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Golden Glade Stranger to you - Printable Version

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Stranger to you - Heldi - May 21, 2016

The glade was well named for the sunlight streamed in amongst the grassy area in shades of gold. The tunnels unnerved her as they disappeared deeply into the rock, becoming dark after only a few feet. 

The scents were weak within it, letting her know the area was hardly used. The agouti female kept to the largest frontal area, near the stream as she tried in vain to peer into the crack where it disappeared. For the life of her she couldn't see into it, nor could she hear where the water disappeared to. After a half an hour she no longer paid it any attention.

It was evening when she lay by the stream with a dead mouse, watching the rain that had begun to fall with amber eyes.

RE: Stranger to you - Spring - May 22, 2016

Spring had decided to do some more scouting today.  For some reson, despite all of the devastion it made her a little more hopeful, probably because of Ishi though, it always did remind her of how much her poor cougar mauled friend had enjoyed it.  She wondered if Ishi still liked to scout, could he even scout anymore in the state that she had seen him last?

After a while Spring reached a glade, around evening.  She stared silently at all of the devastion that the Locusts hahd caused.  Where grasses had probably once stood, was now seemingly dead, just a stretch of dirt.  She let out a sad sigh, but then kept making her way through the glade.  It was then that she caught sight of an agouti.  Next to the agouti lay a dead mouse, but Spring just looked away from it, focusing entirely on the agouti.  She let out a friendly chuff, to make her presence noticed, if she hadn't been noticed already.

RE: Stranger to you - Heldi - May 22, 2016

Heldi nodded politely as the woman appeared, her slightly damp scent was one of an established pack which immediately dismissed the idea of recruiting her for either packs. Unless of course this mystery woman wished to leave her last pack, though judging by the high ranking scent she bore it was unlikely.

"Greetings. I'm Heldi." The agouti female gestured to the open cave, meaning for the woman to make herself comfortable and take shelter from the rain.

RE: Stranger to you - Spring - May 22, 2016

Spring instantly found herself liking this wolf, although her full trust had not been gained yet.  She smiled softly at the greeting from Heldi, as this wolf called herself.  "Greetings, I am Spring."  She replied solemnly, then gratefully accepted the offer of joining the agouti in the cave.  Spring quickly made her way over, at a trot, then ducked inside and laid down, feeling rain water begin to drain from her pelt, wetting the ground beneath her.  A little bit of guilt settled in her, and she hoped that she didn't get Heldi wet.

"Are you part of a pack around here?"  Spring asked casually, her gaze flickering from raindrop to raindrop, outside of the cave that pounded from the sky.  It was quite fascinating really, watching the water punch the dirt ground and transform the dirt to mud.  For a moment she felt a pang of saddness, as she thought of the greenery that could've drinken from the rain.

RE: Stranger to you - Heldi - May 22, 2016

"I can't say I am. My friend, Zephyr, is starting a new pack in a moon or so. I will be joining him and another of our friends. I'm here to scout for possible territories and recruits for his pack or the one he is in. He must replace the members that they lose." 

"You smell of a pack. If this place is too close to your own's territory I will tell him so. I would hate for us to infringe upon you all." Heldi spoke honestly, truthful about passing word on to Zephyr. She knew him to fair, courteous to other's needs. If this land was too close he most likely wouldn't move his pack here.

RE: Stranger to you - Spring - May 22, 2016

Spring listened quietly to Heldi speak with a neautral expression.  She did a quick estimate to think of the distance between Silver Creek and the glade, and a small frown settled upon her.  This was probably about the same distance that Phoenix Maplewood had been to Reek's pack... Reek.  The thoguht of him just made her want to tear his heart out.  That cruel dark healer deserved to die, how could anyone even follow him?  Did his new pack even know what he did?  Her frown finally ceased and she did her best to stop thinking about Reek, focusing on Heldi and the rain once more.

"I'm from a place called Silver Creek."  Spring began.  "And I am very sorry, but this is indeed too close to the place that my pack calls home.  I wish you, your friends and this Zephyr luck though, on finding a well suited place."  She responded to Heldi, flashing her a small smile.

RE: Stranger to you - Heldi - May 22, 2016

"I will let him know. He's quite a gentleman, once he hears your pack is nearby he wouldn't choose this place. Thank you for your kind wishes." Heldi dipped her head in thanks, certain Zephyr wouldn't choose this spot for his pack once he heard about Spring's own settled nearby. 

"What's your pack like if you don't mind my asking? I like to hear people's stories, it intrigues me." The bastard of Vledfest settled down with hopes that she and this female could share small talk, she had had so little of it while alone for the past year. It had made her realize how much she missed daily life with other wolves.

RE: Stranger to you - Spring - May 22, 2016

Spring was more than glad to hear that Heldi was complying to what she said and felt rather useful that she had stopped a possible rivarly.  When Heldi asked about Silver Creek though, Spring was a little hesitant, as she tried to figure out what to say.  She didn't want to spill too much about her Pack, so she would have t obe very careful on what she said.  Especially if this Zephyr did start a new pack and Heldi was apart of it.  This was nothing personal, it was just that Spring didn't want any valuable information to go to a wolf who could use the information possibly against Silver Creek.  She didn't expect Heldi to do that, but you could never be too careful.

"Thank you for understanding."  Spring began with a small smile, then contiuned on to talk about Silver Creek.  "Silver Creek is a very lovely place.  I could not imagine better.  It is a woodland of cedar, fir, oak and silver maple.  Then there is a gorgeous forked creek, that seems to have the color of silver."  She briefly explained with a dreamy smile.  "It's just beyond wonderful."

RE: Stranger to you - Heldi - May 22, 2016

She could sense the woman's hesitation and didn't mind. Heldi was a stranger to her after all, perhaps it went against her Alpha to speak about their pack or she was just cautious. Either way the agouti wouldn't push Spring into speaking about her home.

"Of course. Your home sounds beautiful, it seems aptly named for its creek as well." The bastard chuckled lightly, understanding now why it was called Silver Creek from Spring's description.

*tries to subtly slip the name of the thread in* wanna wrap this up soon?

RE: Stranger to you - Spring - May 22, 2016

Sounds good.

Spring nodded.  "Quite right, it does really live up to it's name."  She remarked.  Then her gaze flicked from the rain to Heldi.  "Thank you so much, for letting me stay here with you for a while, but I think I should be heading back to Silver Creek."  She informed Heldi, then stood up.  "I hope we will meet again."  With that Spring padded out of the cave and headed back towards Silver Creek, thinking of this new pack the whole way, hoping that Heldi would stay true to her word and take her advice.

RE: Stranger to you - Heldi - May 22, 2016

last from me! Thanks for the tread

"May we meet again." Spring disappeared after her farewell, Heldi turning and gobbling down the mouse before stretching out by the stream to sleep. In a few days time she would move on from this place, likely not to return since it no longer held a prospective pack site.