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Blackfeather Woods silence & I - Printable Version

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silence & I - Nemesis - May 22, 2016

@Damien Set after Damien meets Malice?

To her suprise, the Brotherhood ranks had increased in the midst of the hunger. She had been sure that their current situation was a every man for themselves kind of thing, but yet it drew them closer. With more bodies came the greater opportunity to catch prey. However, she did not entirely place her trust in the new found hope. Experiances had proven trusting too soon always seemed to screw her over. But, she was better than she should have been. Potema had returned, and even though they did not know eachother too well, they had a healer once more ans for that she was thankful the female had returned home. Though, she was also suprised when Damien's scent seemed to pick up among the dark forest. For a while he had seemed to fade from them, and sometimes his presence was hardly detectable at all although she knew he wouldn't have left without saying something first. Perhaps it was Malice's place in their ranks that aroused his interest. Well, she would not be the one to defend the pregnant female from Damien's anger. Burke had to know that the tempermental prodigal son of Blackfeather Woods would never stand for Malice having a place among them. Nemesis did not find joy out of this, only the 'I told you so' feeling that she had been right. Or, so she assumed. 

When she traced his scent all the way across the territory, she loped with a satisfactory stance. She did not believe they were frenemies anymore, and if anything she would support Damien if he ever wanted to challenge someone for a certian something. She could not hate him, she found they were too much alike deep down for her to dislike him like she did Malice. The Brotherhood prince belonged with them, unlike some who came and went and who just didn't fit in. "Damien," She adressed him. She did not know how he felt about her, but she didn't care too much. One day he would inherit the pack and assuming she was still alive, would support him next. 

"Do you know?"

Her tone turned sour, the look of displeasure prominent in her facial features. It seemed to instincively happen when thinking of the black haired "bitch", intentional or not. Perhaps it wasn't so professional of her, but her feelings were supported by reason. Malice had taken over everything in her life except her family which could not be snatched by her grabby paws. While she could have let it go, the fact the female had to work for nothing to be where she was, handed a spot in their ranks without question while other's worked for it, bugged her to no end. It was not fair in any way, but she dared not say it to Burke. She had never question his judgement ever, but Malice had her wondering: was he so wise as she strongly believed?

RE: silence & I - Damien - May 23, 2016

My god, this will be a good thread :o

The hunger had long started kicking in. Even Damien, who was used to snatching good part of every kill the pack made had started losing weight, not the mighty prince of Blackfeather Woods he was supposed to be anymore. All he could do, while not watching life develop from the darkest of shadows, or looking for whatever edible thing he could find, was pretending he could get any nourishment from gnawing on the remains of previous kills, no more than bare bones. Damien trapped a femur under his large paws while savaging the rest. Sometimes, when he managed to get to the soft core with his teeth, he could still savor the taste of flesh. He missed that taste.

Her voice did not take Damien by surprise. Nothing did these days, but he wasn't quite expecting for Nemesis to be looking specifically for him. Their relationship had always been a strange one, fueled by competition, which wasn't always a bad thing. And still, the young shadow did not take long to identify where she was coming from.

Damien looked up with calm eyes, trying to read her intentions to confirm what he suspected. She was talking about Malice.

"I know," he stated, his face matching Nemesis' own look of displeasure. "but I won't allow it," he said, leaving the meaning of that up to Nemesis' own interpretation.

RE: silence & I - Nemesis - May 23, 2016

oml it will..
Her suspicions were rested assured Damien felt the same way. It was not just her and Kove, who she knew could not have a say against Burke's decision. But Damien, there was force there. Damien could make Burke see that there was no place for she female among them, even though she harboured the Alpha's young. Treason, was what it was. She did not take Malice's word when she said she had no plan. Perhaps it really was to have Burke's young and have one of them take over the pack from underneath their own. If she dared tell Damien this, there was no telling what his reaction would be. 


It was what she seeked, that at least it was not only her that made it look like she was simply being a bully. Damien's motivation for hating the girl and her's weren't so far off. She was still loyal to the Dark Queen even in death and that would not change bceause Burke brought home a stranger. "I have tried for months but that bitch.." She started to pace, in her own anger. She could not show it around Burke and would not dare do so, but it did not mean she could not fume in private. Or at least among someone who share her same common interest. "She will over-run us," She stopped pacing, her eyes locking with Damien's in some silent warning. She did not just mean Burke, but the pack as well. Soon, Burke would fall to Malice's affections and designate her the new queen of Blackfeather Woods. That would be the day Nemesis jumped off a cliff, or what she believed would happen.

RE: silence & I - Damien - May 23, 2016

Damien nodded at Nemesis' response. The young shadow was confident that he was not the only one who saw the wrong in Burke's last decisions, but being voiced by the Dark sister herself was like lifting a weight off his shoulders. Nemesis had sworn loyalty to the night mother, and those who paid respect to that oath would back Damien up, he was sure.

When Nemesis started to pace Damien looked away, making sure no wrong ears would hear the pair talking about the deal, but when she suggested the female would 'over-run' them his eyes clashed back with her own in cold discord.

"She will not," he stated as he stood up, "we will make sure that doesn't happen, something must be done before it is too late"

RE: silence & I - Nemesis - May 23, 2016

While she agreed they could not let anything happen, she was not sure how far Damien would go to rid Malice from their lands. While she was no coward, she had been forbidden to lay a hand on the female. However, what Damien did.. she could not control. "I agree,"  It did not mean she had malicious thoughts about the female, or wish to see her dead upon the borders, but she did not want her in her home. She did not want Malice near her Alpha, or near her family or her home. It was not her place and she did not belong. Malice needed to go. 

"But Burke has made it clear to me he finds a.. happiness in her. I cannot get close to her without him knowing. Or at least while she harbours his offspring," She could virtually do nothing until she popped, for then maybe he would be less attached to her. Nemesis doubted Malice could do anything besides flop around, and when the time came to do things she would make herself busy using the children as an excuse. When things got real, they would realise that they needed the rank and the female had no use among them. Or so, they would make them see.

RE: silence & I - Damien - May 24, 2016

The reassurance calmed Damien for a moment. If all went well and he acquired the support he needed from the rest of the Brotherhood then something could be done without putting any pack member's life at risk. He did not care about Malice's life, but perhaps her bastards could be put to use if things went good for them. However, the statement Nemesis made next about Burke being fond of the female could only make things more difficult.

Damien growled, feeling the vomit threatening to climb up his throat, "Don't mention it," he implored with disgust, "She doesn't have the right. Burke has brought dishonor to the brotherhood and the night mother... He has broken the first tenet." he claimed, and as a Dark Brother this meant serious problems for Burke.

RE: silence & I - Nemesis - May 24, 2016

Nemesis had not even realised Burke was breaking his own rule. Sure, everything about the situation had seemed so wrong, but she could never pin point the exact treason occuring with the new arrangement. Alas, Damien had found it. It truly was an insult to Meldresi's legacy, wether Burke wanted to believe it or not. She believed that he had the right to be happy, but not this way. In truth, he was forsaking the Night Mother's decree, against the very religion their pack was based upon. This was what Malice did, and she had been right to act in the way she had. Burke has soft talked her, but she had been right. She should have killed Malice while she had the chance, all those moons ago. 

She simply nodded, lost for words at the realisation. What could they do? Burke was the Alpha, and he had always known best. He was her mentor, and something about going against him shook her the wrong way. But it was for the best interest of the pack, if it continued, there would be nothing left. Burke would turn soft, change the way Blackfeather ran, take Malice as his new Queen.. it was the stuff she was sworn to prevent. And those who were still loyal would follow with them. 

"What do you plan on doing?"

While she did not want to do anything to risk her position or respect within the pack, she knew that Damien would be out for blood. She could not imagine how it must have been, to find that his mother had been replaced, wether Burke admitted it or not. Malice had Burke's children, they has similar feautres (although, quite frankly Malice was no comparison to Meldresi's once beautiful looks), it was sickening. She knew Potema would never stand for it either in a millon years, which only added to the support if her suspicions were confirmed. Yes, she would have to speak to the titled Blackfeather Princess.

RE: silence & I - Damien - May 25, 2016

Burke had earned his position in the Brotherhood through hard work and loyalty , just like everyone else in the pack fell in place according to their merits. That was how things had always worked in Blackfeather Woods, or at least ever since Damien has use of memory. Damien himself had worked on trades, studied what needed to be known and worked his ass off just to earn enough respect to be marked as a Dark one, and he hadn't yet seen that pay off. Same went to Nemesis, who had not only earned her mark, but had worked her way up to leadership, and yet she had not been granted the freedom to breed with her equally-respectable mate. Malice, however, was an outsider, alien to the culture that ruled Blackfeather Woods, and former Alpha of a rival pack, aside from having caused tension among the wolves of Blackfeather Woods and she had somehow earned the right to sleep in the Alpha's den and carry his offspring while the rest of the pack tends to her needs in a difficult time. It was unbelievable that Burke did not see those facts and was blinded by this 'happiness' he'd somehow managed to find beside that bitch. Neither Damien, nor any wolf member of the pack deserved such disrespect.

Nemesis asked what Damien's plans were, and the young shadow's eyes sought her own cold stare. There was not a plan yet, but both of them were smart enough to see where the whole deal was headed. It made the dark prince wonder. How could Burke not see it coming? But most importantly, if Nemesis had seen it coming, why had she sought Damien out, and not carry on with the logical course herself?

"My mother trusted you like she didn't any other female in this pack. She had you in high regards, you know..." stated Damien, and paused for a second to read the female's eyes. "Do you trust me, Nemesis?" he asked, then. Although it might not be obvious, the young shadow had always respected the female. She was his biggest, and possibly only rival in his aspirations to lead Blackfeather Woods. In some way Damien admired Nemesis' determination, without mentioning that he trusted her loyalty was true to the Brotherhood. If Nemesis did trust him, even if only because she knew that preserving the pack's morals and interests were Damien's priority, then together, with the support of those still true to the Brotherhood, could make of Blackfeather Woods what it was always supposed to be.

RE: silence & I - Nemesis - May 25, 2016

Damien's words were enough to sway her belifes, or at least, change the perspective she had previously held. She had always done what she had to, to serve Meldresi, but she had not known the Preistess held her in usch high regard. Of course, there was always the possibility that Damien was lying, but it did not matter. They shared a common interest and could agree, for once. However, the weeks before had proved to her that she could only truly trust Kove, as everything else had failed her. No, she did not trust Damien, but she was willing enough to follow with what he had in mind. "No, I do not trust you. But we want to see Blackfeather restored, the disease rid from the Night Mother's lands. There is no other who shares the same ambition as I, like you," Her intention to accomplice him was hinted, although she would not stand for anything against Malice's life, as annoying as it sounded. They both had the ambition

"However, my actions will not go un-noticed. Though, I cannot control what you do. Once she births and must prove her worth, I plan on shutting her down," There was no other oportunity to strike without Burke breathing down her neck. It was impossible, but maybe after Malice was gone, she would put the children to use. While she didn't give two shits for the mother, the only reason she was willing to tolerate the girl was because of Burke's children too. Perhaps, she would even teach them like she taught the twins. Yes, they would be of use but they would never have to know of the mistake that was their mother, Malice.

"What you- we do in between must be discreet,"

She could see no other way. She did not want to loose what she had. It was not just her that could be affected by her actions, if they were found out. Kove and Xan, they were her family and she could not risk their livelyhood. However, she had a duty to the pack and their home if she did not help stop the ruin of it. Perhaps, Kove would even agree. She knew he would support her, and he had his own reason for hating Malice. The Brotherhood would do exactly as it was trained to do, even if there was the possibility of pulling the pack from underneath the steady yet shaky hold it grasped to.

RE: silence & I - Damien - May 26, 2016

It wasn't surprising for Damien to hear that Nemesis did not trust him. She was right not to, but she was smarter to know how much she and Damien were alike. Both of them were probably the only ones who would have the balls to do something about Malice, and yet she had come to him instead of acting on her own. That had to mean something more.

"Very well," he spoke after she acknowledged that both of them shared a common interest without necessarily liking each other completely. Then she revealed that she had been thinking about balking Malice's attempt to prove her worth once she birthed, and Damien snorted at the comment. "If you want to be discreet, then I can be discreet... But you're thinking too small..." said Damien, suggesting he had an even better plan.

In that moment he looked down to scratch the earth with his claws, and looked around proudly, "This pack is yours as much as it is mine..." commented Damien suggestively, "Though I'm not so sure about Burke anymore..." there he paused with an ambitious look. What he was about to say next would imply a leap of faith on both Malice and the rest of the Brotherhood. While Damien did not yet bear the Dark Mark on his shoulder, he felt more that ready to step up and claim what had always been his to hold. Nemesis had proven herself loyal to the Brotherhood, the Night Mother and most importantly, to Meldresi, without mentioning her satisfying performance as a leader. She was his equal, and for as much as he hated to admit it, Damien needed Nemesis on his side this time.

"I think it's time Burke hands down the crown... To us."

RE: silence & I - Nemesis - May 27, 2016

It seemed Damien had no idea the stakes of what his very words could do to him, if he was overheard plotting against the Alpha. She was curious why Damien was so passionate about serving justice, if he had always come across at the type to act without plan. Whta she had alway infered about his character was that he acted for himself. Sure, forsaking Meldresi's legacy was enough to set anyone off but she could not help feeling there would always be something else in it for the Spiderling. His next words both had her on edge, and confrimed her suspicions. The look in his eye when invisioning Burke steeping down haunted her, but it was ambitious. It was fresh, enticing. It was what made her sure they would have a promising future with a charistmatic head as Damien.

"You are talking about.. overthrowing him? It is treachery. We will be exiled if you fail," It was not hesitance, but warning. They could not afford to fail. She had never even considered the option before. Burke had always been the Alpha, the mentor and anything else just did not suit him. But, perhaps it was best he sat back from now on. Her opinion only hardened when she came to the conclusion his actions had hardly reflected the best interest of the pack, but his own and Malice's. He had slept with a rival pack's Alpha and dared to forsake the Night Mother's holy ground by bringing the disease right to their doorstep. It was not the example fit to lead. However, it did not feel right. She only ever what came first, the pack. Burke no longer seen it that way. Malice blinded him. It could not continue.

"You must understand that this would be much harder for me than you.. However, I am willing to do what I must to ensure the Brotherhood does not die,"

If it was to work, she only seen benefit for herself and her family. Damien would be Alpha, which wasn't such a bad idea and she would continue as Beta. Her children would be the sole Brotherhood litter, not Malice's children. Kove would join her as Beta, and Xan would be apart of the Brotherhood. Perhaps, even Burke could settle as a lower rank and Malice.. well, there was no way she would be anything but Omega. They could have their children, but below others. They could have their happiness, and without damaging the pack. It seemed a win-win situation, however, that was considering Damien would be willing to take mercy. In the Dark woods however, that never seemed an option.

"We must not fail,"

RE: silence & I - Damien - May 28, 2016

Nemesis' negativity did not help Damien's cause. He knew what would result of his plans if they were to fail, but he was well beyond confident that they would not have such problem. He was Damien Mehrunes Melonii, son of the Night Queen herself and no one had a right to wear the crown like himself and his siblings, who would surely support Damien's claim.

"We will not fail," assured Damien to the fearful Beta, "that could only happen if he has more support than us, and I don't think a pregnant female will do much for him," he stated confidently, suggesting that aside from Malice herself no one would support his selfish actions. But then he realized that the only ones that he was certain were on his side were Nemesis and himself. He accounted Cicero and Potema would support him, but he didn't have their word. "We need Kove, and my siblings..." who else was there to seek? He knew little about his little sister, Kendra, and Alexander was still a mystery to him. Was Mikasi even still around?

RE: silence & I - Nemesis - May 28, 2016

While she was still unsure, she had been assured that the downfall would not be on them but to who is was rightly deserved. This would also come as a blessing to Burke, if she could make him see it. While she had never questioned his competence, it was no secret he was not as young as he wanted to be. Perhaps, retirement was already his best option without Damien getting involved. She made motion to speak, but was faced with a new inquiry. Kove was indeed on her side, though for different reasons. He wanted children, and Burke had said no. That did not give Burke the right to go behind their backs and knock up the rival Alpha. Kove was furious, not only at Malice but Burke too. The situation had escalated so fast, it seemed Burke would become de-throned quicker than he thought, and faster than Nemesis could speak.

“Kove is furious. He refuses to follow Burke in light of recent betrayal. My son will not stand for it either, he knows where his loyalty is to be placed,” She gave no explanation to the betrayal she spoke of, and her abruptness of the topic inclined there would be no more to speak of it. Damien did not need to know, and she prefered to keep it that way. “Malice is under the impression that she has made a friend in Cicero, and I am afraid that it is true. He cannot be trusted,” It pained her to speak of the loyal Gamma that way, but it was true. She had seen them together, more times than she had spoken to Malice herself. Damien would have to accept that,and if he did not, their plans would be foiled. Unless, Cicero was willing to change sides and in that case, they would be very lucky.

“I will speak to Kendra, although I have suspicion that Malice has sought her out too. As for Potema, I feel she cares more about Meldresi’s legacy than Burke’s de-thronement,” The Blackfeather Princess could never support Malice living within Meldresi’s grounds. It was an insult to her, in life and in death. It did not mean Burke was to mourn forever, but Malice and her unborn children would never be entitled to anything so as long as they lived. Burke had only been married to the Preistess, not a direct line to her throne. That hailed to Damien and him only. Malice’s children would be the the least amount of Spiderling there ever was, and completely un-Blackfeather in every sense. Even Kove and Nemesis’s children, Dark Brother and Sister, would be a better choice to have the honour to lead the Dark pack. Another reason Burke could not stay in power.

RE: silence & I - Damien - May 28, 2016

Although Damien did not suspect Kove's true reasons to be furious, he felt relief to know he would support them. He was the only Dark Brother left, aside from Burke, and Damien needed the brotherhood's support if this all was going to work for him. Strangely enough, the young shadow saw the pairing between Nemesis and Kove to be a fit, appropriate and strong one, and just like them he felt their offspring deserved a place in Blackfeather Woods way above Malice's.

Damien assumed that by 'my son' Nemesis meant Xan, which seemed a bit odd, but he did not make any comments, the kid had the right to have a proper mother. "Good. Their loyalty will be rewarded once we take the pack," said Damien arrogantly enough. But then the bad news cracked. It seemed that Cicero had been lost on his ways without Damien to guide him and had befriended the enemy. Damien was sure he could correct that by talking to him, trusting that Cicero would feel a stronger pull from his bond to his brother that that to Malice. But Nemesis was right on something, Cicero had to be handled carefully for he had a strong character of his own.

About Kendra, though, there wasn't much to say. Knowing that Nemesis knew the girl better than himself made Damien feel quite guilty, but the female had acted as Kendra's mother ever since Meldresi's death and he'd been distant at the least. If Nemesis could get her to support their cause, then Kendra would be an addition rather than a divider.

"I will talk to my brother and sister, then. See if you can learn where the others' loyalties lay, we need all the help we can get." he instructed, and waited in case the female had anything else to add to the conversation. Otherwise he would go and put his hands to work.

RE: silence & I - Nemesis - June 04, 2016

Fade here?

Damien was arrogant, but he was also ambitious. She seen plans for the Brotherhood when invisioning the Blackfeather prince as Alpha and although Burke had once been that figure head, it was not the same. Her reasons for tyranny were not so much personal.. but for the good of the pack. And pack problems were her problems. Malice just happened to be an extreem inconvienience, and if she wanted anyone to blame for Burke's soon to be demotion, the bitch could look at herself. Anyways, there would be no place for Malice anong their ranks when Damien took over. Perhaps Omega would suit the girl much better, for her lack of respect and general uselessness. Malice simply wasn't good enough, and Burke could lie to himself as much as he wanted. Soon, it wouldn't matter. 

"I will do so immediatly,"

While she would have less luck getting to Potema and Cicero, she could reel in the other subordinates before they had time to look at both sides, afterall, there was only one right one. If they wanted a place in the new reign, they would be sure to choose the right side. All others would be discareded, if Damien allowed it. There was no place for the unloyal among them, even if they too were betraying Burke. She reminded herself that it was for the best, that the ill feeling she got when thinking about it was just nerves. It was for the best. It was for the future.

RE: silence & I - Damien - June 04, 2016

This thread looks done to me lol
Oh but what it entails!

And just like that there was a new action plan. Gather followers was the new priority, and both Damien and Nemesis had the charisma to make of that an easy game.

With a nod, Damien agreed, and left the female to do her part. There were more on the female's hands to lure in, but Damien's mission was to seduce the substantial followers. His brother and sister, son and daughter of Meldresi and pivotal members Blackfeather Woods. With the support of those two Damien and Nemesis would have little left to do other than warning Burke about what would happen if he did not step down willingly.