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I don't trust mountains [Mini-plot] - Printable Version

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I don't trust mountains [Mini-plot] - Pump - March 20, 2014

ooc: this is a mini-plot for Horizon Ridge members and to explain, how Pump is going to claim the leadership. It will take place in three quick rounds (one day for each or less, if things go smoothly).
This thread takes place at the same time Akhlut's does - http://wolf-rpg.com/showthread.php?tid=1512

1. Round - early morning - post, where your character is during the rock-slide and what happens to him/her;
2. Round - later in the day - Pump calls out to the survivors and they gather in one place to discuss the situation;
3. Round - Pump takes up what she thinks is a temporary leadership and the main tasks for the members are to stay alive and seek for their alpha.

Few days ago Pump had returned to Horizon ridge and welcomed the place as a good friend. She had wandered far and seen quite a lot, but despite her disappointment in pack life, something had drawn her back. She would never admit it, but she had grown fond of the forests and the mountains and nowhere else in the valley had she found that much opportunities to hunt and scavenge as here. It was as she had said - people could fail you, but good land never did.

So - satisfied with the little of the world she had seen - the wolf-dog had resumed her daily routine of sleeping, eating, scavenging a little and then sleeping again. Seeing some of the pack members occasionally, but not seeking their company. She was fine and she believed that she didn't need anybody. She hadn't chosen to live as a lone wolf or to try to find another pack to live and hopefully fit in, because this was her place, even if the people around her wasn't exactly what she had expected.

It was early in the morning, when she woke up having a very uncomfortable feeling - tugging in her gut and telling that something was very, very wrong. Pump wasn't a person, who ignored her instincts, therefore she squeezed out of the small den under her tree, got to her feet and looked around, sniffed the air and tried to understand, what it was that made her worry. She didn't catch it at first, but then - there it was and how odd - the ground seemed to vibrate slightly under her toes.

There was a moment of silence, a pause, before the grand showdown. Because after she heard the first loud crash and sound of thunder everything seemed to happen very fast. She waited only that long to see the first small rocks and snow tumble down the slope in a small avalanche. She didn't stop to see the first grand rocks roll down, crashing in trees and taking them down with them, because the wolf-dog was running for her life now.

Pump stumbled and fell, got to her feet and ran again, at one point she felt that something hit her in the flank, but she was too panicked to feel any pain. The only thought was to get away and the sooner the better. She slowed her pace only, when she had reached the lower parts of the Ridge and when the horrible, horrible thing - whatever it was - seemed far enough not to do her any damage. Only then did she stop and fell to the ground, panting hard and trying to recover from what had just happened.

RE: I don't trust mountains [Mini-plot] - Thistle Cloud - March 20, 2014

ooc: I can do some healing threads for those who get hurt as well, since Thistle Cloud is an aspiring healer. Meet some new members too.

Thistle Cloud woke in the morning and froze. She slid her ears back, feeling a deep pressure in her chest as if something was very very wrong. She scrabbled quickly from her den, legs splayed every which way as she rushed from the den. She didn't know why but she felt as if she should not be in her den at all right now, that it was a very dangerous place at the moment.

She made it from her den panting slightly and then suddenly she whined as she felt the very ground rumble beneath her feet, what on earth could possible be wrong to make the ground move so. Her hackles rose and her tail lifted high above her back and another keening whine came from her throat. What was going on.

As she stood trying to gather her bearings unsure what to do she heard the first crack and with a yelp she looked up to see a wall of mountain rock and snow coming towards her as fast as it could possibly get her. She howled and ran her tail tucked tightly between her legs, her legs a blur as she tried to get past the avalanche and the snow and rock and ice. Small rocks and ice caught her in the sides and one landed on her foot paw, but despite her nicks and bruises she kept going to far gone with fear to stop or feel it, she would worry about her injuries later right now she just wanted as far away from the wall of snow as possible.

She ran fast her breath coming in tightening gasps as she tried to outrun the avalanche. Finally, her legs could go no more and with a yelp her legs went out and she hit the ground knocking the little wind that was left out of her and she lay gasping for breath while the earth rained it's fury all around her. More rocks and ice nicked at her and all she could do was curl up in a ball and hope she would not be buried and as luck would have it she was not though she did sustain some superficial injuries.

RE: I don't trust mountains [Mini-plot] - RIP Bayou - March 20, 2014

The morning light brought a sneer to her face. It was blinding and sharp. Lancing through her vision as if to pry her lids apart and thrust in to her retina; and Bayou hissed, low and long, as she woke to it. She sounded like a cat in heat. Rolling and lounging from her side to her back, and flashing her exposed belly to the light. A teenager unwilling to leave her bed to go to work.

Bayou had no reason to stick around here. She knew that with spring approaching things would be easier; she had scouted out plenty of packs in the area and that meant there was sufficient food. Her foray to the nearby river had left her feeling bitter and loathsome towards herself. Internalized distress emerged as an external urge to seek out that which she prized most dearly: her precious poppies. Something to ease her mind, to take her from this place.

It was thoughts of drifting and drowsing that, ironically perhaps, roused the spidery youth. Forced her to seek out areas where poppies had the potential to grow; away from the mountain, through the trees, where the light she hated could touch the ground. But her instincts were off. There was something about today that was wrong and it would not dawn upon her until much later - when the sun had taken full control. Beaming waves of heat and light down upon her back, as if to burn her.

Bayou resisted the sun by seeking out the trees once again. Giving up on her desires for the time being, she sought only the shade and the cold that the forest afforded her. She bayed an unhappy sound towards the sky as if to mock the light, the heat, the day. For a creature of such strangeness Bayou was in actuality quite level headed; she knew the sun could not hear her. That her actions held no consequence - and so it was that the rumbling of the earth, which rose in hungry waves, surprised her. The girl lurched to her feet and staggered, her entire self alert to the sounds of rumbling in the distance. It was distant, for a time. Bayou leapt away from the sounds but found her lanky strides taking her closer, closer, too close.

The mountain crumbled and left ruination in its wake. Dust and debris scattered down the mountainside, striking down healthy trees and forming a wave of disaster.

Bayou did what came naturally - she ran. Her body was spurred on by adrenaline and the sounds of apocalypse which rang out around her, and she wove between the trees, no longer afraid of being seen or being flashed by the sun. It was the sun that led her to freedom, for out of the cloud of dust she could make out its glimmer.

By the time the child stopped running the rumbling had stopped. She could hear it still, feel it in the core of her bones, and was thoroughly spooked. Exhaustion and muscle tension plagued her, but the girl could not stop. She had to keep going, going, going. Hard running and hungry gulps of air. When the strange girl did stop she collapsed, her breath raspy from all the inhaled particulate and the vigorous, unending effort to avoid being crushed by the rocks. The sunlight cut a swath of color across the horizon, a line of foreboding red that caught Bayou's attention and only soured her mood further.

Whatever cataclysm had occurred was fresh upon her mind, but she was not going to return to the territory until she knew without a doubt that it was safe.

RE: I don't trust mountains [Mini-plot] - Ragnar - March 20, 2014

For the sake of time lines Bjorn's acceptance was before all this happened sooo that's what I'm running with.

It had been a few days since Björn had been accepted into the ranks of Horizon Ridge, and while Björn though Ragnar in truth, had no intentions of dragging Týr into the apex of his plans simply out of a twisted desire to protect him, had been rather proud of how well he had played the “looking for my lost son” card when in reality Björn had not lost Sveinn. It had went against some ancient, primal, inherently feral instinct in Björn to submit to another and yet he had sunk low to the ground before the boy king as Björn had done his own King before he had usurped him months later. Ambition, desire, greed, and the expansion of his culture (and perhaps the expansion of his bloodlines while he was at it) spurred the clever and feral beast into action. Björn’s days up to the current point in time had been consumed with observing, hunting, and resting. Scarred right ear twitched within the confines of the makeshift den he had claimed as his own temporarily, before another noise was picked up by his acute hearing and cautiously the beast shrugged out of his den, squinting caribbean blue eyes as he glimpsed around him, seeing no source for the noise until the earth began to tremble violently beneath his paws, his balance staggering as the tremors, accompanied by what he knew now to be a full force cascade of rocks and snow rushing towards him as the sound caused a defenseless deafness.

Scarred earth was left in the rock slide’s wake, Björn watched before the veil of dust and raining pebbles obscured his vision as he, playing the puppet to his fight or flight instincts as he ran away from the rock slide, pushing himself with the aid of adrenaline which made his body feel weightless, keeping the burn of the muscles from hindering him; but Björn was a warrior, he had endurance (while he lacked in speed due to his size) and it was his endurance and the choice of life over death kept encouraging him to push forward out of harm’s way.

RE: I don't trust mountains [Mini-plot] - Kennedy - March 20, 2014

Excuse typos; I've had a couple beers! Poop! I hit reply too soon. Please wait while I fix this... I really shouldn't try and post while drunk.

Unlike the others before him, Kennedy had not felt unease that morning. Instead, he had felt a sort of peacefulness within himself. The near-five year old had decided that it was simply best to stay with Horizon Ridge, even if it meant that he would live a fairly hum-drum life. He did not let this bother him, but instead allowed it to become a realization that was simply going to happen no matter what. Edy had exited his den that morning to find a fresh spring breeze blowing by, and he looked forward to the easier, warmer months.

Seemingly out of nowhere (at least for Kennedy), the ground began to rumble beneath his feet. At first, he thought it an earthquake, something his former home had had plenty of. However, there was something off about this one, and when the Delta saw the rocks begin to crash from the heavens, he knew that his life was in danger. A shot of adrenaline coursed through his chest, and the Razorback was quickly throwing himself down the side of the Ridge as quickly as his legs would carry him. But no matter how fast he ran, he could not beat the speed of the rocks that crashed over him from the sky. All at once, there was a deafening sound of the stones all around him. Just as quickly, it grew silent, Edy trapped beneath the boulders. If there were bruises and bones, he could not know them. His mind only panicked at the thought of being trapped here until he starved to death.

And while he attempted to move, Edy found himself locked within the rocks, unable to break free from their prison. He was not sure which bones were broken or even if he would survive, but the male let out a high-pitched whine to alert anybody in his vicinity of his location.

RE: I don't trust mountains [Mini-plot] - Pump - March 21, 2014

ooc: round number 2 - if any of the members, who didn't manage to reply in the first round, they can still do it. Just stick to the plan, which is posted above.

It took few hours for Pump to completely recover from the shock of the sudden, near death experience. At first she had spent time, lying on the ground and trying to comprehend, what had happened and whether there was any threat now, when the sound of the rumbling rocks had died down and everything was as still an quiet as it had been few minutes ago. From all of the possible exits of this world, Pump had never thought that the earth she had most trust in, would try to kill her.

Yet it was true and it did change a lot of things. The world that had seemed a safe place until this very moment, had turned out to be cunning and dangerous. "Urgh..." she groaned and slowly got to her feet. The wolf-dog felt pain in the right flank and turned her head to inspect it. There beneath the thick black fur she caught glance of her flesh and blood. The sight was not pretty, she wrinkled her nose in disgust and decided to ignore it.

What now? The wisest thing probably was to leave the lands and find somewhere else to live. It was very clear that she wouldn't be able to look at these lands the same way. She began to walk slowly and observed her surroundings. The territory near borders hadn't changed much at all, but the further you went, the more you could see, how the rock-slide had changed and shaped the land to it's liking. Rocks of every size, snow and fallen trees.

It was hard to see it all, but it was impossible to turn her gaze away. She was horrified and curious of it all at the same time. And then - after an hour or two she caught a scent of another living being. Up until then she hadn't thought about the fact that other pack members might be affected. Now it occurred to her and made her alert. She sniffed the air and the ground, perked her ears up to catch any sound that would tell the exact location. Tracking was not easy, because there was plenty of other smells and this one was fainter than the rest.

But finally it led her to a place, where there was an accumulation of a lot of rocks and amidst them she caught sight of a half buried black body. Right there, right then she recognized Kennedy and, forgetting her own fear and worries, she leaped to the place, where he was. "Hey," she called out to him and waited for a response. "Hey, are you alive?" she asked and then tried to move some of the rocks, but they were too heavy for her to lift or push and it was possible for her to do him more harm then good.

Not knowing anything better she could do - she lifted her head and let out a long, mournful howl, summoning any of the pack members that had survived. She didn't harbor much hope for help, but what else there was to do?

RE: I don't trust mountains [Mini-plot] - Thistle Cloud - March 21, 2014

Thistle Cloud lay as if in a daze she had a glancing blow to her head and it had knocked her intermittently out cold for a moment. She shook her head gingerly, she didn't have blurry vision or anything else, so she was fairly certain she had no concussion. She looked around and slowly got to her feet, the bottom of her paws hurt and when she moved and looked they were torn and bloody. Her side was grazed from the rocks and her tongue felt swollen from not having anything to drink. Otherwise she was fairly certain she was okay, other than some superficial wounds that she could easily fix, once she unearthed her den.

As she stood deciding what to do she heard the lonely howl of one of her packmates. A call of distress and fear and sadness and without a backwards glance she was off running again, ignoring the pain in her paws and sides.

She came to a stop to see Kennedy and Pump, Kennedy half buried in the rubble. "Oh Kennedy. SHe murmured at him and stepped closer sniffing at him and offering a nod to Pump. Pump if we try to move him we have to be careful he could have broken bones, or internal injuries and I won't know how to help until I get a good look at him. She didn't mean to sound like she was a big shot, she was just letting the other know in a round about way that if needed she could help heal, though she knew there was a healer or at least there had been among their ranks. She did notice the wound in Pump's side and burrowed it in the back of her mind to take care of after Kennedy if either one would allow as it were.

RE: I don't trust mountains [Mini-plot] - Ragnar - March 22, 2014

As he ran a sharp cut of rock fell through the hair and collided with his right shoulder, causing his steps to falter as a pained snarl ripped from between teeth bared as the skin of his muzzle wrinkled back as he glimpsed back to see crimson blood spill warm and sticky down in to his platinum silver fur, black, leathery nostrils flaring as he inhaled the scent of his own wound. Instincts told him he was not clear of danger yet and ignoring the white hot pain he pushed himself onwards as he had been taught to do fight until death. Pain was just weakness leaving the body, anyhow, and as he pushed himself harder, the pain numbing.

The landslide felt like it lasted for a lifetime, but when it eventually stopped, and there was nothing but unsettled dust creating a fog all around him, Björn finally stopped to catch his breath, his sides heaving with each heavy pant, the pain of his shoulder paramount at the drain of adrenaline from his system. It claimed his attention, and he glimpsed back, inspecting it closer now. From what he could see it was deep and bleeding though the loss of blood was not anything that he felt was dire. He felt a little feint but shook it off. He was a Viking and they did not faint because of pain - after all he had seen and had a lot worse. If he had something hot he could get the medic to cauterize it but unless a fire had magically started, or they happened to have something scolding hot the healing process would take time. He glimpsed around him, having found himself on the shores of Horizon Ridge, and the Nord moved towards the rising and ebbing tide, pausing to lap up the salt water though he did not drink it.

He was aiming to do a little bit of ‘field surgery’ on himself until he could get to the medic. If they were even still alive, came the morbid but realistic thought. Björn did not candy coat anything, and as it stood right now, he could very well be the only one to make it out alive of the disaster.

He craned his neck back and attempted to rinse what he could reach of the wound with the salt water he collected into his mouth, his toes flexing into the sand and the salt water burned the wound which already was hurting so bad it felt like it was literally on fire. Sharp teeth gritted together as he let out a grunt of pain before he shook his head fiercely, shaking it off. He did this a few more times, until his right fore leg was shaking from the pain and trauma to the shoulder. Breath hissed from between clenched jaw, quick and deep. He was mid breath when a mournful howl rose into eerily silent lands, breaking through the bubble of their own world they had been violently thrown into. Scarred and unmarred ears thrust back as he attempted to gauge the origins of the call before he took a deep breath and headed in that direction, limping heavily. He did not push himself this time, and arrived to see two females and a creature that looked like it was half buried in rubble. Their leader was no where to be found, and the Viking Jarl studied the two women, catching what the fawn colored girl was telling the hybird. “Then don’t move him,” Accented words slipped from his lips, his voice gruff and guttural with pain. “I will attempt to move what I can of the rubble.” He might feel no kinship to these strangers but the Viking would not let them stay here to die. His wound could be fixed but if the wolf half buried wasn’t already dead or dying the longer he stayed under there fate would not be any kinder to him.

RE: I don't trust mountains [Mini-plot] - Kennedy - March 22, 2014

For clarification! Edy's right hind leg is trapped under a large rock, and the rest of him is trapped in a small cave-like thing created by the slide. If his leg gets free, he should be able to wriggle himself out.

At some point, shortly after he had whined, the world had gone black. Whether he had been hit on the head or he was lacking the proper oxygen to breathe, it was uncertain. Whatever the case, he awoke to Pump's voice. It sounded distant, muffled, and altogether too far away. His head was pounding, and although it was dark where he was, he felt like there was a piercing light driving directly into his head. He could not comprehend what the wolfdog said, but he replied with a gurgling whine.

More voices "appeared," and only caused Kennedy to panick more. Although his back right leg was trapped (along with the whole front half of his body), he attempted to move. Edy immediately regretted his decision, letting out a high-pitched yelp in response to the pain. That, of course, made his head only ache worse, and he defaulted back to a panting low whine.

RE: I don't trust mountains [Mini-plot] - Pump - March 23, 2014

ooc: Thanks for clarifying that, Remedy! I will extend the Round 2 a bit, so that we can play out the moment, where the wolves try and hopefully succeed to free Kennedy. After that we can move to Round 3.
Oh - and take notice of Remedy's clarification of Kennedy's exact position under the rocks.
Bjorn/Tokio - feel free to powerplay Pump in your post, where they try to move the rock and then free Kennedy.
Bayou - you can join in the next rounds and simply fill in, what happened to her.

For a moment Pump feared that she was alone in the woods. This was the price you had to pay, when you began to care for someone. The feeling of panic creeping up her limbs and body was very unpleasant and she would have rather fled the scene than stayed had it been any other wolf than Kennedy. But she couldn't move, because she understood that the feeling of guilt would be very hard to get rid off, even if she justified her actions as rational and only natural. It had nothing to do with the fact that Edy had become almost as a friend to her. More like - she realized that if the situation was reverse, she would want to be saved. And he - she believed - being a better person in so many ways wouldn't leave her there to die. So, how could she?

Therefore she waited. Her heart leaped in joy, when she caught sight of a sepia-colored she-wolf she had noticed now and then in the pack coming in their direction. She was Thistle-something, but they hadn't had any conversation or private meeting up until now. They didn't waste any time in exchanging common courtesies, she went straight to the business. Under any other circumstances Pump would have not liked to receive orders from a subordinate and significantly younger wolf. Now it seemed like a blessing - her mind was set in motion, she was recovering from the shock and confusion and was ready to do something. "Well, it's hard to tell, how well he is," she pointed out to the fact that there was only part of his leg visible. "But he is alive - so much I can tell."

Few minutes later Pump saw the arrival of another wolf. This one definitely was a new addition to the pack, because she hadn't seen him before, probably because she had been so immersed in running her own little, simple world. He was tall, he was muscular, he looked strong and that was just the thing they needed here. The rocks here were too heavy for them alone to move, but with him - there was hope. The good thing about him was having a cool mind and the fact that he had grasped the situation almost instantly.

She regarded him with a quick, thoughtful look and then returned to the main business. Pump evaluated the situation. Her gaze stopped at the big rock that had trapped their pack-mate's leg and then she moved a little forward to sniff along the cracks of the rocks. The air that came from there was thick, humid and tinged with Kennedy's smell as well as blood and injuries. And then she sensed motion and heard a high-pitched yelp of pain. "Kennedy!" she barked out, waiting for a response. Asking, whether he was alright, seemed stupid and inappropriate now.

"Alright," she lifted her head to face her packmates. "I sense that there is a bit of open space under the rocks, so it is possible that he is not burried, rather trapped in something like a crevice or a small cave," she went to the one rock that had trapped his leg. "You - help me move this thing," she told the white beast. "Thistle - I am sorry, but there is no way of helping him without causing pain or possible damage," their opportunities of freeing Kennedy were very limited. "Therefore I trust you to take care of him the moment we help him to get out," she went silent for a bit and then added. "Try to talk to him," she had no idea, how long would the rescue mission take, but if Kennedy was awake then they needed to keep him that way.

"Alright, big guy," she beckoned to him. "Let's tackle that thing."

RE: I don't trust mountains [Mini-plot] - Thistle Cloud - March 23, 2014

Thistle nodded her head glad that the male and pump would be moving the rocks as she was certain she was not large enough or strong enough to help. Instead she leaned closer to Kennedy but away from the others and began to talk, nonsense really.

"Hi Kennedy I had a lot of fun swimming the other day. We should do that again you and I. Though Pied told me to always watch out for large beasts, so we will have to do that. I will take very good care of you when you get out of there. Pump and this other fellow here they are going to work on getting you out. You just have to stay with me do you think you can do that? She teased and spoke pleasantly trying very hard to keep her own emotions in check. She hoped that he would get out of there without to much trouble.

RE: I don't trust mountains [Mini-plot] - Ragnar - March 24, 2014

I assumed it was like a medium sized boulder that it would take two of them to push away. Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong.

Björn’s calm demeanor and level headedness was attributed to his numerous times in the aftermath of a battle, in the sweltering heat or trepid cold standing amidst a sea of bodies living and dead. The air was often polluted with the smell of decay and the pungent odor of blood that the earth was soaked in. Above flocks of ravens would circle, their screams protestant of the wolves who lingered to bury their dead as the ravens would land and pick at the ravaged remains of the losers. Odinn, one eyed, with Huginn and Muninn perched atop either shoulder, would appear like a ghostly apparition before Björn though no other of his comrades saw the God and take the souls to Valhalla. Simply, Björn had seen far worse than this, had caused far worse than this during raids. He was not moved by disasters, no longer understood panic when it came to such things. A low whine riding on the breath of a pant echoed from a small cave, causing scarred and unscarred ears to thrust forward and swivel back.

The hybird took command at that point, speaking her theories and addressing him to aid her despite that Björn had already spoke that he would help her. She then gave some orders to the girl, which unconcerned to him the Viking tuned out as he moved, stifling his limp as best he could, to the hybrid woman’s side, assessing the rock that it seemed the creature stuck in the cave-like thing was caught under. A firm nod was given to her as she suggested they tackle it. Unfortunately, they were not gifted with the right body parts to lift it so their only choice seemed to be rolling it. “We should pick a direction to roll it or else we’d be working against one another and will only cause him more pain.” It was likely going to be bad all the way around, but Björn kept this negativity to himself.

Giving her a long look, figuring they should both just push it they way they were - side by side - so they would be working together, the Viking bowed his head and putting his strength and weight into his shoulders began to push at it, ears slicking back against his skull as his blood smeared along the rock, and trickled down more furiously from his wound, but Björn simply used the pain as a fuel, until he was putting all his weight and strength into the rock, feeling it give more and more against Pump and his’ weight.

RE: I don't trust mountains [Mini-plot] - Kennedy - March 25, 2014

Edy was barely conscious, feeling that he was slipping away with the immense amount of pain that seemed to resonate from every direction. His head throbbed, his leg felt as if it had been run through a meat grinder, and the rest of his body screamed out in its own pain. With fluttering eyes, he tried to listen to what was being said, but he could make out none of the words. It just sounded like garbled voices lost in a sea of rock.

When finally his leg was free of the boulder, Kennedy somehow managed to slump himself out of the prison of rocks. He took roughly three steps before collapsing in a heap, his back right leg completely useless to him now. It was definitely broken, and he had no idea what sort of life was in store for him now. He silently cursed his brother for having "pushed" him away from home, but this was a mere flurry of a thought before he lost all consciousness and lay sprawled on the ground. He was alive and breathing but severely damaged.

RE: I don't trust mountains [Mini-plot] - Pump - March 27, 2014

ooc: Round 3 - let's wrap this up. Fade, whichever way suits your character. Thank you for joining and being so active! :)

With the help of white beast they managed to move the rock, which they couldn't have tackled, if they had chosen to work alone. Thistle cloud did as she was ordered and was talking pretty nonsense to Kennedy, in order to keep him awake, if possible. To her great relief the black wolf got to his feet and move, immediately after his leg was freed. However her joy was short lived, because the after few steps, the wolf collapsed in a miserable heap.

Pump acted on impulse, she came to his side, nudged his neck with her muzzle in a tender manner and let out some, barely audible whimpers. But it wouldn't help him in any way, therefore she collected herself, stepped aside, focused on the little healer and said: "Do, whatever you can for him and we will provide whatever help you need!" Then she turned to the white beast: "We will have to look for other survivors," she said - the realization of the severity of the wound in her flank would come later, but despite that she would spend the next two days, calling out for anyone, who might be left alive from their pack.

"Finding Akhlut is very important," she told, forgetting her own conflicting emotions about their alpha, "until we find him I will take the responsibilities of the leader."

RE: I don't trust mountains [Mini-plot] - Thistle Cloud - March 27, 2014

Thistle cloud rushed to the side of Kennedy even before she was urged on by Pump. At this point she quit listening as she began to work on Kennedy remedies and injuries bubbling off her lips like a brook. "his leg is definitely broken I need a sturdy stick a little shorter than his leg, lots and lots of seaweed. I need a stronger wolf than I to set his leg back into place. I need some bergamot, some jopi weed, I need to get to my stores, before i can decide what else he needs. I also can't do much with him unconscious and we can't move him too far in case he has internal injuries. I'll need to make a shelter for him near here, but far enough that no more rocks will get on him and I need two or three of us to carry him, there's no way he'll move on his own and it's too dangerous to drag him. I also need some cobwebs, and some Aloe vera would be nice help with the numerous cuts and abrasions and the stinging. She then quit talking as she poked at different places, listened for his breathing and his heart rate. She looked around to see if anyone had been listening to her and what she had missed.

RE: I don't trust mountains [Mini-plot] - Ragnar - March 28, 2014

The ebony creature that had been trapped by the rock that, together, Pump and him had worked to move, had came out of the crevice he had been stuck in, and then promptly collapsed to the ground. The Viking watched the women rush to the ebony man’s side fussing and fawning over him as Björn made his way down the collection of rocks and boulders, pebbles clattering nosily down as he limped down it, glad when his paws touched solid ground once more. Orders were given to the fawn colored maiden that the Savage largely ignored for they did not pertain to him not to mention despite his horrendously basic ability to use ‘field surgery’ tactics to keep his wounds bound over until he could seek a healer’s attention he offered no further help to the broken ebony male. Caribbean blue eyes, sharp with the pain he was largely working to ignore from the deep gash in his shoulder met the hybrid’s gaze as she spoke to him.

Right. Survivors.

“I will begin searching right away,” Björn accepted, heading in a direction opposite of the little group to begin his search.