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Firefly Ravine Antsy Paws - Printable Version

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Antsy Paws - Zephyr Maverick - May 11, 2016

Zephyr was finding it hard to obey Sens orders to stay within the Sanctuary. He hadnt seen Rain or Lyric since the locusts, and its worrying. Where have they gone? At first, he worried they might have left him. But why? They were both practically smitten with him, why would they take off without him? The brutes next thought was that something might have happened to them. Anger bubbled up in his chest, but there was nothing he could to unless he bypassed his alphas orders. 
At the same time, he worried about Sen. Depp, too, had been scarce. The ebony male wished more than anything to take the place next to the dark female, but it felt wrong without knowing where Depp was. Perhaps he'd went scouting, but his pups were due soon. Would Zephyr have to protect them? Perhaps he would talk to Sen about his worries. The help might be welcomed, after all. 
Still, his snow splashed paws paced the borders and his grassy eyes were anxious.

Tagging @Sen because she's mentioned, but he can talk to her on their adventure if you prefer. @Rana Zephyr could use a friend :)

RE: Antsy Paws - Rana - May 11, 2016

Is it ok to push this forward a day?
Rana was lounging next to one of the bare trees near the border. The female wasn't planning on staying in the pack's territory most of the time. She'd already made a short trip to explore around the outside of their home, but hadn't gone far enough that it would take a full day to return. A small movement to her right drew her attention, she raised her head to see it better. Noticing that it was her friend pacing, she sat up and tilted her head. How did she not notice him sooner, if he was there the entire time?

RE: Antsy Paws - Zephyr Maverick - May 12, 2016

Yeah sure

He eventually came into contact with Rana's familiar, homey scent. Perhaps he could share his worries with his former beta? The ebony brute raked his grassy eyes over the barren landscape and was surprised to see her already sitting up to face him. He was a little slow today, apparently. 
      "Hey, Rana."
Zephyr rumbled a friendly greeting to his old friend, words laced with anxiety and stress.

RE: Antsy Paws - Rana - May 12, 2016

"Hello." She her ears went back at the sound of his voice, she could tell something was off. Her head straitened as her tail flicks. She looked around for others, wondering if it was someone else. The black female turned her attention back to Zephyr after a few moments.

RE: Antsy Paws - Zephyr Maverick - May 12, 2016

"Can we talk?"
He knew she was aware of his sour mood, and fully intended on letting her know. Rana was someone he would trust with his very life, and one of the only ones left in the world.

RE: Antsy Paws - Rana - May 12, 2016

"Of course, what's going on?" She tilted her head once again, she didn't like seeing her friend this way. Soon she stood and took a few steps towrds him. She wanted to lay back down, but that didn't seem like the thing to do in this situation.

RE: Antsy Paws - Zephyr Maverick - May 14, 2016

Zephyr placed himself in a sit next to her, shoulders sagging and ears wilted down.  His grassy eyes fixed on his snow splashed paws as he unloaded his worries quietly. 
        "So many conflicts going on within myself, I don't know what to do. The alpha male, Depp, has been abset of late, and Sen's pups are due soon. I'm the only male around now, and the highest rank under them. Does that mean its my job to protect her and help her out? I don't want to try and take his place while he's gone in case he comes back, I like to think he's a friend of mine. Lyric and Rain have been gone too, I can't go looking for them if I have to take care of Sen. And the pack will have to wait, of course...."

RE: Antsy Paws - Rana - May 14, 2016

Rana sighed and nuzzled his shoulder. She pulled back after a few moments to look at him. It took her another moment to compose what she was going to say.
"What I think you should do, is try to take off some of the stress Sen's feeling, such as taking care of the border, and that would knock out two of your worries. She shouldn't be walking the entire territory and if you take the job, you'll know if there's someone, or thing, in the territory. And try not to worry about Rain and Lyric, I'm sure they're fine. I don't mind, the health of this one comes first." She gave him a small smile.

RE: Antsy Paws - Zephyr Maverick - May 15, 2016

The dark male took comfort in her touch, despite being only seconds. It gave him a little more strength to go on. Zephyr listened quietly to her words, nodding as she finished.
      "She dosen't strike me as someone who would accept help, but I can give it a try. I'm more worried about Rain and Lyric. I hope they come home soon."

RE: Antsy Paws - Rana - May 15, 2016

Rana shrugged, from her time in the pack she'd found that much out about the alpha. But who knew, maybe she'd be more willing now with how close the pups were.
"I still say they're fine, but I hope they come back for your sake." She sighed, hoping that was enough to calm her friend's worries.

RE: Antsy Paws - Zephyr Maverick - May 15, 2016

Perhaps Rana was right, maybe Sen would be more willing to accept his help now that she'd have pups to care for.
He had no idea of her plans to kill them when they were born, and her deal with Depp that they'd only survive if he got there first. Lyric, he could, could defend herself and Rain very well. She'd already proven that she was capable of caring for them. Still, whether they'd have become mates or not, he had planned to protect them at all costs. Now what was he to do?
          "I'll try."

RE: Antsy Paws - Rana - May 15, 2016

"That's all that can be asked." Rana nodded before pointing her muzzle up to stretch. Soon after she looked back down and shook her head. Not knowing what else there was, she laid back down and sighed. Looking up at Zephyr, she tilted her head.

RE: Antsy Paws - Zephyr Maverick - May 15, 2016

Zephyr, after a moment, took a place next to her back. Wordlessly, he began to gently groom the dark female, hoping to both give and get a sense of peace from the bonding. No words were coming to him, and the silence felt okay now that his worries had been quenched. The ebony wolf closed his grassy eyes, contenting himself to preen his closest friend.
You can fade after your post, if you want :) Tag me in a thread sometimes, maybe they could go and do some exploring another day!

RE: Antsy Paws - Rana - May 15, 2016

Maybe, Rana's already out exploring.
Rana closed her eyes and wagged her tail before opening them again. She looked at Zephyr the best she could, but didn't say anything to just let the silence hang. Pulling her head back into a more comfortable possition, she let her eyes close again. She slowly started drifting off, completelly ignoring the fact that she was on the border.