Wolf RPG
Larksong Grotto Continuing On - Printable Version

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Continuing On - Lilac - May 22, 2016

Lilac padded through the grotto, her gaze sweeping over the land.  She wondered how it would've looked, exactly at this moment if the locusts hadn't come.  She closed her eyes, trying to imagine it.  For a long while, nothing came to mind, but then slowly she was able to imagine it, grasses waving in the wind, some herbs, standing tall.  The thought made her small the tiniest of smiles at the thought.

 She wondered if she still would've ended up here had she not left Starlit Hills.  A frown settled acrossed her.  Would she have turned out differently?  She wished she could've known.  Yet she was grateful for getting to be here in Larksong Grotto, so she finally decided that that was all that mattered for now.