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Moonspear One Psycho Comin Up - Printable Version

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One Psycho Comin Up - Judas - May 21, 2016

The coywolf had left where he settled himself in to do what he thought might be a great start to his time here in Moonspear. To see someone he had never seen, a new face to help him settle in. Someone who knew the ropes around here. 

Judas found that this place did not fare as well as Moonlit had against the locust swarms. "What did we do to deserve this?" he asked himself. "Well, you did plenty" the voice in his head snidely answered. That made him snarl at the voice. He truly did hate it, just as much as it hated him.

RE: One Psycho Comin Up - Dash - May 21, 2016

Dash had been settling in quite easily since his return to Moonspear. He had gotten back to his patrolling routine, though hunting for food was his main concern when he wasn't doing that. Food was so scarce, however, that not only did he not catch anything, but he rarely came across any signs of prey at all. 

He was exploring the territory today. All the landmarks seemed to be in the same places, but they all looked quite different without all the foliage around. A voice reached his ears, and Dash paused, trying to figure out where it had come from. His eyes landed upon a wolf he hadn't met yet. He approached him, leaving a little distance between the two. Hello, I'm Dash, he greeted friendly.

RE: One Psycho Comin Up - Judas - May 21, 2016

Judas examined a bare tree to take his mind off the annoying remarks directed at him. From inside him. Built up on, fed by all the doubt he had. And he just didn't know it, for if he had he would have tried to think the happiest thoughts he could.

One thing had brought a shine to his day though when a friendly pack member, so he presumed, came by with a friendly tone. He gave the wolf a nod in greeting, his ears perking up at their voice, before replying, "Judas." He then went back to looking at the tree, still not comfortable on the whole socializing, despite him wanting to be social. But he was afraid it would come out.

RE: One Psycho Comin Up - Dash - May 22, 2016

The other male seemed to be looking at a tree as Dash approached, his own gaze going up the bare trunk. He didn't see anything interesting in it, but maybe the other male did. His pack mate turned toward him, gave him a nod, and his name, before turning his attention back to the tree.

One ear flicked back in confusion on Dash's head before turning forward once more. His eyes glanced around as he considered whether or not that was supposed to be the end of this little meeting, or if he should attempt more conversation. Several moments passed before Dash decided. Umm, what's so interesting about the tree? he asked. It was the only thing he could come up with to ask.

RE: One Psycho Comin Up - Judas - May 22, 2016

Judas continued to stare in moments of silence. Half admiring how so much had been destroyed by the swarm, and half saddened by it. But soon the black wolf nearby spoke, disturbing the silence. He cocked his other at him, one ear folding in the direction closest to the ground. Then he turned back to the tree, ears drooping a bit.

"Nothing...Just looking at how this tree has changed. And all it took was only one catastrophe." His muzzle dropped down, ears folding back. This was a terrible way to live for all of them.

RE: One Psycho Comin Up - Dash - May 22, 2016

Judas did not bother to turn back towards Dash as he answered his question. Dash took a moment to absorb what the male said. In a sense, if Dash understood correctly, he was mourning the loss of what had been such a lush forest. He could be off but he wasn't sure, and the demeanor of the male didn't make Dash want to ask him to elaborate. 

It is... astonishing, he replied. Dash was not one to dwell on things like this. It very much affected him, since the loss of greens meant the loss of prey. However, it was not something he could change, and therefore he didn't not overthink it. He simply found ways to survive, and the rest was what it was.

RE: One Psycho Comin Up - Judas - May 22, 2016

Judas nodded solemnly. It truly was, to see something so small cause so much. And all it took was for them to be in large numbers. And a few days. Made him think how much they depended on the greenery of the world, seeing the state they were in.

But after some sad thoughts, he took to trying to liven things up. "So, how long have you been here? I'm looking for someone who knows the ropes around here" he said in a more chipper tone.

RE: One Psycho Comin Up - Dash - May 22, 2016

The awkward moment was, thankfully, broken, as Judas turned his attention to Dash, asking him how long he had been here, and confessed he was looking for someone to show him around. Dash had assumed Judas had been here when the dark wolf returned just days ago. Maybe he hadn't been here that much longer before. I was here for some months before I left for a little while. I just returned a few days ago, he confided in his pack mate. 

I know the area well, at least what it was before the swarm came through. It's a little difficult to recognize some landmarks since they've changed so much, he confessed. Boulders were easier to spot than the trees he sometimes used to find his way. But, I could try and show you around, if you like, he offered. Maybe they could learn the new layout together.

RE: One Psycho Comin Up - Judas - May 22, 2016

Judas' gaze turned curious. Why leave, then come back? He was about to ask, but then remembered how much he used to hate others prying in his business. And surely others were the same. It was the other's business to know, and the kind side of judas knew that. The other, not so much.

But it seemed that he did know the area well. That was a start. "Sure. I would be grateful to know this place enough like...like something familiar." Really, he couldn't think of any good comparison.

RE: One Psycho Comin Up - Dash - May 23, 2016

Like home? Dash offered up, thinking he understood how the male felt. He walked alongside his packmate, letting the other male set the pace as they explored the territory. It had been so long since I knew what home felt like, until I came here, he confided in Judas. That's why I came back, he added. 

He had felt a little guilty about leaving his brother after such a short time together, but Dash had never imagined he would miss Moonspear so much. He knew now that he had taken the pack for granted before. But, it was an important lesson he learned that he would not forget, and it made him cherish his home even more. He understood now that he was meant to be here. He had no sense of uneasiness that he had before.

RE: One Psycho Comin Up - Judas - May 23, 2016

Judas followed along at a steady pace, listening as the other spoke. "I've never really had a home" Judas confessed, ears wilting to the sides of his head. He always moved from place to place, afraid of being found or caught by a past enemy.

"You said you came back. Do you still have any friends here, or have they left only to be replaced by unfamiliar faces?" Surely there was at least one wolf Dash still knew here. The only one Judas found familiar was Mitanni.

RE: One Psycho Comin Up - Dash - May 25, 2016

Judas confessed that he had never really had a place to call home. Dash knew exactly how that felt. Maybe this will that place, he said optimistically. It was the place Dash now felt like home at, but he understood not every pack was good for every wolf. Judas needed to make that determination on his own, no one could do it for him.

He nodded. Charon, Amekaze, and Floki were here before I left, he answered. There are a few missing faces, though, he admitted. He still hadn't come across Thistle Cloud's scent, and knew she had to be gone. He just didn't know if she had walked away, or if she had died, and he was afraid to ask his leaders. Where were you before you came here? he asked, wondering about Judas' past.

RE: One Psycho Comin Up - Judas - May 25, 2016

Judas nodded in response, seeming optimistic. Perhaps it could be his home. He could finally settle down somewhere, and be safe. Maybe even be gone with his old ways. For good. Although to him, that was a long stretch. 

Judas guessed the question would arise. "Another pack that fell apart. Before that, wandering." "While killing wolves, here and there" the voice in his head added that broguht a dark look to his face. Luckily Dash would not have heard it, or anyone else, but Judas just wished he couldn't hear it either. It wasn't going anywhere any time soon.

RE: One Psycho Comin Up - Dash - May 28, 2016

Dash nodded understandingly. I was a wanderer, too, before coming here the first time. Moonspear was the first pack I had joined since leaving my family when I was young, he explained. At the time, he had been awkward, and had felt undeserving of the title he had, and the position within the pack. He had no confidence, no experience, to tell him he was doing something right. Even Charon and Amekaze couldn't convince him that he was doing fine. It had taken his brother to make him see where he really belonged. 

As they walked, Dash looked at the surrounding area. Much had changed, and he hoped that all the greenery would return soon. Without it, they would not survive. They wold have to move to where the locusts hadn't been since that's where their prey would be. Have you met any other wolves here? Dash asked, wondering who else he himself hadn't met yet.

RE: One Psycho Comin Up - Judas - May 28, 2016

The more Judas listened to this wolf, the more social felt. The more good he felt inside. He was in fact thinking about telling Dash about what he did. All the things he had done in the past. But that would just ruin things, and he didn't want that. He was so deep in thought he hadn't noticed he was biting on his lip as if to keep the words in.

When Dash asked if the coywolf had met anyone else in the pack, his thoughts cleared away to answer. "Yes" he answered after a quick nod. "Floki and Charon, I believe their names were. Floki said he would show me to the herb cache, since it's what I do best..." he trailed off, about to say that it was his only skill he would show. But that would most likely draw questions to his other skills. His way with words, and his little 'How To Betray Everyone' in his head.

RE: One Psycho Comin Up - Dash - May 31, 2016

Dash was feeling rather good about their conversion, as well. The dark wolf had always been a little socially awkward, but he found talking with Judas to come easily. 

Judas said he had met Charon and Floki so far, and admitted to wanting to know where the herb cache was. Are you a caregiver? he asked, unsure how much Judas knew about the trade. I don't know a thing about herbs or plants or how to help someone who is hurt, he admitted easily. Dash had his strengths and weaknesses and didn't usually have an issue with saying what either was. He figured that's what made a pack so dynamic. Each wolf had their specialty.

RE: One Psycho Comin Up - Judas - May 31, 2016

Judas was hesitant. He didn't want to make a bad impression, and surely if he shook his head he would have to explain. So he gave an answer that he thought would suit him, without giving the bad stuff about him, "More of a plant-guy. I don't know too much about giving care. But enough for smallish wounds." "Also know enough on how to take care of someone." And that, despite Judas hating it, was also true.

The voice also made him want to divert away from the topic of herbs and poisons. Something where only good thoughts could come out of. "So you know Floki and Charon? They seem kind to most." 

RE: One Psycho Comin Up - Dash - May 31, 2016

Judas said he was more into plants than actually caregiving. Well, if we ever have a caregiver, maybe you and they could work together, he suggested. He wasn't sure how Judas would take that idea, but it would give him an opportunity to use his skills.

Dash nodded when he was asked about Charon and Floki. Yeah, Charon was the one who offered me a home. Back then, they were in Stavenger Bay, and were about to relocate here. I came into the picture when they claimed this territory, he explained. Floki came in later, but quickly earned his Beta position, he added. They, and Amekaze, have been very welcoming, and helpful. He couldn't imagine calling another place home.

RE: One Psycho Comin Up - Judas - June 01, 2016

Judas thought on the suggestion. It would further his experience in socialising, and give him a place. A place where someone could watch over him, make sure nothing happened with him or anyone else. That would good for him. He nodded in agreement, glancing over at Dash as he did. "It seems like a sound idea."

As Dash spoke of them, Judas listened intently. They were nice to everyone, it seemed. If only he could be like them. Wolves to learn from. "They are very kind." "But sometimes you need more than kindness."

RE: One Psycho Comin Up - Dash - June 01, 2016

Judas seemed to like his idea of pairing up with a caregiver. Dash was glad, but he also knew they didn't actually have a caregiver at the moment. Maybe one would show up at their borders soon. After all, this famine couldn't last forever, and soon they would be back to hunting large game, which upped the chances of an injury. 

Dash nodded when Judas agree about Charon and Floki, but had nothing to say in return. The conversation seemed to be drawing to a natural end, and so Dash turned to Judas. Well, I think I'm going to go do some border patrols, and see if I can find any signs of something to eat. See you later? he questioned. He rather liked Judas, and was hopeful they would become friends.

RE: One Psycho Comin Up - Judas - June 01, 2016

Judas had a small grin as his new friend gave his goodbyes. "See you later, friend. Be safe, and don't get killed patrolling. I'd rather keep all my friends" he said with his grin still there. Then he turned, hi tail waving in farewell behind him as he trekked off back to the near naked tree.