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Snowforest Taiga I'll cry until my pity party's in flames - Printable Version

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I'll cry until my pity party's in flames - Sen - May 16, 2016

She's in the area between SS and Felltree Marsh and moving southwest, but sticking closer to SS. Because everyone needs a nice walk when they're a couple of days away from popping.
Potential recruitment thread, or anyone that maybe wants to mess with/poke fun at a very pregnant and highly irritated Sen. ^^ Anyone's welcome, really.

The day in which she'd finally be rid of the parasites growing within her womb was nearing, she could feel it. They'd started moving far more frequently, their tiny bodies pushing at her sides and bladder at all hours of both the day and the night. She despised them, she truly did, and even more so now that Depp had gone missing. Where the male had gone, she did not know, but deemed his actions to be highly irresponsible—but also beneficial. Without his presence within the territory, there was no chance that he'd be able to stop her from offing the coming brood, thereby allowing her to carry on with her life as if nothing had ever happened. There would be no little reminders running around to tell her of a time in which she'd been most foolish, nor would she be confined to a den for however long nursing the pipsqueaks. Freedom was in her future, she just needed to wait it out for a few more days.

For awhile Sen had stayed within her pack's claim, taking walks through the territory and munching on whatever she could find. She'd been content with doing so, up until moments ago in which she'd been woken from a nap by a sudden urge to leave. She'd worried at first that the time had come, but was relieved to discover that everything still felt normal. Well, as normal as it could be, that is. Afterwards, the serpent had attempted to slip back into a light sleep, but soon found that she was unable to do so. There was an anxious feeling that had settled itself into the pit of her stomach, having caused her to start pacing rather than sleeping. It'd been for a while that she'd remained there, moving back and forth, before she'd started wandering through the territory. Without realizing where she was going, the woman had been drawn towards the borders, and then over them and into the land beyond.

Sen did not stop there, either. She could recall the order she'd given to her subordinate, having demanded that he stay within the territory, but she didn't quite care at that point. She was the leader, and so she'd do whatever the hell she wanted. Thus, it was in the direction of the marsh that she'd started heading in, only to veer to the side and begin walking the length of the open land between her home and the murky territory. There was no set destination within her mind, though, for she knew not what the reasoning even was for her body having suddenly wished for an escape. What she did know, however, was that the beings within were just as "awake" as she was, making themselves known with every step taken.

RE: I'll cry until my pity party's in flames - Betelgeuse - May 16, 2016

He has moved beyond the last place his sister dwelled, and now Betelgeuse is lost. It isn't an all-encompassing lost, though. The barren nature of the world gives him pause; he sticks out among this new dead world simply by being alive within it, and knows that one day he will find Gypsy again. For now the beast is pleased by her absence. He loves his sister, dearly so, in his own strange way. Betelgeuse has always been content in his solitude, unphased by it. So being alone now, as he made step after step in to the west, he is not bothered.

Betelgeuse did not know where he was, but he noticed within moments of pausing that he was not alone. The dark figure was far-off still and moved with a heavy gait, thus making him think he was watching a burdened beast; perhaps a bear, or a moose, or something else heavy and indistinguishable within the mire. He picked his way towards the shifting form on the horizon, and over time realized the trail did not lead in to the bog, but away from it. He trailed still, relentless and hungry, until the figure was more than just an irregular ink stain on his vision. It took shape; a tapered silhouette with a heavy, barrel-shaped midsection, a dark pelt, a tail. It was a wolf.

This did not mean he could not eat it. The beast gave a pig-like grunt as he licked saliva off his crooked teeth, and resumed his prowling - ambling after the heavy wolf unpeturbed by the fact it was his own kind.

RE: I'll cry until my pity party's in flames - Sen - May 16, 2016

She'd given no forewarning of her departure, having told not a single soul she was going beyond the claim they'd staked. The need to do so had not struck her, nor did she truly consider it the farther she'd advanced. They would have attempted to talk her into remaining there, or worse, accompanied her like some child that needed to hold tight to its mother. Neither option had appealed to her, thus neither was chosen. She'd assumed the lands to be safe enough for her slowed state, or perhaps that she'd be capable, still, of outrunning any threat that presented itself. No one else was needed, not for something so simple as a quiet stroll. For as long as she could still move, she was fine to travel, just as long as there weren't too many inclines in her path.

It was by chance that she'd happened to glance over her shoulder, having been scanning the area surrounding her, spotting the agouti wolf in the distance. At first glance, he'd resembled Warbone so closely that she'd stopped in wait, allowing him the opportunity to grow closer if his steps were to continue. Yet the longer she'd looked onward, the more differences she'd noticed, leading her to conclude that the lupine was not the same wolf she'd previously met. Related, perhaps, or the creation of parents close in appearances to Warbone's own. Either way, they were not the same entity, and so the woman no longer felt inclined to wait and see what the other was up to. Swinging her head back to face forward, she'd started moving once more, her pace just the same as it'd previously been. If the stranger caught up, she didn't currently care, having yet to realize that she was being viewed as a meal option. For the time being, she'd kept to moving, the idea of stopping again for the other being taking into consideration.

RE: I'll cry until my pity party's in flames - Betelgeuse - May 17, 2016

The beast he tracked seemed not to notice at first, yet when they did, they did not do what he expected. Anything being prowled would obviously not enjoy being stalked after; yet the figure paused. Stunned briefly by this, Betelgeuse also came to a halt. When they turned to look at him, he regarded them also - seeing the roundness of their body, and wondering if they saw the slackening of his hungry jaw. He resumed his advance a moment later, and it took a minute or so before the target began to move themselves. So they marched together. The tawny beast following after the heavy dark figure, now more curious of them than anything else, and gradually Betelgeuse made his way closer.

RE: I'll cry until my pity party's in flames - Sen - May 27, 2016

300th post to you~ ^^

In the moment that was given to him, the other had not lessened the space between them. She felt neither offense nor relief at this, for she did not care either way. Whether he approached her or not, that was up to him. Sen was just there to stretch her legs and taste freedom for, perhaps, the last time until the distant future. The doings of other beasts within the vicinity of her played no part in her actions, lest they proved themselves to move with threatening intentions. Despite the stranger having been stalking after her, she'd not yet felt him to be worth her concern, and so he was spared few glances. It was not a time to focus on others, she believed, but a time meant to belong only to her. A single moment before the storm that was only days away from raining down upon her, a moment of ease presenting itself through all of her former discomfort.

Several meters in, and Sen found herself glancing over her shoulder, observing the male for a moment or two before looking ahead of her one more. At least one ear was honed in on the direction from which he was coming at all times, subconsciously cautious of his nearing body. This time, she did not stop and allow him an opportunity to move in on her, but had instead proceeded forward. Her pace did not change, remaining at a moderate speed for someone of her current size, but always was an ear listening in on what movements of his that she could catch. His intentions remained unknown to her, and so lacking was she with concern. She continued in that same manner, too, until the time had come in which she'd found herself returning home. The reasoning for why she'd acquired a temporary shadow would most likely never be anything more than a mystery to her.