Wolf RPG
Shadewood Fish n’ Chips - Printable Version

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Fish n’ Chips - Spring - May 12, 2016

Spring went back to Shadewood that day.  She didn't know paticularily why, but she just found that she enjoyed the nice gentle breeze that seemed to waft through her fur, and the sweet and comforting sway of the trees.  It was calm there.  Her happy place, she supposed.  Today she had come not only for comfort though, she had the intentions to hunt.  She needed to make up for her constant hunting failing with Laika the last time that she had been down here.  She still felt guilty about that, even though there had been many odds against her catching a fish, she felt that she could catch one.  She could do better.  So today that was her mission.  Find something and catch it, then bring it home for Saena and the pups, to lower their chances of starving.

Upon reaching the waterflow, where the fish had been last time that she had been done here with Laika, Spring felt the excitement of a hopefully successful hunt surge through her.  She had to do this and so she would.  Slowly and quitely she made her way up to the water, making sure to keep her shadow of alll things in check.  She couldn't falter now, not in any way.  She was too close.  A silver fish caught her eye, that was fighting a current upstream.  Slowly she slunk into the water, carefully trying her best to not fail in any way.  She was very close now and the fish still hadn't noticed her.  Then she quickly dove at the fish and clamped down on the now wriggling body with her sharp fangs.  She had caught it!  Excitement surged through her pelt.

Carefully she made her way back to the bank, all the while trying her hardest to not accidently drop the fish.  As she finally climbed out of the water, she still sunk her fangs tightly into the wriggling fish as if she dropped it would disintegrate right before her.  Slowly the wriggling came to a halt and then fish died of suffication and bloodloss.  As the fish died Spring finally laid it down on the barren land and her tail began to wag.  "Yes!"  She yipped with pure excitement.  "Yes!  Yes!  YES!"  Anyone who would've happened to pass by her probably would've thought she was crazy as she started to do a happy dance by prancing around the fish and worship it with a ton of grateful, thankful words.  Finally her dancing and murmuring stopped and she subconsciously slipped her gaze around her hoping no one had noticed her sudden burst of excitement, although her sweep through Shadewood was not that thorough because she was ready to go back home to Silver Creek and give her prize back to Saena.  With that Spring picked up the fish and began to walk away from the water and towards her normal exit area in Shadewood.