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Larksong Grotto Wishing Well - Printable Version

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Wishing Well - Aspen - May 16, 2016

Any of the newer wolves or wolves that haven't met Aspen yet. Warning she's hungry so she might not be in the greatest mood. No hard feelings. @Lilac @Vuk @Terich-mir @Nova :)

Aspen leaned down and took a long drink from the lake. The lack of food was starting to effect her significantly her ribs visible through her fur and her significant lack of energy. She had had very little to eat since the vicious swarm ravaged the land. All she could do now was make sure she didn't get to dehydrated to the point where she felt ill. 

She stood stretched before trailing in the lake to bathe and relax. She stayed where her feet stayed on the ground because it wouldn't be a good idea to waste her energy swimming. She quickly submerged her head in the water and let the water run through her fur. It felt good she would admit that. She walked slowly through the water near the shores careful not to get out of reach. 

Short post is short

RE: Wishing Well - Novalia - May 20, 2016

I'm finally here!

Novalia had been wandering the edges of the Lake, taking stock of her new home, and keeping her eyes open for anyone who may be from her pack. She had picked up the scent of various wolves, here and there, but had yet to pair most with a face. Being a newcomer to the area, Novalia found it difficult to imagine what the place must have looked like before the insects ravaged everything. Surely it must have been quite beautiful. The skeletons of many trees and bushes littering the surrounding land gave an idea as to how much vegetation was missing. This foreign land was such a contrast against the usual flat white tundra and occasional rolling hills in which she had been raised. It left the female yearning for what was gone. 

Novalia looked ahead and noticed someone on the same side of the lake as she, it appeared to be a female standing in the water, and she decided to introduce herself. It was the only way she was going to know her pack. Hunger had robbed most of her energy, so the walk over was a slow one. As she approached, Novalia made sure to make her presence known and keep her expression friendly. She seemed to suffer from frequent cases of Resting Bitch face, and gave people the wrong impression. "Hello there. May I join you? My name is Novalia."

RE: Wishing Well - Aspen - May 21, 2016

Aspen was swimming quietly when she heard another wolf approach from the side of the lake. Aspen had the right mind to ingore the fae of whom she had not yet met, however decided that would probably not be the greatest of ideas. Besides she wasnt the only one starving. 

Aspen gave the fae a nod in greeting and came closer to the shore. The fae spoke asking if Aspen minded being joined and Aspen had to hide the fact that she rolled her eyes. Of course the one time Aspen takes a bath and people want to join her. She took a moment to think before speaking. "I was just finishing up but be my guest to go for a swim if you want," she lied dryly padding out of the water just far enough to shake off without drenching the female. 

The fae introduced herself as Novalia. The name was nice and oddly suited her. "The name is Aspen," she returned the information seeing as it was only fair. Aspen assumed this wolf was new here yet how she had managed to miss the entrance of this wolf she had no clue. She decided she needed to be sharper on the borders or risk her rank dropping.

Short post is very short

RE: Wishing Well - Alder - May 21, 2016

Forgot we aggreed to move to this post Nova: Charley is on his way! xD Short and crappy post, sorry!

Charley was headed after Novalia's scent, curiously wondering what she was up to. When Aspen's scent became apparent, however, the white female no longer mattered in his mind. The silver woman was at the center of his attention at all times, never forgetting the promise he made to take care of her and protect her. Soon, he would make his courting obvious, and hopefully she would accept. The two came into view and Charley loosed a playful bark towards them. 
       "Hey there girls, you guys having fun without me?"

RE: Wishing Well - Novalia - May 22, 2016

My fault, I should have tagged you or something! Sorry >. <

Novalia was not a naive woman and the cool, dry tone of Aspens voice did not go undetected. Determined to avoid any rough beginnings with her newly found family, she let it go. There was no doubting that the consequences of this famine were beginning to show. Tempers would be running high and fuses would be shortened by hunger. She herself had never been so thin and bony, had so little energy. Her silvery acquaintance threw the name Aspen over her shoulder and Novalia smiled. Atleast she now had a name to go with one of the wolves she had been scenting. That made three of her pack she had met but there were still many more. Eventually she would make her way around the whole area but for now her mission was to meet as many as she could and hopefully find the main camp so she could claim a place to rest. Food would be needed which meant so was energy. "Im sorry if I disturbed you." 

The dirty wolf did not hesitate before stepping into the cool water, letting it reach her neck. Swimming a short length out and back allowed the water to wash the dust and filth from Novalias white pelt and a quick dunk of the head was all she needed to finish.  That little bit of cleanliness went a long way in making her feel civilized again. The wolf heaved her soaked body onto the shore and shook herself thoroughly, droplets of liquid flying in all directions. She made sure not to get Aspen wet knowing it would not be appreciated. "I should probably find my way to the main camp, Perhaps we can try and find a rabbit or bird together later?" It would give Novalia a chance to make a friend, and earn the acceptance of the Lark Song Grotto Wolves. 

Out of nowhere Charley appeared and she gave a small smile at his call. Atleast she knew someone else. Not surprisingly it appeared that Aspen and Charley already knew each other.  In fact, the male seemed to light right up at the sight of the other female,  which made Novalias rare smile widen. "Hello again Charley."

RE: Wishing Well - Aspen - June 01, 2016

Aspen watched as Novalia took the opportunity to do some swimming/cleaning herself but listened as the fae spoke to her from the water. Apologizing if the fae had disturbed Aspen. "Nah no worries," Aspen offered being slightly more forgiving given their current predicament. There was no need for fights everyone was hungry and there was nothing that we could do about it at this point.

"Sure, I wouldn't mind seeing if we could find something around this barren landscape, I dont know about you but I'm just a tad hungry," she mused with a friendly smile towards the fae. Her head swung as a familiar wolf appeard in the clearing. Charley. Immediately her smile broadened slightly and she shifted to her paws slowly offering him a friendly wag of her tail. "Yea you're missing out on all the gossip," Aspen joked sarcastically.

RE: Wishing Well - Alder - June 12, 2016

Charley smiled at both girls, giving a greeting chuff, but moved closer towards Aspen till he was but a couple feet from her side. He stood proudly, perusual, and stretched beside the pale woman. The sound of hunt planing, however, made him wrinkle his nose slightly in distaste. Yes, he was very hungry, but he also had small reserves of energy that a shared rabbit could not fill. No use taking away food that could nourish the females he faced.  
                  "Oh yeah? What kind of oh so interesting gossip am I missing?"
The ragged male nudged her gently, only just barely touching her, and chuckled low.