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Silver Creek Bon Appétit - Printable Version

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Bon Appétit - Spring - May 22, 2016

For @Saena whenever you have time.  Pups are welcome too.

After the hunting session with Laika, down at Shadewood, Spring\ returned to Silver Creek with that single fish, holding it proudly.  Although now it was the time of the later hours, but it was not night yet.  She padded towards Saena's den, quietly in case Saena and/or the puppies were asleep, walking lightly on her paws to the entranch of the den.  She hoped that her Alpha and the pups were awake at this hour, she really did not want to wake anyone of them up, especailly in the Teekon Wilds current situation.  Spring just simply did not want to cause any stress.

"Saena?"  She called out in a soft whisper, once again just in case the Alpha or the pups were asleep.  Spring then stood still for a few more seconds, before contiuning the whispering.  "I have a fish for you and the pups, if your up for it."  The Beta then sat absouletly still, waiting for anyone to reply if anyone happened to be awake.  She would give the fish to them no matter what, it all just depended on how awake her Alpha was.

RE: Bon Appétit - Laurel - May 29, 2016

Laurel just woke up and smacked her lips sleepily when she heard the voice. It was a familiar voice, and Laurel got to her feet to go meet it. Ears perked forward and she scrambled out of the den at high speed, nearly colliding with one of Spring's legs as she did. Laurel looked up at Spring with a haughty, disturbed expression on her face and screeched: "NO!" which was the first word that Laurel had learned and the only word that she presently used at all. How dare Spring stand in her way?

Yet soon Laurel noticed the fish and her expression changed, the hunger rumbling in her belly taking over and the scent of the fish telling her this would take care of the hunger. Laurel greedily looked at the fish, giving Spring a second or three to hand it over before she would try to take it herself.

RE: Bon Appétit - Spring - June 03, 2016

Spring's heart warmed as Laurel came bursting out of the den, and tried to... run her over?  Then screeched a very loud: "NO!"  Spring sighed, watching the pup.  How lucky Saena was to have such sweet, crazy, high energy pups.  Soon though the pup noticed the fish and looked up at it with a rather greedy expression.  So Spring did the logical thing and laid it down, then quickly slashed into the fish and then peeled off the tough skin with her sharp fangs so that it would be easier for Laurel to enjoy her meal and anyone else in the Redleaf family who happened to acompany her.

"I hope you enjoy."  Spring whispered lovingly to the pup and sat down near to Laurel and the fish.  She felt bad that these three precious pups had to be brought up in htheir early years during such harsh times.  If only the locust invasion hadn't happened.  Then maybe a single skinny fish would not have been such a big deal.

RE: Bon Appétit - Laurel - June 08, 2016

When the fish was laid down, Laurel was jumping at it all the while, trying to catch the food so that she could eat it. She had nearly reached it (or so she thought) when the fish was put down and Laurel tumbled over onto the floor.

Quick to pick herself up, Laurel shook her head and then ran over to the fish. She started to tear at it, letting out angered grrr's that were a lot less intimidatig than she herself thought, only impairing Spring in the process of making the fish ready to eat for her rather than getting to the food quicker.

Finally Spring left the fish to her and, dominated by her hunger, Laurel dove for the food and started to gobble up what she could, ignoring Spring.

RE: Bon Appétit - Spring - June 08, 2016

Spring found herself once again wishing for a family of her own as she watched Laurel with a smile.  Briefly she realized that she should try to save some of the fish for the rest of the Redleaf family, but then decided against it.  After all wouldn't it be cruel to snatch away some of the fish from this pup?  Spring didn't like the thought of doing that at all.  Still Spring didn't like the thought of their not being enough fish for the other pups and Saena if any of them decided that they were hungry, so Spring gently nosed the pup, not sure whether or not the pup would get the memo.  "Save some for everyone else, okay sweetheart?"

Spring then contiuned to watch Laurel like a hawk, wishing that she could have given this pup more than a stinking thin fish.  At this moment Spring would have done almost anything for these pups.  They were the next generation of the pack, and needed to be protected.

RE: Bon Appétit - Laurel - June 14, 2016

Laurel let out little grr's that were meant to be intimidating, for she wanted nobody else to have any of this food. This was hers and she wouldn't allow anyone to take it from her. When Spring came closer to her, Laurel loudly screeched "NO NO NO NO NO!" and she suddenly lunged to try and bite Spring's nose to get her point across. She was hungry and even though she might not be able to finish it all, she refused to share with anyone; Laurel deserved all the food, and she wouldn't let anyone take it from her or make her share.

RE: Bon Appétit - Spring - June 14, 2016

Who knew that such a simple phrase could bring on such rebellion?  Spring watched suprised as the pup got suddenly very terriorital over the food, giving little grr's, that were actually kind of cute, depsite their true meaning.  Then what happened next Spring would have and could have never predicted.  Laurel yelled "No" five times in her face and then lunged to bite Springs nose.

As the sharp little teeth of the puppy toar the tiniest bit into her nose, Spring yelped and jumped back, clearly startled.  Had Laurel just bitten her nose?  Seriously just bitten her nose?  Instead of scolding the pup or anything like that Spring just gave a little laugh.  She had just got attacked and actually taken a hit from a pup.  A very fiesty pup indeed, but still Laurel was only a pup.  Who knew that puppies could have such attitudes?

RE: Bon Appétit - Laurel - June 15, 2016

Her attack hit and Laurel looked defiantly at the adult, refusing to be held back. The adult started to laugh, surprisingly so, and in her mind Laurel had won this battle. With a defiant little "Hmph" Laurel turned back towards the fish and started to gnaw at it more, ripping off small pieces and chewing them for a long time before swallowing because she was not all that used to solid food just yet.

RE: Bon Appétit - Spring - June 16, 2016

Spring found Laurel's little defiant "hmph" rather adorable.  Spring found this little pups determination quite fascinating.  It was a good survival skill, and could come in handy later in her life if the pup ever got stuck in a tricky situation.

The Beta then watched Laurel go back to her food.  She checked constantly to make sure that the pup was chewing and swallowing, instead of just swallowing her food instantly.  Laurel was young so Spring just assumed that she was still just starting to eat meat.  Luckily though Laurel seemed to be chewing for quite a while before swallowing.

RE: Bon Appétit - Laurel - June 22, 2016

It was hard to get the fish down, but in a way that was good as it made sure Laurel chewed every piece of fish she guzzled down well enough. She continued to eat the fish until eventually, Laurel was full. She turned around and started to waddle towards the den, where she lay down and prepared for nap time, feeling rosy and full from the food, and wanted to sleep. She let out a wide-mouthed yawn before slowly drifting off to sleep.

RE: Bon Appétit - Spring - June 23, 2016

Spring watched as Laurel finished her fish, still being careful with chewing and swallowing, which Spring was very grateful for.  This happened for a little while longer, until Laurel finally seemed to get full.  The Beta then watched Laurel begin to waddle back towards the den.  Spring watched the pup as she padded inside the den and then gave a wide yawn before drifting off to sleep.

Spring stayed around for five more minutes, just in case, but then finally bent down and picked up any more pieces of the fish that remained and placed them at the mouth of the den.  Then Spring slowly begin to pad away with a single backward glance over her shoulder, she was gone.
Fade here?  Thanks for the thread.  :)