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Raven's Watch no harm in exploring - Printable Version

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no harm in exploring - Rana - May 17, 2016

The dark female had spent a few days in the sanctuary to rest and check on everything before setting out again. Instead of traveling towards either of the open areas nearby, she followed the gorge until it end then continued along the river. She'd stopped a few times to make an attempt at fishing, but missed every silver flash she saw.
Eventually she came to the baren space beneath the cliffs. Not wanting to continue any farther, she made the decision to rest as she satisfied her thirst. Looking up at the not so far off cliffs, she caught herself wondering about how far she could get before the sun, which still hung fairly high in the sky, disappeared behind the ridge.

RE: no harm in exploring - Slancio - May 17, 2016

Going to use this as a scout thread if you don't mind @Rana

The familiar sense of wanderlust had tugged at him, until he relented and set off in the same directions as the mountains h had met Teagan. He had returned to Saltwinter after the meeting, perhaps this time he would travel furthur into the depths of the mountains. Up there, the prey seemed to be faring a little bit better, thought he hadn't seen anything larger than a hare.

He came to the river he had once rested beside, and travelled along it. He felt surprise tug at him when he saw another wolf laying besides the river. Making sure he was in her sight, he approached.

RE: no harm in exploring - Rana - May 17, 2016

That's fine, I'm using it as a trade thread as well.
The female indead didn't notice another wolf close to her. She'd alowed herself to get lost in thought as she watched the ridge of the mountains. Eventually her throughs drifted and her senses became more alert, though she still missed the approching wolf. Slowly, her eyes found and traced a pattern down from ledge to ledge, ending at the baren ground.
Shaking her head, she tried to push the thoughts of hunger from climbing back to the main focuse. She'd caught a lizard the day before, so she wasn't in desperate need of a meal.

RE: no harm in exploring - Slancio - May 18, 2016

Thinking that the other wolf had noticed him when he saw her head gaze towards his direct, Slancio allowed himself to fall back into his silent walking. It was true his footsteps were unusally light, like the silent swishing of an owl's wings. The occupants back at horned owl valley prided themselves in their owl like traits, and he was no different from them.

the hare he had caught earlier sat comfortably in his stomach, and he moved with a certain sort of ease and comfort. Making his way towards the other wolf, he appeared before her on the ridge.

RE: no harm in exploring - Rana - May 18, 2016

A movement in her peripheral vision caught her attention. Turning her sightes back to the top of the ridge, she could see a shape that wasn't there before. Unsure if it was wolf or not her head leaned to the side, though what else would the thing be? She attempted to bark a greating, but just as she was unsure about the silhouette, she felt the same about the noise reaching their ears.

RE: no harm in exploring - Slancio - May 18, 2016

When he was close enough, he heard a small bark. The tone sounded hesitant, maybe the other wolf had not noticed him yet? He leaped up, onto a flat ridge that was more into her vision, hoping that he would see him and not be startled by his presence. Once he deemed himself within her line of sight, he chuffed out a greeting.

Leaping through the ridges and getting to the point of the river she was laying beside, he stopped a couple of meters away, standing down on top of a flat rock jutting out of the the mountain said, slightly higher than her. Glancing down at her, he canted his head in a question, asking why she was here.

RE: no harm in exploring - Rana - May 19, 2016

The female turned to face the direction of the noise. Her eyes were slowly able to focus on the form of a wolf. Was that who she was barking at, or was it just a trick of her mind? She didn't care, all that mattered was someone else was close. With the hunger, she wasn't sure if the wolf would come to attack her. However, once she thought about it for another moment, they'd let her know they were there.
Rana watched the wolf make it's way towards her, standing so she wouldn't appear weak. She took a cautious step back. When the male tilted his head, she didn't catch the question. "Who are you?"

RE: no harm in exploring - Slancio - May 20, 2016

He watched his shadow lengthen before stopping when the sunlight glared down at him. He probably had a better look at her, as he was above and wasn't staring at the sun. Her maroon eyes caught his attention, as unique as his own owl like amber eyes. But she was darked pelted, with underbelly furs of white. Perhaps she woud be more identifable if she was either completely black or white. Interally shrugging, he settled.

She did not seem to get the unspoken question he had asked when he canted his head. Instead, she asked a question of her own, asking him who he was. "Slancio Fukuro, at your service." He spoke causally, before turning to her and narrowing his fierce molten gold eyes. "The real question is, who are you?" He retorted, when she still seemed confused.

RE: no harm in exploring - Rana - May 20, 2016

The dark female straitened herself and raised her head high, though it left her looking directly at the sun, so she pointed her nose downward. "I am Rana Varani of Seadog Sanctuary." She answered without hesitation. Her last name usually wasn't stated in an introduction, but since Slancio had given his, she did the same. Settling back into a sitting position, she tried to get a better look at the male through the light.

RE: no harm in exploring - Slancio - May 21, 2016

The female tried to look up at him, but realised the sun hanging behind him and turned her nose down. Trying not to seem rude, Slancio silence a laugh, instead staring at her coolly. Her name was a stranger to him, as well of the Seadog Sanctuary she spoke of. That being her pack, he assumed, trying to guess if he had sniffed the scent of her pack on her before. 

Deeming the scent somewhat familiar, he thought hard, trying to guess where. Coming to a conclusion, he decided that he had sniffed the scent on the borders of Saltwinter, flying in the sea breeze. Nodding to her, he spoke, "I am of Saltwinter, though I have scented your pack before, " 

RE: no harm in exploring - Rana - May 21, 2016

She angled her head ever so slightly, the pack this wolf belonged to didn't sound familiar. When she took the time to actually check the air for his scent, she found that it was familiar. "Same goes for your pack, but I guess that shouldn't be a surprise since the territories are close together." She let out a quiet sigh before looking over her shoulder out of paranoia. "Have you been here before?"

RE: no harm in exploring - Slancio - May 22, 2016

He waited for his message to sink in, stretch his back for a bit. Wincing as he felt some of the bones in his back click back into place, he settled back down with ease, the annoyance in his shoulder now gone. She seemed to be sniffing him, and he remained in his place when he let her try to place his scent, wondering if she was dense enough not to know it.

Yet she seemed to recognise it, and he let out a sigh of relief internally. "Quite close to each other indeed," He agreed with her. When she asked if he had been here before, he shrugged. "Once." He said simply, thinking of Teagan, the fiery pelted coywolf he had met up here last time. He thought they could have became good friends, but the recent scuffle over the deer probably ruined it.

RE: no harm in exploring - Rana - May 22, 2016

She turned her attention back to Slancio before glancing in the other directions. "Is there anything else here besides rocks, the cliff, and open area below?" She wanted to know as much about this part of the pack's surroundings, as it had potential as a great bird hunting spot. Maybe she should catch something to bring back to the pack. Where it came from wouldn't be questioned. Or maybe she'd end up eating it on the way back, either way it helped.

RE: no harm in exploring - Slancio - May 22, 2016

He glanced up, towards the sun slowly making it's daily journey across the sky, staining the sky a soft orange as it made it's way. He should return soon, he knew. Perhaps he would have to end his journey here once again. He turned around, casting a long gaze to the coast, seeing the thicket of trees indicating Saltwinter's presence. He almost didn't catch what she said, but caught onto the gist of it.

"Nothing much, I'm afraid. There's a great view if you go furthur up, but it's not that worth it. I guess there's a lake like pool of water if you go a bit furthur, but once again, it's not that worth it." He said, after thinking about the question for a moment. Sure, some small prey did settle near the lake, but it was quite rare and those who did were all stringey and skinny.

RE: no harm in exploring - Rana - May 22, 2016

She smiled and let her tail sway. "Well, at least it's something. And who knows? those could be worth something to someone else, that's just your opinion." It was good to know a little more about the area from someone else who'd been there before, even if it was just once. Eventually she'd be back to check on everything herself, when there was more time. She turned her attention to the setting sun and sighed, she didn't realize how late it had gotten already. Knowing she'd have to stop to rest on the way back, she decided to stay here and see what she could catch to take back in the morning.

RE: no harm in exploring - Slancio - May 22, 2016

One more round of posts then archive? Last or second last post from Slancio depending on yours

"Ah well, " He canted his head. Above them, the sun began to dim, the brightness that shone down on them before starting to disappear. It was time to return to Saltwinter, he decided. Glancing at Rana, he stood, making a show of brushing off some stray dust off his shoulders. "I guess what your opinion is does matter. "Though honestly, the area around there isn't worth it." He replied.

This place was too close to three different packs, Saltwinter, the Seadog Sanctuary she spoke of, and Teagan's pack. The hunting here woud not be good, even if the other packs did not stake their claim here. Turning to head back down the mountain to the coast, he leaped from his rock to a lower one, nodding to her. "Well, the day is ending. I best be off." He shrugged, spitting out a farewell.

RE: no harm in exploring - Rana - May 23, 2016

Sure, and sorry for the extremely short post.
Rana shrugged before looking back to Slancio. "I just want to get a better idea of the surrounding area, so it may be worthless, but it's still here." She turned and started walking towards the lake, that would be the best place for her to rest.

RE: no harm in exploring - Slancio - May 23, 2016

Just to conclude this really quick!

The sky was turning a softer golden, the wispy blue fading as gold bleed into it. He heard what she said, hearing the sound of her footsteps turning away. Yet he glanced over his shoulder one more time, taking in the slim black and white wolf, with the most viberant maroon eyes he had ever seen. Perhaps he wished more had come out of this encounter.

Yet the sun slowly setting was very much real, and he turned away to head back down the slippery cliffside. Pebbles crumbled where he stood and leapt, the soft scent of Saltwinter tugging at him. They may meet once again, since their packs were so close to each other. But for now, they were strangers in different worls, bought together by a chance meeting. The setting sun marked the end of the day, and Slancio headed towards home.