Wolf RPG
Phantom Hollow So glad we've almost made it - Printable Version

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So glad we've almost made it - Aeronwyn - May 28, 2016

She was in pursuit.

The ground squirrel was tiny, insignificant, and too far out of striking distance. But the silver wraith was hungry. Her paw pads drummed out a steady rythm as she sprinted for the tiny creature. Branches, barren and dying tore at her pelt as she ran through the thicket, and on the horizon the morning's light had only begun to tentativley spill into the world. 
She pounced.

She held the tiny body in her maw, twitching still. Breaking it's body with her sharp ivories, she swallowed it quickly, bones and all. She sat, and begun to clean the traces of blood from her muzzle. While satisfying, this meal had been  merely a speedbump in the road to starvation. She needed larger prey, but not now. She tired, and thirsty, and in no mood to go tramping off in search of dinner-yet. Who knew, maybe dinner would find her?