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Sunbeam Lair the calm on my face, does not match the inside. - Printable Version

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the calm on my face, does not match the inside. - Avannon - May 23, 2016

A white female moved silently through the forest her pads occasionally crunching on dead leaves left over from the fall and winter. Her nose twitched every few minutes as the scent of many other wolves flooded her senses promising company. The female, Avannon was her name, had been wandering the area for a while when suddenly a heavy breeze had blown the scent into her nostrils, filling her with a yearning she could not describe. She had never been in a pack before -unless her small family could be considered a pack- yet smelling that many different scents had filled her with some sense of belonging. The scent grew stronger and with each whiff her heart thumped harder, and her pulse ran faster. She was excited, yet there was a certain amount of fear within. fear of rejection, fear of injury. Avannon finally arrived at their borders as the scent was its strongest here, and she drew the scent into her nostrils once more before she parted her lips and let loose a beautiful song, a howl to announce her arrival. She fought to keep her face calm, and succeeded though anyone who looked deep enough into her eyes could see the excited and nervous light that filled her blue gaze. She cut the howl off, and sat up straight, at her full height. She was a muscular female, and was the largest breed of wolf, the Mackenzie valley wolf. Her breed was usually a dark grey or black, but there was the occasional white that came out. Her flanks heaved as she thought about all the possibilites, of being accepted into the pack, or of being beaten and chased away in disgrace. She hoped she hadnt accidently crossed the line, as she knew that would result in aggression from the pack. She huffed a sigh and took a few steps back just to be safe, and awaited a response.

RE: the calm on my face, does not match the inside. - Jolon - May 23, 2016

Why Jolon was wandering was simple; he was searching for his love, his one and only light, his Ezi. She had went missing a few days back, and it scared Jolon greatly. She had disappeared before, again unannounced, and this time Asterr would not be so sweet as to let her in again. And what would he do without her? He would be alone, that would be for certain. He had no one, the exception being Asterr and Noctura, but that was more of family bond, a bond he had missed but wasn't looking for. Besides, it was different. He cared about them, for sure, but with Ezimette it was different. Too different to just let go. Where could she have gone? Eaten? Killed? Both? Ezimette... He whispered, his low voice stirring the wind around him that spread over the barren wasteland. No plant remained, and it was spring of all seasons. He sighed, perhaps he had to look at the borders.

And just as he reached the invisible line, a howl arose. It wasn't Ezimette, and it wasn't Asterr either, but it sounded female. It came from the border too, a thing that worried him. At this time, accepting members was hard, for there was little to no food, even with a fishing lake nearby. Fish wasn't enough, it would just keep him and his brothers and sisters going until the green grew back.

He paced to where the howl had come from, and soon stumbled upon a pale, young looking yet muscular female with the scent of a loner. Huh, how was he good at guessing? He was bigger than her, just slightly, but one would probably describe them as being the same height and build. His face was blank as he came into view, his tail raised and eyes glinting with curiosity and worry. She was so different from his little ember.

Good day. He spoke in his icy tone, one that he knew could send shivers down someone's spine. Jolon, Epsilon of Ryüjin. Please, state name and reason for being here. He continued, not showing any emotion whatsoever. And why would he? She was not bound to the mountains, he could tell, and therefore had only his ground respect.

RE: the calm on my face, does not match the inside. - Asterr - May 23, 2016

Fishing was a skill that the girl was not familiar with, having never needed to do so in the past. Her interest lingered with the birds, those that had hatched grounded often drawing her to them. She had a knack for catching them, it was true, but she'd wished to expand her horizons. Hunting a certain species excessively would result in them disappearing, which was and awful thing to consider happening during the famine that plagued them. It was with determination that the yearling had settled near to one of the various streams flowing throughout the lair, gazing into the water and watching the silver forms dart by. Sometimes they moved in groups, other times they were alone, but she found herself targeting the former more often than not. Attempting to pluck an individual from a gathering of many often presented better results than going straight for the lonesome being. And so it was with a silent wish being sent out to Draco that she'd darted forward towards a passing school, and when she'd pulled from the water her muzzle, there between her jaws was a fish.

Asterr was left unable to celebrate her victory, for from the distance there had come a summoning howl, requesting from the lair a member of the tribe. She'd wandered away from the stream and sought out an empty cache, placing within it the fish and marking it was a fresh scent so that those passing by might know that there was a meal within it. Thereafter, she'd headed towards the border, her pace even but the desire to see who had arrived burning beneath her breast. When she'd arrived, however, the stranger was not alone. Jolon had gotten there before her, being the first to greet the unknown woman. Silently, the chieftess allowed for herself to creep closer, coming up along the male's left flank and gazing at the currently nameless individual. While she'd arrived too late to have heard Jolon speak, she had assumed that he'd already said something that might inspire a conversation to begin between them. For the time being, the dragoness remained quiet, observing the loner and listening to what she might say, as well as glancing to her tribe mate every now and again to see how he might react, as well as what he might do next.

RE: the calm on my face, does not match the inside. - Avannon - May 23, 2016

The female let her gaze rest on the male for a moment before she dropped herself lower to the ground. It was lower in the sense that she didnt fully touch the ground to keep her dignity. Her blue eyes remained on the male's faca as she listened to his words. oh, what an icy tone. her ears flicked back for a moment but she took a breath about to reply when a strong female stepped next to Jolon. Avannon's eyes widened as the power of this beautiful female made her draw in a sharp breath. She dropped her gaze and lowered herself fully, turning slightly over onto her side while her gaze remained on the ground "Greetings, i am aware that it is not a good season, hunting has been poor for a single wolf, i cannot imagine what it is like for a pack, I wish to give my loyalty, to devote myself fully into your pack, and use my strength to feed and protect the members. I am willing to give my last dying breath, if you will accept me" she said choosing her words carefully as her eyes darted up to the female whom she could only guess was the alpha. She let out a breath. She was good with words, able to speak beautifully even the most crude of insults. She allowed her hopes to rise, and her tail thumped against the ground a few times before falling silent and still once more.

RE: the calm on my face, does not match the inside. - Jolon - May 24, 2016

It was the scent of this female that revealed she was not of the mountains. It was not familiar in any way, and for a brute who had roamed here since the mild winter, he was certain he knew most scents. Though anyone could change. Perhaps her shaky yet strong legs could get used to the uneven terrain of these tops, just like his had in the first few weeks. Now he walked here like a lost king, completely devoted to his home, his ember, and the dragoness that could spit fire like no other.

Speak of the dragoness, and she would arrive, or so Jolon believed. In the corner of his eye he could see Asterr creeping up, and he adjusted his tail to be lower than hers out of mere respect. Now it hung somewhere in between the tail of the loner and the dragoness, powerful yet respectful. He guessed that kind of described them a bit in these situations. Though Asterr was there, she did not speak, which was a shame since she had a beautiful voice. He just wanted to touch her shoulder with his muzzle, like they had on the first day they had met, but his actions were interrupted by the sweet voice of the pale girl. Not all of his questions were answered, nor was she good at promoting herself, but Jolon wasn't one to only say things once.

Terribly sorry to ask again, but your name? He spoke again in a tone he was sure Asterr knew all to well by now. It was his business voice, one he used at borders when a loner wanted to join. His pale gaze drifted to his leader, and he bowed his neck so that his muzzle touched her shoulder. Oh, how that little gesture brought back memories. After, he turned to face the new, nameless face again.

RE: the calm on my face, does not match the inside. - Avannon - May 24, 2016

Avannon watched the male's interaction with the alpha curiously. It seemed that they were close, but that the male was not her mate, as he had introduced himself as the epsilon, not the alpha male. Her eyes darted warily to Jolon once he asked her name, and she wondered if she could trust him with her real calling, and not an alias as she tended to give others. Her gaze stared deep into the male's for a few silent moments before she spoke confidently lifting her chin up ever so slightly "my name is Avannon." she said, deciding that an alias would not work with a pack, and that the odd female would probably see through her lies if she told them. " i am not only loyal, and willing, but I tend to be good at compromises, able to keep peace relatively well. My size though a bit smaller then ....Jolon's, Makes great for intimidation, and fighting. I somehow am also relatively quick, though not as much so as a smaller wolf is. I have been alone for my whole life, other than my Sire and Dame, but have never enjoyed the solitude. I have yearned for a place to belong" she said, and some of that yearning slipped into her voice. She knew she was probably looking something close to pathetic, but just being so..so close to a pack, so close to being accepted,It was physically painful to think about being rejected.

RE: the calm on my face, does not match the inside. - Asterr - May 24, 2016

New posting order would be: Jolon > Avannon > Asterr ^^

The stranger had lowered herself further, it seemed, but no comments were made on her position. It was strange to her, still, when others displayed such extravagant acts of submission, but she was slowly growing accustomed to it. It wasn't often that others were so... insistent on noting that they were lesser than those in tribes or packs, but Asterr had started to let it go. Some minds had been set to view the world as having an universal hierarchy, just as her own mind had been set to value peace over war. One's upbringing had a strong impact on their adult lives, she knew, and so the girl tried her best not to correct them. She did, however, silently note how the other female could rise back up to her feet, rather than continuing to splay herself across the earth. In the meantime, what she had to say was listened to and considered fully, noting the positives she had to offer them. Yet the decision would have to lack emotional influences, for times were truly tough, and the best interest of the tribe needed put ahead of individuals.

Still, the yearling did not speak, looking instead to Jolon just as the question flew from his mouth. Following that was the very gesture that had truly started their journey together, and so she'd returned it with the exact level of gentleness as she'd used way back when. It did bring back memories, as well as reassured her the he was there to stay with them—not that she actually needed any reassuring, of course, for his loyalties had proven long ago to lie only with the tribe and no other groupings. She could appreciate his devotion, especially when considering all that they had gone through together. She could only hope that new recruits could display the same sort of behavior as those that had come before them, and so again it was to the outsider that the dragoness looked, awaiting her reply to the man's question. Once the name came, however, it did not travel along. Following it came more of her skills, to which Asterr listened, yes, but considered only a few.

As the words stopped flowing, the chieftess knew it to be her turn to speak, and so speak she did. "It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance, Avannon. My name is Asterr Draconid, and I am aware that you have already met my companion, Jolon," the girl began, motioning to the wolf at her side as she referred to him, but otherwise remaining focused on the outsider. "Loyalty is a highly valued and respected trait to possess within our home here, as is peace. While I can appreciate your skills in battle, know now that we very well may never demand them as being necessary." Despite this, some of the members were still quite large—muscular and equipped for battle, should they ever be drawn into one—and so the other would not be persecuted for her size. It was often something that could not be helped, after all. "As you have previously noted, these days are not wonderful ones for us. Prey is scarce, and so everyone is expected to pull their weight. Due to this, I must ask if you are capable of catching fish, as well as tracking smaller prey as a whole?" One or the other would be fine, as would it be if she could catch only rabbits and species of similar standings but not track them. Still, Asterr considered the question to be an important one, for the knowledge of everyone's skills would assist her in giving them appropriate tasks.

RE: the calm on my face, does not match the inside. - Jolon - May 25, 2016

As long as Jolon felt like he belonged -which he did- he would stay. He would stay till the bitter end, stick with what he had started. He couldn't imagine what it must be like in war again, only knew that he had been loyal back then. He still blamed himself for the defeat the tribe had suffered through, because he was sleeping when it had all went down. He didn't speak about it though, kept his lips shut as he went through life. He would never forgive himself for it. He had claimed to be a warrior, and had yet missed the most important battle of his life against the Ridge Wolves, the one led by Taggarik who had even sat on him.

A gentle smile tugged at the corner of his lips when Asterr returned the gesture of trust, the gesture of these parts of the mountains. He did not like it because she was a female, a pretty one at that, but because she was his leader. And even though she was his leader, Jolon felt as if he wasn't serving her dead on. He was doing his thing, caring for himself but mostly the pack. He bet that if Taggarik had let him in, this would be out of the question. 

Jolon kept his lips sealed tight, letting the two females talk with each other, for he knew how this all worked. He had seen it countless of times. They would discuss what Ryüjin stood for, what Avannon's skills were, how she could fit and bladiebla. And still he stayed, for if he might needed to escort the new lady into her new home. IF she was accepted, of course.

RE: the calm on my face, does not match the inside. - Avannon - May 25, 2016

Avannon let herself relaxed but remained laying on the floor, her head risen as she listened to Asterr "it is a pleasure to meet you, Asterr" she said and listened for the rest of the Dame's sentence. She felt relief as Asterr made it known that there would hardly be any war, and allowed herself a small smile "that is amazing..where i come from the fight for territory is almost a routine.." she murmued. At the mention of her hunting skills, Avannon perked up slightly "i can fish very well. i Know how to hook a paw underneath the slippery creatures, and flip the out of the water quickly. After that it is easy." she said sounding like she was bragging even though it was not her attention. When she spoke, the excitment in her voice finally showing the foreign accent in her pronounciation. She thought about rabbits, remembering the sweet, and gamey taste and smell that drifted from the small creatures "Rabbits were bountiful as well" she said "though with my size, it is hard to give chase when they run. Even then, i can usually catch one or two." she said happily. She studied the female boldly for a few minutes reveling in the kind, but demanding aura surrounding her.  She broke her stare away from Asterr and moved it to Jolon, who had remained silent. he seemed deep in thought and she wondered what about, but she kept silent, not daring to ask the male something so personal.

Her thoughts drifted for a moment as she remembered how it used to be in the forests of home, a place that was overrun by humans, the disgusting beings that they were. The human's called the place "labrador,canada" but the name had no meaning for her. To her it used to be home. It was home until her mother  told her it was time to move on from their small family,Time to follow her dream. her mother knew she was yearning for another place, and was the one to say goodbye when she left. Her father had disapproved, and refused to see her off. Both her mother and her had howled together and then briefly touched their nose to the other's shoulder, much like Jolon and Asterr did, except a bit longer. Avannon understood the gesture somewhat, it must be to show that they trusted one another, and felt safe with one another. A wave of loneliness washed over her. If she was rejected, what shall she do? she supposed she could be a loner once again, but this time she didnt have anyone to be by her side.

RE: the calm on my face, does not match the inside. - Asterr - May 26, 2016

Last post from me. ^^ Welcome~!

Though he fell quiet, Asterr remained very much aware of his presence there. She did not forget him, and actually rather enjoyed his being there, for it showed the bonds of the tribe clearly. They aided one another, even during tough times, and ensured their home did not fall victim to trespassers. Within their little nook in the mountains, they were safe, growing in spirit. Often did their member count linger at a low number, their bonds strong and tightly knit, but perhaps a day had come in which they'd welcome a new member into their family. The outsider certainly seemed like she could be of use to them, and had stated already that she'd be willing to give her loyalty. She would fit well with them, the yearling hoped, and thus her decision had been made. Fishing, hunting, loyalty... the words had been like sweet music to her ears, and though she'd sought a downside to allowing the female entrance, none were found.

"Given your capabilities and your eagerness to give to us your loyalty, I will grant you access into our tribe. We are a family, and I hope that you might never forget that," Asterr voiced, her tone growing serious. "These times are tough for all of us, but know that you must not hoard or steal from others their meals. We work together to provide for one another as a group, and I am sure you will find your place within this home of ours." For a moment or two the girl had lingered there, watching, making sure her words were understood. Satisfied, she'd approached the other and leaned towards her, touching her muzzle to the new member's shoulder, and then pulling away. As the dragoness moved back, she'd motioned for the other to rise and follow her, before stopping again and looking to Jolon. "Since you were the first to greet her, I will give to you the responsibility of showing her around. I trust that you will make her feel at home." A smile accompanied her words, gaze staying steady on him. She wished to further distract him from the fact that Ezimette had, once again, left them. Perhaps escorting Avannon would provide said distraction, too, or so was the goal she wished to achieve.

Before Asterr departed, she'd glanced back to the other female, a kind smile still plastered across her maw. "Do rest once your tour has been concluded. You will have plenty of time to meet the others after you have regained your energy from traveling." With those final words, the chieftess turned and took her leave, retreating back into the safety of the cavern.

RE: the calm on my face, does not match the inside. - Jolon - May 26, 2016

Jolon listened with great care. Normally, he didn't like braggers all that much, but he knew it was necessary to get into a pack. If you showed up at the borders, all humble and stuff, the chance was big they wouldn't let you in. Perhaps she didn't have to be so detailed about it. They would see anyway whether she was really just bragging or indeed good at what she was saying. Jolon could fish too, somewhat, for he had done so with the little Squirrel. He had caught a big one too, and had brought him to Asterr for them to feast upon. Rabbit chasing was fun too, he found. He had caught loads in his time alone, yet had lacked ever since he had joined Asterr. He couldn't find time to hunt the fast creatures anymore, since he found it his job to patrol the borders. Besides, he didn't think many rabbits were on this barren part of the Wild.

He now listened to Asterr, having been curious of what she found of Avannon since the beginning. It was hard to disapprove of the girl, he agreed, though he found it not the time to accept any fast-talker into the tribe. But, he wasn't the alpha. If Asterr wanted her, Jolon would bend. He didn't move as Asterr stepped forward to touch the other's shoulder nor when she moved back at his side again, this time her gaze focused upon him.

A gentle smile spread across the quite emotionless looking man as he was given his task. Showing her around he would. It would keep his mind of Ezimette for some time too, so he guessed it was a win-win. With a big loop, he walked to Avannon's side, touching her shoulder with his own muzzle. Right, follow me. He said as Asterr had disappeared, setting a few steps forward, assuming she would follow. He would take her to the roof of the cavern first. There is a lot to see, don't let this barren roof fool you. After, he showed her the safest way to get down, into the safety of the cavern. He showed her the streams and waters with fish, and they traveled to most of the territory in around half an hour.

He stopped near a river where he had first caught a fish, and there he left her, assuming she knew where to go if she wanted to see more. Welcome, new sister.  

RE: the calm on my face, does not match the inside. - Avannon - May 26, 2016

Avannon's heart soared and before the male moved away she returned the gesture letting her muzzle rest against his shoulder for a few seconds before breaking the contact.  She shook her white pelt and trotted after him an exhuberant bounce in her step. When they approached the stream she bent her head down and took a long drink, Her ears perked at his parting words and she looked at him "thank you...brother" she said slowly and smiled at him. She sat facing the stream and noticed that there were not as many fish here as there were at home. home...you have to stop that. this is your home now. She scolded herself. Waiting patiently she watched the fish swim, the flashes of silver catching her eye. She focused on a medium sized fish, the one closest to her. She slowed her breathing and stepped back a few inches away from the edge, so her shadow wouldn't hover over the water. "c'mon..closer.." she muttered and heaved a sigh as the fish darted further away from the edge. She shook her head and resumed her silent breathing when finally a fish, a small one, darted close to the edge. Avannon hooked her paw underneath and before the slimy could swim away she pulled up with a strong jerk and it flipped onto the land. She held it down with a heavy paw and bit into it killing it. "it is small, but it is still food" she murmured and picked it up in her jaws, carrying it down the slope to the cavern.