Wolf RPG
Kintla Flatlands Devil may cry - Printable Version

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Devil may cry - Aeronwyn - May 27, 2016

The moon had just begun it's slow rise into the night sky when the wraith began to trot toward the small pool she had found earlier. She had covered much distance in the few weeks she had been travelling, searching for what she did not know. Faint howls rang out in the flatlands, along with the calls of nightbirds and the yowls of coyotes and ravens. Aeronwyn's pale form was a ghost in the dark land, fitting in among the gnarled trees and the underlying feel corrupt evil. 

The pool was still, not a ripple marred it's surface. Aeronwyn's pale shadow flirted across the surface as she trotted along the edge. She leapt gracefully onto a boulder laying a foot from the bank of the pool. draping her form across it, she bent her muzzle toward the water and lapped at cool water. Ripples marred the perfect reflection of stars, sky and moon. Feeling oddly secure, Aeronwyn lifted her muzzle to the sky and let out o howl- this one called for a companion, someone to hunt with this perfect night. She had been alone far too long, and this night was alluring and full of potential.

RE: Devil may cry - Nemesis - May 27, 2016

The new arisements within the pack did not shake her well. Although, their internal rebellion seemed to be the closest she could get to the infamous silverlining. Damien's plan seemed to have too many holes, however, she would do nothing but cover them up. Besides, they did not need to worry. With Kove and possibly Potema, the Brotherhood was complete with the same opinion. If Burke did not willingly admit his mistakes and do right by the very foundations their pack was based upon, Damien would be unforgiving. She did not want to see Burke hurt at all, but she had to do what was best, like the man himself had taught her. 

She loped outside the territory, willing to catch whatever she could to satisfy her stomach and her family. Xan had been catching his own, but she worked to provide anyways. Often, she did not need to worry about her son, he simply adapted to the situation without much effort. Kove however, he was enraged. Well, at least at the whole Malice situation. However, that was an issue for later on. She snapped ou of her own deep thoughts only when a slender looking white female stood only a few feet away from her. A joiner? Or a scavenger, most likely. Either way, she was not in the mood (and probably wouldn't be for some while) for strangers and their problems. But she wasn't taking any chances. She barked at the female, unregarding to the fact they were technically not on claimed lands.

"What do you want?" 

RE: Devil may cry - Aeronwyn - May 27, 2016

Now, this was certainly interesting. The dark female that seemed to have answered her call was vicious looking, vicious sounding, and seemingly ratyher upset. What a wonderful combination of traits. Aeronwyn's expression did not change, and she stayed where she was, sprawled across the boulder. Her silver eyes flashed in the moonlight, icy and with no indecation of her emotion. 
"Why, sister, I merely search for a worthy hunting companion this night. It seems a rather interesting night, perfect for such occasions. As for the menu- well, that is up to you." 
She smiled coldly at the female, yet not aggresivley nor threateningly. She stood, watching the female through half-slitted eyes. "I propse a night of the hunt- will you join me?" She stood, patiently and calmly, waiting for the female to answer. She was not in the mood for a fight- she rather liked the dark woman.

RE: Devil may cry - Nemesis - May 28, 2016

Everything about this willowy stranger was odd. Although, it greatly suprised her. Generally every loner had the same 'i'm too good for you' attitude and general cocky perception. It was a relife to find one that held no such emotion at all, almost matching her own exact expression. It intriuged her, but she decided to think nothing of it. "I am not your sister," Her eyes narrowed, becoming suspicious of the female's intentions though her body language suggested she had no inclination to attack. Nobody could tell her not to be cautious, especially with the cannibals on the loose.

"Times have been rough for the Teekon. There is no menu when you are on it,"

Nemesis was aprehensive to continue the conversation, but she would not pass up an oportuinity to hunt. She would end up taking whatever they could find anyways, but nodded, signalling for the female to lead.

RE: Devil may cry - Aeronwyn - May 28, 2016

The venomous dark female proclaimed that she was no sister of Aeronwyn, to which the wraith merely flickered her ears in acceptance of the statement.The dark woman's narrowed eyes and suspicious demeaner gave the impression the shadow was a short distance away from initiating a fight, but to the wraith's surprise she spoke instead of the emptiness of these lands. 
"Perhaps, if you have no such qualms over the target of the hunt, may I suggest that?"
She had a feeling that the wraith would have no such feelings over her proposed target. Standing, she pointed her slender muzzle to the left of the other female, silver eye's seeking out the silhouette perhaps a league away, highlighted by the moon's light. Vaguely lupine shapes, it was scrawnyer and long legged, also smaller then the average wolf. A coyote. "Please, ma'am, if you would oblige me with your name, it may be easier to converse." She left her boulder, leaping fluidly over the water and landing on the shore. She smiled darkly at the female. It was then she noticed the blood red paw almost invisible on the female's fur. Dye? What was it's significanse? Aeronwyn cataloged the information, storing it in the back of her mind and feeling like she had stumbled on something significant. "I am Aeronwyn"