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Neverwinter Forest wonder by wonder - Printable Version

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wonder by wonder - Eshe RIP - May 26, 2016

There was no questioning it. At least not within. Eshe had all the symptoms that promised new life. She felt nauseous, but fortunately never suffered from sickness (except for that one time). Her bladder was going haywire; she needed to use the bathroom what felt like every ten minutes, lately. But externally there was no visual proof. She was thin, quite so, the famine having done a number on her. Yet her chipper spirit could not be chipped away; she was with child, and she was happy, despite the terrible, terrible odds. Her children were already her world. As she moved through the forest, she envisioned the sound of tiny footfalls following her, and her tail waved as she grinned with the thought.

The scent of a rabbit caught her attention. A true string of drool oozed from her lip, and her head swung in the long-eared things direction. Could she hunt? Should she hunt? She was a nervous mother-to-be, not sure if this was a greater risk than not being fed, and debating it.

RE: wonder by wonder - Kieran - May 27, 2016

Kieran himself was on the trail of the rabbit he had smelled. THough the famine had rocked their family to the core, they were surviving and so far the young ones were thriving. He felt bad that Kaskara had gotten most of the food, and he tried ot always make sure that Eshe got some too. Which wasn't doing wonder's for his own appetite, but he would make sure they ate first, always. Even if it killed him.

He happened upon the tasty morsel and jumped at it and with a snap of his jaws, it was dead. He saw Eshe there and dropped the creature at her feet and panted. Dere yer go missy ayte up.]

I hope it's okay to assume he caught it for her?

RE: wonder by wonder - Eshe RIP - May 31, 2016

totally fine!

It would seem she need not debate too long. Fortunately, Kieran lurked and brought the critter down. Selflessly, he offered it to her. Typically Eshe would refuse it, and insist he eat his fill... but she had more than one wolf to fret over, now, didn't she? Glancing briefly at her stomach, she then looked back to Kieran with an appreciative, but wan, smile.

She ate the thing as he had offered it, and looked back to the tawny male. Eshe felt regret for all of a minute; he had children to think of, and a wife that needed feeding. Eshe felt guilty that she had gotten into this situation at all... and yet, her eagerness, her excitement, for her very own children with the wolf she loved so much trumped such guilt. Thank you, Kieran, she responded and moved nearer to him. How are your children? Kaskara? And you? How are you? He was a new father now, and she wondered if he adored it, despite the world turning against them. She had not wanted to get too near to Kaskara's whelping den at risk of causing her unnecessary stress during the time when the cubs could not be seen by any.

RE: wonder by wonder - Kieran - May 31, 2016

Kieran didn't mind sharing food with the females and the pups. For soon the pups would need to eat as well. Besides as he always joked with Kaskara, it would do him some good to lose some of the plumpness he had gained as he aged. They would make it through the famine, he knew that and they would do so the best they could.

Ah you're failte mrs. Kieran shifted and settled to his haunches as she asked questions of him. Truth be told it was still pretty scary, but he was tickled as could be with his little pups. They were cute and there was a deep love for them, a father's love, it was forever. his father had always told him so, but he hadn't realized it until he saw their tiny little faces.
De pups they're al' gran'. Growin' fast, already opened their eyes. Kaskara doin' de master she can, she's knackered, but doin' well. Scon are gran' jist gran'. Oweya me lassy?[/b]

RE: wonder by wonder - Eshe RIP - June 05, 2016

Eshe smiled at his words, thrilled to hear all was as well as it could be. She understood that much; understood that nowadays, to hear anything even remotely positive meant much. To hear that things were not so would not bode well with the Forest. What could they, worldly people, do to stop it? But hearing such things from him in dark times did much to brighten her perspective. She was already an optimist, but Eshe was doing what she could to not be so foolish of one. As it stood, it seemed optimism had a good place here, particularly in their conversation.

Their eyes have opened! she breathed, her eyes widening. She thought of the lives within her... thought of the moment their eyes would open. What would such a thing be like...? And what it must be like for the father before her! What do they look like...? She wondered aloud, speaking of the eyes and of the cubs. And as he brought her to the centerpoint of the conversation, she glanced to her side. I am doing... well, I think. 'm not so large as Kaskara was, when she was this... far along??? But, I think I felt a kick the other day, she whispered this to Kieran, looking excitedly to him. It could have been a hunger pang, truthfully, and she'd considered this... but her optimistic nature, as ever, took hold.

RE: wonder by wonder - Kieran - June 07, 2016

Kieran was pushing himself into much more than what he needed to be. He was making sure that Kaskara had something to eat daily even if it was nothing more than a sparrow, but it was something. She needed sustenance just as Eshe did. He would have to try harder to make sure she got something daily as well. After all, she carried the future of hte pack in her womb.

Kieran gave a half a smile at her words. he was overjoyed to see his babe's eyes open as well. He had been there for all of it, and it made his heart glad.  Well al' their eyes are blue 'til they git older

Kieran stopped speaking to think on what the babies looked like. He had to think hard, as they hadn't been out in the sun much yet, so he had to focus on dim light and shadows. Well Rian is dark loike me. 'e's a stocky fella. Szabala is a nice grey color, she's gonna be a juicy lassy as she donkey's years oi tink. Eimear is a light brown, she'll be juicy too. An' wee Dublin well yer man an' Eimear are twins so they luk lashings alike. 'e's also gonna be a bigger fella oi tink.

Kieran smiled at her excitement and wagged his tail. That's gran. Dem Kicks they're wonderful

RE: wonder by wonder - Eshe RIP - June 08, 2016

Eshe had not known that fact. She was never allowed to see whelps at that stage where she was born, even despite being their sister. It didn't matter much now; all she knew and loved from home were dead, except maybe for Bhreac, wherever she may be if she lived. God, she hoped she lived. To bring new life was to bring her family back to life, in a way... the blood would go on. Though it seemed hope was hard to come by, and nothing at all might be given by her womb in these trying times, Eshe was a factory that would bring hope back to life -- and her babies, they'd live!

She smiled as he spoke of the children and closed her eyes, imagining them. I cannot wait to meet them, she breathed, When will Kaskara permit it...? I am due, soon, I think... but then, I am not really sure. My first brood, and all, she laughed a bit at that, though the sound put her nerves on display.

RE: wonder by wonder - Kieran - June 25, 2016

Kieran though he loved Eshe and Scimitar both and their other family members, he wouldn't have permited anyone in. Nor would have Kaskara, Kaskara would have possibly been even more violent than him given the circumstances. He wasn't sure.

Kieran chuckled and nudged her kindly. She would be able to meet them all in due time, and he would hope that she looked on them in wonder as she did now as she thought of them. And then when her own came, she would be in heaven he imagined. Oi imagine once they are allowed ter play outside, once they git their 'earin' an' their eyes squared away. perhaps a couple more weeks.or yer cud alwus stop by an' ask in de den gob.

RE: wonder by wonder - Eshe RIP - June 27, 2016

She wasn't sure how much longer she had, but was anxious to miss out on the lives of her nieces and nephews. What if they did not like her due to her lack of a presence? What if they were nervous around her? Ah, that would not matter; she would love them, and hopefully they might warm to her. She loved them already.

I am excited for the day, she hummed eagerly. I think I need some rest, now... I get tired so easily lately! Carrying the extra weight and not having ample food certainly complicated things. Thank you for the food, Kieran. I'm gonna go take a nap, she moved and nudged him gently, preparing to depart but waiting long enough to hear him say anything if he wished to keep her company.

RE: wonder by wonder - Kieran - July 07, 2016

Kieran gave her a small smile and nodded his head. He was happy for her as well, and excited for her too. He knew now how wonderful becoming a parent was and he wouldn't want her to miss out on all the excitement. It was too wonderful.

He returned her nudge and rather than follow her he turned the other way and trotted back the way he had come. He would get some more food for her and Kaskara. Make himself useful on the day.