Wolf RPG
Silvertip Mountain This is my task, right? - Printable Version

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This is my task, right? - RIP Krypton - May 19, 2016

ooc: Come here puppies! Slight pp that they are in front of her and Zaria is out hunting :P @Solemn @Adeline @Odette @Stoic

after getting permission from the mother herself, krypton was on baby watching duty. She didn't mind in all honesty, though she wondered how they would take to her.

zaria decided to go and hunt for the kids, leaving krypton and the four little ones alone. Of coarse, she would probably stay near to hunt, just in case anything tried to hurt them.

staring down at the four bright eye children, the large woman gave them all a warm smile. "Hi there kids" she said with a cheery tone, hoping to have them at least try to take a liking to her.

In the back of her head, she feared that the smaller ones would fear her. Being the size of krypton, trying to come off as peaceful was hard. Especially since there was a size difference between her and Zaria.

she lowered her muzzle towards them, hoping to come down to their level.

RE: This is my task, right? - Odette - May 21, 2016

This new wolf is humongous!  That was all that Odette could think as the powerful and tall wolf stood before them.  Odie's mouth literly dropped open.  How could you be that tall?  Would she ever get that tall.  Odette frowned, if only she could be taller, then maybe she would have more power over her siblings....  Odette slowly closed her mouth.

Odette found it the most scary when the wolf began to lower her muzzle towards them.  Is she going to eat us!?  Odie thought frightened to herself.  The pup whimpered and slunk into a submissive posture, edging away nervously.  She hoped her littermates were careful as she was being and didn't get eaten by the wolf.

RE: This is my task, right? - RIP Krypton - May 24, 2016

Seeing that the first child was already looking at her with wide eyes and an open jaw, she had to conceal her laughter. Yet, her smuggled chuckle was doused, for the small Odette was already afraid of her size! Krypton did feel her heartstrings strum like a guitar, yet get hanged on by weights. The little girl already slunk into a submissive posture and let out a whimper. She was slowly moving away, and Krypon couldn't help but coo at her.

She decided that becoming their level wasn't working, but kept at it. Settling down entirely, she sprawled herself freely. She wished to come off as a familiar, or at least, non-threatening in any kind of way. "Oh little Odette" she said, a sad smile on her face. "I'm not that scary" she said lightly, hoping to calm at least some of her nerves. She looked at the others, wondering why they were still so quiet and reserved.

RE: This is my task, right? - Odette - May 25, 2016

Odette still nervously stayed in her submissive posture, ears laid back, tail tucked and crouched very low to the ground as she crawled backwards a couple more inches, her puppy blue eyes flickering over the bigger wolf.  She then listened to the wolf trying to comfort her, but still found herself on edge and unnevered.  Suddenly Odette noticed something pretty cool about this wolf.  This wolf looked almost exactly like an older version of her - even though this wolf didn't even compare to Odette's fluffiness - !  Odette's tail slowly slipped out from underneath her belly at the discovery and she slowly changed into a more normal posture.  The small pup's eyes slowly began to switch from scared to curious.  So with a little bit of hesitantion Odie slowly and cautiously took a few steps towards the female, scenting the air, in attempts to take in the female's scent.

"Who you?"  Odette peeped in a quizzical tone, giving the female a sidelong glance.  She was curious if this wolf was realted to her like Uncle Steady, the Brother of her mysterious Father.  "Aaa you wewated ta mm Daddddeh like Ooncle Steedy?"  She asked rather innocently, her head cocking slightly to the side.  She was rather curious to get this piece of information from this wolf.  This female did look kind of like her, dispite her size, so why wouldn't she be related to her?

RE: This is my task, right? - RIP Krypton - June 04, 2016

Hearing the child's question, Krypton wasn't sure if she was supposed to tell Ofette that she wasn't apart of her nuclear family. However, she wouldn't be too hurt, would she?

licking her dry lips, Krypton gently shook her head. "No dear child, I am a friend of your uncle steady and mother" she said, hoping that at least sounded okay to Odette.

even if they were not connected by blood, the ties of Silvertip still brought her and Odette together, one way or another.

RE: This is my task, right? - Odette - June 05, 2016

Odette was disappointed to hear that the wolf wasn't related to her family, but at least she claimed to be a friend of her Mother and her Uncle Steady, that still meant something.  Odie moved a little closer, slowly shifting fully from her nervous, submissive posture, as she was becoming a little more trusting of this new female.

"Whaaa yo name?"  Odette questioned the wolf rather curiously, and then beginning to examine the brown furred wolf, for anything else that she could find or notice.   Soon though Odie sat down on her rump and just watched the wolf and waited for a response.

RE: This is my task, right? - RIP Krypton - June 05, 2016

Odette was starting to trust the bulky woman, soon asking for her name. She smiled down to the girl. "Krypton, but if it is easier for you to say, call me anything" she said, hoping to get a good relationship with Zaria's little girl.

RE: This is my task, right? - Odette - June 05, 2016

Odette found herself taking an almost instant liking at this moment to Krypton.  The pup found her pretty nice overall and pretty decent, so Odie flashed her a small, sweet smile.  Soon her head was filling with questions though.  How had long Krypton been here?  Was just one of them.  That was what Odie was most interested in asking though, so she decided to roll with it.

"Haw loong ha you been aaa Sivervip Mawtin Kipton?"  The fluffy poofball Odette asked Krypton quizzically, her head giving a slight cock as she asked this for effect.  Then she regarded Krypton with a curious, questioning expression.

RE: This is my task, right? - RIP Krypton - June 14, 2016

Her way of speaking Krypton made the earthy girl laugh a bit, almost cooing at Odette's adorable way of speech. The gamma smiled brightly to the kid before deciding to answer her question. "I've been here for awhile, maybe since last fall" she said, wondering if Odette even knew what Fall was. The kid had only experienced heat and small meals, thus making Krypton doubt the child's knowledge of the seasons.

Perhaps Zaria has taught them everything? Krypton didn't have any knowledge of what went on in that den, she could only imagine.

RE: This is my task, right? - Odette - June 16, 2016

Last fall sounded like a long time ago... but the only reason Odette thought that was because she had heard last.  Long and last sounded similar and so Odie decided that they had to have some sort of connection.  Still the word fall was in there too, which was probably like falling Odette assumed.  So Krypton had appearently joined Silvertip Mountian a long time ago, while falling... Odie was thoroughly confused.

"Saa you jaaand Sivervip Mawwwtin a wong time aggoo, whaaa fawwin?  I confused."  Odette asked and admitted to Krypton with a frown, because basically everything that Krypton had just said made absolutely no sense whatsoever to Odette.

RE: This is my task, right? - RIP Krypton - June 21, 2016

Odette expresed her confusion, making the gamma woman smile gently like a mother looking at her own.What a curious thing, and a confused one too. Krypton took ina breath before answering. "Yes, a long time ago, but not falling. Fall is known as Autumn, a season where leaves fall from the trees and prepare for winter." She explained, wondering how Odette was processing everything. If Odette wanted to learn about the seasons, Krypton would be more than happy to explain her everything. If she just left it as it was, she would be just as happy too.

RE: This is my task, right? - Odette - June 26, 2016

Everything seemed to make a whole lot more sense when Krypton explained what Fall was.  Although Fall seemed to be it's more formal and normal name, as Krypton had called it Fall more times than Autumn in front of her, Odette liked the sound of Autumn much better.  "Uttummmmm."  Odette whispered quietly and carefully as if it were a sacred word.  Then her curious eyes glanced up at Krypton.  "Whhhaa it wannntddder dough?"  She questioned the Gamma with a cock of her little fluffy head.

Then Odette waited quietly and patiently for all to be answered.  Odette wondered what it would be like to be an adult and know basically everything, like Krypton seemed to, her Mother and her Uncle Steady.  She hoped one day that she would be as smart as all of them put together.

RE: This is my task, right? - RIP Krypton - June 29, 2016

The word Autumn seemed to capture Odette's attention longer than expected, making Krypton tilt her head a bit. Was there some connection here with the girl and the season? Or was it just a new word to add to her vocabulary? Either way, Odette moved on from her small trance and soon asked another question. What was winter? "Well," Krypton started off, thinking about it before picking her words carefully. 

"Winter is when the ground is covered in white stuff called snow. It gets really cold and the sun doesn't shine very much." Krypton believed her description was dead on, looking back at Odette. "Food becomes a bit harder to catch, but it's so pretty during Winter." Winter was very pretty when it chose to be, otherwise, it would be a frozen version of hell's pits. "And there's these little things called snowflakes that float down from clouds." Snowflakes somehow made everything better to Krypton. Sunny morning? Add snowflakes and make it magical. Running in the snow with the pack? ADD SNOWFLAKES!

RE: This is my task, right? - Odette - July 03, 2016

Winter sounded magical, scary and beautiful all at the same time.  It was rather confusing to little Odette in a way that something could be so many things at once, but still be one thing.  How did it work?  Did someone make the seasons?  Some really smart wolf or something like that?  Was it just magic?  Odette thought this all over for a few minutes before she finally began to speak again.

"Ha did Wannter staaaat Kipton?"  Odie asked her mentor for the moment.  She hoped the Krypton would give her a thorough answer.  Something that she could fully understand, but if Krypton didn't then Odette would just do her best to understand.

RE: This is my task, right? - RIP Krypton - July 07, 2016

Odette was already looking like she was going to grow up to be a scholar. Hopefully, she would obtain knowledge greater than Krypton's and help the world with her great intelligence. The question she asked was perplexing to the woman, making her think a bit harder. She didn't have an answer, sadly. She wasn't that smart, so her answer might be disappointing.

"I'm afraid I don't know Odette. There are wolves out there who might know, scholars who study such knowledge. Perhaps one day, you will find one and discover the answer." She said, thinking to herself quietly. Krypton didn't think too much about the heavenly bodies, the earth's rotation, or anything like that. That wasn't her specialty. "And hopefully by then," she said, looking down at the girl. "You'll be even smarter than your Uncle Steady and me."

RE: This is my task, right? - Odette - July 10, 2016

Odette didn't know what a scholar was, but she was happy to be praised by Krypton.  The fluffy pup nodded with the tiniest smile. Although despite all of this, Odie was disappointed that Krypton claimed to not know what started Winter.  Yet how could that be?  Krypton told her much of Winter and did not know how it began.  Well at least Odette had an idea of Winter, she could not wait to see it firsthand.

"Deenk yu awwnywasss Kipton."  Odette told her friend then witha little wag of her tail looked up at the sky, imagining snowflakes falling from the clouds and floating carefully to the ground, covered with marvelous snow.  Her gaze shifted warmly back to Krpyton.  "I can't weet ta see Waaaaanter haaapeeen Kipton!"  She exclaimed excitedly.

RE: This is my task, right? - RIP Krypton - July 18, 2016

She thanked the woman, making Krypton beam. Odette was such an adorable little girl, and would hopefully gain more knowledge than anyone in STM. Perhaps she would take the scholar route, or maybe just live out her life with every moment. Who knows, all that matters is now.

"I can'twait either, and we'll enjoy winter together." She promised with a nod of her head. Winter would be so enjoyable (and tough), but mostly enjoyable. Everyone could enjoy the snow, snuggle together for warmth, etc. The thought of winter almost made Krypton giddy like a child.

RE: This is my task, right? - Odette - July 23, 2016

Odie's tail began to wag, which caused her whole body to wiggle along with it in excitement.  She looked up at Krypton with big green eyes, sparkling with curiousity and happiness.  "I caun watt Kipton!"  She yipped joyfully to Krypton. 

Through all the excitement, joy, happiness and curiousity, Odette suddenly found herself very tired.  Almost like she could just collaspe any moment.  "Unn Tiorwd Kipton.  Gonna go take a nap."  Odie told her friend, although this time in a more sleepy, slurred voice.