Wolf RPG
The Tangle conquer and devour - Printable Version

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conquer and devour - Betelgeuse - May 26, 2016

He had managed to find and kill a mother duck, days ago. There were only a few ducklings for him to chase down afterward, and they were mindless with their own hunger. It was enough to satiate his more hostile hunger pains, but only dimly. Now the beast paced through the fringes of a tangled wood - or he presumed it was once a tangled wood. Now, the naked limbs of the trees took on a trifling aspect. They traced curving shadows across the barren forest floor, and while in their prime they may have turned the grove in to quite a maze, Betelgeuse could manage between the splintered trunks easily enough. He did not delve too deeply within the grayness of the forest; the mountains called to him, the salted air of the coastal winds pulled at his senses, but he would wait for nightfall before making any headway.

The sunlight was too bright. It was a pathetic reason to avoid travel, but he had to obey his body. Betelgeuse had reached some kind of limit while searching for the many things he needed in life. He had started this adventure with Gypsy in tow, hunting down Warbone; yet here he was, without her, and hardly caring where their brother was. The hunt for food was of more importance, and the lack of it was driving him up the wall. His stomach was empty now, and the lack of nutrients caused some kind of dehydration despite his efforts to drink; his head pounded.