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Broken Antler Fen Ghost Girl - Printable Version

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Ghost Girl - Ambrosia - May 20, 2016

Ambrosia had been sparse since coming home, and still hadn't told Sebastian about her trip around the mountain. Already, she wanted to go out again: her paws itched and longed to feel new terrain. To meet new souls, too, was always a hope, be it a new friend, packmate, mate, or enemy. After a year of warding off everything and everyone from her and her pup, the tawny woman now craved the attention she used to have. Believing that Brandy was in good paws at the fen, with Pearl, Sebastian, and Aduin all watching out for her. 
She wanted to head north east this time, towards where she had been rejected the first time in the Teekon Wilds. Why not? Last time, she'd ran right through and had worried only about getting away. Without worrying about her daughter, the tan and black female could more thoroughly explore.
Her howl for @Sebastian rang through the fen, and she hoped he would come soon. She sat patiently on with her tail wrapped around her paws, a couple yards from the border. If he agreed, she would be leaving right away. The approaching sunset didn't bother her: she liked the dead of night.

RE: Ghost Girl - Sebastian - May 21, 2016

Sebastian responded quickly to the howl. He had heard that Ambrosia had returned, but it had been quite tense to see her gone for so long. He knew it put a lot of stress son her daughter. On the other hand it was good that the two were becoming less attached.

The large male howled in return to tell Ambrosia that he was coming to see her. The large male stomach growled in hunger. He quirked up his lips once he saw her. "Ambrosia!," he spoke. How good to see her. But she was pretty close to the border, was she tempted to go again? "What happened on your trip? Good to see you!."

RE: Ghost Girl - Ambrosia - May 21, 2016

We can shove this conversation to tomorrow (May 22nd) just so it doesnt mess up her joining the Alpha thread :3

Sebastian was quick to come, something that had always made Ammie admire in him: no matter who it was, where it was, he would come if his family needed help. 
It wasn't so much his assistance she wanted, simply his blessing. She could be gone longer this time, and wasn't about to take off a second time within the month for a long period of time.
First, he wanted to know of her last trip, and the tawny woman set aside her current wishes. Wouldn't exactly be doing her job at that point!
"It went well. I'd only planned on going around a little bit, to see what was on the other side, but I ended up traveling around the mountain. Met a few loners. Everything over there is just as barren as here, but it seems to be mostly uninhabited. If we needed to move, then perhaps over that way would be wise."
She didn't WANT to leave the fen, but things happened and Ambrosia had learned that being attached to a place made things harder.

RE: Ghost Girl - Sebastian - May 21, 2016


Sebastian nodded quickly once she started talking. He had been over the mountain range and the area's around it. So he had a mental image of where she had been, at least, he thought the mountain range north, not south of them. Frankly he had never really traveled even more south. That might be a new thing for Ambrosia to do. "Good to hear, though I would dislike the thought in moving. I feel really at home here," he admitted to her.

The day before this he had told the whole pack his new relationship with Pearl, it was a pretty big thing, so they didn't get the change to talk about her scouting mission. Sebastian looked at her. "Did you call me for that reason? Did you also meet other pack wolves? Heard anything about other packs?," he questioned curiously.

RE: Ghost Girl - Ambrosia - May 21, 2016

As she'd thought, Sebastian was partial to this place: he didnt want to move, and even the tawny woman had to admit that this land was amazing. She'd never been one for wet places and bogs, but the fen was lovely. Hopefully soon she would see it in full bloom.
      "It is nice here, even if I think attaching to a place is risky. Perhaps thats just my wanderlust speaking...."
Already was she zoning out, thinking about her travels past this border. Seb brought her back though, finally getting to the point. 
             "No, not from other packs or anything. I called you, actually, because I wanted to scope out the other side of our home."
Of course she planned on going much further than just the other side of the borders, she was hoping to be gone at least another week or more.

RE: Ghost Girl - Sebastian - May 22, 2016

Burke shook his head in response to her. "No you are totally right. It does limit you as a pack to get attached to one area," he spoke, after all if these plants would not start growing soon they would be in serious trouble, because they would be too weak to hunt. Though for Sebastian this was something special, he did feel like, especially now he was mated, that he should choose the best thing for his pack. Currently he didn't think traveling would be a good idea.

"Explore the other side? Oh. Well, last time we were a bit worried about you, especially your daughter," he admitted. "I know you are capable of traveling so you have my blessing, but do be careful. I encourage you to be an ambassador. If you find wolves that want to young you can bring them here. We need the numbers, together we are stronger."

RE: Ghost Girl - Ambrosia - May 23, 2016

Burke, eh? :3 Wrong alpha, lol

Sebastian seemed confident in his decision to stay, and Ambrosia didn't argue: it was likely that soon the plants would begin to regrow and the wolves of the fen wouldn't have to move. Surely if things didn't get better, he would see that they did indeed have to move. 
He didn't seem happy about her leaving, but wasn't against it either. Seb gave her permission to go, but now she was doubting herself. Brandy had really been that worried? Hell, EVERYONE had been worried? Pearls words about being all family rung through her mind once again, and the white female was further proven right. 
            "I'll think it over a bit more, but I will be going. This time, I'll make sure I let you know when I leave. And I'll look for recruits, maybe some loner needs a pack as much as we could use them."

RE: Ghost Girl - Sebastian - May 25, 2016

[ooc] Lol, yeah they even confuse me sometimes. xD [/b]

Sebastian could only agree to her words once more. It seemed to make her think when he spoke about the fact of how worried they had all been. The male had been worried too. He did not want to lose Ambrosia. She was very valuable to his pack and she had become a good friend. Possibly even a future Beta. He could see her determination and rightfulness. Something that he thought was very important.

"That sounds well, let Brandy know you are leaving too, and assure her that you will be fine. I know she has aduin now, but, I think she is secretly still very attached to you," he spoke with a smile to Ambrosia. The mother should not forget that even if Brandy was a teenager Sebastian could clearly see that Brandy loved her mother a lot, still.

RE: Ghost Girl - Ambrosia - May 26, 2016

I could imagine!

 With a last wistful glance over the border and to the unknown beyond, Ambrosia stepped closer to Sebastian. She rubbed her head against his charcoal shoulder with a happy sigh. Her baby might be all grown up, but it didn't mean she was alone. Now the tawny woman had to find the balance in which she spent time with her daughter, now the yearling had better things to do.
            "I suppose I should be glad to have a pack to care about me again, it's just such an odd thing to adjust to after an entire year. I'll make sure I let her know too."

RE: Ghost Girl - Sebastian - May 28, 2016

Sebastian smiled at her and gave a friendly nudge back to her. It was good to see that they were all close. They were also a good back up for when Brandy would be worried about her mother, she would not be alone. "I can imagine that it might be strange to you to have someone worried about your existence," he returned to her with a light chuckle.

"But you better get used to it because we don't want to lose you," he then spoke maybe a bit teasingly so. The male hummed and then gave her a nod. "It is good that you are helping out."

RE: Ghost Girl - Ambrosia - May 28, 2016

Ambrosia nodded, thinking back to the close knit pack she was born into yet again. Was it really all so different than here? She smiled at Seb's teasing, flicking an ear and chuckling.
         "Don't worry Seb, I'm here to stay. I can't imagine not coming home from every adventure to you, Pearl, Aduin, everyone.... This is home."
It felt nice to really, truly admit, that this was her home. Something TO bring her back, something to come back to.

RE: Ghost Girl - Sebastian - May 28, 2016

Sebastian hummed and quirked up his lips. "I am glad you think that way. And hopefully we can scout a nice male for you too, so you won't only have family to come home to," Sebastian spoke. He truly hoped that for her, especially with her whole history with Brandy's father. He did not wish to have such thing happen to her again. "If you find someone on your travels you can always bring them with you," he confirmed.

RE: Ghost Girl - Ambrosia - May 28, 2016

Surprise lit up Ammie's face, her lemon eyes widening. Of course it was something she'd thought about, but Seb being so open about it was bittersweet. He had Pearl now, she knew, and her travels had helped her overcome the brief feelings she'd had for the male, even if she sometimes found herself admiring him.
"Maybe one day, Sebastian. Maybe one day I'll get lucky enough to find whoever I'm meant to be with."
Lately she'd had little hope, but who knows, maybe this next adventure would bring her fortune.

RE: Ghost Girl - Sebastian - May 29, 2016

Sebastian could feel what she was feeling. "I've been searching for a long time. I even left my pack to find my mate. I think that sometimes you should not search. Maybe that is the key," he commented to her and gave her a bit of a smile, realizing that she had a crush on him too, though he wondered if it had been a serious crush or not.

The male quirked up his lips and then turned his head towards the territory. "I will let you go now then," he decided, not wanting to hold her up any longer.

RE: Ghost Girl - Ambrosia - June 02, 2016

Ambrosia listened silently, unable to form words that would make sense right now. She wasn't out there seearching for a mate, persay, but perhaps she was searching for her own happiness. The alpha took her silence as a leave to go, and the tawny woman gave him a half smile and a nod before turning away herself. Along the borders she went, unsure of whether she should go now or wait. Eventually she settled on waiting, but it wouldn't be long before the pull was too much for her.