Wolf RPG
Hushed Willows Everything you are - Printable Version

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Everything you are - Kunik - May 15, 2016

just a thread because :P

Kunik roamed the territory, yellow eyes scanning for any prey she might come across. Her hunting had dwindled mostly to small rodents, the odd mammal that still hung around, or scavenging corpses of emaciated animals. 

The eastern wolf groaned in frustration when she found no tracks nor scent, thumping a russet paw against a tree in anger. She was trying, dammit. How was she supposed to find food for anyone in the wreckage? 

With a small sigh, Kunik carried on in the direction of the stream in the hopes of catching a fish if all else failed.

RE: Everything you are - Grace - May 20, 2016

Grace might've passed up her friend if not for her groan. Ears perked, the dark female swerved and limped towards the lighter woman. She was someone Grace felt she could talk to, someone she knew would one day be more than just a slight friend. Perhaps one day they would raise young together, or maybe even bonding further than possible. 
       "Hey Kunik, whatcha doin?"
Still, females were so much easier to talk to and approach than males, even if her confidence had been boosted.

RE: Everything you are - Kunik - May 21, 2016

Kunik hadn't noticed the young woman appear, nor was she aware of her thoughts. The warrior woman had no particular preference, male or female, though she had had her share of both back home. Here though, she had found herself developing an interest in Flora only for the wolfdog to dissapear after the locusts swarms hit.

Good ear turning to Grace and her head following suit, Kunik sent the girl a smile. "Nothing of importance. What are you up to lass?" It was a term of endearment not age, though for the girl's surrogate mother she might have used the affection of 'crone.'

RE: Everything you are - Grace - May 21, 2016

The russet yearling gave the older woman a friendly nuzzle, smiling and giving her an easy answer. Her golden eyes were warm and happy, and she wondered what the red female was doing out here herself. More questions could be saved for later, if Kunik didn't give it out herself or was too uncomfortable staying it right now.
       "Out for a walk, nothing much."

You know, that came out a lot more intense than I'd gone for xD

RE: Everything you are - Kunik - May 21, 2016

that's okay. Poor Kunik just attracts all the ladies *brow wiggle*

Kunik nodded, wondering vaguely if Grace was coming into heat though the season was off for it. The blackish red wolf seemed rather affectionate which confused Kunik, they had been friends before and one might even say close friends but Grace had never shown an interest before.

"You alright, Grace? You seem..different." Kunik grimaced inwardly at the lameness of her insinuation as she gave the lass a cursory glance for injuries.

RE: Everything you are - Grace - May 21, 2016

At first, Grace wasn't sure what she meant. When she realized her affection must be the conversation topic, her smile twisted shyly and a nervous giggle bubbled through her lips. In reality, she was just a very clingy female once a friendship had been formed, a fact she wasn't blind to. Kunik's blatant loyalty to her over Stark had won over her natural layer of suspicion and distrust.
      "No, I'm okay. I just-I'm happy you're my friend and someone I know I can trust."

RE: Everything you are - Kunik - May 21, 2016

The warrior nodded once, accepting the response. For a moment she had been worried Grace had bumped her melon, she wouldn't have guessed that Grace was into women. But then one might not guess that Kunik was either.

"Aye, I'm glad we're friends too." She quite liked the young girl, would fight for her and her mother too. They were among the ones she actually liked, Warbone being who she was most loyal to.

RE: Everything you are - Grace - May 21, 2016

It wasn't that Grace was interested in one gender or the other, but rather that she hadn't really thought about it. Nova had told her of flings when she was younger, both male and female, but it just wasn't a thing she thought about, mates. Esaro had piqued her interest, and it seemed now that Teagan was becoming a sort of interest in her mind, but a woman? Now her posibilities were truly endless. 
        "Did you have any plans for today? Maybe we could take a walk through the marsh, see if anything is growing back yet?"

RE: Everything you are - Kunik - May 21, 2016

"I doubt anything will be yet, though it couldn't hurt to look." Kunik padded in the direction of the marsh, yellow eyes darting to take on everything in hopes of seeing the tiniest flash of green. Hope swelled in her chest, though it would most likely be popped like a bubble soon enough.

RE: Everything you are - Grace - May 21, 2016

If any place would have start to grown by now, it would be the watery marsh. Grace fell into step beside Kunik, senting along the way in case any prey scent were to jump out. The girl was slimmed down pretty bad by now, expending mass energy in all she did, not to mention the strain her leg put on her and the lack of food other than BUGS. 
            "Hopefully everything gets better soon, the wolves of the Teekon Wilds cant stand this too much longer."

RE: Everything you are - Kunik - May 21, 2016

Kunik sighed wearily, noting the visible ribs on her own frame as well as Grace's drop in weight. "I'd tell you not to be afraid, that everything will be okay, but that would be a lie lass. If you're not afraid you're not right in the head."

"I can promise one thing. I'll starve before I see you perish from this." The young girl had been through too much to die from a famine, even without knowing her story she had seen the skittish nature Grace possessed. The scars on her leg were inflicted by a wolf, it was obvious. Kunik wouldn't watch the girl starve to death, she would give her all the fish in the damn stream if she had to.

RE: Everything you are - Grace - May 25, 2016

Grace nodded knowingly at the brown woman's first comment, but her next brought the yearlings golden gaze to her. Again, Kunik had showed to her the loyalty Grace so needed, and a smile blessed her dark face as she limped along. 
              "I can promise you the same thing, Kunik. We'll make it out of this, I know it."
The Marauders wouldn't be beaten by such a force as locusts. They would pull together like the family pack they were, and survive this awful famine. Funny, how she already felt as if she'd spent her entire life here with the willows and Warbone.

RE: Everything you are - Kunik - May 25, 2016

"Aye, we will. Women like us always do." Kunik smiled as she remembered she had said the exact same thing to Nova. The russet woman believed it with all her heart, women like them always survived.

RE: Everything you are - Grace - May 26, 2016

After coming this far, there was no way Grace was going to give up to a little hunger. She hadn't given in when she was abused, not when she was lying in the dirt begging for death. The yearling was a true fighter, and no matter that, she would make sure that they all survived.

RE: Everything you are - Kunik - May 26, 2016

wanna wrap this up?

Kunik fell into silence as she padded alongside Grace on their way to the marshes. Confidence and hope filled her,they wouldn't starve. They would make it through this famine.