot yet sense when. it filled her with a cold and terrible sense of dread.

RE: resolve and resolution - Lucani - June 02, 2016

Deirdre was very unique: Lucani had never known a girl like her. The closest the pup came to was her father, Lasher, though at this point Lucani didn't know all that much about either. Deirdre was so young, but her articulation was nothing short of poetic. She was a moving soul.

Come, the grey wolf invited softly, moving her great gangly figure into a standing position and knowing how best to imagine a greener horizon. Let's walk. I'd be honoured to hear more about you, Deirdre — perhaps your plans for the future.

RE: resolve and resolution - Deirdre - June 02, 2016

the young babe had learnt her eloquence from her father and mother both, who were both poetic and eloquent, full of beautiful words that she absorbed hungrily. truly the cub was an old soul; she worried for others without knowing why, when most her age might care only for themselves, as they had learned no other way and knew nothing else. but emaleth was much the same in this vein, she believed. they were selfless, and put service before self. princess of donnelaith she might be, powerful witch and sorceress she certainly was, but her love for others trumped the love she held for her own self. it was not something she recognized to that level, though perhaps lucani did.

the invitation was met with a nod. she'd be happy to move with lucani, and speak with her. the future, she sighed, knowing now more than ever it was not promised. early on she had learned of death, but as of yet she had not looked into the black eyes of it; but she felt its watchful eyes, and looked briefly over her shoulder in time to see a dark shadow pass through the treeline beyond them whilst lucani studied the horizon. i would like to follow in my mothers footsteps, and heal others. i would also love to care for my friends, the flowers; know them all, those that can heal and those that can harm. both beautiful, and both had their purpose -- though the latter she wished to know so that she could find their remedies, and see if there was any help at all they could give others. if she had any ambition to ascend, it had not occurred to her. i wish to aid others. i wish to help the forest grow, deirdre waved her tail at the thought. after a moment, she continued: i would also like to be like my father. i love him so, she waited a beat, i would like to speak with others the way he does. he helps me to see things, in a way that i never would have without his words. he was a sage man, a great man; deirdre loved him, as she had said, heart and soul.

RE: resolve and resolution - Lucani - June 06, 2016

Deirdre was lovely. While Lucani would never dream of looking at the girl the way she looked at Aria (who, to be honest, was not that much older than the pup), she could not help but notice that this was a creature of phenomenal beauty both inside and out. They walked side by side, and as they did so Lucani felt like she was in the presence of something sacred.

She smiled slightly at talk of the flowers, a fact Deirdre gave with pure earnestness. Friends with the flowers. She wanted to be like her mother and her father, and while this was admirable a little part of Lucani wondered if the girl would also have time to sprout her own traits. But she had already, and a mix of two individuals could create quite a unique soul.

It sounds like your calling is to heal others in more ways than one, the tall female observed softly. For healing others is about more than just medicine. Medicine soothes the wounds you see, and words soothe those you don't.

RE: resolve and resolution - Deirdre - June 13, 2016

the taller, handsome woman spoke well of her intent, and deirdre smiled. yes--you say it so eloquently. it is my wish to help others in all the ways that i can, she paused for a moment, and looked to lucani, though violence... it frightens me. i do wish to learn, at least, how to protect donnelaith... she closed her eyes for a moment, pausing mid-stride as she recalled a day she had long since forgotten. a white, ogreish woman who had invaded donnelaith. she could do nothing then, so small... but even as the event replayed, she looked anxiously to lucani. i do not know that i could hurt anyone... and yet, yet! her protective nature over this place, her love for it and the people within... i would, if i must! ah, but she would never wish to.

RE: resolve and resolution - Lucani - June 15, 2016

To some, violence was a necessary evil. To others, it was not even an evil. Some wolves treated their fellows the way they treated their prey, with immediate aggression, but Lucani's preferred type of wolf was one who put civility first. Diplomacy, tact and courtesy were the necessities in her mind, and violence a last resort. It was why she had taken to Donnelaith so swiftly; and perhaps why she'd been accepted.

She knew with a surge of affection for Deirdre that her words were very true: she couldn't hurt anyone, or at least could not display malicious intent. There's no shame in fearing violence — it's a frightening thing. The ability to fight is in our blood, much like our instinct to hunt, but I truly believe you can protect Donnelaith with your words and care.

RE: resolve and resolution - Deirdre - June 29, 2016

deirdre smiled at lucani's words, drew near to bring her wet nose to the others temple in a gesture of fondness. you are brilliant, she whispered, the words fierce and full of heart. i would not allow violence to touch this sacred place, lucani. nor would my father. it is a world separate from all that. safe, and it was true! donnelaith felt not at all like the rest of the world that she went into. here the spirits rest, old and new alike, and deirdre nurtured them as she would nurture the plantlife, were it present. but as it stood, 'twas not. deirdre would do what it took to keep this place safe. she did not think any here had the heart or desire to fight, and why should they? she shared their sentiment, to her marrow.

you are very wise, deirdre was not shy to admit this, but appreciative for lucani's councel. a curse brought this terrible plague to donnelaith. can no plantlife survive such a thing? there are things i have buried deep in the earth... would it be safe to ever remove them, if need be? more wisdom could be gained this day, and deirdre sought it.

RE: resolve and resolution - Lucani - June 30, 2016

At being called brilliant, Lucani was — a little unexpectedly — somewhat startled. That was the most accurate word for what she felt, though she supposed she must feel flattered too. For the truth was that people normally tended to take her for granted. Not in a cruel way, but in a manner that was natural and that she was perfectly content with and used to. She didn't ask for, expect, or require credit. And yet here it was, coming from a soul she cared about very much.

Though she didn't reply to this exactly, she smiled lightly, and when safety was promised, she reiterated it: safe.

Then Deirdre spoke of the plague, but as a curse, and spoke of plantlife and something buried. The plants will come back, she promised, tentative about addressing the concept of a curse at this point. But what have you buried, Deirdre?

RE: resolve and resolution - Deirdre - June 30, 2016

there are some herbal stores, deirdre informed, or perhaps reminded. i put several herbs there that i know have healing properties. though not the extent of them, or what it is exactly they do. deirdre had much to learn. eilidh knew the basics, and perhaps deirdre could name the few she had managed to stow away. one was good for headaches, she knew, and the other was good for fevers and nausea. as for the rest, well, she was not very sure.

RE: resolve and resolution - Lucani - July 03, 2016

Lucani could only guess what Deirdre had buried: it was easiest to assume herbs or food, though she had to remind herself that the womanly girl was still a girl. A child. Perhaps she'd buried a toy.

But no, it transpired her treasure was indeed of the herbal variety, and Lucani raised her brow, impressed. Well done indeed. I'm sure plenty of your treasure has survived. Without sunlight they might have wilted, but any plants at all is a certain win. She paused thoughtfully. Did you do this during the infestation?

RE: resolve and resolution - Deirdre - July 26, 2016

no, she responded swiftly, knowing she hadn't the time to react so when the foreign invasion had come. some i have stored not long before then, though, perhaps they were useless now; she would come to learn from lucani, and she sidled up alongside her with interest written upon her features. when the plants wilt, do they become useless--in the medicinal manner?

RE: resolve and resolution - Lucani - July 26, 2016

The pup's intuition and resourcefulness was very admirable, and Lucani wondered what had compelled her to bury the plants. Was it instinct? Instructions from Lasher? Or just some prevailing idea that this would pay off? Either way, it had done the pack good.

Some plants are rendered useless when they wilt, yes, the Medic explained. But some are surprisingly resilient, and others remain useful when dried out.

RE: resolve and resolution - Deirdre - July 26, 2016

i have many areas where things are buried -- i have separated them. i can show you, she offered, her tail waving, and then perhaps you show me which are best stored and which ought not to be? her tail waved at the prospect of learning from the wise lucani, her eyes bright with excitement.

maybe we can fade this with ya next post!?? :D

RE: resolve and resolution - Lucani - July 26, 2016

Kay~ <3

The prospect of spending more time with the delightful child and at the same time sharing their passion for medicinal plants was a very good one. Lucani agreed with a smile. She felt cured.